[Pm me suggestions. And I changed her name . XD]
User ImageChapter 1 : New Girl
Adelaide woke up. It was night or early in the morning. She couldn't help it. It was too hard on her. Her best friend was gone. Sophie had lied to her. The girl turned on her flower lamp. Looking around her room she took a sip of cold water in the small room. Her four poster bed feeling quite larger than it used too. It was wet from sweat and drool the soon to be ten year old noticed. She picked up her book Love,Aubrey it was about a girl. A girl who's father and sister died. Her mother left her and her grandmother took her to go to her house. After reading a few chapters, she turned off the lamp and fell back asleep. Waking up,the same thing happening. Although she could smell food coming from downstairs. The girl looked at her clock. 6:00 am. She fixed her bed and went into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth then took a shower. Her little brother,Aaron, awake. Her mother was dressed up ready for work. She was eating the food that her father had made. Sophie stepped out of the shower and put on a purple blouse and denim skinny jeans. The girl put her hair into a white headband and ate some of her food. Her brother,coming downstairs needed help with putting on his shirt.

Her mother helped her brother and put their coats on their laps. They got their backpacks and kissed their parents goodbye. They got into the school bus and sat next to other people. Adelaide sat in the back row. A girl she never have seen sat next to her. "You look sad." the other girl simply stated. Hannah looked at her, the girl's eyes were not happy looking. "Maybe because I am." Everyone on the bus looked at her. She had actually talked since Sophie had moved. People were all watching her conversation with the other girl. It was like they were watching a movie. "Why?" The girl was obviously new. Sophie was popular. Everybody had heard of her. But only Hannah was her very best friend. "JUST SHUT UP!" Adelaide exclaimed with rage. Everyone really was looking at her know. She looked at the other girl "Just shut UP" Adelaide said again. She held her backpack and looked out the window.

Finally the doors had opened. It was time for school. They all got out and got into their class rooms. "Hello kids. We have a new student. Hannah." People looked at Adelaide. Hannah took the seat next to Adelaide and waved. Hannah threw a piece of crumpled paper at Adelaide. Mrs. Tibbons looked up and wrote something on a orange piece of paper. She gave it to Hannah with her same words. "I know it's your first day,but you know better" The blonde girl nodded and took the detention slip. The red head teacher took the crumpled up paper and threw it into the recycling bin. Adelaide sighed and continued doing her daily math facts. Both of the girls became silent. By the time they were all done and awaiting for the bell to ring the teacher stood in front of the room. "Before we leave,Adelaide you need you to show Hannah around school" Adelaide put the papers into her desk and nodded. She was silently yelling curses at her teacher. A loud bell rang and the kids got their snacks and ran out of the classroom. Hannah caught up to Adelaide and quietly murmured,"Okay,show me around now." Adelaide was quite surprised by the words that came from the other girl. She could hear the other people following them. Lizzie,Jack,and Stephanie. She quietly took a sip of her Caprisun and looked at Hannah. "You see what's in front of us? Basketball courts. To the left is our playground. To the right is the little kid's playground. Behind us is the Kindergarten playground " Adelaide said. She threw away her juice and saw Hannah walk away. She sat on the bench.

An eight year old Adelaide was in the swimming pool. Sophie looked at her. "Do you know Russel?" Adelaide frowned. "Yeah,we go to the same class I'm Adelaide." She took her hand out. "Hi Adi. I'm Sophie" the girl shook each others hand. They became best friend from then. A loud buzzing noise,the bell, brought Adelaide back into reality. She went into class. Everyone was there. Then she heard the teacher talk again. "Pick a partner for flash cards" Naturally she would've picked Sophie but she was gone. Hannah was with Avery. She looked at a boy. Adelaide had a crush on him for a long time. "Hey Adelaide, be my partner?" It was Myron. She smiled. Her thoughts all happy. She liked him for a long time. The girl nodded and took a set.

They had a good time. Messing around. Getting told by Mrs. Tibbons to be actually working. As they finished,the connection dissapeared. That is what she hated. She loved him. He played soccer. He was good looking. Why not. Her most likely loved her other friend Emely. She hated Emely. Adelaide had been bullied by her since the first grade. Although Myron NEVER noticed. She frowned and got her yellow lunch pail. She walked towards lunch with the rest of her class. She sat on an empty table and started to eat. The girl heard someone sit next to her. She looked up and saw Myron. She almost blushed. Remembering Sophie she stopped herself. "Wanna split?" He asked as he held up his popcorn. She nodded and took a handful. Her chocolate sandwich was split into half and give to him.

As the luck seemed to wear off,lunch was off and finished with and she was met with a new voice. "Aren't you supposed to be in the trash can?" It wasn't new. More like new for the day. Adelaide spun around and saw Emely. "Leave me alone." The small girl muttered. She fixed her glasses and walked away. Luckily,it was the end of it. Looks like luck really was on her side today. She quietly stalked off to recess and looked at everything. She sat on the bench and thought about what happened. Since the call. She couldn't talk to her. No one to be her guide. "Want some candy?" a sudden voice asked. It was a yard aid. She nodded and put her left palm out. A small candy was put into her hand. She walked to the trash can and threw the wrapper away. Adelaide put the candy into her mouth and heard the sound of the bell. "Of course." The brunnete whispered. The girl couldn't help it. She spit the candy out and walked to her classroom. "SSR Then we go to P.E" The class cheered as they got their books out. Adelaide went to her backpack and took out. Lost Hero unluckily, it wasn't hers. It was the library's. She liked mythology. It was nice to think about. But being a Christian, she absolutely didn't think about the fact that they were real. The girl didn't like the fact of the endings. She was the best reader in their class of 30. She blew her whistle and they stopped reading. They stood up and got in line. Number order. Myron right behind her. She grinned as her teacher called said "Run for it" They ran. Adelaide mainly racing with Myron. She got to her x before him. They were going to play soccer. Her mind was in a happy state as they were going class against class.

"GO" The P.E teacher exclaimed. Adelaide dribbled the ball in between her feet. The hot Bakersfield air bringing her back her senses. She passed the ball to Audrey who passed a long shot to Jane who passed it to Adelaide. It was a miss. She groaned and looked at Myron. He was goalie. The girl saw the ball was in the air and-black.