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Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:41 pm
Intro blah blah  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:44 pm
User Image

Vlad group intro blah blah  

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:07 pm
~~ Entourage Profiles ~~

User ImageName: Vladislav Draculesti
Position: Group Leader
Personality: Vlad's personality is rather complex and resulting from his many years of life and many differing circumstances therein. Vlad is prideful and smug. He has a suave and smooth haughtiness that comes off as seductive self-possession as opposed to abrasive arrogance. He loves attention and admiration but cannot tolerate disrespect aside from the people he trusts and considers his friends. Though his appearance may suggest otherwise Vlad is not only not evil but he is actually very socially minded when a situation is dire. He won't stick his neck out to help a soquili having a bad day, but if that same soquili's life is at stake Vlad will leap to the rescue. Though he enjoys the attention heroic deeds provoke he is still less comfortable with being loved rather than feared. He tends to trivialize his own good deeds in exchange for heightening his more frightening habits and features in an either intentional or subconscious effort to bring himself back to what he is more comfortable with, being feared.

Vlad is a very emotional soquili. He sometimes falls prey to vicious mood swings. He can be energetic and outgoing one day to be despairing and practically suicidal the next. This tendency towards fierce emotion carries through to his affections too. Those that Vlad takes as his friends or family he will protect even in the face of great personal injury. That said, it isn't always easy to be Vlad's friend. In his fits of anger he will lash out at those around him heedless of their feelings, though he might regret it later. All in all he is very emotional and prone to outbursts, whether those outbursts are positive or negative.
History: Vlad was once a proud member of a vicious family of kalonas, the Draculesti family. He enjoyed this hedonistic lifestyle until one day he pushed his luck too far and was captured by the very humans he had been terrorizing. They kept him in captivity for many years and drove him nearly insane before he managed to escape. Ironically, as soon as he had escaped he was captured again by a herd of soquili. Over time, he grew to obsess about and then even love the alpha mare of the herd that had captured him in something that was stockholm's syndrome turned into romance. Eventually when he had proven his loyalty to her, she formally freed him and took him on as her mate. They lived blissfully together for some time until his lifemate died of sickness. Broken hearted and anguished, Vlad boarded a boat to return to his homeland of Romania, not knowing that the boat he had boarded was headed for America instead! He ended up stranded in America and has been seeking to restablish himself there ever since.
Mate Status: Currently enjoying a fling with Musso Kuroni

User ImageName: "Mary" Ecaterina Draculesti
Position: Vlad's beloved sister, angeni of revelations
Personality: Mary is confident and outspoken. She can be a little pushy with her opinions and isn't always very good at taking "no" for an answer. She is very religious and lets this guide many of her actions in life. She believes that it is her duty to be altruistic to other soquili and will help any soquili she meets in trouble, sometimes whether they like her to or not. In her bad moods she can get more than a little sarcastic and teasing, one of her bad habits that she has yet to shake. Like most of the Draculestis, Mary enjoys vampire habits, including drinking blood every now and then from a willing donor. She greatly enjoys this, and sometimes will indulge in it to cheer herself up. Mary's little secret is that deep down inside she's not nearly so pacifistic as she seems. She is able to fight verbally and physically and has a hard time backing down when challenged.
Mate Status: Single

User ImageName: Alexandru Draculesti
Position: Vlad's adopted son
Personality: Alexandru is fierce disproportionately to his size. He is very prideful and hates it when he is discounted for being an usdia. He is arrogant but at the same time very intelligent. Due to being raised by Vlad, he has little experience with fellow usdia and doesn't quite know how to behave around them. He prefers to stay in the company of full sized soquili.
Mate Status: Single

User ImageName: Serghei
Position: Head servant/bodyguard
Personality: Serghei is the dangerous and hugely loyal butler type. He serves Vlad with all of his heart and would gladly die for him on command. He tends to have a wry way of looking at things and often will come up with a clever quip to match a situation. He is very intelligent, an intelligence that can turn to cunning when necessary. Like many of those associated with the Draculesti family, Serghei does have a very dangerous and somewhat vicious side, though this rarely surfaces aside from when he is protecting his master. He is also very fond of standing completely still and trying to make others believe he is a statue. He finds this rather amusing.
History: Serghei has served the Draculesti family as a servant for as long as he can remember. He suspects that his parents were killed by the Draculestis and himself taken as a servant as a very young foal, but he remembers nothing. In the daytime he served as a guardian of the sleeping Draculestis and at night he fed them with his own blood. He didn't have many choices about his lifestyle and wasn't always entirely at peace with it, but he feared he would be killed if he attempted to leave.

Eventually, Vlad came to his family and took Serghei as his own personal servant. Serghei was so impressed by Vlad's strength of character and will to overcome the evil nature of his family that he became intensely loyal to the angeni-kalona. He served happily at Vlad's side for years and followed him to the kawani lands as soon as he realized that is where his master had left to.
Mate Status: Single

User ImageName: Mercuria
Position: Follower
Personality: Mercuria is in many ways hollow and empty. It takes a lot to provoke an emotional response in her and any feelings she has tend to be muted. She is apathetic about most things and most soquili. She does have fondness for her family and is slightly more open around them, but not by much. Occasionally true feelings bloom through her, but it is a very rare case.
Mate Status: Single

User ImageName: Flash Black
Position: Follower
Personality: Flash Black is something like a demented jester. She loves to predict the future, in particular she predicts how the soquili she's talking to will die. Her predictions are usually very strange and gruesome and she takes great delight in them. Whether or not she believes what she says is an open question. At times she can get gleefully hysterical at her own prophecies and the mood doesn't fade quickly.
Mate Status: Single  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:09 pm

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:19 pm
User Image

Mahapadma blah  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:20 pm
~~ Mahapadma Profiles ~~

User ImageName: Samsara
Position: Group Leader
Personality: Samsara is vengeful and cruel. She hates her father for his rejection of her as a skinwalker and has devoted her life to getting back at him for it. She can be very subtle and manipulative of soquili to try to warp them, but sometimes her cravings for violence overwhelm her subtly and she simply attacks. To other skinwalker and likewise evil soquili she is wary, but willing and able to use them for her own ends as well. With her strong vindictive streak and her ability to bend other soquili to reach her goal, she is a force to be reckoned with.
History: Samsara grew up in a loving family, even under the shadow of the kalona blood that came from her father's side. She was growing up a normal, if a bit shy, filly when she met her sister for the first time. Adour had grown up away from the family and, unlike Samsara and her siblings, had learned to hunt. Though Samsara was initially repulsed by the idea of eating meat her sister slowly wore away her reservations and eventually managed to get Samsara to take her first taste.

That first bite of meat seemed to awaken in Samsara feelings and cravings that she had never before acknowledged. Though she was still morally opposed to the eating of meat she began to indulge herself from time to time when her willpower wore thin. These slip-ups began to haunt Samsara and drew her away from her family and most of the rest of soquili-kind.

One dark night she was discovered preying upon an animal and cursed to be a skinwalker. Her old timidity vanished and she finally accepted her bloodlust. Her father Hayagriva rejected her when he saw her transformed and this incited a powerful grudge within her. From then on, Samsara made it her personal goal to make Haya's life miserable and to tear down everything he stood for.
Mate Status: Too dangerous to breed

User ImageName: Unenlagia
Position: Second in command
Personality: Unenlagia is conniving and vicious. He has all the instincts and drive of a predator but frustration with his lack of the physical features necessary to truly indulge his urges. He gets around this with his human rider. She is his fangs and claws and together they hunt... often seeking other soquili as prey. Unenlagia is deeply loyal and affectionate to his rider, a sentiment that doesn't extend to any other soquili. He loves her as if she were a soquili herself and would protect her with his life if necessary. Unenlagia tends to be a loner among his own kind. He doesn't feel similar or connected to other soquili. Though inwardly he might feel somewhat lonely, his habit of hunting down his own kind limits his interactions he can have with them.
Mate Status: Has a fling going

User ImageName: Bushkin
Position: Fighter
Personality: Bushkin is generally very quiet, almost unnaturally so. When she talks it is barely more than a whisper and she has a hard time being in the company of strangers for long periods of time. Her silence masks a dark secret. She claims to be possessed by a demon, a demon that makes her erratically violent from time to time. In reality, there is no demon. In her deepest heart Bushkin knows that it is her own repressed sadistic urges that cause her occasional outbreak, but she will never admit it.
History: Bushkin and her sister Pumpkin Spice were captured as foals and brought to the Blood Moon Carnival. There they were meant to be trained to be performers along with the rest. However, when the carnival came to the kawani lands, the twins managed to make their escape. They wandered alone together in the kawani lands, haunted by the things that they had learned and seen during their time at the carnival. Not long after, Bushkin began to claim that while at the carnival, a demon had taken up residence in her body...
Mate Status: Single

User ImageName: Svanbjorn
Position: Fighter
Personality: Svanbjorn is very prideful of his kalona blood. He acts as if he were full kalona and gets very angry at anyone who points out his mixed heritage. He considers all non-kalona to be inferior to him and treats them as such. There are a select few that pass beyond these filters. Even with his haughty personality, he does make and keep some friends. He is inwardly slightly embarrassed to keep such "lowly company," but he is very loyal to them nonetheless.
Mate Status: Mated to Carmilla

User ImageName: Carmilla
Position: Follower
Personality: Carmilla is dangerously vain. She is obsessed with keeping her beauty and resorts to ancient and vile methods to do it. She has a hot temper and doesn't forgive those that cross her. If she wasn't so arrogant she might be charming, but years of snobbishness has left her with a condescending personality.
Mate Status: Mated to Svanbjorn

User ImageName: Daimhin
Position: Fighter
Personality: Diabolic! Daimhin has a villainous personality and loves to scheme, steal, and be generally dishonest. He also knows how to have fun and has a decent sense of humor! There is a certain obsessive side to Daimhin's personality, too. Once he sets himself to a goal he will stop at nothing until his task his accomplished.
History: Daimhin once belonged to a large and villainous group of soquili. Though Daimhin was eventually separated from this organization, he still attempts to carry with their ideals. He came to the local soquili lands hoping to find a fertile ground for new villainy.
Mate Status: Mated to Terra

User ImageName: Mittrei
Position: Spy
Personality: Mittrei is irreverent with a strong sense of humor and irony that often is at the expense of someone else. To those other than her family she can seem arrogant and self centered with a sharp tongue. Her sense of superiority tends to keep her emotionally distant from other soquili but she is capable of caring deeply for someone she feels is worthwhile.... not that achieving that status is an easy task. While she enjoys and guards her privacy she also gets bored after being alone for too long and will then seek out company.
History: Mittrei was born upon an island to a herd of soquili with butterfly-like markings. She was born the one flutter from a long line of normals, an awakening of a bloodline that had long been dormant. As the one flutter in a herd of butterfly-patterned soquili she was treated like a princess and lacked for nothing as she was growing up.

The older she got the more the constant attention chafed. When skinwalkers began to harass the island the attention she was receiving combined with the fear and uncertainty from the skinwalker became more than she could stand. Mittrei boldly and dangerously left the island for the mainland and became established there. She discovered that more of her family made the trip to the mainland and enjoyed their company. She mostly lives alone but it is out of preference.

Recently, she bred with the stallion Obeah. He wooed her into thinking that she was his princess but when the baskets came he stole one and disappeared. Mittrei was torn apart by this betrayal and when the baskets hatched, the foals were a constant reminder of her shame. Not being able to bear it any longer, she eventually abandoned them and went on with her life pretending they had never existed.
Mate Status: Single

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:22 pm
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:23 pm

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:24 pm
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:25 pm

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:26 pm
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:27 pm

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:28 pm
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:29 pm

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:30 pm
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