New poem, looking for critique. Specifically, I'd like to know what you think it means, but I'll take any critique I can get. biggrin



Your attention, please.
We regret to inform you of a greivous mistake.
It’s no cause for alarm, but our records clearly show
You may have received the wrong parents upon birth.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We are aware you feel
Your family is – less than perfect, or your body isn’t
How you imagined it. Deep down, you may even feel

If you wish to rectify this error,
Please call us at 1-800-MIR-ACLE. We have already
Located your correct place in the universe, and found
The person who received that place in your stead. The process
Will take only a moment, (and a surcharge of $19.95) and you will be
Placed among the people whom you were originally meant to love;
And in your place, your counterpart will receive your life and
Your family.

Do not worry about your counterpart’s wishes.
They have already expressed their enthusiastic desire to be