Well hello I attempted to post this thread in the public gaia forums and all I got was jerks and perverts... Welp, i'll go right into the about me stuff. My name is Julie and I am 17. I am vegetarian and I love cats. I love tattoos and piercings. I have a hello kitty tattoo on my back . I am kinda shy, but will easily warm up to anyone nice. I am in Michigan. I'm curvey and I change my hair constantly Anything else you want to know it's on my profile, or if it's not just ask. And if you want pictures ask.

Now i'll tell you what I am looking for. I don't like to label but i will say I am pans-sexual. Basically this means, I could care less what gender you are. I am looking for a fun relationship that could end up being serious. I don't have a checklist of "standards". Just be nice and open-minded. Also, I want some one who is willing to talk to me in other places than gaia (Phone, yahoo..etc) and is willing to meet in person in public obviously. Talking on the phone/texting is almost a requirement. (almost)

If you're interested pm me, and if you post here quote me but I'd rather have private messages.