Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Freelancer
Name of Jutsu: Summoning Art: Dance of the Inner Soul
Rank of Jutsu: C -> S
Jutsu's Element: None
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu, Jashanist
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?No
Description: This technique was invented by King Kazuma and taught to Shikyo. The technique reaches deep within the user and find there animal guide/spirit, then using chakra and the concepts if summoning, it brings the spirit animal into the real world to fight alongside the caster. Learning this skill bares the user from ever signing a summoning scroll, as the summons view it as blasphemous.
The strength of the animal is dependent on how much will or chakra the user places into the summoning. On top of the cost of the jutsu (Minimum C-rank) the user must feed chakra into the summon to keep it sustaining a physical form in the human world. This chakra also determines the power of the summon, and it gets weaker as this chakra is used:

1-50 Chakra
cost - C-rank
Strength of Summon - Chunin
Speed of Summon - Special Jounin

51-75 Chakra
Cost - B-rank
Strength of Summon - Special jounin
Speed of Summon - Special Jounin

76-150 Chakra
Cost - A-rank
Strength of Summon - Jounin
Speed of Summon - Sanin

151+ Chakra
Cost- S-rank
Strength of Summon - Kage
Speed of Summon - Kage

1-50 Chakra
cost - C-rank
Strength of Summon - 4
Speed of Summon - 5

51-75 Chakra
Cost - B-rank
Strength of Summon - 5
Speed of Summon - 5

76-150 Chakra
Cost - A-rank
Strength of Summon - 6
Speed of Summon - 7

151+ Chakra
Cost- S-rank
Strength of Summon - 8
Speed of Summon - 8

all chakra placed into the summon after casting goes to the summons chakra pool. Every post the summon is active it drains 1 chakra from the pool. The summon initially know's no jutsu, but over time can be trained (These will each be requested as a new jutsu) and added to the summons jutsu list.

When the summon is killed it dispersed, the extra chakra is lost.

The physical stats of the summon can not be boosted expect by its own personal skills, and an only ever go up by 1 in each stat.

Shikyo's summon is that of a wolf, however the wolf has been corrupted by the Jashan inside her.This causes the beast to have a shadow effect, and be controlled by Jashin himself. The wolf can move at amazing speeds, and can gain amazing levels of strength. His claws are razor sharp and can shred though materials as hard as iron and steel.
Rp Sample
((Shane has approved this jutsu being gained at Genin rank, as well as the jutsu replacing summoning and being approved as a ninjutsu. Also note these #'s are all theoretical, if they seem a bit much or a bit little ill request a change in them.))


Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Samurai
Name of Jutsu: Gifted Eye of Jashin
Rank of Jutsu: A Ranked
Jutsu's Element: Jashanist BL
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? No
Description: This eye was given to Shikyo as a gift from jashin to replace her lost left eye. Activating the eye costs an A ranked jutsu per post active. When active, the eye is able to analyze anything it see's and understand how it functions. This means picking out the weak point of defenses or puppets, as well as the elemental make up of anything. The exact chemical compounds are presented to bearer of the eye, giving them a complete understanding of what they are made of.
Rp Sample

(If requested)