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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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Hawthorne Family ~ Accepted

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Devoted Winner

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:04 pm
The Hawthorne Family


Victor Hawthorne (age 91 - deceased)
xxxxx♥ Juliana Hawthorne (age 102 - deceased)
xxxxxxxxxx↪ Thomas Hawthorne (age 86 - NPC)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♥ Melinda Gonzales-Hawthorne née Gonzales (age 85 - NPC)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Joseph Hawthorne (age 64)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♥ Naitanna Hawthorne née Ellis (age 62)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Yukina101
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Jackson Hawthorne (age 33)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Yukina101
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Wilson Hawthorne (age 33)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Yukina101
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Isabella Hawthorne née Brooks (age 33 - NPC)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Diamond Wales
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Ariana Hawthorne-Wynters née Hawthorne (age 56)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in Wynters Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Mackenzie Hawthorne née Jones (age 40)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in Overton Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♥ Colton Overton (age 40)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in Overton Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Cinnabun Gryffie
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Charlotte Overton (age 14)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in Overton Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Edison Overton (age 12)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in Overton Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Cinnabun Gryffie
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Iana Overton (age 8 )
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in Overton Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Linnie Overton (age 7)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in Overton Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Cinnabun Gryffie
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Connor Overton (age 2)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in Overton Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Cinnabun Gryffie
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♥ Seth Wynters (age 56)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in Wynters Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Diamond Wales
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Ian Wynters (age 24)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in Wynters Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Diamond Wales

Other Members

Pedro Gonzales (age 59 - deceased)
xxxxx♥ Louise Gonzales (age 90 - deceased)


UPDATED 09/10/2023

■ Joey age & bio updated

ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [03/28/2017]
Joseph [03/28/2017] Naitanna [03/28/2017] Jackson [03/28/2017]
Wilson [03/28/2017] Isabella [03/28/2017]
PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:00 pm
Profile Moved to Wynters Family

Hi, my name is Ariana Hawthorne

But I mostly go by Ari

I'm a female

I'm thirty years old.

My birthday is December 28th. I was born in 2005.

I work in the music industry as a singer.

My dream job is to be a singer.

My blood status is Halfblood

The house I was in was Hufflepuff

I was in the class of 2024

I'm interested in mostly men

I'm currently with Seth Wynters

I may seem very outgoing and fun to be around but I'm really usually happy and positive, and I can act a bit ditzy at times. I always seem to be in a good mood. When I accomplish a task that I struggled with, it's obvious that I'm proud of myself. I put in effort and hard work into everything that I do. I tend to get hyper often, and I am easily distracted. I have a great sense of humor and can laugh at anything, though I might think you mean something insulting until you clarify it with me. Most people see me as harmless and playful. A few people think that I'm bipolar just because I can go from mad to happy with an apology. I think every person should be treated equally. I am loyal to the ones I care about. While I am cheery, bubbly, upbeat, energetic, and smiling most of the time, I can be somewhat absent-minded, random, and slightly naive. I am very sensitive and my feelings get hurt easily. It is quite obvious that I am impatient. I'm not "naturally" smart. If I want good grades, I have to work my butt off for them, even though I still won't be able to get the best grades ever.

My background story is I was born in 2005. I grew up with an older brother, Joey Hawthorne, a mother and father, and my grandmother. My grandpa died when I was extremely young - I barely even remember how he looked! My brother is eight years older than I am, and he was in Hufflepuff. My father is a wizard, but my mother is a muggle. My father was in Ravenclaw when he attended Hogwarts. My grandma that lived with my family back home is my mom's mother, so she was also a muggle. She doesn't live with us anymore because she became slightly crazy, so we put her in a senior's home. Nothing much happened in my life up to this point. I've been taking singing lessons my whole life. I'm pretty sure I've been taking them since I could speak! I had a main group of friends that I used to always hang out with, but now that I'm going to Hogwarts, I won't see them unless it's Summer. We were all pretty popular at school, but some of them were kind of mean. Not to me, but to the other kids who didn't hang out with us.

(2017 - 2018 ) During my first year at Hogwarts, I tried out for the Quidditch team. I made seeker! I kept that position during my second year as well. I also made some very great friends. Katrina Varren is my best friend in the whole wide world! Steele Thomson is also one of my best friends. He's also pretty cute! We were all put in Hufflepuff. Not all of my friends were put in the same house, though. Samuel Meridith was put in Gryffindor while Chase Hendrick was placed in Ravenclaw. Even though we're all split up, we're still going to definitely hang out!

(2018 - 2019) This summer, I was a the Cloud family's house practically everyday since they live down the street. When school started, my best friend, Katrina Varren, and I created the school Music Club during our second year at Hogwarts because we discovered that Hogwarts actually has a music room filled with every instrument you could possibly think of. This year, Kat also made the Quidditch team as a.. chaser? Beater? I don't remember, but who cares? We were on the team together! I also realized that I'm not too fond of the Slytherins, especially one in particular. Eretria Whitethorne punched my best friend in the face! How mean is that?!

(2019 - 2020) This summer, I spent most of my time with the Cloud family. Oh, and Kat and I became more than just best friends. We are going out together! Isn't that swell? I can't believe it was even possible to have these feelings towards another girl! But it's not weird, oh no. It doesn't feel weird at all. At school, some people reacted kind of awkwardly towards us, but I think they just need some time getting used to it. Steele reacted very strangely, and he didn't want to speak to me for most of the year! That's so mean! Kat told me she loved me, but I didn't say it back.. Anyway, I made the Quidditch team for the third year in a row as a seeker, but Kat decided she'd much rather be the announcer. My girlfriend was taken out of school about three quarters of the way in, but it felt like years! I understand that it was better this way because, well, she was adopted after her parents were.. dead. I'm happy for her, but I went into such a state of mind that I've never been in before. It was like all the love anyone every gave me just disappeared and left my soul. I still tried to be cheerful because if I didn't, I'm afraid I'd go insane. However, I'm sure I didn't do that well of a job and anyone could have guessed something was wrong. Heck, my friends did know something was wrong. They knew what was wrong, but they also knew I'd be reunited with Katrina again soon.

(2020 - 2021) This summer, I missed Katrina so much that I dyed my hair bright red. It was the same color she made her tips last year, and it was the closest thing to having her with me. When I was finally able to visit her new home and family, I discovered her new mum changed her hair color back to normal. I was so scared that if she didn't accept that hair, she wouldn't accept mine or the fact that her new daughter is going out with me! Much to my surprise and relief, her family not only accepted us and me, but they also encouraged everything as well! Oh, I love them. I love everyone. I love Katrina. I even told her that, and meant it too! Afterwards, I went to her house all the time! When school started up again, I was a seeker again. I think I will be until I graduate! Steele and I are good friends again, and even if he has a girlfriend, he still flirts with me. I don't think I flirt with him, but maybe I do. I was told I do.. He just makes me feel loved in a way. He quit quidditch about two thirds into the year, so Katrina replaced him as the keeper.

(2021 - 2022) This summer, I went to China with my girlfriend and her newish parents Arthur & Gwyn for two weeks. A few days later, I met the woman my brother may potentially be seeing. Turns out, her younger sister goes to my school. She's a year younger than me, but she's also a Hufflepuff! Later on, Katrina and her family disappeared out of the blue. I'm afraid that something bad may have happened to her. Her cousin's family was killed, so what if hers was too? She didn't show up to school at all, and I didn't hear from her. On top of all that, I still had to continue with my life because.. well, life goes on even when it shouldn't. Life should have ended for everyone. The world was supposed to explode! But no. Nothing happened. There were even people with smiles on their faces. How could they be that happy?! I lost the one person who meant the most to me! The only person in the whole world who I would catch a grenade for. Even though she isn't here anymore, I still am. I'm here, at Hogwarts, trying to continue my life as if it's normal. I am the vice captain for my quidditch team, and I'm a prefect. This year should have been great, but it wasn't. Oh yeah, and I failed Divinations and Healing because I didn't have my study buddy anymore. The music club didn't have as many people showing up as it used to, and Remy took over instead of Kat. Well, she didn't take over the whole thing. I am still 50% in charge of it.

(2022 - 2023) I went to one of Steele's football games. He got really upset that he messed up the winning shot, so I went to his house after to comfort him. We actually ended up kissing and he asked me to be his girlfriend! Then he made a promise to me that at school this year, he would stay optimistic and positive even though he's a year behind the students who are our age. Later on this summer, I went to a circus, but I didn't go to the masquerade since I didn't have anyone to go with. Steele was busy that day. He didn't even come to the circus with me, and neither did Joey, so I went alone. It was fun, though! I ran into Dhylan, Minn, and Eun. Minn and I went off and hung out there together, so that was good. And thank goodness I didn't go to the masquerade. I heard about some masked figures that came and attacked. When school started, Steele and I dated for about half the year until he dumped me for football! I can't believe he would actually do that. After he dumped me, I was really sad. Dhylan found me crying in the common room, so he comforted me. I don't know if he comforted me because he's a good friend or because of he really does have a crush on me. There were rumours going around, but I'm not entirely sure if I should believe them or not. By the end of the year, I mostly got over him. Hufflepuff came in second place for the Quidditch Cup and House Cup. If we won the game against Ravenclaw, we would've been in first.

(2023 - 2024) I went to the pumpkin patch with Dhylan during the Fall Festival. I think I actually started developing a crush on him, but we never got anywhere with that relationship. Victor opened up to me about his crush on Del Rey. After Eun went missing, Dhyl felt like it was his fault, and Nell attempted to make him feel better. Dhylan ended up dyeing his hair bleach blond and Nell ended up cutting hers. Then she came to get me and I tried to make him feel better. I helped Bradley work on a secret performance for Tobi, and he used me as a model. I also helped Cameron Rowley write a song for his girlfriend, but he was too shy to perform it, so I did it for him at the music club in front of Elli, and Tobi played the piano. By the end of the year, he was in a good mood because Eun was safe and sound. Hufflepuff won the Quidditch cup and the House cup, and I was scouted to play Professional Quidditch. I guess that'll be my plan B in case the whole singing thing doesn't work out.

(2024 - 2025) This summer, I had auditioned for several music producers, but none of them hired me. My father had told me he didn't think it would be easy to find a place to sign me, but I told him I could do it. I pleaded for him to at least give me a chance before making me get a "real" job, so we made a deal that if I hadn't gotten lucky within a year, I would have to put my dreams behind me. Early spring, I had auditioned for a wizard music producer, David Jones, and I actually had gotten signed to his company! He also hired me a bodyguard by the name of Adrian Gordon. David's family lives in London, however, and he wanted me to be closer to him, so I moved into a small house in the outskirts of London. Since I did not want to live out there alone, Joey had let me keep Marmalade as my own pet. Now that I really do feel like an adult, you know, taking charge of my own life and whatnot, I decided it was time to let go of my teenage years, my teenage lovers, and dye my hair back to brown.

(2025 - 2026) Shina Kiremono, Eretria Whitethorne, Amanda Davis, and I went to D'Lux for a girls' night out. The two Slytherins were a little mean to me, one more than the other, but regardless, I had fun dancing and sipping on drinks with Shina. By the end of the night, I got a little too drunk and ended up puking in the bathroom. Later that year, mid autumn I believe, David Jones and his wife were killed in a house fire. I couldn't let his three year old daughter go to the orphanage, so I ended up adopting Mackenzie. Early winter, Adrian and I began dating. His sister, Cher, was horrible to me though. I think she talked about me behind my back to Adrian because later on, he started acting cold towards me before dumping for her! So, I fired him from being my security guard. In the spring, I was invited to Jane Doyle's wedding, and brought Mackenzie with me as I hadn't anywhere to leave her.

(2026 - 2027) Life had been incredibly stressful as of recent. I have a million things I need to do everyday, and not only do I need to take care of myself, but I also need to take care of Mackenzie. One morning before I was needed at the studio, I stopped by a cafe for a coffee where a man named Blaise was employed. I guess we were both very stressed because we ended up yelling at each other. I go back there weekly; mostly because I just want my damn coffee. Part of it, however, is because he is quite the attractive man.

(2027 - 2028 ) Blaise and I did go on a date, and it was nice. I just wish I had time to see him a lot more than I do. Oh, also, Joey and Naitana finally got married this summer! It was a crazy wedding out in Scotland with the most breathtaking view.

(2028 - 2029) My twin nephews were born!

(2029 - 2030) Over dinner one night, out of nowhere, Mackenzie asked me about her real parents. I tried to leave out as many details as possible, but she kept asking questions and I told her the truth about what happened. She didn't seem to take it horribly, so that's good. I should've expected her to ask me sooner or later, I was just hoping it'd be later and she'd be older. Telling a seven year old how her parents were killed in a house fire is heart breaking.

(2030 - 2031) I'm debating whether or not I should change Kenzie's last name to Hawthorne. I didn't want to before as I wanted her to keep something from her parents - after all, their house burned and nothing was left. But this year, her powers started kicking in, and I started thinking about when she goes to Hogwarts, and I just feel like she should go with my last name.

(2031 - 2032) I took Mackenzie to the zoo, where she met a couple friends. Their names were Skylar and Dris.

(2032 - 2033) This summer, I had Mackenzie's last name changed from Jones to Hawthorne. If she's going into Hogwarts next year, she's going in as an official Hawthorne. Also, one day when we were at the park, we ran into Seth Wynters. He and I started talking again and then we've been going on dates. The funnest date I've had in a while was when we went to see a concert at The Great Music hall. You know, I never pictured myself dating him.

(2033 - 2034) Marmalade hasn't been feeling too great. I tried sending letters and at first, she took way too long to deliver them and return. Then she ended up refusing to fly anywhere. After taking her to the vet, both the vet and I decided it'd be best to put her down as she was very old and this would only help take her out of her misery. So, we did. I didn't know how I was going to tell Mackenzie the news - I mean, she was so excited to take Marmalade to Hogwarts with her. I made her favourite food: mac and cheese, and after she ate, I told her. Poor girl was so upset, but I promised I'd let her get her very own owl to take to school. When we went to Diagon Alley, she picked out the owl she wanted and named him Xylo. Afterwards, we went to Ollivander's to get her a wand and Seth was working, but he was busy so Damien helped Kenzie with getting the perfect one. I dropped her off at the train station and although I was really hoping she'd make it into Hufflepuff, I'm glad she got into Gryffindor. Honestly, I'd be proud of whichever house she got into, which apparently she didn't understand as she'd been so cautious and wary about telling me that she was a lion. She also made the Gryffindor team as a reserve chaser, which she also failed to see as a good thing. Kenzie needs to stop being so hard on herself. When she came home for Christmas, I had a good long talk with her about all of this, and I think she went back to school with a new attitude. Rose and Nell finally got married in March, and I pulled Mackenzie out of school for the weekend to attend. I also brought Seth with me. Actually, this was the first time I ever brought a date with me to a wedding. Joey and Tanna and their three children were there. Oh yeah, Joey and Tanna adopted a little girl named Isabella and she's the cutest little thing!

(2034 - 2035) In December, Seth took me to a tea cafe and I thought he was going to dump me out of the blue based on how he was acting. I never would've imagined he was just acting like that because he was trying to propose to me! That happened. I'm engaged. Yep. I told Mackenzie about it when she came home for winter break and she seemed happy about having Seth as her step dad. Not too long after, Seth moved in with me.

(2035 - 2036) I've mostly been busy with planning my and Seth's wedding.

I enjoy cute and/or fluffy animals, singing, drawing, cupcakes, candies, chocolate, and Herbology.

I despise bad words, bullies, nuts, mushrooms, when boys treat girls badly, and A History of Magic.

I'm afraid of creepy crawlies, being alone, and the dark.

My strengths are making friends and getting along with others easily, making people smile, playing piano and singing, Herbology, flying with agility, and always being happy.

My flaws are I'm too loud, too impatient, can't take criticism well at all, I get my feelings hurt too easily, and my short attention span.

I look like Ariana Grande at the age of...
twenty one - twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine-thirty

My wand is a surprisingly swishy, 12 and 1/4 inches, apple tree wood with unicorn tail hair core

My pet is a nothing. I had a female Snow Owl named Marmalade but she died during the summer of 2033.

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy - A
Charms - E
Defense Against the Dark Arts - E
Herbology - O
A History of Magic - P
Potions - A
Transfiguration - A
Care of Magical Creatures - E
Cursebreaking - D
Divination - D
Healing Class - T
Muggle Music - O
Music - O

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Charms - E
Defense Against the Dark Arts - E
Herbology - O
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Muggle Music - O
Music - O

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! Although I really, really, REALLY love chocolates and other sweets, too many will make me crazy and hyper! Also, I have a dimple on my left cheek, and I speak in a British Accent


Devoted Winner


Devoted Winner

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2012 8:09 pm




FACECLAIM Frankie Grande at the age of...

Steve Kazee at the age of...
Fourty One+

AGE Sixty Three

BIRTHDAY March 6, 1998



WAND Swishy 13 inch Hawthorn Hoppocampus Scale with a Smooth Shaft
Hawthorn wood: A great wand for Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Hippocampus Scale core: Possesses great sensitivity to magical vibrations and signatures, and is simply sensitive in general. Its owner often also has magical sensitivity, but is less apt to be emotional. The ideal owner of this wand must have a steady hand.
Smooth: Calm and collected, image minded.
Swishy: Charms. Playful but weak-willed.

Dragon (large, left sleeve & peck)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Hufflepuff

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ E
Care of Magical Creatures ~ O

Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ O
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ A
Care of Magical Creatures ~ O

DREAM JOB Dragonologist

CURRENT OCCUPATION Head of the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau in the Dept. for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures *pending

■ Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau in the Dept. for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
■ Werewolf Support Services in the Dept. for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures


DEDICATED Joey gives his all in anything he does, whether it's work-related or parenting. He always does his best, and the results that come out of it prove it, which is why he never has to brag. It might also be because he's modest.
LOYAL Joseph does everything in his power to stay honest and nice to those he cares about, even if the truth may hurt them or he's angry and is tempted to be rash. His friends and family always come first, and he always considers their feelings.
OVERPROTECTIVE He was always like this towards his sister growing up, and now, he's like this towards his wife, kids, niece and anyone else he cares about (and has any amount of say in what they do). He thinks he knows what's best for them and doesn't want to see them get hurt.
PATIENT No matter how much someone in his life were to whine, scream or cry, Joey never gives in to what they want and he rarely yells, if ever. If they're causing a tantrum, he waits quietly until they're done.
CHEERFUL Even on a rainy day, one would think the sun was shining when they were with Joey. He tends to focus on the positive, never the negative, and he always seems to be sporting a large smile on his face. The way he sees life if that if something is bothering him and he knows it probably won't matter a year from then, then he won't dwell on it. Joseph tends to be rather laid back and allows life to play out as it will.
MATURE Although he does like to joke around, he never acted like a child (except for the several years where he was one). Joey likes to live life to the fullest and teach his kids right from wrong. Even as a youngster, he never found a reason for hook ups, even if he found a girl attractive.

■ Cheese
■ Playing cards
■ Dragons
■ The colour blue
■ Spending time with family

■ Liars
■ Being taken for granted
■ Violence
■ Zucchini
■ Unhygienic individuals

■ Rationality
■ Trying his best no matter what

■ Caring too much
■ Trusting easily

■ Guns


EARLY CHILDHOOD, SCHOOL YEARS AND POST-GRADUATION Joey was born in 1997 to Melinda and Thomas Hawthorne. He grew up with a younger sister, Ariana, his parents, and his grandparents. The boy played baseball for a large portion of his childhood although he never particularly loved it. His grandfather died when he was about ten years old, which caused his grandma to go rather insane. Consequently, she ended up in a senior home. The following autumn, Joey enrolled into Hogwarts, where he played as a chaser for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and dated his first girlfriend, Kaitlyn Davis, from his fifth to his seventh year. After graduating, they had decided to stop seeing each other as he was a lot more serious about life than she was.

(2017 - 2018 ) Joey was hired at the Werewolf Support Services.

(2018 - 2019) Joey decided that, although he makes a decently well pay at the Werewolf Support Services, he was going to save up a bit longer before moving out. That way, he could get a nice house and still afford to go out.

(2019 - 2020) Some of the newly turned werewolves attended Hogwarts, which worried Joey a little since Ariana was still a student. However, he had to keep it a secret from her.

(2020 - 2021) One of Joey's mates, Andrew, got a baby dragon. Since he's interested in them, his friend let him see it. That year, Joey had also decided to get a sleeve tattoo of a dragon on his left arm and peck.

(2021 - 2022) Joey met a girl named Naitanna Ellis at the library. They ended up going on a coffee date and then meeting up again later on. Near the end of the summer, she and her sister Nell went for ice cream with Joey and Ariana, and they had a swell time. However, Tanna got a job at Hogwarts, so she'd be away all year.

(2022 - 2023) Naitanna and Joey saw each other a lot during the summer. They even went to the circus together.

(2023 - 2024) Joey was invited to go to the Brighton Ball as Naitanna's date.

(2024 - 2025) Joey was invited to Austin and Jinhai's wedding as Naitanna's date, which got him thinking about having his own wedding. In the spring, Ariana moved out into her own place, and Joey let her take Marmalade to keep her company.

(2025 - 2026) Joey proposed to Naitanna at her place, the first time he saw her this summer and they had moved in together.

(2026 - 2027) This year was mostly spent planning the wedding.

(2027 - 2028 ) Naitanna and Joey got married in Scotland.

(2028 - 2029) Jackson and Wilson, Joey's twin sons, were born on May 9th.

(2029 - 2030) Joey's friend who has the dragon invited him, Naitanna and the boys over to stay with him for a while.

(2030 - 2031) They still haven't gone to visit Joey's mate because Naitanna wants the boys to grow a little older before staying overnight in an unfamiliar place.

(2031 - 2032) Joey and Tanna attended a couple of weddings, and at one wedding in particular, Tassy seemed very upset about something.

(2032 - 2033) Naitanna and Joey decided they were going to visit his friend next summer.

(2033 - 2034) Joey's friend gifted him a dragon egg when they went to visit. While Naitanna and Joey were discussing what to do with it as to not break the law and be locked away in Azkaban, Will and Jack were eavesdropping from behind the couch. However, the adults tricked them into thinking they were talking about something else. They also discussed adopting a girl since Tanna hadn't been able to get pregnant again. So, they adopted a beautiful little girl named Isabella. In March, Nell and her girlfriend Rose got married. The boys, Tanna, the entire Ellis family, Ariana, Seth and Mackenzie attended it.

(2034 - 2035) Izzy and the twins have mostly been getting along, and Tanna and Joey had been incredibly busy raising three six years old. All year, Jack and Will kept begging for a puppy.

(2035 - 2036) Joey was thinking of telling the kids about the dragon that he received a couple of years ago, but Naitanna didn't think it would be a good idea.

(2036 - 2037) Joey attended Ariana's wedding with his children while Naitanna was the Maid of Honour. In the Spring, his grandmother Louise had passed away.

(2037 - 2038 ) Joey and Naitanna celebrated their ten year anniversary. Additionally, his nephew Ian was born in October.

(2038 - 2039) Joey has been to a handful of parent-teacher meetings this year, mainly because of Jack.

(2039 - 2040) Joey has switched jobs. He resigned from the Werewolf Support Services and was hired for the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau in the same department.

(2040 - 2041) Will, Jack and Izzy all went to Hogwarts for their first year. Surprisingly, Will got into Slytherin. Even more surprisingly, Joey wasn't required to attend any parent-teacher meetings.

(2041 - 2042) Joey considered this year as another year gone well with the kids in school and he and Naitanna doing what they love for a living.

(2042 - 2043) After hearing what had happened with Callidora, Joey was immensely relieved to know that Ariana and her family (except Seth's mother) came out practically unscathed.

(2043 - 2044) Joey noticed that Jack had been pretty down in the dumps lately and every time he tried to talk to his son, all he would say is that he didn't want to talk about it. The family had also traveled to Haiti for the kids to partake in the week long ritual.

(2044 - 2045) Mackenzie and Colton got engaged.

(2045 - 2046) Joey took the twins to the Fantastic Beasts Music Festival, which his department had hosted. While there, he had entered into a few different raffle contests and ended up winning a Unicorn & You Portrait session for Izzy. Later that night, they had watched Ariana perform. In the springtime, Joey had attended Mackenzie and Colton's wedding. Joey had also decided to apply to become the Head of his department.

(2046 - 2047) Joey's grandfather Victor had passed away. On a happier note, all three of Tanna and Joey's children graduated from Hogwarts. Will was planning on trying out for either a Scotland or Wales Quidditch team while Will was planning on applying to work at the Dragon Reserve as a Magizoologist. Isabella, on the other hand, didn't seem very sure with what she wanted to do. But it wasn't a big deal. Joey knew she would figure something out soon enough, and he would attempt to help and give suggestions.

(2047 - 2048 ) Mackenzie had given birth to her daughter Charlotte, and Joey and Naitanna had celebrated their twentieth anniversary.

(2048 - 2049) Will tried out for the Pride of Portree Quidditch team.

(2049 - 2050) Mackenzie and Colton had moved to Wales to be closer to Colton's family. For Tanna's 50th birthday, the family celebrated with a quiet dinner before she was dragged out to a club by Tassy, Ari, and Milo.

(2050 - 2051) For Tanna's 51st birthday, Joey took her out for a very nice dinner and dancing. Nothing too crazy since he knows she isn't a party girl. Will ended up getting into the newspaper's gossip rag for a small bit where he was drunk with a female player on an opposing team and when asked if they were an item, he mentioned he had a hotter girl at home. Not one of Joey's proudest moments for his son, but Dagrun probably had him eat his words more than Joey could have done.

(2051 - 2052) Mackenzie and Colton welcomed their son Edison into the world in August.

(2052 - 2053) Jack had accidentally brought his boyfriend Rory Murdoch home to meet Tanna during one of their scheduled Tea Times, and Joey just so happened to be home at the time. The four of them sat down to chat, drink, and eat. Later, Rory had moved into Jack's home. The Hawthorne family had also attended Nathaniel and Theodotus' wedding.

(2053 - 2054) Mackenzie and Colton welcomed their daughter Iana into the world in December. In the springtime, Joey applied for the Head of the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau in the Dept. for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

(2054 - 2055) Joey had secretly purchased new magical (and not magical) art supplies for Naitanna to take to Hogwarts for her students. Mackenzie and Colton had also welcomed their daughter Linnie into the world in January.

(2055 - 2056) For Juliana's 100th birthday, the Hawthorne family threw a big family gathering.

(2056 - 2057) Joey attended the Art Festival with Naitanna, who was chosen to be the Keynote Speaker.

(2057 - 2058 ) Will and Dagrun had broken up although all three kids seemed to be in good enough spirits to throw Joey a party for his 60th birthday.

(2058 - 2059) Joey's grandmother Juliana had passed away. Joey attended Tanna's niece Lulu's music shop opening event.

(2059 - 2060) Naitanna had been working on starting a mentor/mentee program with her art students. Will mentioned to both Tanna and Joey that he does not want to have anymore one night stands. In May, Mackenzie and Colton welcomed their son Connor into the world.

(2060 - 2061) Joey continued to provide guidance to his children, particularly to Will as he began opening up more about his love life. Although he encountered new challenges and responsibilities in his job, his dedication to being the Head of the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau remained steadfast.


■ Son: Jackson Hawthorne
■ Son: Wilson Hawthorne
■ Adopted Daughter: Isabella Hawthorne
■ Father: Thomas Hawthorne
■ Mother: Melinda Gonzales-Hawthorne
■ Father in Law: Gerald Ellis
■ Mother in Law: Jarai Ellis
■ Grandparents: Victor Hawthorne (†) & Juliana Hawthorne (†), Pedro Gonzales (†) & Louise Gonzales (†)
■ Sister: Ariana Hawthorne ♥ Seth Wynters
■ Sister in Law: Nastassia Ellis ♥ Leslie Lovell → Ridley Lovell
■ Sister in Law: Chantale Ellis ♥ Rose Hall → Áine Ellis-Hall, Theodotus Ellis-Hall, Louise Ellis-Hall
■ Brother in Law: Lochland Ellis ♥ Cydney Wakefield → London Ellis, Mahalia Ellis
■ Adopted Niece: Mackenzie Hawthorne ♥ Colton Overton → Charlotte Overton, Edison Overton, Iana Overton, Linnie Overton, Connor Overton
■ Nephew: Ian Wynters

■ Andrew Fitzgerald

■ Wife: Naitanna Ellis


■ Theodotus Ellis-Hall
■ Nathaniel Ellerly
■ Kaitlyn Davis
■ Dept. for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures employees (2017 - Present)
■ Quidditch Players (2009 - 2016)
■ Hufflepuff Students (2009 - 2016)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2016)

■ Owl: Marmalade (†)  
PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:50 pm
Marked as NPC





FACECLAIM Maria Canals Barrera

AGE Fifty Nine

BIRTHDAY February 22, 1977



xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Weaverham High School


DREAM JOB Beach Resort Manager



ORGANIZED No matter what she's got planned or what information is on which paper, Melinda has everything in order at all times. She believes that there is a place for everything and keeps everything in its place.
NEAT FREAK With that being said, Mel also keeps her home clean. In fact, when she's home, she often spends her time vacuuming, running the washing machine, swapping clean clothes for dirty ones in the washing machine, and so on.
WORRISOME Melinda tends to worry about her children if she doesn't speak to them for a couple of days, or if they went on a trip and she hadn't heard from them. Even now that they're all grown up and have families and children of their own, she worries about not only them, but her grandchildren as well.
PROTECTIVE Growing up, she wanted to keep her children away from harm, be it physical or emotional. Melinda only ever wants to see her family happy and their hearts full. Her personality is very similar to that of a mother bear that is trying to protect its young.
HELPFUL No matter who is seeking out her advice, Melinda is always ready to give some. Additionally, if others are wise enough to listen to her, they would learn that what she tells them to do is the best thing to do.
STRICT Melinda would never let her children out of the house past curfew or stay overnight at any of their friends' houses unless she met their parents and was assured they'd be home and supervising the entire time. In fact, even letting them go off to Hogwarts was a hard choice because she knew she couldn't be there for them or stop them from making stupid mistakes.

■ spending time with her family
■ reading
■ cooking
■ tidiness
■ playing the guitar
■ dancing

■ being disobeyed
■ messes
■ being lied to
■ being separated from a loved one
■ wasting time

■ giving advice
■ keeping her house clean

■ letting her children and grandchildren do as they please
■ going with the flow

■ losing a loved one


EARLY CHILDHOOD AND SCHOOL YEARS In 1977, Melinda was born to muggle parents, Louise and Pedro Gonzales, making her a muggle as well. They lived in Spain until Mel was eight years old, which was when they had moved to England due to her father being relocated for a job. Shortly after graduation, she had met her boyfriend, Thomas, and they dated until she was twenty years old. Upon finding out she was pregnant, they decided to get married and rushed a wedding before her parents could find out the pregnancy happened prior to their marriage. The following year, her son Joseph was born. Eight years later, her daughter Ariana was born. Both of her children possessed magic, just like their father. A couple of years later, Mel's father passed away, causing her mother to go crazy. Not being able to deal with Louise anymore, Melinda and Thomas decided to put her in a senior home.

POST-GRADUATION (2017 - 2018 ) Joseph had already been working for a year after graduating from Hogwarts whereas Ariana had just started attending the school. During the winter holidays, Ariana had invited her best friend Katrina to stay with them.

(2018 - 2019) Ariana went to school for her second year while Joey continued to work and live at home. Since he was living at home and making money, Mel and Tom began charging him for rent.

(2019 - 2020) Ariana came out to Melinda and Thomas and confessed that she had made Katrina her girlfriend. Of course Melinda accepted this although Ariana was terrified she wouldn't.

(2020 - 2021) Upon coming home, Ariana stated that she wanted to dye her hair bright red. When Mel asked her why, it was clear to see there was an emotional attachment to red hair for some reason, so without asking any further questions, Mel let her. She later discovered that it was due to Katrina being taken out of school for the last few months.

(2021 - 2022) Joey had gotten a lovely girlfriend while Ariana had went to China with her own. Life seemed to be happy until the winter holidays when Ariana came home from school. Turns out, Katrina had disappeared along with the rest of her family in September. All that Melinda could do was try and make her child feel better, but nothing worked.

(2022 - 2023) Ariana had gotten over Katrina's disappearance and found a new significant other, a boy named Steele. Mel had thought he seemed very nice until she received a letter over the holidays from her daughter, explaining that her boyfriend had broken up with her.

(2023 - 2024) This year was a lot more quiet, and Ariana seemed to really be focusing on herself instead of finding a perfect lover. At home, things were the same as before.

(2024 - 2025) Melinda and Thomas discussed Ariana's career choice and decided they would give her one year to get signed; otherwise, she would have to put her dreams behind her. Luckily, she was signed in the springtime. Shortly after, she moved out.

(2025 - 2026) Joey proposed to Naitanna and Ariana adopted a daughter.

(2026 - 2027) Melinda celebrated her 50th birthday, which made her feel old. However, she took this as a reason to be able to spoil Mackenzie like any old grandmother should do to their grandchild.

(2027 - 2028 ) Joey and Naitanna had a beautiful wedding in Scotland.

(2028 - 2029) Joey and Naitanna had twin boys.

(2029 - 2030) Melinda was really beginning to feel old(er) now that she had grandchildren from both of her kids.

(2030 - 2031) Mackenzie's powers started kicking in, making her a witch. Melinda knew that her granddaughter's real parents were both magical, so she didn't find it too shocking. Now that she was for sure going to attend Hogwarts in a couple of years, Mel wanted Ari to change her last name to theirs.

(2031 - 2032) Ariana had finally agreed to change Mackenzie's last name and decided she would do so next year.

(2032 - 2033) Mackenzie's last name was changed from Jones to Hawthorne.

(2033 - 2034) Joey and Naitanna adopted a girl named Isabella.

(2034 - 2035) Melinda was considering an early retirement since she seemed to always be working or taking care of her grandchildren, but decided against it.

(2035 - 2036) Melinda learned that her mother wasn't feeling very well lately.

Old profile:

Hi, my name is Melinda Gonzales-Hawthorne

But I mostly go by Mel

I'm a female

I work in a travel agency.

I'm fifty nine years old.

My birthday is February 22nd. I was born in 1977.

My dream job is to run a resort in a tropical place.

My blood status is muggle

I was in the class of 1994, but I graduated from High School.

I'm interested in men

I'm currently with my husband, Thomas Hawthorne.

I may seem really organized and easy going but I'm really strict, and I worry about my children often. I would do anything for my family. I am extremely protective of them, but that may just be because I'm a mother. I always try to give the best advice I can to my kids, and others who seek it.

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm strict, and I worry about my children often. I would do anything for my family. I am extremely protective of them, but that may just be because I'm a mother. I always try to give the best advice I can to my kids, and others who seek it.

My background story is as a child, I lived in Spain. When I was eight years old, my parents and I moved to England. This is where I met my husband, Thomas. We got married when I was twenty years old, and had my first child when I was twenty one. We lived in the muggle world, and then I had my second child at the age of twenty nine. This year, my daughter has started Hogwarts.

(2017 - 2018 ) I met one of Ariana's friends, Katrina, who stayed with us during the winter holidays.

(2018 - 2019) After having a good time during her first year, Ariana went to school for her second while Joey continued to work. Life seems to be going great for now.

(2019 - 2020) Ariana came out to Thomas and I, and she had actually started dating Katrina. Of course, I accepted this though for some reason, my daughter was terrified of telling me.

(2020 - 2021) When Ariana came home from school this summer, the first thing she told me was she wanted to dye her hair bright red. Upon asking her why, tears welled up in her eyes, so I didn't question it any further. I did try to change her mind, but she seemed very eager and determined to do so.

(2021 - 2022) Joey had gotten a lovely girlfriend while Ariana had went to China with her own. Life seemed to be happy until the winter holidays when my daughter came home from school. Turns out, Katrina had disappeared along with the rest of her family in September. All a mother could do was try and make her child feel better, but nothing worked.

(2022 - 2023) Ariana had gotten over Katrina's disappearance, and she found a new significant other; a boy named Steele. He seemed nice until I received a letter from her after the winter holidays saying Steele had broken up with her.

(2023 - 2024) This year was a lot more quiet, and Ariana seemed to really be focusing on herself instead of finding a perfect lover. At home, things were the same as before.

(2024 - 2025) After countless auditions, Ariana still hasn't gotten signed. Thomas and I talked about it, and we decided to give her a year to get signed to a music producer before she had to give up on her dreams and do something else with her life. Luckily for her, she had gotten signed during the springtime; however, this required her to move out of our home.

(2025 - 2026) Joey proposed to his girlfriend, so I'm expecting to become a grand mother soon. Actually I have already become one upon Ariana's adoption. She adopted the most adorable little girl, Mackenzie Jones. Now, I just need my son to give me grandchildren, and hopefully ones of his own.

(2026 - 2027) I turned 50 years old, and I feel incredibly old. At least I can now officially take my role as a grandmother and spoil Mackenzie rotten!

(2027 - 2028 ) Joey and Naitana got married out in Scotland.

(2028 - 2029) Joey & Naitana gave birth to twin boys.

(2029 - 2030) Now that both my children have children of their own, I'm starting to feel old.

(2030 - 2031) Mackenzie's powers started kicking in this year. She'll probably have better luck fitting in with this family than I do. I want her last name changed to Hawthorne, but Ariana is a little hesitant.

(2031 - 2032) Ariana finally agreed with changing Mackenzie's last name to ours, and said she'll do it next year.

(2032 - 2033) Mackenzie's last name was changed to Hawthorne!

(2033 - 2034) Joey and Naitana adopted a girl named Isabella. Now, I can spoil another granddaughter rotten!

(2034 - 2035) I should really consider an early retirement. It seems like any second I have planned for relaxing is replaced with babysitting my grand children.

(2035 - 2036) My mum hasn't been feeling very well.

I enjoy my family, reading, cooking, tidiness, and playing the guitar.

I despise being disobeyed, messes, being lied to, being separated from a loved one, and having my time wasted.

I'm afraid of losing my loved ones, and having something happen with them that involves magic and I can't do anything about it.

My strengths are giving advice.

My flaws are I am not a witch, and therefore would prefer if my family were "muggles" as well. I do not see this as a flaw, but my children and husband do.

I look like Maria Canals Barrera

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! I can speak Spanish, and sometimes do when I'm angry, but I speak English fluently. I speak in a slight Spanish accent.


Devoted Winner


Devoted Winner

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:10 pm
Marked as NPC

Hi, my name is Thomas Albert Hawthorne

But I mostly go by Tom

I'm a male

I work in Wizengamot Administration Services

I'm sixty one years old.

My birthday is July 13th. I was born in 1975

My dream job is to be a well trained lawyer

My blood status is Pureblood

The house I was in was Ravenclaw

I was in the class of 1993

I'm interested in women

I'm currently with my wife, Melinda Gonzales-Hawthorne

I may seem like I want everything to be perfect but I'm really easy going, but I like having rules, especially when it comes to boundaries. I'm a lot less strict than my wife, but I'm fair when it comes to giving people what they want or what they deserve.

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm easy going, but I like having rules, especially when it comes to boundaries. I'm a lot less strict than my wife, but I'm fair when it comes to giving people what they want or what they deserve.

My background story is I come from a half Spanish (mother) half English (father) wizarding family; however, I was born in England. I grew up there, and at the age of eleven, I was accepted into Hogwarts. I met my wife, Melinda, after I graduated. We got married and had our first child when I was twenty two. Our second child was born when I was thirty years old.

(2017 - 2018 ) I met one of Ariana's friends, Katrina, who stayed with us during the winter holidays.

(2018 - 2019) After having a good time during her first year, Ariana went to school for her second while Joey continued to work. Life seems to be going great for now.

(2019 - 2020) Ariana came out to Melinda and I, and she had actually started dating Katrina. I thought it was sort of odd, but I did accept it and love her just as much as before. I can see why she was scared to tell us though.

(2020 - 2021) The second day after Ariana had gotten back from school this summer, I came home to see she had dyed her hair bright red. This shocked me, and I thought maybe she could be in a rebelling stage (after all, she had been dating a girl, and now this), but her personality hadn't changed much. She didn't start giving her mother or me attitude either, so I figured it couldn't be that harmful.

(2021 - 2022) Joey had gotten a lovely girlfriend while Ariana had went to China with her own. Life seemed to be happy until the winter holidays when my daughter came home from school. Turns out, Katrina had disappeared along with the rest of her family in September. I'm not one to comfort others, so Melinda dealt with Ari.

(2022 - 2023) Ariana had gotten over Katrina's disappearance, and she found a new significant other; a boy named Steele. Finally, she was dating a boy. He seemed nice until I received a letter from her after the winter holidays saying Steele had broken up with her.

(2023 - 2024) This year was a lot more quiet, and Ariana seemed to really be focusing on herself instead of finding a perfect lover. At home, things were the same as before.

(2024 - 2025) After countless auditions, Ariana still hasn't gotten signed. I didn't want to let her continue hopelessly wasting her time, but after Melinda and I talked about it, we decided to give Ari a year to get signed to a music producer before she had to give up on her dreams and do something else with her life. Luckily for her, she had gotten signed during the springtime; however, this required her to move out of our home.

(2025 - 2026) My son proposed to his girlfriend, and my daughter adopted a child. I guess this has been an incredibly eventful year.

(2026 - 2027) I've been helping Ariana with Mackenzie a lot this year, and you know what I realized? My kid who has their life together should be the one with the child, not the other way around.

(2027 - 2028 ) Joey and Naitana got married this summer in Scotland.

(2028 - 2029) Joey & Naitana gave birth to twin boys.

(2029 - 2030) I love those boys. I can't wait until retirement, so I can spend even more time with my grandchildren.

(2030 - 2031) Kenzie started showing powers this year. Looks like she's a witch. Here's to hoping she'll get into Ravenclaw and not Hufflepuff.

(2031 - 2032) Melinda somehow talked Ariana into changing Kenzie's last name to Hawthorne.

(2032 - 2033) Mackenzie's last name was changed to Hawthorne.

(2033 - 2034) Joey and Naitana adopted a daughter named Isabella.

(2034 - 2035) Mel and I have been helping Joey and Naitana whenever we could, but taking care of three six year olds is a lot more than what I was ever prepared for.

(2035 - 2036) My mother in law hasn't been feeling very well lately.

I enjoy reading, justice, wizards chess, my family, and classical music.

I despise interruptions, lies, bad manners, arguments, and violence.

I'm afraid of not being able to stop something terrible from happening.

My strengths are I am very intelligent.

My flaws are I secretly think my children would've been put in Ravenclaw if they were smart, and I am not entirely happy that they got into Hufflepuff. I am not very accepting.

I look like David Baez

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy - A
Charms - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - E
Herbology - A
A History of Magic - O
Potions - E
Transfiguration - E
Ancient Studies - O
Cursebreaking - E
Study of Ancient Runes - A
Wandless Magic Practice Class - A
Wizard Law - O

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Charms - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - O
A History of Magic - O
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O
Ancient Studies - E
Cursebreaking - A
Wizard Law - E

My wand is a smooth, 12 and 1/2 inches, ash wood and jobberknoll feather core.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:50 pm
Hi, my name is Naitana Hawthorne nee Ellis

But I mostly go by Tanna

I'm a Female

I'm 51 years old.

My birthday is February 2, 2000

I work in teaches Art and Muggle Art at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

My dream job is To curate own gallery

My blood status is Pureblood

The house I was in was N/A

I was in the class of 2017, through homeschooling

I'm interested in Both; bisexual

I'm currently with Joseph Hawthorne

My background story is Tassy and Tanna are the only twin daughters of Gerald and Jarai Ellis and love that fact because they're the only twins in their small town. This just means they can confuse and befuddle just about anyone; from people they've known since birth to the tourist and visitors to their Inn and Pub. They even made this one guy cry once!
Ahh, good times, good times.
When the twins reached of age a conundrum had occurred: Tassy and Tanna were squibs. It was quite nerve wracking for the both of them since they had wanted to learn magic ever since their older brother Lochland had left for Haiti. Not wanting his daughters to be discouraged, Gerald hired tutors to help control and maintain the little magic the girls knew which blossomed into their own separate areas. Tassy has a unique take with instruments, able to spend all of one day with one and nearly master it. Tanna was more into art: painting, sculpting, interior design, pottery, ect. The twins were more excited over their possibilities from their gifts that they completely forgot that they couldn't actually do magic. Once the twins came of age they left their home in Scotland to pursue their Artisans in London. Tassy was lucky enough to get a job at the Lilting Lyre while Tanna went from job to job for a while. Finally they raised enough money to get their own London flat and have been living their comfortably.
Currently, a man by the name of Joseph Hawthorne caught the young artist's eyes making her twin laugh and poke fun at her awkwardness. Just recently Tanna and her sister welcomed a new roommate, Shin Sever into their flat causing much hilarity to her since her sister's secret reveal of her true feelings.
Update~Her boyfriend of nearly four years, Joseph Hawthorne, proposed last summer and she accepted! She's going to be the first in her immediate family to wed and she is not looking forward to the coming planning months at all!
2028~ She and Joey are married! They have their own home a good distance away from her family but close to Hogwarts so she can visit on the weekends and she couldn't be happier! She's also been feeling a bit...peckish lately but she's sure it's nothing.
2029~After about a year of blissful marriage she's discovered that she was pregnant with twins! Tanna spent the school year balancing the pregnancy and her classes only finding solace in the equally pregnant Chrissy Dechering who was also having twins, fancy that! But around the last months or so of her pregnancy she was given leave and placed on bed rest before finally early one May 9th her beautiful boys were born.

2033~ She had been wanting another child for a while but it seemed as though my body didn't agree with my wishes. After near misses and a few sicknesses her husband finally made her stop and agreed to help her find another way to get their child. They settled upon adoption and quickly enough fell in love with a precocious young girl named Isabella. The twins thankfully enough weren't too upset with the new child in the house but they weren't exactly jumping for joy as well. Only time would tell.

2035~ Her youngest sisters were finally married in a completely beautiful spring wedding at a zoo of all places. The children were at least happy about it, and everything did look stunning in the gardens.

2036~ Tanna enjoyed playing the Matron of Honor at Arianna's wedding, as well as the looks she garnered from her husband due to the dress, and was ecstatic to learn they would be blessed with a little nephew by the end of the year.

I enjoy

I despise
>Bright colors (like neon bright)
>Low supplies
>Arguing with her twin
>Being lied to

I'm afraid of not being accepted

My strengths are My art

My flaws are Shy and stutters upon introduction

I look like Carmen Ejogo

My pet is a an Eastern Screech owl named Bugsy.

My O.W.L. Scores Were:

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:


Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100


Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:36 pm
xxxxJ A C K S O NxxxC A I L E A NxxxH A W T H O R N E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Jack, never Jackie

              AGE 26

              BIRTHDAY 9 May 2029

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 10 3/4in, Wenge, Welsh Green Heartstring, Pliable, Bent shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Bisexual

              FACECLAIM Childhood - Roshon Fegan [x]
              Adulthood - Keiynan Lonsdale [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Spanish, Scots-Gaelic, some Haitian Creole

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Gryffindor

            CLASS 2047

            BEST LESSONS
                Care of Magical Creatures

            WORST LESSONS
                History of Magic

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Dragon magizoologist
            DREAM JOB Kept boytoy

            xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                OWL SCORES
                    Astronomy ~ A
                    Charms ~ O
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                    Herbology ~ EE
                    History of Magic ~ A
                    Potions ~ EE
                    Transfiguration ~ A
                    Alchemy ~ EE
                    Arithmancy ~ A
                    Art ~ EE
                    Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                    Wandless Magic ~ A

                NEWT SCORES
                    Charms ~ O
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                    Herbology ~ EE
                    Potions ~ EE
                    Arithmancy ~ A
                    Art ~ EE
                    Care of Magical Creatures ~ O

        xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            ◊ MISCHIEVOUS Jack and his twin are always looking to spice up life; be it with pranks, jokes, tricks, or funny cartoons. He tries to keep it funny since it's never funny when someone cries.
            ◊ LOUD He's honestly tried to be quiet, like twice in his entire life before he discovered it's just not in him. He likes being heard and sometimes the only way to be understood is to have it shouted.
            ◊ CURIOUS Jack loves the Discovery channel, mainly because of his dad's fascination with dragons that sorta dragged him along for the ride. But now it's sort of..everything. Once he finds something he's interested in, he will attempt to learn all he can about it.
            ◊ DARING Life was meant to be lived! He loved adventures and don't things that other people thought couldn't be done. Even if it ended in injury; scrapes were just stories.
            ◊ SINGLE-MINDED Once he's gotten an idea in his mind, Jack's very hard pressed to release it. Depending on the idea, it'll literally bug him until he's found the answers or a solution.
            ◊ IMPULSIVE Jack's very big on jumping in feet first and has yet to completely regret it. He generally thinks stuff is more fun if you don't think it over too much.

                Playing pranks
                Dragons and lizards
                Bath bombs
                Being outside

                Being cooped up somewhere
                Being cold
                Being told to always "pay attention"
                Dating profiles
                Being scolded by his abuelita in Spanish; the guilt is always like, tripled

                Watching DIY youtube
                Watching the discovery channel


                Acts before thinking

                Losing his family
                Falling off a cliff

        xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            CHILDHOOD Jack was born about twelve minutes before my his twin brother Will to his parents Joseph and Naitanna Hawthorne. He doesn't bring up that fact too much unless he really wants something from him or wants to try and boss him around. Key word is "try." It was just him and his brother for about five years before his parents discussed with them that they wanted to adopt a little girl and soon enough brought home a girl their age named Isabella. It took him awhile to warm up to her, a little longer once he realized she was technically older, but after some well equipped fights in the mud he deemed her an acceptable sibling. Not much has really happened after that; he started school and made some friends (and maybe one or two enemies who's counting), hung out with said friends, not really interesting stuff.

            SCHOOL YEARS
                ◊ FIRST YEAR His first year at school was pretty amazing! He'd been a bit bent out of shape having his twin go into a different house (even though they knew it was a possibility) and it'd been weird sleeping with a bunch of other kids instead of just one but he adjusted. It kinda helped Londy was with him. Plus it didn't stop them from switching robes once in a while!
                ◊ SECOND YEAR His second year was pretty great. He made reserve beater again along with Londy and yes he'll admit it (to himself and no one else) he was the tinsiest bit jealous that Will made starter before him but then seeing him almost get pummeled every game sorta took the sting out of it. Plus it'd been fun rooting for him and Cian every game they weren't playing Gryffindor. Next year was his year though, barring he didn't die from his extra classes.
                ◊ THIRD YEAR This was his year! Jack finally finally made starting beater and managed to not get knocked out an entire season again! Some of his extra classes were a bit difficult, and he was pretty sure his mum could tell when he and Will started switching for her art class, but so far it's been good.
                ◊ FOURTH YEAR This year was...a whirlwind. He got placed back as a reserve which sorta stung even if he was happy for his cousin and he started sort of dating this guy in his year named Colby. Colby was still coming to terms with his sexuality so he asked to keep their relationship a secret which Jack complied with, even if it meant having to meet in secret to do, erm, couply things. However this got old quick and throughout the year they would have multiple rows about it until just after Winter break, he would confront Colby and break it off only to get told that he'd been basically nothing but a stress relief for most of the year. He'd felt pretty low after that and not even the combined pranking efforts of his friends and family could completely buoy him back to normal.
                ◊ FIFTH YEAR This year was pretty great, even with the dreaded OWL's. He got named vice captain (which was terrifying but awesome!), he didn't think about Colby for literal months until a slight problem occurred in the form of a hella public breakup. He and his brother went to console the poor kid, the other Will in Slytherin, and they ended up all planning ways to make his exgirlfriend and his own ex to regret toying with people's hearts.
                ◊ SIXTH YEAR Jack's first year as captain went pretty well if he did say so himself. It was still nervewracking but at least next year he'll know better. After watching first hand how disastrous his twin and cousin were at their love lives, it made him wonder if he was ready to jump back into that rat race. He knew not every person was like his and Will's ex but a part of him was still a bit worried.
                ◊ SEVENTH YEAR His last year went by in a blur of quidditch practices, classes, and so much studying he pretty much had nightmare about the library. How he managed to get through it in one piece he'll actually never know. Seriously. He blacked out around April and woke up at graduation. He hope his grades were good!

            POST GRADUATION By the skin of his teeth, he managed to pass his NEWT's and garner the necessary ones to apply to the dragon reserves. He hasn't decided yet whether hes going to completely move out yet but he's pretty sure his parents don't mind him and Will crashing another year or so.

        xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                Parents - Joseph and Naitanna Hawthorne
                Siblings - Wilson and Isabella Hawthorne
                Grandparents - Thomas Hawthorne, Melinda Gonzales-Hawthorne, Gerald and Jarai Ellis
                Aunts/Uncles - Lochland and Cydney Ellis, Leslie and Nastassia Lovell, Arianna Hawthorne-Wynters, Seth Wynters, Chantale and Rose Ellis-Hall
                Cousins - Mackenzie Hawthorne, Aine Ellis-Hall, Theodotus Ellis-Hall, London Ellis, Ridley Lovell, Mahalia Ellis, Ian Wynters, Galen Hall, Louise Ellis-Hall

                Best Friend - Wilson Hawthorne
                Gideon Edgeworth
                London Ellis
                Sissy Masters
                Cian Quinlan
                Donner Eide
                Dagrun Eide
                Cyrille LeBeau
                William Bennett

            ENEMIES Colby Domnall
            PETS A black Ragamuffin cat named Beast

        [profile format courtesy of Diamond Wales ~<33]
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:10 pm
xxxxW I L S O NxxxC A M D E NxxxH A W T H O R N E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Will

              AGE 26

              BIRTHDAY 9 May 2029

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 12in, Poplar, Fox Fur, Inflexible, Spiraled shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM Childhood - Roshon Fegan [x]
              Adulthood - Keiynan Lonsdale [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Spanish, Scots-Gaelic, some Haitian Creole

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Slytherin

            CLASS OF 2047

            BEST LESSONS
                Ancient Runes

            WORST LESSONS

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Chaser for Pride of Portree
            DREAM JOB Rune translator maybe?

            xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                OWL SCORES
                    Astronomy ~ A
                    Charms ~ O
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                    Herbology ~ A
                    History of Magic ~ A
                    Potions ~ A
                    Transfiguration ~ EE
                    Alchemy ~ A
                    Cursebreaking ~ A
                    Muggle Studies ~ O
                    Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE
                    Wandless Magic ~ EE

                NEWT SCORES
                    Charms ~ EE
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                    Transfiguration ~ O
                    Cursebreaking ~ A
                    Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE
                    Wandless Magic~ EE

        xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            ◊ CURIOUS Will likes figuring stuff out, mainly how stuff works. Sometimes he'll work out stuff with his twin but he liked the technical side of it a bit more.
            ◊ DEVIOUS He loved pulling pranks, mainly because he loved seeing the before's and after's. He liked that calm before the storm anxiousness and then the mayhem the prank caused.Not bad mayhem though, funny stuff.
            ◊ ADVENTUROUS Will never tried to shy away from a challenge no matter where it came from, even from his own brother. He always enjoyed finding the craziest things they could think of to do.
            ◊ CRAFTY Not like actual crafts, though he has gotten pretty good at paper mache, but at planning. Pranks don't work nearly as well if there isn't planning.
            ◊ OBSERVANT To try and stay out of trouble, Will liked having eyes and ears everywhere. And if that made him nosy, so what. At least he knew some of the good stuff before most of the adults. And it kept him at least two steps ahead in almost everything. Except Izzy goddangit.
            ◊ BOSSY He doesn't mean to be, it's just that sometimes he has ideas and plans that he likes seeing done the exact way he wrote them. It's not his fault some people just don't listen when he kinda knows better.

                Playing pranks
                Watching quidditch

                Being cold
                Being told something is impossible
                Mini versions of food
                Being ignored

                Figuring out pranks
                Playing Quidditch

                Always has ideas

                Likes to think his ideas are the best

                Being left alone
                Deep space

        xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            CHILDHOOD Will was born twelve minutes after his twin brother to their parents Joseph and Naitanna Hawthorne. He doesn't really pay attention to that information though, and actually he's the one that usually tries to boss around his brother. Or at the very least plan out their ideas. About five years after their birth their parents sat them down to discuss adopting a little sister and soon enough they brought home a little girl named Isabella. He didn't really mind her, until after learning that she was actually older than he and Jack, at least technically. This somehow made him the "baby" of their family which annoyed since he was the same freaking age as the other two. After that not really much happened; he started school, made friends, pulled some pranks, learned some Quidditch. Normal junk.

            SCHOOL YEARS
                ◊ FIRST YEAR His first year at school was actually pretty fun. He was, of course, surprised that he had gone into Slytherin when there were almost none in his family and maybe he'd been a tad worried of what his family would think but thankfully his fears were unfounded. And he finally got a familiar to bring to school!
                ◊ SECOND YEAR Will's second year was awesome if he did say so himself. He made first string as a chaser in quidditch which had been a-mazing. He hadn't made any goals but it had been fun stealing the quaffle away from older years and cackling. He doesn't have a clear idea of what he wants to take as far as electives but he'll figure something out.
                ◊ THIRD YEAR This year was pretty alright; besides his lackluster Quidditch season, he managed to make it to nearly all his elective classes on time and was very excited to have Andi join him in Slytherin. (Unlike another certain friend who's sticky sorting left him hanging).
                ◊ FOURTH YEAR The year started normal, as normal as it usually did, so he didn't really think it would change. Right up until he noticed his twin acting off. At first when he started disappearing and making up random excuses, he figured out rather quickly that he was in some sort of secret relationship and as much as he'd love to torture get the info out of him, he kept his distance. That was until he realized what sort of relationship his brother had found himself in, right after he was dumped and left feeling like a sac of s**t. Will rallied most of their family and friends to get some nice sweet revenge and as awesome as it had been, he still feels like it wasn't enough.
                ◊ FIFTH YEAR This year was pretty ok even with the threat of OWL's hanging overhead. He got passed over for captain (whichwasfinetotally) and he ended up somehow befriending the other Will in Slytherin. He and Jack had overheard a seriously public breakup and offered their condolences and services, which he took. Payback mach 2.
                ◊ SIXTH YEAR This year was a m e s s. Will had a stupid plan on how to finally get back at Dagrun and it backfired so spectacularly that he was still reeling from it. He not only realized he'd been treating her like that dumb pigtail pulling bully since about third year but that he also was a real and true coward since after realizing this and abandoning her in Hogsmeade, he hid from her the remainder of the year. If she hadn't been dating a literal mountain he'd like to believe he'd try to approach and explain himself.
                ◊ SEVENTH YEAR The year started with so much s**t he couldn't even think about Dagrun. Until he accidentally ran into her like an idiot. But he actually apologized (words and everything) and told her the truth about what he'd been trying to do and, in true Dagrun fashion, she was unimpressed and mostly unresponsive. Well until he smacked her with a snowball. After that their interactions weren't as stilted and yes he was still a d**k to her but she seemed more bemused by it than anything. Ugh.

            POST GRADUATION After graduation, Will began deliberating which team he wanted to tryout for not knowing whether to follow tradition and do Scotland or start anew in Wales. Until the season starts regardless he's staying with his Jack at their parents and doing small jobs for his aunts and uncles to save as much money as he can while also trying not to think about the unwelcome fact that Dagrun and her large obnoxious huge boyfriend broke up prior to graduation.

        xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                Parents - Joseph and Naitanna Hawthorne
                Siblings - Jackson and Isabella Hawthorne
                Grandparents - Thomas Hawthorne, Melinda Gonzales-Hawthorne, Gerald and Jarai Ellis
                Aunts/Uncles - Lochland and Cydney Ellis, Leslie and Nastassia Lovell, Arianna Hawthorne-Wynters, Seth Wynters, Chantale and Rose Ellis-Hall
                Cousins - Mackenzie Hawthorne, Aine Ellis-Hall, Theodotus Ellis-Hall, London Ellis-Hall, Ridley Lovell, Mahalia Ellis-Hall, Ian Wynters, Galen Hall

                Best Friend - Jackson Wilson
                Gideon Edgeworth
                London Ellis
                Sissy Masters
                Cian Quinlan
                Donner Eide
                William Bennett

            SIGNIFICANT OTHER Dagrun Eide
            ENEMIES None
            PETS A hedgehog named Han

        [profile format courtesy of Diamond Wales ~<33]


Surefire Codger

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Devoted Winner

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:54 pm
Profile Moved to Wynters Family

Hi, my name is Mackenzie Jones Hawthorne

But I mostly go by Kenzie

I'm a female

I'm fourteen years old.

My birthday is February 2nd. I was born in 2022.

My dream job is to own a doggy daycare.

My blood status is half blood

The school I am going to is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The house I'm in is Gryffindor.

I'm interested in boys, I think.

I'm currently with Colton Overton

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm happy. I always wear a smile on my face, and I'm energetic and loud, literally or theoretically as I'm very impatient. I can never sit still for too long. I'm also an animal lover- especially dogs! Whenever I see one, I always run up to it and pet it, no matter how big or small it is. My mum thinks I'm gonna get attacked one day by a vicious dog, but it hasn't happened yet, so I really don't think it will. Dogs love me. Whenever I do something, I always try my hardest and do the best that I can, even if it doesn't always give me the best results. But I try, and that's something to be proud of! And I never cheat, no matter how badly I would do without cheating (whether that's in school or games). I am very accepting of others and like to make friends. I always put my friends first as I think their needs are more important than mine, which can sometimes lead me into situations where I'm vulnerable to having someone take advantage of me.

My background story is I was born in 2022. My dad, David Jones, is a big-shot wizard music producer, and my mum, Lauren Jones, is a muggle clothing designer. I live in a big house with them.

(2024 - 2025) My daddy signed Ariana Hawthorne to his company. She's so pretty and nice, I love her! She plays with me all the time, and all I want to do when she's around is play with her, cuddle her, and pet her hair.

(2025 - 2026) One day, I didn't see my parents anymore. And I've been living at Ariana's house. I don't know what happened to them, but I think it was something bad. I've been living here nicely, though. I even went to a wedding!

(2026 - 2027) I love Ariana as my mum! And my grandma even spoils me rotten!

(2027 - 2028 ) I got to be the flower girl at Joey and Naitanna's wedding!

(2028 - 2029) I have baby cousins!

(2029 - 2030) I've sorta been wondering what happened to my parents all those years ago, and why I haven't seen them. No one would even bring them up in conversation. I knew it was something bad, but I just didn't know what - I mean, I call Ariana "mum" now. I know she's not my actual mum; with her being single and us not looking anything like each other. In fact, I don't look anything like anyone in the family. Over dinner one night, I decided to ask what happened to my parents. Mum stopped eating and stared at me, her eyes wide. Admittedly, I did ask rather bluntly, but I had to know! I'm almost eight years old, that's old enough to take things seriously. Anyways, she proceeded to tell me about the situation, trying to leave out as much detail as possible. However, I asked questions and ended up getting the whole story. While I wasn't home (I don't know where I was, just not at home), this psycho guy who my dad wouldn't sign found our address and burned down the house with both my mum and dad in it. Yikes.. I don't really like fires anymore.. I didn't cry when mum told me all this, though. I mean, I was just a little kid when it happened. I've loved over half my life here with Ariana and don't remember anything from before.

(2030 - 2031) Some weird things have been happening with me. Sort of like the things mummy can do, but they only happen to her when she wants them to happen. I can't control when I make things happen. Mum told me not to worry and that one day, I'll know how to control it.

(2031 - 2032) The weird things that happened last year started happening more frequently and powerfully. Mum said it's normal - well, relatively speaking. For muggles, it's not. But for witches and wizards, it's totally normal! And I am one! A witch, not a wizard. I'm a girl, hello. Oh, and I also got mum to take me to the zoo where I made some friends! Their names were Skylar and Dris, and they're a couple of years younger than me.

(2032 - 2033) At the park in the summer, I saw the fluffiest dog I have ever seen and ran off ahead to pet it! Then came by some guy who also stopped to pet the dog. Turns out, he went to school with mum, so they caught up and decided to go out. His name was Seth. Also, mum got my last name changed from Jones to Hawthorne!

(2033 - 2034) Marmalade was an old owl, but I was so excited to take her to Hogwarts with me anyway. Unfortunately, she ended up passing away. Mum made me my favourite - mac and cheese - right before telling me the news. But it's okay (even though I cried) because when she took me to Diagon Alley for back to school shopping, she let me pick out my very own owl! I named her Xylo.Then I went to get my very first wand but when I got there, Seth was busy with these twins, so another man that knew mum helped me. Those twins also go to Hogwarts and I'm friends with them - their names are Colton and Connor. Connor's blind and Colton is in Gryffindor with me. I wanted to be in Hufflepuff with my other friend Saio but the hat chose Gryffindor. I also wanted to be the Quidditch team's seeker but instead, I'm a chaser reserve. And I suck. I just didn't want mum to be disappointed with me. I did however join the music club that she started when she was in school, and I got Saio to join with me! In the spring, mum pulled me out of school for a weekend to go to Nell and Rose's wedding. It was so beautiful and I got to wear make up! My nails were painted blue, my eyes had mascara and a bit of eyeliner and I had sparkly lips! Mum also assured me that she was proud of me no matter what house I was in or what position on the team or even if I didn't wanna play on the team. I felt much better for the rest of the school year. Uncle Joey and Aunt Naitanna also adopted a girl named Isabella.

(2034 - 2035) I met a kid name Deaus at Godric's Hollow and he now goes to Hogwarts! Also, Skylar goes to Hogwarts. At the music club, this first year prat was being really mean to Connor. I didn't see the whole thing, but from what I saw, it wasn't pretty. When I got home for the winter holidays, mum told me that she and Seth were engaged. I'm really happy that he's going to be my step-dad. They said the wedding won't be for a while, but I can't wait! I hope I get to be the flower girl.

(2035 - 2036) Mum and Seth's wedding is next summer, but I decided I'm too old to be the flower girl, so Izzy was the flower girl instead. I was one of the bridesmaids and asked Colton to come as my date.

I enjoy going on walks, running, playing, ice cream, animals (especially dogs), and being loud.

I despise waking up randomly at night and not being able to fall back asleep, the rain, loud noises (besides my boisterous voice), being cranky, and fire.

I'm afraid of fire.

My strengths are I can sit quietly if I'm distracted.

My flaws are I wake up in the middle of the night very often and can't fall back asleep.

I look like Sammi Hanratty at the age of...

My wand is a springy, mahogany wood with a peacock feather core. It has a bent shaft, and it is 11 inches long.

Springy: Charms. Energetic disposition and Friendly.
Mahogany: Good, stable wood. Neither bad, nor excellent at anything.
Peacock feather: All around good wand.
Bent Shaft: Quirky and Entertaining.

My pet is a Great Horned Owl named Xylo

My O.W.L. Scores Are:

My N.E.W.T. Scores Are:
PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2016 10:18 pm
xxxxI S A B E L L AxxxC H E R I ExxxH A W T H O R N E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxN O N x P L A Y E R xC H A R A C T E Rxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Izzy

              AGE 11

              BIRTHDAY January 8, 2029

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 11 3/4 apple and phoenix feather, springy and knobby

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unknown

              FACECLAIM Riele Downs [x]

              LANGUAGES KNOWN English

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE House

              YEAR First

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Current Employment

              DREAM JOB Unsure

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ BOLD Izzy is not one that allows people to speak for her. She has a mind, and is willing to say what's on it when she wants to. She has no problem with speaking up when she needs to.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Izzy is pretty friendly when she wants to be. She will strike up conversations with people without hesitating, and be there for people when they need it. She's always there with an open ear for those she is close to, and won't hesitate to be there for strangers either when the situation calls for it.
              ◊ STUBBORN Izy is particularly stubborn. She won't be swayed easily if she doesn't want to be, and sometimes it takes her a while for her to change her mind. She can hold quite a grudge if she feels the person is deserving of it as a result.
              ◊ COURAGEOUS Izzy is quite brave, often putting herself into trouble to help people. She doesn't hesitate when her friends or family are in trouble, and will often face down danger when she needs to. It's not a lack of fear that drives this, but rather a strong feeling of protectiveness coming from when she lost her mother.
              ◊ INTELLIGENT Izzy is quite intelligent and observant. She can easily read people, and has no problem with solving problems presented to her. Because of this, she is hard to fool and can pinpoint lies easily enough.
              ◊ FREE-THINKING Izzy likes to form her own opinions of things, and would like to have evidence given to her regarding things. She hates it when people try and impose their beliefs on her, as she wants to establish them herself.

                  Family and friends
                  Playing with her brothers
                  Being herself

                  Bad odds

                  Drawing with her mummy

                  Has a hard time being lied to
                  Reading people

                  Particularly stubborn
                  Gets in over her head with her convictions

                  Being alone
                  The dark

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Izzy was born Isabella Cherie Brooks to a single mother who had watched her boyfriend of three years walk out the door. Sasha Brooks then turned to trying to raise her daughter by herself, as her family was no longer around. Sasha worked long hours, but she managed to do well enough that she found herself relaxing a bit by the time Izzy turned three, and she was finally able to enjoy life with her young daughter. However, that didn't last long, as three months after a big promotion Sasha suffered a heart attack and died, leaving young Izzy alone in the world.

              Izzy however only spent one year in the orphanage, however. She somehow managed to charm her way into the hearts of Naitanna and Joey Hawthorne, who also had two boys of their own, but wanted a girl as well. Izzy has been a bit wary of her new family and brothers, but has started to warm to them (even if it's in the wake of mud fights and tackling her brothers).

              After a while, Izzy got used to her new family, and hardly remembers a time when she wasn't a part of it. However, much like her brothers, she discovered she was magical. Izzy received an invitation to attend Hogwarts with her brothers, and she was eager to see how well she'd do.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR Information
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Information
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Information
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Parents - Joey Hawthorne, Naitanna Hawthorne (nee Ellis),
              Siblings - Jackson Hawthorne, Wilson Hawthorne
              Grandparents - Thomas Hawthorne, Gerald Ellis, Melinda Gonzales-Hawthorne, Jarai Ellis
              Aunts/Uncles - Nastassia Lovell, Lochland Ellis, Nastassia Ellis, Chantale Ellis, Arianna Hawthorne, Rose Hall, Cydney Ellis, Leslie Lovell
              Cousins - Mackenzie Hawthorne, London Ellis, Mahalia Ellis, Aine Ellis-Hall, Theodotus Ellis-Hall, Ridley Lovell

              Best Friend - Name

              ROMANTIC INTEREST Name
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Name

xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED (date of most recent update) xxx
(recent update)xxxxxx
(recent update)xxxxxx
(recent update)

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