Crew Application Form
Be a part of the Cool Kids Group

Hey everybody! MoM&WW is looking for some Crew Members to help around the guild. Keep in mind, however, that this job requires a lot of patience and hard workers. We would love to have you on the team and being a Crew Member can be a ton of fun, too.

Remember these tips and understand our process:

+ We will be looking at how active you are in this guild. Zero posts means zero chance of being accepted as a Crew Member! Post at least ten times before you apply.

+ You must have a character in the guild.

+ You will receive a message pertaining to our decision to your request. This may take one day to a few weeks, depending on how many requests are sent in. Please be patient and do not resend your request unless told to do so.

+ Please describe - in great detail - all of the points you are filling out below.

When you are finished, please send your application to Cinnabun Gryffie with the title as "MoM&WW Crew Applications".
Any application sent to any other Crew Member will be ignored and deleted.

If you're still interested in being a MoM&WW Crew Member, please fill out this form:


[b]Posts in the guild:[/b]

[b]Average time spent on Gaia:[/b]

[b]How long have you been in this guild?[/b]

[b]What is/are your character's name(s)? Please label them as student, professor, magical creature, etc.:[/b]

[b]Are you active in the guild?[/b]

[b]Have you ever been banned/frozen from Gaia due to ToS violations? If yes, please explain:[/b]

[b]What are your experiences with guild leadership on Gaia? (Please provide accurate guild names; we may go and validate your information):[/b]

[b]Have you ever been kicked from the Guild? If so, please explain:[/b]

[b]Why would you like to become a Crew Member? What qualifications set you apart from other candidates?[/b]

[b]What have you contributed to the guild thus far?[/b]

[b]If there is anything else you would like to share, please do so here:[/b]