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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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The Blythe Family ~ Accepted

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MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:15 pm
xxxx× × ×xxxxTHExxxB L Y T H Exxx FAMILYxxxx× × ×xxxx

xxxFAMILY TREExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sebastian Blythe, son of Jonathan and Natasha Blythe, husband of Daniel Blythe
Played by Cara MiaKitty
♥ Daniel Blythe, né Jacobs, son of Eli and Moira Jacobs, husband of Sebastian Blythe
played by oyehh

♥ - Married
↪ - Offspring
↦ - Adopted

xxxFAMILY NPC'Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jonathan Blythe, father of Adalaide, Sebastian, and Melody
Natasha Blythe, mother of Adalaide, Sebastian, and Melody
Melody Barker-Blythe, adopted daughter of Jonathan and Natasha
Brigitte Fairchild, mother of Natasha Blythe

xxxOTHER FAMILYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[x] The Whitethorne Family, via Adalaide Whitethorne
[x] The Catlin Family, via Melody Barker-Blythe

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRECENT UPDATESxxx

Date of Updates: 7 June 2021

Updated for recheck
Married into family, profile added

xxxAccepted byxxx
~ Dia 3/24/17
xxxUpdates Accepted byxxx
~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 [06/18/2021]
xxxAccepted Charactersxxx
Sebastian (3/24/17) Melody (3/24/17), Daniel[06/18/2021]
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:18 pm
xxxxJ O N A T H A NxxxV I N C E N TxxxB L Y T H E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NPC as of March 2017

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Jon

              AGE 49

              BIRTHDAY 17 November 1981

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 12 inches, Mahogany with Raven Feather, pliable and smooth

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM - - - [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              CLASS OF 2001

              BEST LESSONS
                  Muggle Studies

              WORST LESSONS
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ EE
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Muggle Studies ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Muggle Studies ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT The Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers

              DREAM JOB Working on potions and the like with other like-minded people.

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ DEDICATED Once Jonathan sets his mind to something, he accomplishes it, no matter how hard the task or how much work it will take. He sticks to his goals and won't relent until he finds success.
              ■ FAMILY-ORIENTED First and foremost, he is dedicated to his family. He would do anything for his loved ones, whether it was to make them happy or keep them safe. If there is a line he wouldn't cross for them, he hasn't found it yet.
              ■ OBSESSIVE When presented with a puzzle, Jonathan has trouble focusing on anything else until he's solved it. Be it a new potion he's trying to develop or a new way to utilize a plant, he'll dedicate sometimes unhealthy amounts of time and effort to figuring it out.
              ■ PROTECTIVE Going back to his family, Jon is fiercely protective of them. Their safety is his primary concern. He didn't do so well at Defense while in school, but has practiced the spells consistently since graduating to ensure that he has the skills should he ever need them. He also tries to intimidate people he doesn't trust around them, although whether or not he is successful is an entirely different story.
              ■ FUN-LOVING Even with his obsessive behavior and his concern for his loved ones, Jonathan enjoys, and knows how to, having a good time. He likes playing pick-up Quidditch games with his girls and going swimming in a nearby lake. Anything that gets his blood pumping and his mind relaxed.
              ■ LOVING Jonathan's heart and home are open to pretty much anyone. He is very loving, cares easily, and more than willing to be there for those in need. He claims those closest to him as family and will do anything for them.

                  His job
                  His Family
                  Pasta dishes

                  Winter Weather
                  Shoddy Potions
                  Running into problems when working
                  Being ill
                  Intolerant people


                  He's incredibly tenacious; it doesn't matter how long something takes, he'll finish it.
                  There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part, he is incredibly open-minded.

                  Along with his tenacity comes stubbornness; it takes a lot to convince him something is a lost cause.
                  When he's frustrated, it shows. He is very bad a keeping up a happy face when something's wrong.

                  Being unable to protect his family.
                  Someone harming his wife or his children because of him.

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Jonathan had a fairly normal childhood. He was born the only son of a wealthy Ravenclaw family. In his youth, he was an exceptionally curious and bright child. He learned to read at an unusually early age and was seldom seen without some sort of book in hand. His mother tutored him at home from a young age, but swiftly realized he was learning too quickly for her to keep up.

          SCHOOL YEARS During Jonathan's school years, he found that he was exceptionally skilled at Potion brewing, and discovered that he had a fascination with it, and with the ingredients used in brewing, particularly the plants. He swiftly rose to the top of his class in both lessons, and decided in his fourth year that he wanted to be a Potioneer. His best friend in school was Hannelore Fairchild, a muggleborn girl in his year and house. The Summer between their sixth and seventh years, Jonathan and Hannelore decided that they would spend a month each at one another's houses to see what it was like to have grown up in a wizarding and muggle home. While at Hannelore's home, Jonathan met her younger sister Natasha. The pair developed crushes on one another, and were dating shortly after.

          POST GRADUATION After graduating, Jonathan and Natasha moved in with one another, and were married shortly after. As a wedding gift, his parents built them a cottage to live in. They had their first child Adalaide soon after. After an incident with a pureblood elitist family in the area, they both became very protective of her, and so she had trouble making friends later in life. She didn't have any until she met Michelle Catlin her first year of school. Michelle and Olyvia's father Vincent was abusive, and they, along with his ex-girlfriend Victoria and the pair's newborn Melody, moved in with the Blythes to escape him before Ada's fifth year. The next Summer, Vincent hunted Victoria down and murdered her, attempting to kidnap Melody, but she was stopped by Michelle, who took the toddler to an orphanage, where she would be safe. After Michelle graduated, Jonathan helped her track down Vincent. He was the only member of the family to know the details of where she was, and tried to keep his family from worrying about her. When she returned, she informed him that Vincent was dead. The Blythes immediately went to the orphanage Michelle had left Melody at so that they could bring her home.

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Wife Natasha ■ Daughter Adalaide ■ Granddaughter Desiree Whitethorne ■ Grandson Zachary Whitethorne ■ Son Sebastian ■ Adoptive Daughters Michelle and Olyvia Catlin ■ Adoptive Daughter Melody Barker. [x] [x] [x]
          FRIENDS None
          BEST FRIEND Natasha Blythe
          ROMANTIC INTEREST Wife Natasha Blythe
          ENEMIES Vincent Catlin
          PETS Owl Feathers [x]

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:21 pm
xxxxN A T A S H AxxxE L I S ExxxB L Y T H E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NPC as of March 2017

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAME Nat

              AGE 47

              BIRTHDAY 13 February 1983

              BLOOD STATUS Muggle

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN Fluent in English and German

              FACECLAIM - - - [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Harris Academy Greenwich

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Physical Education

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Stay-at-home Mother, Wife and Gardener

              DREAM JOB Doing exactly what she's doing right now.

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ MOTHERLY First and foremost, Natasha is a mother. She dotes on her children and devotes everything she can to them. She also has a tendency to 'adopt' other kids, too, and will open her heart and her home up to anyone she thinks needs it. She loves easily and would do anything for the people she cares about.
              ■ PROPER Nat is an incredibly reserved person. She doesn't believe in airing out her problems to the public, and believes that manners and propriety are incredibly important. She isn't a snob, although she can come across as one. Really, it's just the way she was raised; her mother believed that good manners were a sign of a good person.
              ■ PASSIONATE In spite of her reserved exterior, Natasha is a very passionate person. She cares very deeply, feels very strongly, and while it may not show, her emotions are incredibly influential in how she handles situations.
              ■ AFFECTIONATE While she is incredibly reserved with most things, Natasha is never one to hide or withhold affection. She doesn't ever express herself in an inappropriate manner, but it's obvious to anyone around her that she loves her family.
              ■ CLEVER Natasha is just as sharp as her husband, a fact that has contributed to their successful marriage. She is one of the few people who is able to challenge him, and though she can perform no magic, she is incredibly well-versed in the knowledge associated with magical learning, particularly in regards to her husband's profession, and is often able to help him when he gets stuck.
              ■ FEMININE First and foremost, Natasha will tell you that she is a wife and mother, but immediately following that, she is a lady. She loves floral patterns, lace, pretty dresses, and all manner of other htings associated with girls. Sh's hardly a walking stereotype, but she does enjoy being a woman. She's quite proud to be one, in fact, and enjoys indulging in things that are considered feminine luxuries, like spa days and bubble baths.

                  Freshly bloomed flowers
                  Helping Jonathan with his work
                  Having time alone to relax

                  Blood Purists
                  People mistreating her children
                  Being sick
                  Poor weather
                  People who don't properly care for their gardens


                  She is passionate about things that are important to her.
                  She knows how to keep her passion in check.

                  She has difficulty opening up with anyone other than her husband.
                  She can come across as a bit snobbish due to her proper behavior.

                  Devil's Snare
                  Her children being ashamed of her for being a muggle

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Natasha was the second born daughter to the Fairchilds, an English-German muggle family living in Lower Barnton. Her childhood was incredibly common, but happy. The single oddity was that, on occasion, the strangest things would happen around her older sister Hannelore, a mystery which plagued and fascinated Natasha from an early age. When she was 10 and her sister 11, the mystery was solved; her elder sister received a letter in the mail that announced that she was a witch and had been invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Fascinated by her sister's magical abilites and blown away upon the family's first visit to Diagon Alley, Natasha eagerly awaited the day she would receiver her own letter, but sadly, it never came.

          SCHOOL YEARS As it turned out, only one of the Fairchilds was a witch, and Natasha had to attend a normal muggle school, which she did well enough in, but it never really held her interest. She was much more interested in reading the textbooks her older sister would leave at home, something that became a favorite hobby of hers in her spare time. When she was sixteen, her sister came home for the Summer with her best friend Jonathan, who was going to be staying with them for the first half of the Summer, the second half of which the pair would be staying with his family. Natasha grew enamored with Jonathan, who she found fascinating because he was from a pureblooded family, a family of all magical people. Jonathan, for his part, found her adorable and interesting, and invited her to come with his sister to his family estate. She joined them there for the remainder of the Summer and they fell in love. They dated for her last two years of school, the first of which he was away at Hogwarts, the second of which he would visit frequently to spend as much time with her as possible.

          POST GRADUATION After graduating, she and Jonathan dated, married, and then they had their daughter, Adalaide. They lived a fairly simple, quiet life, although there was some trouble when Adalaide was seven and unknowingly befriended the heir of a local purist family. The experience ended up traumatizing Natasha and forever worrying that her being a muggle would lead to trouble for her daughter. When Adalaide made friends in school, she relaxed some, and they soon had a second child, a son named Sebastian. Not long after that, the family discovered that Adalaide's best friend Michelle's father Vincent had been abusing her, her younger sister Olyvia, and his pregnant girlfriend Victoria. The abuse forced Victoria into early labor, and she delivered a baby girl, Melody, and the group moved in with the Blythes. The next year, Vincent found them and murdered Victoria, but Jonathan and Michelle managed to save Melody. They took her 'somewhere safe,' a vague statement that neither will expand on, and Natasha finds the absence of the child extremely painful, but she accepts that should she child be left home with her, she would be incapable of defending her against her father should he return. While Melody was gone, Natasha was sure to keep her in everyone's thoughts. When Michelle returned from what Natasha refers to as 'her time away,' she was overjoyed that they were finally able to bring Melody home to be a part of her family again.

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Husband Jonathan ■ Daughter Adalaide ■ Granddaughter Desiree Whitethorne ■ Grandson Zachary Whitethorne ■ Son Sebastian ■ Adopted Daughters Michelle & Olyvia Catlin ■ Adopted Daughter Melody Barker [x] [x] [x]
          FRIENDS Serena Rowley
          BEST FRIEND Serena Rowley
          ROMANTIC INTEREST Husband Jonathan Blythe
          ENEMIES Vincent Catlin
          PETS Dog Petra [x]
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:28 pm
xxxxA D A L A I D ExxxL I L L I A NxxxB L Y T H E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          Adalaide wed Christopher Whitethorne on November 13, 2027 (approved November 11, 2014). Her profile has been moved to the Whitethorne Family thread. All updates will be made there.

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Ada

              AGE 20

              BIRTHDAY 21 June 2007

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 10 and 3/4 inches, Rowan with Unicorn Hair, springy, spiraled.

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN Fluent in English and German

              FACECLAIM Sarah Michelle Gellar [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              CLASS OF 2025

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ EE
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Art ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ O
                  Mythology ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Art ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
                  Mythology ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Shop Assistant at Dogweed and Deathcap (Pending Acceptance, permission from Diamond Wales)

              DREAM JOB Professional Herbologist. Not just working with plants, but to discover new ones and their uses.

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ LOYAL Adalaide is loyal to a fault; she would do anything for her friends. They mean the world to her and she would never do anything to ruin that.
              ■ HONEST Adalaide absolutely hates lies. She can't stand the idea of lies, or hiding things from the people she cares about. She is, as a result, an absolutely horrible liar. When in a position where she has to lie, she prefers to simply tell half-truths, and then feels horrible for doing so, unless it was absolutely necessary.
              ■ SHY Adalaide never had a lot of friends growing up (in fact, just one, and it didn't end well), so she has trouble meeting new people. She gets incredibly nervous and stammers a lot. Its gotten better since she's been at school, but she still has trouble around new people.
              ■ FRIENDLY In spite of her shyness, Adalaide is incredibly friendly. Once she gets over the initial nervousness of meeting a new person, she is incredibly open. She takes a liking to people easily and considers them friends quickly.
              ■ NERVOUS Adalaide doesn't do well under pressure; she caves easily and has plenty of tells to let other people know she's nervous. She's horrible at adapting to situations and panics easily.
              ■ ROMANTIC Adalaide is the sort to get caught up in the romance of any situation. She loves the idea of love, enjoys reading or hearing about great love stories, and gets abnormally excited for her friends when their relationships go well.

                  Spending time with friends

                  Blood Purists
                  Lies and Liars
                  Being made fun of for her height


                  Has the ability to be nice to everyone, even when they're awful to her

                  Incredibly Self-conscious
                  Gives up easily

                  Enclosed, dark spaces
                  Being lost in a crowd of strangers

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Adalaide was born the daughter of Jonathan and Natasha Blythe, a pureblood from an old family of Ravenclaws, and the muggle sister of a muggleborn witch. She spent most of her childhood playing in the family garden, trying to help her mother and father tend to their plants and potions and cooking. When she was seven, she met Damien Edgeworth, a young wizard who lived nearby. The two became friends and played together often, until the day his mother discovered that Adalaide was a halfblood. Their friendship was terminated, and Damien became very cruel to her. Because of this, Adalaide withdrew into herself and avoided meeting other children until she went away to school.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR The Summer before first year while at Diagon Alley, Adalaide met Michelle Catlin, her first friend since Damien. While in her second Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, Dominic, a friend of Damien's laughed at her for failing to perform a spell. When Michelle stood up for her, the professor scolded Michelle for her language and said nothing to Dominic for bullying Adalaide. Adalaide ran from the class crying, and discovered that she had apparently made several friends as many students followed her out to the hall to comfort her.
              SECOND YEAR Adalaide's second year began with her receiving a Howler, supposedly from her mother, shouting at her for being friends with Michelle, who was a bad influence. Thankfully, both Ada and Michelle knew that her mother would never, and was in fact incapable of, sending a Howler, and determined that it had been sent as a prank by Dominic and Damien. The rest of the year was uneventful, asied from the birth of her baby brother Sebastian over winter break.
              THIRD YEAR Aside from beginning her elective courses, Adalaide's third year was uneventful. Of note is that her friend Marina Aldred became friends with Damien, who had slowly began seeming less and less like the boy he'd been to her after their friendship dissolved. Marina confided to Adalaide towards the end of the year that she had kissed Damien, who had gotten angry with her. Adalaide told Marina that it was a knee-jerk reaction, and that he probably didn't really feel that way. She finally forgave Damien for being awful to her, because she understood that it wasn't really him, it was his parents.
              FOURTH YEAR During her fourth year, Adalaide went outside to sketch and fell asleep. She was later woken up by Christopher Whitethorne, who helped her sneak back to her dorm room. She developed a crush on him.
              FIFTH YEAR The Summer before fifth year, Michelle, her sister Olyvia, and their father's girlfriend Victoria and her daughter Melody, moved into the Blythe home to escape Vincent, who was abusing them. Adalaide attended the Circus Maisc. She spent the day with Michelle until the Masquerade that night. Chris was in attendance, and he asked her to dance, but before they made it to the floor, the Circus was attacked by dark wizards. He protected her and managed to get her to the beach and away from danger. One her first night back at school, he wrote her a letter asking her to meet him in Hogsmeade one night. She met him in the gardens, and he asked her to be his girlfriend.
              SIXTH YEAR The Summer before sixth year, Adalaide's mother invited Chris to their home to meet the family. Late in the Summer, Victoria went on a walk and never returned. Jonathan found her murdered in a nearby alleyway. Melody was missing; Michelle had found Vincent as he attacked Victoria and saved Melody from him, then taken her somewhere she'd be safe.
              SEVENTH YEAR During the Summer before her seventh year, Adalaide was hired at Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade Village. She spent most of her Summer either working or with Chris. Upon returning to school, she immediately went to her studies so that she would be prepared for her NEWTs. It was shaping up to be a fairly normal year until she received a letter from Tay, Michelle's... something (because Ada doesn't even know). Apparently, Tay was leaving it up to Ada to decide whether or not Michelle should try to contact him again. Adalaide, figuring it wasn't her life and therefore not her decision, she gave the letter to Michelle. Then, the Hufflepuff team captain Dhylan missed the first game of the season, which caused him to be removed from the position. Tobi, their Vice Captain, was made Captain, and Adalaide was made his VC. Not long after that, Dhylan killed himself. Adalaide responded to this by going to the Kitchens and ranting about how foolish it was with Nell and Rose. Then, towards the end of the year, she had a conversation with one of her teammates, Miles, and discovered that he was a werewolf and that he had no home because Remy, who he was supposed to've lived with, had abandoned him and moved away. Adalaide took it upon herself to try and convince her boss, Jason, also a werewolf, to take Miles in.

          POST GRADUATION After graduating, Adalaide continued working at Dogweed and Deathcap, and moved out of her parents house and in with Chris roughly one year after she had completed school. A month or so after they had begun living together, they discovered that she was pregnant. In light of the situation, Adalaide finally informed the last of her friends that Chris was a vampire, and later told them about her pregnancy. In March of 2027, she gave birth to twins, a girl and boy, who they named Desiree and Zachary. Shortly thereafter, the two became officially engaged, planning to wed in the Fall.

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Daughter Desiree Whitethorne ■ Son Zachary Whitethorne ■ Father Jonathan ■ Mother Natasha ■ Brother Sebastian ■ Adoptive Sisters Michelle and Olyvia Catlin ■ Adoptive Sister Melody Barker [x] [x] [x]
          FRIENDS Michelle Catlin ■ Christopher Whitethrone ■ Nell Ellis ■ Marina Aldred ■ Damien Edgeworth ■ Gracie McHalen ■ Dominic Montague ■ Rose Hall ■ Olyvia Catlin ■ Niall Hughes
          BEST FRIEND Michelle Catlin
          ROMANTIC INTEREST Fiancé Christopher Whitethorne [x]
          ENEMIES None
          MISCELLANEOUS Boss Jason Hill
          PETS Cats Dracula and Mina [x] [x]

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:23 pm
xxxxxxS E B A S T I AN xxxM I C H A E Lxxx B L Y T H Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Bastian, Bas
              AGE »» 32
              BIRTHDAY »» 14 December 2020
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Alexander Skarsgard
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood
              WAND »» 12 inches, English Oak with Dragon Heartstring, springy and knobby
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, German, Norwegian
              ACCENT »» West Country
              PET »» Newfoundland Tootles

              xxx»» Swords
              xxx»» Sci-Fi/Adventure films and novels
              xxx»» Plants
              xxx»» Food
              xxx»» Quidditch
              xxx»» Quiet
              xxx»» Being alone
              xxx»» Shoes
              xxx»» Being an adult
              xxx»» Sitting still
              xxx»» Quidditch
              xxx»» Swordfighting
              xxx»» Cooking

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Sebastian likes to go on 'adventures'. While he knows that sneaking about places looking for hidden doors or getting into places he probably shouldn't aren't really adventures so much as they are getting up to no good, he finds it too fun to ever stop. He's gotten in more than a few tight spots with this desire to map out everything around him, the consequences of trying to find answers for his questions not really registering until it's far too late.

              xxx»» So far, Bas isn't all that thrilled about being a teenager. In fact, he'd rather like for the whole thing to be over. Yesterday, preferably. He's not really afraid of the changes he's undergoing, but they're pretty damn annoying. He's never really understood girls, but he swears that the second he hit age thirteen they somehow managed to get a thousand times more confusing. He's hyper-aware of the way his voice cracks when he speaks, and prays regularly for the growth spurt he's hoping for to happen soon. He feels like the entire universe is out to get him, and can't wait for it to find newer, shinier teenagers to screw around with once he gets older.

              xxx»» Sitting still is not one of Sebastian's strong suits. In fact, he's rather terrible at it. If he can get through a day without exploding from the sheer force it takes to stay in his seat during lessons, he feels like he's earned something. When he's free, he prefers to keep his body moving. He's not one to shy away from reading or watching the telly, but when he does so, his hands are always active, on a project of some kind. Going to the cinema is an exercise in torture since he's expected to just sit and watch the film. He's not even still when he sleeps, tossing and turning all night, like a dog that's dreaming about chasing a stick.

              xxx»» Sebastian know what he likes, he know what he wants, he knows what makes him happy, and he is reluctant to engage in anything that is not one of those things. While not as bad as he was as a child, he still has trouble getting involved or paying attention to things that he doesn't find fun or interesting. He is also very set in his preferences, and if something doesn't catch his attention immediately, it can be hard to talk him into giving it a try. While he can admit when he's wrong, he often does so with a lot of exasperation.

              xxx»» With the troubles his family has had in the past, Sebastian has developed a very strong protective streak. He's very loyal to the people he cares about, and would do absolutely anything for them. He doesn't take well to anything that threatens to hurt his friends and family, and can't stand the thought of having them taken away from him.

              xxx»» Sebastian isn't necessarily a leader, but he knows when to take charge and say or do what needs to be said or done. He doesn't hesitate to action, ever, not even in the face of fears or insecurities. He is vocal with his displeasure, passionate, and steadfast in his beliefs. While he prefers for things to be simple and fun, he knows they can't always be that way, and doesn't shy away from negative experiences when he knows he has no choice. He won't avoid an uncomfortable situation if he knows it will only make it worse to do so, no matter how much he wants to.

              xxx»» Outgoing
              xxx»» Physically fit
              xxx»» Hard-headed
              xxx»» Can't sit still
              xxx»» Losing his loved ones
              xxx»» Making catastrophic mistakes

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Sebastian is the second biological child of the Blythe family, born over Winter Break of his sister's second year at Hogwarts. When he was first born, his family was fairly small, but since then it had gotten substantially bigger. He remembers that he woke up one morning and suddenly there were four more people at the breakfast table, a woman who looked like mommy, two girls close to his sister's age, and a baby. He got very close to them all and became very attached. Then, one night, Victoria and Melody went for a walk and never came back. Now he's very concerned with his family disappearing. He worries about them constantly and is incredibly clingy. He had a lot of difficulty with his sisters being away at school in the following years, but grew to accept it, provided they wrote him often (even though he couldn't read the letters). He was overjoyed with Adalaide and Michelle graduated from school because it meant, to him, that they would be home all the time. Unfortunately, Michelle did not remain home for very long, leaving for a long time. His father told him that she was fine, but Sebastian worried. Not long after that, Adalaide moved out of the family's home, which agitated the child, but she was living with her boyfriend Chris, who Sebastian is quite fond of, and visited often, so he accepted it, albeit stubbornly. Not long after, Michelle returned home, and the next day his parents went out and returned with his sister Melody in tow, which thrilled him to no end. Several months later, he was told that Adalaide was going to have a baby, and that he would be an uncle, which confused him greatly since he was only six and children were not uncles. He was even more surprised when his sister actually had two babies.
              xxx»» Over the next few years, he was happy to have his youngest sister home, though the fact that Michelle vanished as quickly as she'd returned became something of a sore spot with the boy, to the point where he generally pretends that she doesn't exist. Through his sister's marriage and friend circle, he managed to befriend two other children his own age, Balder Borson and Caty Blake, who he became very close friends with. The three became practically inseparable until Caty, being older than the boys, went away to school the year before them. Meanwhile, Bastian was enlisted to help convince Balder's parents to allow him to attend Hogwarts rather than Durmstrang, their own alma mater, a task he took to an extreme due to having severe separation anxiety.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Sebastian's first year wasn't quite what he expected it to be. What he'd been expecting was that, reunited once again, he and Caty and Balder would spend every waking moment of free time exploring the castle from top to bottom and learning all of it's secrets. But, Caty had new friends, who she spent far more time with than she did with the two boys, at least in Sebastian's mind. But, he compensated by making new friends, and tried not to let himself focus on the feeling that he'd been abandoned, and focusing on Quidditch. He'd tried out for the house team, and gotten a reserve spot as a chaser, which he was pretty proud of since he was only a first year.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch Team (chaser reserve)
                  SECOND YEAR »» Second year was decent enough, if uneventful. He did join dueling club alongside Balder and Caty, which was fun. He also tried out for the Quidditch team, and was made a reserve chaser again. He would've liked to make the main team, but he knew it would have to wait until he was more experienced. Unfortunately, there was a little drama at tryouts, because Aleah had shown up to try out. Sebastian had helped her figure out a broom and harness over the holiday, figuring that if she said she could play, she could play, but he found himself regretting the decision when she got hurt in tryouts. Maybe it shouldn't have bothered him so much, since lots of people get hurt playing Quidditch, but given her condition, he found himself worrying about her well-being. She wasn't pleased when she didn't make the team, and Bas felt awkward about the whole thing. He tried to avoid the subject with her from then on.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch Team (chaser reserve), Dueling club
                  THIRD YEAR »» Unfortunately, third year's notable event was much the same as the previous year's. Except, Joel didn't even let Aleah tryout, he told her flat out when she showed up at the pitch that she couldn't be on the team. She got pretty angry over it, and told the captain off before storming off of the pitch. That also happened to be the first year Sebastian made first string, which only doubled how torn and awkward he felt about Quidditch and Aleah. Again, he mostly avoided the subject. Other than that, nothing of note really happened.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch Team (chaser), Dueling Club
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Sebastian's fourth year was odd, to say the least. Balder was concerned about something weird going on with a cousin he hadn't known he had until the previous year, and was distracted by it the whole year. Sebastian meanwhile was trying to focus himself mostly on Quidditch, because he wasn't particularly pleased with his performance on the pitch. Given that he'd decided he enjoyed the sport enough to want to go pro, he had to step up his game. The worries over the matter resulted in him pouring over a book his sister had bought him in the Common Room. Which wouldn't have been a big deal, except Aleah happened to approach while he was reading and question him about it. He was expecting her to get upset with him, but instead she told him that she'd gotten over the Quidditch drama ages ago, and simply 'forgot to tell him.' He was a little skeptical, but took her word for it. If it meant he didn't have to watch his words around her anymore, he was fine with that.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» This year's drama started on the train ride home. Upon arriving at King's Cross, Sebastian found Balder looking out of sorts, and his best friend told him he'd confronted Glynn about the boy's issues, only to discover that his Uncle Roald was apparently not only abusive, but a murderer. The two concocted a plot to save Glynn from the man, but as would be expected, things didn't go as planned. Instead, they ended up starting off a chain of events that would lead to several deaths, including Balder's father. In the end, the only positive thing to come of it was that Roald ended up dead, and Glynn ended up living with family that wasn't going to torture him or try and instill prejudiced propaganda in his head. Meanwhile, Sebastian spent the rest of the Summer grounded, and the majority of his first semester back at school was an ongoing existential crisis. A few pep talks from the least likely of places (and he will never admit to Eve that she was helpful) helped, but what helped the most was the distractions. One, he had exams to study for, and as much as he felt like maybe he deserved to ruin his own life, he knew he'd be doing a disservice to others if he made it so he had to mooch off of them forever. Two... Right before the winter break, he was walking around with Aleah and she ended up under some mistletoe. At first he was freaking out, because having to kiss the friend he had a crush on that in no way returned his feelings was a pretty awkward situation to be in. But, it turned out that he was wrong about her not returning his feelings, and she snogged him, which made things worse for half a second when he totally froze up. Somehow, he managed to recover, and they talked it out and ended up officially a couple. The rest of the school year was devoted to studying and Quidditch, with breaks in between to spend time with her.
                  SIXTH YEAR »» This summer was much better than the last, though there was a fair bit of lingering guilt still hanging over Sebastian's head. Still, he and Aleah enjoyed an outing to the beach with their best friends, and their best friend's significant others. He finally got to meet Caty's boyfriend Finn, who he decided he liked, though he was still ready to make the guy suffer if he hurt Caty in any way. Of course, he didn't really see that happening. The rest of the Summer was fairly normal, as was the school year that followed, aside from the upset with the Quidditch team. Bas didn't know why Kim had lost her spot on the team, nor did he care. He was more annoyed about the fact that Brandon was leaving Eve in charge. Not that he didn't think she should be captain, he just wasn't looking forward to her being his captain. He got a small taste of what it would be like, and it was just as annoying as he'd feared. Still, they played a damn good season, so he couldn't complain too much.
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» Sebastian's final year at school was spent splitting his focus between his studies, and Quidditch practice. His impatient side wanted to skip the studying, but he had enough sense to know that he couldn't play Quidditch forever, and needed a backup plan if he didn't manage to make a professional team. His worries on the latter ended up being pointless, since he was scouted for Wales by an old classmate of Ada's. Part of him wondered if that had anything to do with it, but she had never been close to Cam so he decided that likely wasn't the case. Especially not since his performance on the pitch had been fairly impressive, if he were going to brag about it. He did well enough on his NEWTs as well, and reasoned that once his sports career was over, he'd have plenty of options on where to go next.

              xxx»» Sebastian was lucky skilled enough a Quidditch player to earn notice, getting scouted to play for the Caerphilly Catapults and the International league's Welsh team. After graduation, he joined the teams and started training and saving, hoping to move out of his parent's home as soon as possible, and hoping that Aleah would want to move in with him. She did, and they lived together for a couple of years before getting engaged. Unfortunately, at that point things took a turn for the worse. Aleah's little putdowns began to irk Bas, even though he tried to tell himself they were said in jest and with no real malice. But, eventually they began to fight, and then the fighting got to be too much for him to deal with. He broke off their engagement and moved out of the flat, focusing on his career to take his mind off of it.
              xxx»» For a while, it seemed like Bas couldn't so much as step out his front door without dealing with rumors and questions about his relationship with Aleah. But, eventually, it all died down, thanks to the fact that he refused to engage, and also to his preoccupation with the lives of his friends. Eventually, however, he remembered that he was single now. He started accepting offers when people would ask him out, though he rarely if ever made it past a single date. That is, until by chance he met Daniel one evening, and then ran into him shortly thereafter. The younger man was attractive, and clever and sweet and a million other things that Sebastian liked. They got off to something of a slow start, but a little nudging from mutual friends and acquaintances eventually paid off.

              xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                  ATTENDED »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
                  HOUSE »» Gryffindor
                  CLASS OF »» 2039
                  HONORS »» Prefect
                  BEST LESSONS
                  xxx»» Potions
                  xxx»» Defense Against the Dark Arts
                  xxx»» Alchemy
                  WORST LESSONS
                  xxx»» Wandless Magic Practice Class
                  xxx»» History of Magic
                  xxx»» Astronomy
                  OWL SCORES
                  xxxASTRONOMY »» A
                  xxxCHARMS »» EE
                  xxxDEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS »» O
                  xxxHERBOLOGY »» EE
                  xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» A
                  xxxPOTIONS »» O
                  xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
                  xxxALCHEMY »» O
                  xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» A
                  xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» A
                  xxxHEALING »» EE
                  xxxWANDLESS MAGIC »» A

                  NEWT SCORES
                  xxxCHARMS »» A
                  xxxDEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS »» EE
                  xxxHERBOLOGY »» O
                  xxxPOTIONS »» O
                  xxxALCHEMY »» O
                  xxxHEALING »» EE
                  xxxWANDLESS MAGIC »» A

                  CURRENT JOB »» Chaser for the Caerphilly Catapaults, Wales International
                  DREAM JOB »» Chaser for a professional Quidditch team

              xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                  RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Taken
                  SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Daniel Jacobs

                  xxx»» Parents Jonathan and Natasha Blythe
                  xxx»» Sister Adalaide Whitethorne, brother-in-law Christopher Whitethorne, niece Desiree Whitethorne and nephew Zachary Whitethorne
                  xxx»» Sister Olyvia Scott, brother-in-law Uriel, nephew Basil
                  xxx»» Sister Melody Blythe
                  xxx»» Grandmother Brigitte Fairchild
                  xxx»» Best friend Balder Borson
                  xxx»» Catheryn Blake
                  xxx»» Kiera Borson
                  xxx»» Colin Beckett
                  xxx»» Phineas Levy
                  xxx»» - - -
                  xxx»» Class of 2039

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 2:17 pm
xxxxM E L O D YxxxB A R K E RxxxB L Y T H E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Mels or Mel

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY 03 June 2022

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 13.5 inches, Beech, Thestral Hair, Rigid, decorated with vines flowers and snakes.

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Hella Gay

              FACECLAIM Ashley Olsen [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              CLASS OF 2040

              BEST LESSONS
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts

              WORST LESSONS
                  Ancient Runes

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ P
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ P
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Cursebreaking ~ O
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
                  Mythology ~ A
                  Wandless Magic ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Professor like my sister!

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ KIND HEARTED Somewhere deep down she is still the sweet little girl she once was. It doesn't show as easily now. It takes a while to gain her trust and confidentiality, but once you're her friend you find she is actually playful, loving, and very very kind. She would never turn her back on a friend in need.
              ■ QUIET She is not the talkative type. She is quiet and gentle and friendship doesn't come easy to her. You have to be the one to initiate the friendship. She spends a lot of time by herself and in her own mind.
              ■ SECRETIVE She keeps secrets and she doesn't share easily. She doesn't share her thoughts or her past with barely anyone. She doesn't like people knowing too much about her. Its too much of a risk.
              ■ PARANOID To go along with that she is rather paranoid. She thinks everyone is out to get her or worse leave her. She's been abandoned one too many times and is terrified of people leaving her again. She has a inherent sense of wariness that leads her to not trust easily and very rarely does she grow comfortable enough to open up. She never stops worrying that someone is going to leave her though. Never.
              ■ STRATEGIC She is a great planner and always knows how to get what she wants. She always makes sure she isn't the one left hurt and alone. She won't ever let that happen again. She is ambitious about her goals and will do anything to achieve them.
              ■ LOYAL Although she doesn't trust easily. It probably comes from her being an orphan. Once you've gained her trust though, she trusts with her whole heart. You basically become family. To an orphan that is the highest compliment.

                  The letters from Her Sister

                  The Orphanage
                  The Color Red

                  Hanging Out With Eve

                  Imagining Things
                  Putting A Smile On

                  Scared of Everything
                  Can't Sleep Easily

                  Men (Specifically Her Father)

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD She was born prematurely because her father Vincent Catlin beat her mother almost to death while she was pregnant with her. Her sister Michelle saved them both from death and her other sister Olyvia Catlin got them to safety with the help of Jonathan Blythe. Natasha Blythe helped her mother give birth and saved both their lives. Her first year of life was spent living with the Blythes and her mother.

          A few days after her first birthday her father showed up while her mom was taking her on a walk. He attacked her and tried to steal Melody away. Thankfully Michelle was near by and at least saved Melody. Her mum was stabbed and bled out. Michelle was able to snap Vincent's wand in the scuffle but only after he used the cruciatus curse on Mels. After this Jon and Michelle hid her away in an orphanage with only 2 letters to her name and no family. She spent about 3 years in the orphanage before the Blythes finally came for her. During this time she met and befriended Eve.

          When her family finally came to get her it was bitter sweet. Since then she has lived with them happily and loved them greatly. Her friend Eve was even adopted by her sister's best friend! So they still see each other all the time. Her brother went to Hogwarts last year and was sorted in Gryffindor. She and Eve begin school this year.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR IIn her first year of school she was sorted into Hufflepuff which wasn't surprising she was going there or Slytherin really. And the idiot hat sorted Eve into Gryffindor! It was like the hat didnt know anything! It sorts Aunt Gracie into Ravenclaw first then Eve into Gryffindor??? What the heck? But Eve ended up "switching" houses with a Slytherin named Darian anyways and her and Eve were always sleeping over in each others rooms pretty much every night anyways. She tried out for and got a reserve seeker spot on the Puff team and then when their VC failed to show two games in a row Melody got to play starting position for 2 games! She didn't win but she tried really hard! And she was excited to continue getting better.
              SECOND YEAR Second year was pretty boring. She did get to play one official game in the season which was cool, but besides that her and Eve didn't even get up to any shenanigans. Ollie hadn't even invited them on the cool forest trip! So rude!
              THIRD YEAR Her third year was mostly uneventful. She didn't get to play any official games and spent most of her year harassing people with Eve as always.
              FOURTH YEAR Melody's fourth year had been spent getting into trouble with Eve as always. She had also finally made the starting team for quidditch! She had enjoyed it so much, even though she'd won basically 0 games. Okay so she had won 1 game but still that was basically 0. She hoped next year she would do better....
              FIFTH YEAR Melody and Eve were both finally starters for there teams... which mean Eve did her very best to knock her out. Her and Eve also finally went on a real date. Which was hilarious since they'd basically been dating their whole lives and never been on a real date.
              SIXTH YEAR Melody's sixth year was spent mostly focused on Quidditch and it had paid off. She had won every single game for the year! It was funny since she wasn't planning on playing professionally at all. She wasn't totally sure what she wanted to go into after school but she had a whole nother year to figure that out.
              SEVENTH YEAR Her seventh year as uneventful at best. She didn't do great at Quidditch but that was okay. She still wasn't sure what she was going to do once out of school, but that's okay.

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Vincent Catlin (deceased) - Father, Victoria Barker (deceased) - Mother, Natasha Blythe - Adopted Mother, Jonathan Blythe - Adopted Father, Adalaide Whitethorne (nee Blythe) - Adopted Sister, Desiree Whitethorne - Niece, Zachary Whitethorne - Nephew, Olyvia Catlin - Half-Sister, Michelle - Adopted Sister, Sebastian Blythe - Adopted Brother.
          FRIENDS Aiobheal Tierney, Sebastian Blythe, Balder Borson, Oliver
          BEST FRIEND Aiobheal Tierney
          GIRLFRIEND Aiobheal Tierney
          ENEMIES Vincent Catlin(deceased)
          PETS Name

Devlyn Maycry

Obsessive Sex Symbol


Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
  • Haunted Haute Couture: Vintage 200
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Candy Fiend 150
PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:33 pm

User Image

                    NAME: Daniel Reid Blythe ( Jacobs)
                    NICKNAME: n/a
                    GENDER: Male
                    AGE: 28
                    BIRTHDATE: June 27th, 2025
                    RESIDENCE: Wiltshire, England
                    LANGUAGES: English, French (passable)
                    ACCENT: Received Pronounciation [x]

                    WAND: Willow with unicorn hair, 11½ inches, supple with a smooth shaft
                    BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood

                    BLOOD TYPE: A-
                    HAIR: Light brown
                    EYES: Green
                    COMPLEXION: Fair
                    HEIGHT: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
                    NOTABLE FEATURES: Few small round Dragon Pox scars

                    FACE-CLAIM: Jeremy Sumpter

              xxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxx
                    ATTENDED: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
                    HOUSE: Hufflepuff
                    CLASS OF: 2043


                    BEST CLASSES:
                        History of Magic

                    WORST CLASSES:

                    O.W.L. SCORES:
                        Astronomy: A
                        Charms: EE
                        Defence Against the Dark Arts: EE
                        Herbology: O
                        History of Magic: A
                        Potions: O
                        Transfiguration: EE
                        Ghost and Ghoul Studies: P
                        Healing: O
                        Mythology: A
                        Wandlore Studies: A

                    N.E.W.T. SCORES:
                        Charms: EE
                        Defence Against the Dark Arts: A
                        Herbology: O
                        History of Magic: A
                        Potions: EE
                        Transfiguration: A
                        Healing: O
                        Mythology: A

                    CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Healer (ground floor)
                    DREAM JOB: Healer

                        ↳ Patient:
                            Daniel knows that while patience might be bitter, its fruit is sweet. He'd always had more patience than his sister as he knew from experience that sometimes, things happen and there's nothing you can do but wait it through rather than complain about it.

                        ↳ Hard-Working:
                            No matter how patient he was, Daniel knew that just sitting around and waiting wouldn't get him what he wanted, he had to work for it, especially since things don't come to him easily. This was especially true during school when he had little friends and had to work to get good grades.

                        ↳ Reticent:
                            Because he frequently and easily got sick because of his weak immune system, Daniel was always told to be careful by his family, to watch where he was going, what he was eating, etc, and as such, he grew to be really cautious who always thought first before doing anything, not only in his actions but with his thoughts as well. He'd rather stay silent and not say anything lest he gets in trouble and cause a scene, unless someone says or does something he very strongly disagrees with.

                        ↳ Submissive:
                            Growing up with a headstrong older sister, Daniel was more in the background, and he usually followed her lead in most cases. As such, he's more of a follower and is willing to go along with what his friends and family say and dislikes too much attention.

                        ↳ Realistic:
                            Daniel isn't a pessimist, or optimist, but a realist. He knows things don't always go the way you want to and while he considers hope to be important (there was always a chance that things would work out for the best) but he also believes in being prepared for disappointment and knowing the consequences of one's actions.

                        ↳ Selfless:
                            Daniel likes to be helpful and hates feeling like he's a burden. He knows that he might not contribute much as he doesn't consider himself smart, or interesting, among other things so he likes feeling like he's contributing to a relationship whether its friendship or with an acquaintance. He's willing to go out of his way to helpful, sometimes to his detriment, and is naturally kind. He always treats people well, even when they don't return the favour and he doesn't usually hold grudges. He considers it easier to be nice and kind to people.

                        Is cautious and thinks before he acts
                        Is very considerate of others

                        Can be too considerate (to his detriment)
                        Can sometimes be wilfully blind to faults in his friends/family

                        Being warm
                        Listening to the rain
                        His friends and family

                        Getting sick
                        Being the centre of attention
                        Too sweet food
                        Being coddled
                        Getting involved in fights

                        Playing cards

                        Being completely helpless
                        Being a burden

                        Daniel was born during the summer to Eli and Moira Jacobs. Moira gave birth to him at St Mungo's rather than having a home birth like she did with his older sister Lucinda by the advice of Eli's sister Meredith, a healer whose worries turned out to be justified. Daniel's birth was a difficult one and Moira had to quit her job to recover and take care of both him and Lucy at home while Eli worked to support them.

                        Lucy and Daniel grew up together in the Jacobs Manor, Eli's childhood home, with their paternal grandparents and mother taking care of them while Eli worked but they spent plenty of time together after he came home and during weekends. They were both homeschooled by their mother and grandfather in the magical world but they attended the local muggle school. However, Daniel had a very weak immune system and would get sick and miss class often, causing him to work really hard to maintain good grades. Unfortunately, this, couple with his small stature, caused him to be teased and bullied often act school while teachers usually turned a blind eye to, to his sister Lucy's great ire. She frequently got in trouble for starting fights defending him, which only made Daniel more uncomfortable as he didn't want to be the reason she got in trouble and he already suffered from enough attention.

                        Because of his weak disposition, Daniel was always watched over by his family and was told to be careful with what he was doing, what he was eating, etc. This, coupled with Lucy's dislike of dirt meant that they didn't go out much or do any strenuous activity, but that didn't mean never. They were inseparable and took walks with their grandfather and swum in the pond during the summer (mostly Lucy); Daniel particularly enjoyed tending to the garden with his grandfather. Inside, they played together, listened to their grandparents tell them cool stories from their auror days, and even learned to knit. Occasionally, they were visited by their relatives, whose company Daniel always enjoyed.

                        However, not everything was well; Daniel still got sick frequently, and when he was 8, he suffered from a severe case of Dragon Pox and nearly died, leaving him with a few scars and a more protective family, almost too protective. When Lucy left for Hogwarts, not only did he miss her greatly but most of his family's attention was concentrated on him now, which he found a little smothering; and to top it off, the bullies at school grew bolder without Lucy to protect him. He tried not to show how miserable he was, not wanting to worry her, but Daniel longed for the day he'd go to Hogwarts as well.

                    SCHOOL YEARS:
                        The summer before Daniel's first year at Hogwarts, his parents became even more overprotective than usual and barely let them out of the house, which annoyed Lucy, but Daniel didn't say much; he was only glad that he'd get to go to Hogwarts soon. To his surprise, he'd managed to make friends with Vince, Gertie, Charlie and Donella at Hogwarts, and while he had some trouble with classes, especially Transfiguration, Vince helped him with it, which helped him a lot. Lucy even visited him often at his common room, which was nice. Overall, Daniel considered his first year to be a success.

                        During Daniel's second year at Hogwarts, he and Vince made a new friend in Ji-Yeong. He looked forward to choosing his electives for the next year more than anything. And in his third year, Hogwarts held a Halloween event that was incredibly fun, even though he, Vince and Ji got lost in the maze. He enjoyed his electives and tried to focus on them, but after hearing about his uncle's death near the end of the year, it was hard.

                        Compared to last year, Daniel's fourth year was quite uneventful. He did start studying for his OWLs that were coming up next year, but he wasn't loking forward to them. The OWLs took up most of Daniel's time during his fifth year and between all the studying, Daniel found the year to be quite hectic, but thankfully it passed by without a fuss, as did his sixth year. He couldn't believe how quickly time passed but his NEWTs crept up almost before he noticed, then came his graduation then his sister getting ready to move out. Daniel wasn't sure he was ready for these changes so quickly, and certainly not for being a functional and legal adult, but it wasn't like he had a choice.

                        To his immense relief, Daniel's grades were good enough and he started working as an apprentice healer at St. Mungo's like his aunt. The work kept him really busy and it was only by chance that he met Sebastian Blythe after an embarrassing incident involving his wand and Bas' dog. Daniel wouldn't say he was smitten, but he was definitely attracted to Bas, and after running into him again later, they went on a date. Which led to several more dates but they didn't become 'official' until months later with the prodding and help of many of their friends and acquaintances. While the number of people involved mortified Daniel a bit, he definitely couldn't say he's not happy with the way things turned out. They ended up being engaged, surprising no one except with how long it took them, but their wedding followed soon after and Daniel could not think of a better way that things could've turned out.

                    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual
                    RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married
                    SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Sebastian Blythe

                        Parents: Eli and Moira Jacobs
                        Sister: Lucinda Jacobs
                        Aunts: Evelyn and Meredith Jacobs
                        Uncle: Jonathan Whyte (deceased)
                        Cousins: Reyna and Gemma Whyte
                        Grandparents: Theodore and Susan Jacobs (paternal)

                    BEST FRIEND:
                        Vincent Masters

                        Lucinda Jacobs
                        Vincent Masters
                        Gertie Adelwood
                        Charlie Antunez
                        Donella Brown
                        Ji-Yeong Cho

                        Gem, a female spotted owl


                        His yearmates

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