Hello, my name is Tristin. I am female, and am sixteen. I will be seventeen in twenty days, though!~ However, I think it would me much simpler to tell you about me in this way:

Name: Tristin -Should you get to know me better, you will learn my last name, too-
Location: St. Louis area -I would like someone within my area, but I will tolerate it if you just live in the US. If you live anywhere else, you'll have to be pretty amazing to get my attention.-
Age: 16
Gender: Female
SO: Bi, but I prefer males
Height: About 5'6'' -Last I checked-
Weight: Slightly over 200
Personality: Though I am usually mature, I can also be immature and fun. I am shy at first, even if you can't tell over the internet, but, c'mon, everyone is outgoing online! Anyway, I am obsessed with anime, but am able to control how much of it I let out around others. No, I don't have a room filled with figurines, posters, outfits, and bedsheets, just three tiny figurines, one poster, and many, many books! <3 I ADORE reading, writing, and editing! Shall we explain some of my... Personal traits? Such as my thoughts on relationships, and people. Honestly, I'm not a huge people-person. I hate crowds and get uncomfortable and nervous in them. Usually, I try and avoid them.
My views on a relationship, however, is a whole other story. I want a relationship, whether or not I show it, and am often times found alone. I want to be shown what love is like. I want to be held, and shown not all guys are terrible. But, at the same time, I do NOT want a guy who is constantly paranoid I am cheating or don't really like him. I don't want a guy with such low self-esteem that I get annoyed with him. I want a guy who is fairly shy as well, and by all means, cute in that sense. I want a guy who is smart, and doesn't need me to explain every other word I say, and who actually has a heart. I want one who enjoys contact, and not just sexually. He must also be able to make me laugh and smile! Yes, I'm strict, I understand, but I have also experienced what some guys are like. And I don't like those types of people.
Likes: Cats, storms, writing, drawing, singing, editing, the moon and stars, astronomy, people who follow their dreams, reading, laughing, helping others, video games-YES VIDEO GAMES-, Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy, and so much more!
Dislikes: Tomatoes, bullies, the quiet, dogs, rap and hip hop, crowds, people who believe they're above everyone else, and more.
Picture: PM Me, and I'll send a photo. Likewise, if you're interested in me at all, message me. =)