Pain in my heart it,
gets worse and worse
the more I think its like a curse
but so much more

you said you loved me
you swore you did
you made me believe
that I was the one

and now I cry
cause everything you said
was a bunch of lies
that hurt me inside

I cant believe you
all this time
how could you
make me cry

do you like this
after every sweet passionate kiss
you lied to me

you said you loved me
you swore you did
and now I see
they were just fibs

I gave you my innocence
when I knew it was wrong
but in a scene it was right as well

but when i told you my secret

that I try to hide
you grabbed me and slapped me
and pushed me aside
as if I was dirt

I scream why
you said you loved me
I start to cry and
I look you in the eyes

You said why would I love a thing like you
your nothing to me
I just used you
that's all I needed

then you left
and I stood there
not breathing a single breath
for now I see

you tore me apart
inside out
and this pain in my heart
will never end

so I say goodbye
and raise the knife
and hold it up high
cause I can take it no more

I plunged it in
oh so very deep
and for all your sins
that made me weep

I fall to the ground
all bloody now
and nothing makes a sound
as I laid dead

finally you find me dead
on the floor
my blood up head
and more

no matter what
with the pain in my heart
this deep cut
wont make me stop loving you

For I will always
love you
no matter the
pain you have caused. So

I love you
Good bye
For now I fly up so high

This poem was my VERY first poem back in like the 6th grade.