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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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Scheer Family ~ Accepted

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Devoted Winner

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:16 am
The Scheer Family


Daniel Pebbles (age 85 - deceased)
xxx♥ Elaine Pebbles (age 90 - deceased)
xxxxxxxx↪ Gabrielle Scheer née Pebbles (age 75 - NPC)
xxxxxxxxxxxxx♥ Franchesk Scheer (age 74 - NPC)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Kyle Scheer (age 53 - NPC)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♥ Zara Scheer (age 52 - NPC)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Jordan Scheer (age 31)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Hailey Scheer (age 27)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in The Dashwood Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♥ Samuel Dashwood (age 29)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in The Dashwood Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by SherbertLemondrop
xxxxxxxx↪ Serena Rowley née Pebbles (age 73 - NPC)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxX Jeffrey Rowley (age 74 - NPC)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Cameron Rowley (age 53 - deceased)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Kory Whitethorne née Rowley (age 35 - NPC)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in The Whitethorne Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by Devlyn Maycry
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx↪ Sean Bolan-Rowley (age 25)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProfile in The Bolan Family
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlayed by EmrysStorm
xxxxxxxx↪ Velma Pebbles (age 69 - NPC)

Other Members

Xavier Thieman (age 81 - NPC)
xxx♥ Uma Thieman (age 78 - NPC)

William Rowley (age 81 - deceased)
xxx♥ Bonnie Rowley (age 76 - deceased)


UPDATED 09/12/2023

■ Cameron age & bio updated
■ Jordan age & bio updated
■ Hailey age & bio updated

ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [03/31/2017]
Cameron [03/31/2017] Jordan [06/09/2017] Hailey [5/20/19]
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:22 am





FACECLAIM Justin Bieber at the age of...
Twenty One
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Thirty Nine

Timothy Olyphant at the age of...

Fifty Two
Fifty Three

AGE Fifty Three

BIRTHDAY May 4, 2007



WAND Rigid 11⅛ inch Mahogany Phoenix Feather with a Knobby Shaft
Mahogany: Known to be a good wand for transfiguration. A good, stable wand that is neither bad nor excellent at anything. Nature magic, it is not good for Divination.
Phoenix feather: Useful for Defense Against the Dark Arts, but they are extremely versatile, which means they are effective for almost any type of wand. They are capable of the greatest range of magic. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord. They are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
Rigid: Defensive Magic. Headstrong and unyielding.
Knobby: Earthy and Strong.

Quidditch (large, left shoulder)
Elli (medium, left tricep)
Dad and Son (small, top of left wrist)
Locked Heart (medium, underside of left wrist)
Rory (medium, underside of left forearm)
Fist Bump (small, underside of left forearm)
Guitar (medium, front side of forearm)
King (medium, left side of chest)
Half Skull (small, underside of left forearm)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Gryffindor

Astronomy ~ T
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ P
History of Magic ~ T
Potions ~ E
Transfiguration ~ D
Alchemy ~ E
Cursebreaking ~ E
Care of Magical Creatures ~ P
Healing ~ O
Muggle Music ~ O
Wandlore Studies ~ E

Charms ~ E
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Potions ~ E
Alchemy ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ E
Healing ~ O
Muggle Music ~ O
Wandlore Studies ~ P

DREAM JOB Professional Quidditch Player


PREVIOUS OCCUPATION Wales Quidditch Team Caerphilly Catapaults Captain & Beater


HOTHEADED It is very easy to piss Cameron off, and when he gets mad, he doesn't hide it. Often, he succumbs to yelling or punching an object; however, he would not lay a hand on a person even if he had done so as a child.
CLOSED OFF Cam doesn't let people in very often. He doesn't like when others know him because he doesn't like being judged, which ironically happens by those who don't know the real Cameron. He may have become this way due to being abandoned by his father.
SHY He also hates having too much attention and prefers when others leave him be. For this reason, Cam tends to go with the flow and follow what others do as opposed to being a leader. However, if he truly believes that what others are doing is wrong, he will stand up for his beliefs. Making friends has always been a struggle for him, which is why he never had a lot. However, the friends he has are the best friends he could ever hope for.
WOMANIZING Cameron had always gotten along better with girls than with guys growing up, and as an adult, he has learned how to charm and seduce women.
ACTIVE Cam is always up for any challenge that involves sports or the outdoors. He enjoys challenging himself with hikes, sports, and just overall pushing himself to do his best.
ADVENTUROUS Cameron loves exploring and walking through places he's never visited before. This includes forests and ravines even though that would potentially mean running into a wild animal. Although he'd prefer not to be attacked, he's brave enough to deal with the situation when it happens.

■ Singing
■ Guitar
■ Sports
■ Hiking
■ Working out

■ Being nagged
■ Too much PDA
■ His height
■ Fights
■ Being the centre of attention

■ Playing Quidditch
■ Casting powerful spells

■ Not knowing when to quit
■ His temper

■ Dying alone


EARLY CHILDHOOD Cameron was born in 2007 to Serena and Jeff Rowley. Cam's powers kicked in at an early age, making it apparent that he was a wizard. After getting checked out and declared a wizard, Jeff left Cam and Serena because he didn't want a "freak" for a son. Not only did he leave, but he also took the majority of his money and belongings. Cam's mother began working a ton of overtime to make enough money to take care of the both of them. In elementary school, Cameron didn't have a lot of the stuff that most kids his age had. He was also always shorter than other kids and therefore, got teased quite a bit. When Cam got angry enough, bad things would happen to the kids who made fun of him, so he wouldn't have to resort to fighting a lot of the time. At the end of fifth grade, Cam was expelled, and not a year too early because the following September, he enrolled into Hogwarts.

SCHOOL YEARS (2018 - 2019) Cameron bought a pet mouse to bring to Hogwarts and named him Bruce. During his first year, he was sorted into Gryffindor and even made a few friends, such as Michelle and Gracie. When he tried out for Quidditch, he didn't make the team. However, the girl he liked, Caitlin Engels, made the team. Unfortunately, an older boy, Samuel Meredith, sweeped Caitlin off her feet.

(2019 - 2020) On the first day back to school, Cam met Michelle's sister and Gracie's cousin, Elli. She was a cute first year, who he spent the majority of his free time with. She also made the immediate Quidditch team whereas he didn't, but at least he made reserve beater.

(2020 - 2021) Cameron wanted to meet up with Elli during the summer, but those plans fell through. He didn't know why they did until he caught up with her on the train ride. After the Sorting Ceremony, the two of them snuck off to an empty classroom and snogged until Professor Athlis caught them, gave them detention and made them walk around for an entire day with the word "KISSING" written on their foreheads. The only thing that saved Cam from embarrassment was the fact that his hairstyle was able to hide it for the most part. At Quidditch tryouts, he finally made the immediate team as a beater. In Alchemy, Cam made the best Baleful Brew potion in his class and therefore, was able to keep it. He made sure to take it right before asking Elli to be his girlfriend, which she said yes to. When her father found out, he demanded to meet Cam.

(2021 - 2022) After buying a broom in the summer, Cameron decided to stop for ice cream, where he had run into Romy and a girl named Rui. Out of nowhere, she kissed Cam, then left. However, Caitlin saw but promised not to tell Elli about it. That same month, Cameron met Elli's father, who scares the living s**t out of him. At Hogwarts, Remy made Elli the vice captain for the Quidditch team, so Cam thought he'd definitely make the team again this year. However, he didn't. Afterwards, Cam and Elli got into a massive fight. After cooling down, the couple made up. About midway through the year, Gryffindor had "re tryouts" although Cam still had only made the reserve position while Keith Alvern made the immediate team. Angry, he punched Keith in the face. At one point, Rui sent both Cam and Elli a note from "each other" asking to meet in one of the empty classrooms. When Cam walked in, it was dark and a girl who he assumed was Elli began snogging him. Long story short, it was Rui. When his girlfriend arrived and saw what was going on, she broke up with him because Rui pushed him away to make it seem like he kissed her. The two hadn't spoken for the rest of the year, and when they finally did, they made up and got back together. While Cam was packing to go home, he noticed that Bruce was dead in his cage.

(2022 - 2023) Cam finally introduced Elli to his mother. Later that summer, the couple attended the circus' masquerade which ended up being attacked by Dark Wizards. As much as he tried to protect them both, he was very relieved when her father came to the rescue and got them out alive. Upon returning to Hogsmeade for the school term to begin, Cameron noticed thestrals pulling the carriages. While trying out for the Quidditch team, he managed to knock himself out and miss every person he aimed at. Regardless, he made the team. His year got a new professor for Transfiguration named Professor Elliot. Her looks distracted Cam enough to cause him to fail. Many students, including him, fell into a coma that year. About halfway through winter while snogging Elli, Cam passed out and didn't wake up until the end of the year in the hospital wing. While he was unconscious, he missed Elli taking Remy's place as captain because she cheated against the Slytherin team.

(2023 - 2024) Once again, Cam made the Quidditch team as a beater. In the fall, he met up with Caitlin at the fall festival's bonfire, where a group of vampires showed up and killed her sister before almost killing her. Cam tried to pull her free, but Gracie appeared out of nowhere and helped before they ran as fast as they could. Although Cameron fell behind and got lost, he managed to escape the chaos. Later that year, the Alvern twins called a mandatory meeting for the entire Gryffindor house because they had a problem with Elli and Quidditch. One day, while wandering the halls, Cam found that the music room was empty, so he decided to play around. Remy found him in there, and after talking, she suggested he talk to the other co leader of the Music Club, Ariana Hawthorne, to help him work on a song for his girlfriend. After the two had finished writing and perfecting it, Cam was supposed to perform it for Elli at the club's last meeting of the year. Unfortunately, his stage fright hit, so Ariana performed it for him.

(2024 - 2025) Cameron made the beater position on the Quidditch team once again, and they had finally won a game in the last four or five years. Not only did they win a game, but they ended up winning the Quidditch Cup as well as the House Cup. It seemed as though the Gryffindor Curse was finally broken.

POST-GRADUATION (2025 - 2026) Cameron applied for the Wales Quidditch Team and made the beater position. He had then decided to get a tattoo, showcasing his love for Quidditch on his left shoulder. Over Christmas break, Elli visited Cam, and he got her pregnant.

(2026 - 2027) In September, Kory was born. Elli stayed home with him while Cam continued to play Quidditch professionally.

(2027 - 2028 ) Cameron had been under pressure to marry Elli, but he didn't think that being married meant anything more than being her boyfriend since he was already committed to her and she was committed to him. Instead, he had gotten a tattoo of Elli.

(2028 - 2029) Cameron has been really busy and tired from Quidditch that he hadn't been home very much at all this year. He got a tattoo of an outline of himself and Kory.

(2029 - 2030) Elli had sent Cameron a letter, telling him that she's been cheating on him and that they need to break up. However, he was still able to see and spend time with Kory.

(2030 - 2031) Cameron has been having Kory stay with him every two weekends and has even gotten him interested in Quidditch. When he had a weekend to himself, however, he was usually out, sleeping with women and partying. That was the best way to get over his ex girlfriend. He had gotten a tattoo of a locked heart.

(2031 - 2032) While at a pub, Cameron met a cute girl named Rory, and they hit it off.

(2032 - 2033) Cameron and Rory scheduled a play date with her daughter and Kory, so they could all spend time together. When Elli brought Kory over to Cam's place, his hair was long and he was wearing pink and believed he was a girl.

(2033 - 2034) Cameron thought Kory's girl phase would end by now when it didn't, and he didn't want to say anything to upset his child.

(2034 - 2035) Cameron took Rory out to a fancy restaurant. The night started out romantic, but after a few drinks, they ended up confessing their love for each other. After making love at her place that night, Cam decided it would be a great time for him to tell her he wanted to move in with her and have a kid. A few months later, he was living with her.

(2035 - 2036) Cameron and Rory had been trying for a baby, and he knew that he loved her with all of his heart so he got a tattoo of her.

(2036 - 2037) In the fall, Rory told Cassie and Cam that she was pregnant. In June, Sean was born. Cam got a tattoo of a fist bump, representing Sean and himself.

(2037 - 2038 ) Cameron had been having a difficult time balancing the amount of time he spent with all of his kids, including Kory. However, we was trying his best. After all, he loved all three of them. He also got a tattoo of a guitar as not only did he like guitars, but so did Cassidy, and he wanted to show her that he loved her just as much as his biological children,

(2038 - 2039) Cameron had been promoted to captain for the Wales Quidditch team. As well, Kory had started at Hogwarts. At the end of the school year, Cam scouted a Gryffindor chaser by the name of Sebastian Blythe.

(2039 - 2040) Cameron had been working extra hard in captaining his team. He had also gotten a king tattoo.

(2040 - 2041) Cameron had been spending more time with Elli since Chalmes had passed away in the summer. After all, he still considered her to be very near and dear to his heart.

(2041 - 2042) Cameron had heard news of his grandmother Bonnie passing away. He had also gotten a tattoo of half of a skull.

(2042 - 2043) Cassidy had started her first year of Hogwarts, and Cam (along with Rory) had taken her to the platform.

(2043 - 2044) As far as Cameron was aware, Cassidy and Kory, who were both in Gryffindor, were getting along just fine at Hogwarts. Although he wanted Cassie to try out for Quidditch, she didn't want to. But he was okay with that since she at least still enjoyed the sport, so he was able to bond with her by taking her to professional games.

(2044 - 2045) As it was Kory's last year at Hogwarts, Cameron took him/her out to celebrate as a graduation present. However, even after all of his attempts at being close with his first born, it seemed as though they were never going to be close. Furthermore, Cameron found out his grandfather William Rowley passed away.

(2045 - 2046) Cameron was done trying with Kory. Both Cassidy and Sean treated him like their dad while Kory still didn't seem to even care that Cam was trying to bond with her. So, he stopped reaching out to her unless she reached out to him first, which she never did. Elli wasn't helpful either, which had caused them to also stop keeping in touch.

(2046 - 2047) In the summer, Cameron was shopping in London for Cassidy's birthday. However, that was interrupted by a man on the street, who had let loose dozens of different magical creatures, most of which were dangerous. Cameron apparated to safety, but he wasn't so sure if others got out of there alright -- more specifically, muggles. During a Quidditch game, after getting slammed pretty badly with a bludger, Cam came to terms with the fact that he wasn't as young as he used to be, and his body could no longer take such a beating. So, he retired from Quidditch without deciding what to pursue next, if anything.

(2047 - 2048 ) Cam had taken a gap year between Quidditch and finding something else he'd like to do in order to make up for missed time with Rory.

(2048 - 2049) Sean had went into his first year at Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff whereas Cassidy graduated this year. Career wise, Cameron had looked into becoming a Quidditch Referee, but didn't qualify as he hadn't taken Healing. So, he had enrolled into night school.

(2049 - 2050) Cam had been keeping himself busy with his Healing course. In his free time, however, he had been playing guitar and staying active.

(2050 - 2051) Cameron had entered into his third year of night school.

(2051 - 2052) Cameron had completed his final year of night school, passed the NEWT for healing, and applied to become a Quidditch Referee.

(2052 - 2053) Cameron sure was glad that he had done well in Healing as he had used his new skills very often on the Quidditch field.

(2053 - 2054) Cameron's grandfather Daniel had passed away.

(2054 - 2055) During a Quidditch game, Cameron had made a call, which pissed off one of the players. The players had gotten close in his face and Cam pushed him back. Although he did not injure the player, he was under investigation for assault and couldn't referee at any games for the remainder of the Quidditch World Cup. However, he returned to refereeing the regular matches but not without some harassment from fans.

(2055 - 2056) The harassment that Cameron received from Quidditch fans had started to occur more and more when passing by others in the street although it wasn't often or severe enough to have him step down from refereeing.

(2056 - 2057) Cameron continued to be harassed when out in public, and it recently started getting much worse. So, he took a hiatus from refereeing Quidditch games.

(2057 - 2058 ) Cameron's grandmother Elaine had passed away.

(2058 - 2059) After a much needed break, Cameron returned to refereeing Quidditch games.

(2059 - 2060) Cameron's PR team had convinced him to attend the Club Festival at Hogwarts so that he could show that he was a positive member of the community, despite his hesitation to go. While at the school's Quidditch pitch, he was approached by a girl who had confronted him about some calls he had made as referee. Cameron ended up dismissing her, trying his best not to get worked up even though he was very obviously annoyed at her.

(2060 - 2061) After what had ended up being Cameron's final game, he had been kidnapped by the same girl who had confronted him at the Club Festival at Hogwarts the previous summer. She had thrown a sack over his head as she whispered that no one messed with Maya Masters before apparating him to some boat. He ended up learning that the crazy b***h's name was Harmony, but that wouldn't help him much as she ended up making him and another person walk the plank with his hands tied. Once he was under water, he tried his best to use wandless magic and his own hands to free himself, but he couldn't do it. Consequently, his life had ended.


■ Son: Kory Rowley
■ Son: Sean Bolan-Rowley
■ Father: Jeffrey Rowley
■ Mother: Serena Rowley
■ Grandparents: William Rowley (†) & Bonnie Rowley (†), Daniel Pebbles (†) & Elaine Pebbles (†)
■ Aunt: Gabrielle Scheer ♥ Franchesk Scheer
■ Aunt: Velma Pebbles
■ Cousin: Kyle Scheer ♥ Zara Scheer → Jordan Scheer, Hailey Scheer

■ Caitlin Engels
■ Michelle Blythe
■ Gracie McHalen
■ Jacob Drage
■ Matteo Eriksson-Eide
■ Chantale Ellis-Hall
■ Dominic McHalen

■ Girlfriend: Rory Bolan → Cassidy Bolan

■ Samuel Meredith
■ Keith Alvern
■ Chalmes Whitethorne

■ Elliryanna McHalen
■ Cooper Blackmoor
■ Cadoc Wyn
■ Darryn Wyn
■ Joel Powell
■ Sebastian Blythe
■ Rhian Reese
■ Remy Bleiddiad
■ Ariana Hawthorne
■ Caerphilly Catapaults Team Members (2025 - 2047)
■ Quidditch Players (2018 - 2025)
■ Gryffindor Students (2018 - 2025)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2025)

■ Mouse: Bruce I & II (†)


Devoted Winner


Devoted Winner

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:03 pm
Marked as NPC

Hi, my name is Serena Rowley

But I mostly go by Serena

I'm a female

I work in a jewelry store

I'm forty seven years old.

My birthday is August 10th. I was born in 1989

My dream job is to be a home designer.

My blood status is muggle

I was in the class of 2007, but I graduated from High School

I'm interested in men

I'm currently with nobody

I may seem like I'm living the happiest life ever but I'm really not. I have to work quite a lot to be able to afford all the necessities my family needs. I always put as much effort into everything I do because I know that's the only way to get things done well.

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm not happy although I act like I am. I have to work quite a lot to be able to afford all the necessities my son and I need. I always put as much effort into everything I do because I know that's the only way to get things done well.

My background story is I was born in 1989. I've lived in England my whole life. I have a younger and older sister, so me being the middle child, I did what I could to get attention. Being a good kid in the family didn't work because my sisters were also "good kids" so I got into doing some drugs and drinking as a teenager. I rebelled against my parents for the smallest things, and when I was 19, I had a boyfriend who ended up becoming the father of my child. He promised me he'd stay to help out with my kid, but when Cameron was 3 years old, his father left. That's the year we discovered Cameron had magical abilities, so his dad used the excuse he doesn't want a "freak" for a child, but that was definitely not the reason why he left. He left because his job did not pay well and he didn't want to use up his money supporting a kid when all his friends were partying. As much as I hate lying to Cameron, I will never tell him the real reason his father left.

(2018 - 2019) I sent Cameron off to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his first year. I can't be there to make sure he doesn't get into any trouble, but I'm really giving him this opportunity to show me I can trust him to behave.

(2019 - 2020) I didn't meet any of Cam's friends, but he did tell me he made some, so that's good. He told me he wanted to go to this place called Diagon Alley? Since I'm not a witch, I have no way of getting there, so I told him when he's older he can go.

(2020 - 2021) During the summer, I found Bruce dead, so I bought a new mouse and replaced him before Cam could find out. Again, I didn't meet any of Cam's friends. I hope he doesn't hide them from me forever. I met a "muggle" woman named Natasha Blythe. She has a daughter who goes to Hogwarts with Cameron, and they're the same age! That was really exciting. I also learned what muggle meant.

(2021 - 2022) I'm really starting to think being a wizard isn't all it's cracked up to be. Even though Cam has magic, he isn't allowed to use it outside of school, and he barely goes out with his wizard friends during the summer. Maybe during the school year, there's more going on? Also, Cam's mouse that I had bought just last year died. I guess I got him a little too old, but hey, I had to make it look like his last one.

(2022 - 2023) I allowed Cameron to go to some circus masquerade. I shouldn't have, though. When he got home, he was all scratched up and looked as distraught. When I asked him what happened, he wouldn't tell me. Then at school, he didn't sent me any Owl Post for the second half of the year. I'm really starting to worry about him.

(2023 - 2024) Cameron wouldn't tell me why he didn't send me Owl Post for half the year. Then when I finally got it out of him, I found out there was some spell virus thing going around the school that put many of the students to sleep. He doesn't want me to worry, but how can I not when I learn things like this can happen, but I can't be there for my little boy?

(2024 - 2025) Cameron's last year as a student has come. I guess my little baby grew up. Where did the time go? His plan for the future is to join some weird sport or something.

(2025 - 2026) One day when I was out for a coffee with Natasha Blythe, her son performed magic. I couldn't believe she had known about magic all this time even though she is a "muggle" like me.

(2026 - 2027) Cameron got Elli pregnant last winter, and I only found out in the summer when she was already sevenish months along. If I had known earlier, I would have completely forced marriage upon the two; however, I've been told that the girl's father has done so. I really didn't want Cameron to make the same mistake I did and have a child so early. Does it run in the family or something? Their baby is very cute, though. Kory was born during the fall.

(2027 - 2028 ) Cameron hasn't married Elli yet, and when I try to bring it up, he just shuts me out. I barely see him anymore because either he's gone for Quidditch, or he's over at Elli's place. Actually, it's usually due to Quidditch. I don't think he really understands what being a father and having a family is about.

(2028 - 2029) I think I'm going to have to give up on Cameron and trying to get him to marry Elli. If I keep pressing it on him, he will just stop visiting me.

(2029 - 2030) Cameron really hasn't been telling me much about his life anymore. When I ask about something, he answers really vaguely.

(2030 - 2031) I knew it. Cameron didn't listen to me. I told him to marry Elli, he didn't. Now she broke up with him. When will he grow up and stop acting like a child?

(2031 - 2032) Cam hasn't been home much, lately, and not just when he's out for Quidditch. Even during his holidays, he's still never home.

(2032 - 2033) Kory has been wearing very girly clothing, which means I'm going to take advantage of this while I can and sew him dresses and skirts! If he's gonna wear them, I might as well make them. It's my duty as a grandmother.

(2033 - 2034) Kory has been loving and growing out of the dresses I've been making for him, so instead I decided to just buy her some. I got quite tired of knitting and sewing to be honest.

(2034 - 2035) Cameron moved out (finally). He now lives with his new girlfriend. I hope he marries Rory before she leaves, too. Now that I live alone, I'm thinking of getting a pet. I dunno what yet, though.

(2035 - 2036) Cameron had another baby, with Rory this time. His name is Sean Dillon and he was born in June.

I enjoy days off, being able to afford what I want, spending time with Cameron, yummy food, flower, and pastel colors.

I despise lies, Cameron's father, having to save all the money that I make, working my finger to the bone, and feeling lonely.

I'm afraid of moths and trusting people.

My strengths are cooking, painting, and decorating.

My flaws are I have a hard time trusting anyone.

I look like Kristen Wiig

My pet is a N/A
PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:44 pm
Profile Moved to Whitethorne Family

Hi, my name is Kory Brannon Rowley

But I mostly go by Kory

I'm a male

I'm 2 years old.

My birthday is September 5th, 2026

My dream job is to live with mommy and daddy forever

My blood status is Half Blood

The school I will be going to is Hogwarts

The house I'm in is N/A

I'm interested in milk

I'm currently with my pacifier

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm really needy. At least that is what mommy says. I cry a lot. My auntie says I'm collicky. When I'm not crying though I'm really happy and smile at everything.

My background story is my mommy and daddy met in my mommy's very first year at Hogwarts. They became good friends very quickly. When my mommy's auntie and uncle died the summer after, mommy relied on daddy a lot because she was sad. They ended up dating and they've never split up ever. At least that's what they tell me. Daddy graduated and when mommy went to visit him on her winter break I was 'conceived'. Whatever that means. A little over 9 months later I was born. I was born late. Mommy doesn't speak very fondly of being pregnant, but I think she loves me.

I enjoy milk, sleep, auntie, mommy, daddy, grandaddy, laughing, and my pacifier

I despise crying, waking up, yelling, mommy crying, and loud noises.

I'm afraid of the dark

My strengths are being a baby, and getting people's attention

My flaws are I cry a lot, and I think I make mommy cry a lot.

I look like a baby (Chandler Canterbury is future FC)

My wand is a nothing right now

My pet is a nothing right now, although mommy's kitty is very protective of me.

My O.W.L. Scores Are:

My N.E.W.T. Scores Are:

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! Nada

Devlyn Maycry

Obsessive Sex Symbol


Devoted Winner

PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:43 pm




FACECLAIM Luke Benward at the age of...
Thirty One

AGE Thirty One

BIRTHDAY November 17, 2030



WAND Swishy 13½ inch Bloodwood Hippogriff Feather with a Bent Shaft
Bloodwood: Good at hexes, jinxes and curses, making it ideal for a dark wizard and spiteful wizards.
Hippogriff Feather: Extremely useful for transfiguration and charms. Useful for those who are emotional due to the strength and usefulness changing depending on emotion; if the person is angry, it will be useful for dueling. If the person is calm, it will be effective for healing and charms, etc.
Swishy: Playful but weak-willed.
Bent Shaft: Quirky and entertaining.

Guard Dog (large, right arm & right side of chest)
Lucy (medium, left calf)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Hufflepuff

O.W.L. Scores
Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ O
Herbology ~ EE
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ O
Alchemy ~ EE
Arithmancy ~ A
Cursebreaking ~ O
Divination ~ A
Muggle Studies ~ O
Wandless Magic ~ EE
Wandlore Studies ~ EE

N.E.W.T. Scores
Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ O
Alchemy ~ A
Arithmancy ~ EE
Cursebreaking ~ O
Divination ~ A
Muggle Studies ~ O
Wandless Magic ~ EE
Wandlore Studies ~ EE

DREAM JOB Firefighter

CURRENT OCCUPATION Accidental Magic Reversal Squad in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes


HIGH-SPIRITED Jordan is very lively and cheerful. He enjoys having fun and feeds off of the energy around him. If others are in a good mood, he will usually be as well.
EXCITABLE Jordan gets excited about everything very easily. Just the mention of something new or stimulating excites him, and he can't wait to do it, whatever "it" is.
VINDICTIVE When anyone does Jordan any harm, whether as a joke or not, he has a strong desire to get back at them, even if he takes it a step too far. This also goes for anyone who causes harm to a loved one.
FAITHFUL If he promises to do something for somebody, or promises not to do something, he will stick to his word. Jordan always puts those he cares about ahead of everyone else, and even ahead of himself at times.
GULLIBLE Jordan believes anything anyone tells him. It doesn't take too much effort to convince him of anything, especially once he discovered he has magical abilities. That meant magic was real, and who knew what else was real that most people believed to be fake.
IMAGINATIVE His imagination tends to run wild at times. Although while playing games it could be a good thing, he finds himself jumping to the wildest scenarios and conclusions before allowing himself to have a chance to hear the truth.

■ Sports
■ Cake
■ Puppies
■ Clay
■ Snow

■ Heat
■ Talking parrots
■ Chores
■ The smell of gasoline
■ Speedos

■ Cheering others up
■ Caring for others

■ Becoming excited too easily
■ Desire for revenge

■ Bats


EARLY CHILDHOOD Jordan was born in 2030 to muggles Zara and Kyle Scheer. Since before he was born, the family has had a dog. At about four years old, his sister Hailey was born. Not long after turning six years old, weird things started happening. Kyle had known about his cousin Cameron and his magical powers and decided to see if the same thing was happening to Jordan. Alas, they discovered Jordan was, in fact, a wizard. They decided they'd try to keep it hidden as much as they could and that once Jordan is able to attend Hogwarts, they'd send him off.

(2037 - 2038 ) Jordan never really understood what was happening with his powers - he just thought he was different from all the other kids. His parents told him to do his best not to do those weird things, but no matter if he tried or not, he couldn't control when his magic acted up.

(2038 - 2039) Jordan's powers mostly made an appearance when he was filled with emotion, such as anger or excitement.

(2039 - 2040) Jordan had to have a parent-teacher conference after giving one of his peer's a black eye. In his defense, Zack started it.

(2040 - 2041) While at school, Jordan tried to hide his powers. However, when he was alone, he would actually try to use them and control them. Sometimes, his powers presented themselves, just not in the way he had intended.

(2041 - 2042) Jordan received his acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Unfortunately, he had learned that Quayn would have to stay home for the first year.

SCHOOL YEARS (2042 - 2043) Jordan was sorted into Hufflepuff and made the Quidditch team as a reserve chaser. He was excited to bring his dog Quayn to Hogwarts with him next year, but unfortunately, the dog had passed away.

(2043 - 2044) Jordan wanted to get another dog to bring to Hogwarts, but his parents thought it was too early for another animal.

(2044 - 2045) Jordan joined Quidditch once again and he also joined the dueling club.

(2045 - 2046) Jordan continued to play Quidditch and participate in the dueling club. Towards the end of the year, his parents had gotten him a beagle. He was very excited to take her to Hogwarts next year.

(2046 - 2047) Hailey had attended Hogwarts for her first year, and was sorted into Slytherin. Jordan tried to look out for her, but it was a little difficult considering they were in different houses. Besides, she seemed to be doing just fine in her first year. On another note, Jordan brought Lucy to school with him.

(2047 - 2048 ) Jordan was a tad frustrated with Quidditch. They have had an awful season, and have been getting pummeled for a few years now. He hoped next year would be better since it was his last year at Hogwarts.

(2048 - 2049) Jordan had asked Omolara to the school dance, and from there, they had begun dating.

POST GRADUATION (2049 - 2050) Jordan applied for the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad.

(2050 - 2051) Jordan had been hanging out with Kam, Sona (when she's around since she traveled for work quite a bit), and of course Lara a ton.

(2051 - 2052) Jordan had a pretty quiet year full of work and hanging out with his friends. He wasn't in any rush to move out of his parents' home.

(2052 - 2053) Jordan decided to get an owl to make communicating in the wizarding world that much easier. He ended up purchasing a male Snowy Owl named Ghost.

(2053 - 2054) Hailey's fish Sushi had died, and Jordan's great grandfather Daniel had passed away.

(2054 - 2055) Sam had dropped by unexpectedly when he hadn't been home one day in the summer, and was instead greeted by Hailey. By the time Jordan had gotten home, which apparently wasn't too long after Sam had arrived, his best friend and his sister had already set up a first date together. Jordan also didn't learn this until later, and didn't know how to feel about his baby sister dating Sam. Over time and a few double dates, however, he had gotten more comfortable with that idea.

(2055 - 2056) When Jordan had found out that Hailey had gotten a tattoo, he knew he had to get one too. He was rather taken aback that his uptight little sister had gotten one before he did, but he had wanted one for a while. Naturally, he made an appointment as soon as possible and got a guard dog tattooed on his right arm and right side of his chest. Perhaps this design was chosen as he had been feeling rather protective of his sister over the past year with her dating Sam, but it did resonate with him.

(2056 - 2057) Hailey had moved out and in with Samuel.

(2057 - 2058 ) Jordan's great grandmother Elaine had passed away.

(2058 - 2059) Lucy had passed away.

(2059 - 2060) Jordan got a tattoo of Lucy.

(2060 - 2061) Jordan had attended Cameron's funeral. Later, Hailey and Sam had gotten engaged.

(2061 - 2062) Hailey and Sam had gotten married in May, and Jordan was the Best Man.


■ Father: Kyle Scheer
■ Mother: Zara Scheer
■ Grandparents: Franchesk Scheer & Gabrielle Scheer, Xavier Thieman & Uma Thieman
■ Sister: Hailey Scheer ♥ Samuel Dashwood

■ Serena Rowley → Cameron Rowley (†)
■ Velma Pebbles

■ Sonora Li
■ Kameron Hepburn
■ Chanda Giese-Dunbar
■ Cassidy Bolan

■ Girlfriend: Omolara Soyinka

■ Zachary Dwindle

■ Kory Rowley
■ Sean Bolan-Rowley
■ Dept. of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes employees (2049 - Present)
■ Dueling Club Members (2044 - 2049)
■ Quidditch Players (2042 - 2049)
■ Gryffindor Students (2042 - 2049)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2049)

■ Dogs: Quayn (†)
■ Dog: Lucy (†)
■ Owl: Ghost
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2019 11:05 pm
Profile Moved to Dashwood Family

xxHAILEYxxxKENDALLxxxDASHWOODxxxNÉExxx SCHEERxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




FACECLAIM Isabella Palmieri at the age of...
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three

AGE Twenty Seven

BIRTHDAY November 12, 2034



WAND Pliable 11 inch Fir Dragon Heartstring with a Knobby Shaft
Fir: "The Survivor's Wand." Demands staying power and strength of purpose in their true owners, and are poor tools in the hands of the changeable and indecisive. Particularly suited for Transfiguration, and favour owners of focused, strong-minded and, occasionally, intimidating demeanour.
Dragon Heartstring: Powerful and are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Tend to learn quicker than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. Tends to be the easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. Somewhat temperamental and prone to accidents.
Pliable: Transfiguration. Easy-going but strong willed.
Knobby: Earthy and Strong.

Rose (medium, underside of left wrist)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Slytherin

O.W.L. Scores
Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ O
Alchemy ~ O
Arithmancy ~ O
Art ~ A
Care of Magical Creatures ~ P
Cursebreaking ~ EE
Divination ~ EE
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ O
Healing Class ~ EE
Muggle Studies ~ O
Music ~ A
Mythology ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ EE
Wandlore Studies ~ O
Wizard Law ~ O

N.E.W.T. Scores
Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ O
Alchemy ~ O
Arithmancy ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ EE
Divination ~ EE
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ O
Healing Class ~ A
Muggle Studies ~ O
Mythology ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ EE
Wandlore Studies ~ O
Wizard Law ~ O

DREAM JOB Yoga Instructor

CURRENT OCCUPATION Owner of Diagon Dedication

PREVIOUS OCCUPATION Junior Assistant to the Minister of Magic


HARDWORKING Hailey puts her all into the work she does. One reason may be as she is pretty obsessed with being perfect and only wants to produce perfect work and get perfect grades.
CHEERFUL Hailey is typically pretty happy although she is not very easy going. However, if her life is relatively organized and in control, she finds reasons to be joyful.
CIRCUMSPECT Hailey is far from being a risk taker. In fact, she is the complete opposite. The reason she is so unwilling to take risks is because she likes to think of a plan that will get her the results she wants, and if she is not 100% sure that she'd be able to accomplish something, she would not be very willing to try.
INTENSE When Hailey has a plan, she becomes extremely controlling to try and make things go her way. Similarly, if she has a strong opinion on a subject, she would go to the ends of the earth to not only defend the opinion, but also try to make any opposing parties see from her point of view.
ASSERTIVE If Hailey wants or needs something, she will make sure to ask for it. When she does so, she attempts to show herself as confident and self-assured.
UNCHARITABLE Hailey does not consider the feelings of others if they stand in the way of what is best for her and her selfish needs. Some may find her unkind, especially upon meeting, and she has been told she has RBF by other girls her age. Not only that, but Hailey does not volunteer to help others unless there is something in it for her.

■ Cheer leading
■ Clothing
■ Praise
■ Yoga
■ Organization

■ Emotions
■ Helping others
■ Taking risks
■ Hearing 'no'
■ Negative results

■ Organization skills
■ Being assertive

■ Spontaneity
■ Selfishness

■ Not being in control


EARLY CHILDHOOD Hailey was born in 2043 to muggles Zara and Kyle Scheer. Her family had a dog as well, but he passed away when Hailey was about eight years old. For as long as she could remember, Jordan had magical abilities. However, she didn't show any sign of magic until much later than Jordan. Just after her tenth birthday, Hailey began having odd things happen. This time, her parents were able to identify that she possessed magic.

(2045 - 2046) Her parents got Jordan a dog, which made her pretty jealous since she didn't have a pet of her own to bring to Hogwarts. They tried to explain to Hailey that Jordan had gone to school for his first four years without a pet, but since she wouldn't drop the fight, they bought her a goldfish.

SCHOOL YEARS (2046 - 2047) Hailey had a blast during her first year at Hogwarts. She befriended Chanda, who her brother had introduced her to, and they both started a yoga club called Namaste. Furthermore, Hailey made a ton of friends in her year as well, some of which were in her house such as Asbjorn and Aspen. Coincidentally, they both had twin siblings. Asbjorn's brother Rune hung out a lot with them, and Aspen's sister Laurel hung out with them sometimes as well. Hailey rode a boat to the castle with Elias and Caspian, and she also made friends with Nasim from her classes.

(2047 - 2048 ) Hailey had been having a great time at Hogwarts. She had been having the most fun in her yoga club.

(2048 - 2049) While continuing to run Namaste, her yoga club, Hailey also joined the Language Club in hopes that it would make her a more viable candidate for the role of the prefect in fifth year. This year, that club focused on learning Japanese. For Valentine's Day, Hogwarts hosted a dance, and Hailey attended with a group of friends although they were considering bailing on the dance in the first place.

(2049 - 2050) Since Chanda had graduated last year, Hailey had taken over as the sole leader of the club. The club had also seemed to take a hit with members without Chanda, which Hailey didn't expect. For August's last year as the Language Club's leader, they had taken Hailey's suggestion and learned Italian. It looked as though Margaux would be taking over the following year, which Hailey wasn't the most thrilled about, but she figured that would have been the case.

(2050 - 2051) Hailey had continued to lead Namaste and had continued with the Language Club, even with Margaux as the leader, and had learned Portuguese. Hailey never really thought Margaux liked her much, so it was rather surprising when the Frenchwoman had asked her to take over the club the following year. However, when Margaux had asked Hailey to be the face of a new jewelry line that she was working on, that came as even more of a shock.

(2051 - 2052) Hailey continued to lead Namaste, and she had taken over as leader of the Language Club. This year, the club had chosen to learn Spanish. She hoped that with all of her participation in extracurricular activities, that she would be crowned as next year's Head Girl.

(2052 - 2053) Hailey's last year at Hogwarts was eventful, if only because she packed as much into it as one could. The year started off with mixed emotions when she had learned that it had been Nasim instead of her who had been named Head Girl. The Prefect was happy for her friend but jealous at the same time. During the summer, a girl named Aria had passed away and her friends had been mourning her death. The way they had been mourning, however, was not something Hailey was proud of. Many of the older students had turned to drinking and some of the Prefects had even showed up drunk to the Prefect Meeting on the Hogwarts Express. Hailey turned a blind eye this time, but she wasn't sure she'd be able to in the future if they kept it up (which they did). Consequently, she had written up numerous students countless of times throughout the year and had even deducted points from her own house. Not getting Head Girl meant she had to find something else that she could do to add to her resume this year. So, she had approached Professor Drage and asked to be a Teacher's Assistant for his First and Sixth Year Transfiguration classes. Considering she had done particularly well in Transfiguration over the years, it was no surprise that he had accepted her request. Next, Hailey needed to decide who to pass the Language Club and her precious yoga club down to next year. The hardest decision was Namaste, due to her being attached to it. However, she had chosen Penelope Barrett as she was one of few students who rarely missed a meeting, both in the morning and evening sessions. The Language Club had been passed down to Hariette Nakano-Roussel after the Third Year had assisted the club with learning Icelandic. Between preparing for her N.E.W.T. exams, assisting Professor Drage with two Transfiguration classes, fulfilling her Prefect duties, and leading two clubs, Hailey had neglected Sushi. She had Aspen to thank for her fish's survival.

POST-GRADUATION (2053 - 2054) Hailey had applied as the Junior Assistant to the Minister of Magic and had spent many of her lunch breaks with August as he had also worked at the Ministry of Magic. Unfortunately, Hailey hadn't had Aspen around all the time to care for her fish, and poor old Sushi had passed away. Her great grandfather Daniel had also passed away.

(2054 - 2055) Hailey had been home alone one day in the summer when Jordan's best friend Samuel Dashwood dropped by unexpectedly. Hailey let him inside to wait for Jordan to get home, and while they waited, the two talked and flirted, and had scheduled a first date. They agreed not to tell Jordan right away, who had gotten home shortly after. Once Sam had told him the news, he didn't seem overly opposed to the idea although he didn't seem totally comfortable with it either. The two gave their date a shot, which led to a second and third, and even a few double dates with Jordan and Omolara. By the time that Sam and Hailey had made their relationship official, her brother had gotten a lot more comfortable with them dating.

(2055 - 2056) Sam had somehow managed to convince Hailey to get a matching style tattoo with him. She had gotten a rose on her left wrist while he had gotten a butterfly on his right, which typically represented turning over a new leaf in a relationship. In a sense, they were turning over a new leaf. Their initial ‘honeymoon’ phase was coming to an end as they neared their first anniversary. Hailey also liked that rose tattoos symbolized beauty, new love, and love won.

(2056 - 2057) While at the Art Festival with Sam, they had bumped into Margaux, who had paid Hailey to model her jewelry around the festival for the day. In the spring, she and Sam had moved out together.

(2057 - 2058 ) Hailey had met up with Wren at I Like You a Latte to propose her business plans in opening up a fitness centre as she needed him to invest in it. He had thrown her in for a loop when she offered to pay for his coffee and he ended up ordering a bunch of meals off the menu instead, but soon discovered that it was a test as he had ended up paying her back when she returned with the order. Luckily, things went smoothly and he did, in fact, invest in her fitness centre. On a sadder note, Hailey's great grandmother Elaine had passed away.

(2058 - 2059) Hailey had opened up her fitness centre called Diagon Dedication. Jordan's dog Lucy had passed away. Hailey had attended Aspen and Reggie's wedding in June, and Moira and Eion's wedding in October.

(2059 - 2060) Hailey had added a spa to Diagon Dedication.

(2060 - 2061) Hailey had attended Cameron's funeral. Later, Hailey and Sam had gotten engaged.

(2061 - 2062) Hailey and Sam had gotten married on May 27th.


■ Father: Kyle Scheer
■ Mother: Zara Scheer
■ Father in Law: Harrison Dashwood
■ Mother in Law: Gwendolyn Dashwood
■ Grandparents: Franchesk Scheer & Gabrielle Scheer, Xavier Thieman & Uma Thieman
■ Brother: Jordan Scheer
■ Sister in Law: Nora Dashwood

■ Serena Rowley → Cameron Rowley (†)
■ Velma Pebbles

■ Aspen Hill
■ Wren Winchester
■ Yukon Knolle
■ Nimbus Siddall
■ Asbjorn Borson
■ Rune Borson
■ August Li
■ Nasim Findlay-Abrams
■ Caspian Lillantine
■ Chanda Giese-Dunbar
■ Eion Delacroix
■ Elias Locke
■ Penelope Barrett
■ Hariette Nakano-Roussel

■ Husband: Samuel Dashwood


■ Omolara Soyinka
■ Reginald Blake
■ Mallaidh O'Hannigan
■ Sparrow Winchester
■ Duane Aindrias-Evera
■ Laurel Hill
■ Brendan Findlay-Abrams
■ Priscilla Richardson-Connelly
■ Margaux Levesque
■ Moira Payne
■ Kory Rowley
■ Sean Bolan-Rowley
■ Cassidy Bolan
■ Minister for Magic and Support Staff (2053 - 2058 )
■ Language Club Members (2048 - 2053)
■ Namaste Club Members (2047 - 2053)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2053)

■ Dog: Quayn (†)
■ Goldfish: Sushi (†)


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