The Lord God has done many amazing things for me, and I am so grateful for every gift received. Thank you so much, Father! Thank you for many more in advance. smile Anyway, there is a bunch of stuff that's swirling around in this little head of mine. razz

▪I'm super thankful for the people in my life that have been going through difficult times in relationships and have had almost everything mended. One friend of mine was being mentally abused by her boyfriend and she just broke up with him and I was praying for this bad relationship to end... I was also praying for relatives of mine not to divorce because the husband was cheating on his wife and could've left 2 beautiful kids behind and his wife. They're going to counseling and getting things settled... Thanks for that God!

▪I'm finally getting to see the church that I wanted to go to for a long time because I saw the pastor at a winter camp and he was amazing at speaking. I'm going to be seeing him on Aug. 5 because I'm staying at my best friend's house for a whole weekend! Thanks so much, dear Lord!

▪I'm still super grateful for the youth events that have been going down this whole summer. I've been learning a lot & experiencing a lot. Especially with Creation Festival East! I enjoyed that time so much & I always love this outreach music festival. smile It impresses me every time I visit there! Thanks for all of it!

▪I'm still quite in shock from the Bible verse that you planted in my dreams this past summer. I can't believe how well the word of God can spread, even when we're sleeping! 2 Timothy 1:7 all the way! May I always exchange the fear inside of me for that willpower to adore YOU! Thank you for the experiences!

▪And just thank you for all the music that's been blessing my ears lately. I was vowing to listen to mostly your music and staying away from most all other kinds of vulgar-filled and obscene noise considered to be music. You definitely know how to keep that word coming and make it catchy enough to remember it. smile Thanks a bunnnch!

▪Just thank you for sticking with me in my time of stress & need. smile You've supplied me with sooo much that I'm forever in debt, but I'm paying off that work by living for you!

Sorry, everybody for the giant block of words! I had to get that all out smile