Hey there,

The name is Brandon and I am back here again trying to find a relationship. Haven't found anything good in a long while. My longest relationship was a year and I do hope I can find happiness for that long or longer again.

About this guy: I am 18 and I live in Florida. I am out of high school without a job and not currently attending college. Hope to find a job soon and be in college after this year is over. Most days I spend are at home seeing as no one really wants to hangout with me. Those who do talk to me are awesome and everyone else I know just seems to pass me over. I usually am on the computer hanging out in the Gaia forums, listening to music on Youtube/Spotify, or on Facebook. I also play Dungeon Fighter Online, Record Let's Plays, and Play Skyrim on my PS3.

Interests: Gaming, Music, Anime, Cartoons, and super heroes.

Personality: I am an overly nice guy, hard working, caring, compassionate, funny, and pervy.

What I am looking for: I am looking for someone BETWEEN the ages of 18-23 for my parents approval. Someone who will talk to me and not randomly talk to me for hours/days. Someone who isn't stuck up about religion or looks. I am overweight and please don't contact me without knowing that. I am not into people who want to wait until marriage just for sexual interaction. I don't mind if you are a transexual that is post-op. Looks/Race doesn't bother me at all. Someone who can also be romantic, sweet, caring, and enjoy my company. I would like someone to be into some of things I am into. I really am after being able to click with someone and possibly fall in love and all that.