Private message me, or I wont contact you back...

Im Goth/Emo
Asian, White, Purto Rican
My name: Call me Noot
Im overly affectionate
I like to talk and text (Americans only)
I go for personality only, your face and abs mean nothing to me.
I love to travel
I love cooking and cleaning
Im an artist and writer
Im a cat person, and big dog person

What I look for in a man.
I prefer he be taller than me so 5'9+
Must be 25-35 years old
Goth/emo would be nice
You must be faithful, open, sensitive, honest, loyal and a gentleman.
We cannot talk via phone if you live over seas.
Must be willing to try new things without complaining, I will do the same.
You must know how to have fun, lazy and boring people die as couch potatoes.
Must love RPG video games.
If you judge me by appearence and not by what really matters, I'll block you immediately, shallow men get no where in life.
I tend to be a leader so feel free to step up to the plate.

We will not exchange photos until we've grown to ones personality.

Ask questions if needed until then fairwell...♪