Okay, so the game is pretty funny and I enjoy playing it. The game is playable in Solo Mode or Together. Solo mode is the story and has levels to play while together mode pits you against other players.

There are lots of things to unlock and get, so playing it through once may not be enough, and you can adjust the difficulty of the level.

I like how they used the Underworld music from the first Kid Icarus game and did something like a reprise for it in some parts of the game, which is awesome because the Underworld theme from Kid Icarus (the first game) is my favorite.

I also enjoy seeing
Pit get eaten by the Tempura Wizard because... I do. I find it sad too.

I go to together mode, and if you want, I could give you my friend code for my 3DS so we can play... Also, I am trying to see if I could be flattened the atlas foot in together mode because... I heard rumor from someone whom I will not mention to protect their dignity... or reputation. I believe in him too... I just wanna see it happen to me once though.

I think you guys can enjoy it, and if you're left handed, don't worry. You can adjust the control settings in the options menu; although, this game may not be for everyone.

Oh, I've tried to be flat in Solo mode, but no dice.