(Yes, I'm looking for a girlfriend, so uh...)
My name's Malik (Ma'leek) and I'm 17.
Some things that interest me are:
◦Football (I played as a lineman, hence my stocky build)
◦Skyrim (I've always been into classic RPGs, and Oblivion was a good start for me)
◦Zombies (You can say that I'm a fanatic when it comes to zombies...)
I like all kinds of music, but light rock and hip-hop are my favorite genres (talk about outlandish...).

What I look for in a girl is...
◦Someone who isn't afraid to show their emotions.
◦Someone who is romantic.
◦Someone that I can "emotionally spoil" (lots of compliments, goofy jokes, ect.)
I consider myself an innocent romantic, but I'm not afraid to get dirty, if you catch my drift.

Wanna contact me? Drop a PM in my inbox and we'll see how things go.
Thanks. razz