Hello, all! I'm Zach. And I'm searching for a nice, young beauty who would be willing to tame a gruesome beast like me. Now, a little bit about me. My two greatest passions in life are Music and Professional Wrestling. I have aspirations of either becoming a professional wrestler or a vocalist in a band. I have written a little over 40 song lyrics. However, none of them have actual music, just rhythms in my noggin for them.

I enjoy reading manga and watching anime. My favorite being Pandora Hearts. My favorite book series is the Alice in Wonderland books. I live in Central California so I would prefer a girl who lives somewhat close to me. If you don't, don't worry. I am willing to do an online relationship. I am really into video games, especially RPG's. My favorite game series is Kingdom Hearts.

Now, what I am looking for in a girl: Isn't particularly religious. Likes to have intelligent conversations. Loves music. is willing to support me and the pursuit of my dreams. Dependable. Loyal. And most importantly, isn't afraid to come to me with a problem.

That's it for now. If you want to see the beast, go to my profile. If you're still interested after that, PM me or post here. Have a nice day! biggrin