Name: Jayson(Jay) Alesworth

Element: Earth

Room-mate: (To Be Assgined)

Classes: Earth
Greek Mythology
Roman Mythology
Japanese Folklore

Personality: He comes off as too cocky for his own good, he tends to keep people at a distance, but once you get to know him you'll realise he's just as down to earth as his mom, he's content with observing those around him--he's a wall flower. He's completely loyal to those he care about(especially his mom), over protective to a fault, and stubborn as a mule. He also has a strong moral compass and isn't afraid to speak up if something is wrong.

Biography: Elliot was born and raised at the Academy and he loves it but he can't wait to get out and explore the world. He's been sheltered his whole life and wants to be able to stand on his own two feet. He doesn't know who his father is though he would like to know if he has any family members besides his mom. He exeles at his element though he loves learning in general.

Apperance: He has wavy dark brown hair that barely brushes his ears with auburn highlights that only show in the sun. He has his mother's blue eyes but his dad's sharp facial features and deeply tanned skin. He also inheritted his dad's height, standing at 5'10'' and still growing. He has a lean but athletic figure.