The basics are in my profile.
I've had a shitty life since I can remember...probably 6 years old.
If you care to get to know me or know the parts of my life I feel like telling you then send me a pm.

This is my 10th account so if I know you from my past and it ended poorly I will ignore your pms (no offense)
I'd prefer someone in America but I do not care I suppose.
I'm looking for something serious eventually.

I'm seeking 18-35 years of age
I'm fine with long distance but I have major trust issues so bare with me.
I am me I will not change for you, if your looking for someone perfect your in dreamland.

I am not a supermodel never want to be one I have hips get over it!
I'm attracted to the following (either gender) of "labels" goth/scene, geeks, feminine males, transgender, tomboy female, gentleman/gentlelady...

Send me a PM ONLY I will not reply to a guild post.

Peace and Love~