On Letting Employees Go

Do you have a plot where you have a character get fired? Does one of your employees display lackluster work ethics and you're looking to fire them? Look no further. Just follow these steps.

1. Make sure that all parties involved understand what is going on.

2. Fill out the appropriate form and post it in the thread. Government employees will be given a reason as to why they were let go. All others may not be given a reason.

Government Jobs

[b]Employee's Name:[/b]

[b]Current Occupation:[/b]

[b]Reason for Release:[/b]

[b]Signature of Office Head:[/b]

[b]Signature of Department Head:[/b]

Other Jobs

[b]Employee's Name:[/b]

[b]Current Occupation:[/b]

[b]Reason for Release:[/b] (Optional)

[b]Signature of Boss:[/b]