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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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The Barrett Family ~ Accepted

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Essy ze Ninja
Vice Captain

Partying Phantom

10,275 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:55 am

The Barrett Family

Barrett Cottage, The Cotswolds, England, UK

Christian "Crash" Barrett
Played by Essy ze Ninja

Alexandria "Alex" Barrett

Played by kiska166 [1/18/18 7:17 pm CT]

Penelope "Penny" Barrett
Played by kiska166 [1/19/17 9:22 PM CT]

Syd Dallas Barrett
Played by Essy ze Ninja [10/8/20 6:57 PM CT]
Played by kiska166 [9/26/21 4:10 PM PST]

Accepted by: ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [3/19/2017]
Updates Accepted by: 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 [09/28/2021]
Characters Accepted:
Christian [3/19/2017], Penelope [3/19/2017], Alexandria [1/22/2018][Syd 12/09/2018]Syd [09/28/2021]
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:00 am
xxxxC H R I S T I A Nxxx"C R A S H"xxxB A R R E T T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Crash

              AGE 33

              BIRTHDAY 8 May 2010

              BLOOD STATUS halfblood

              WAND 11” Holly, Griffin Hair, very rigid

              GENDER male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Ryan Sheckler (Now) [x] David Beckham (Future) [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              CLASS OF 2028

              BEST LESSONS
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts
                  Ghost and Ghoul Studies

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ P
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ P
                  History of Magic ~ D
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ O
                  Mythology ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ EE
                  Mythology ~ EE
                  Wandless Magic ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Ghoul Task Force

              PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Azkaban Guard

              DREAM JOB Professional Skater

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ DARING An adventurer at heart, Crash loves exploring new places and trying new things. He's an adrenaline junkie and always tries to push himself harder on breaking limits. He enjoys a good challenge and doesn't know when to quit.
              ■ EMPATHETIC He was forced to grow up fast from an early age, and always tried to help his mother whenever he could. That sympathy for his mother (and his own) struggle, made him soft hearted and caring. It almost hurts to watch other struggle, and he'll go out of his way to help or root on the underdog.
              ■ SPONTANEOUS Not a man of timetables or planning, he does what he wants when he feels like it. It can be bad, being undisciplined and relying on motivation for the most part. But he makes time for opportunities and always tries to have fun.
              ■ DOWN-TO-EARTH He's simple, in a sense. Plain. He doesn't like to make a big deal out of things and prefers the practical approach. He's not a fighter, preferring to talk things out with a level-head. And thinks of the world in a mass of grays instead of black and white.
              ■ EXPRESSIVE Usually, he won't bother biting back any words, but if he does, they can always be found written all over his face. His brows and eyes react too much, shrinking to slits or bugging out at the slightest surprise. He's almost animated, cartoonish, with his exaggerations and long sighs.
              ■ SELFISH It's certainly not his favorite trait, but he can't help it. After being an orphan, you never stop putting yourself first, after all, who else is going to? Sometimes, it means he'll lie, steal, and cheat, but he'll always feel guilty of it afterwards. He's afraid of getting hurt, so he never gets too close to people.


                  community service
                  broken boards

                  comic books



                  old age

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Crash was born to a Russian pureblood witch who fled from the insanity of her family. His mother had traveled back and forth from American and the UK. During one trip, she met an American muggle and became pregnant. After returning to the UK to be rejected by her family, the Kamenev's, she inevitably gave birth to the boy in England before her flight back to the America's.

              Crash's father stayed with his mother to raise him for a few short years until he was enlisted and deployed to the military. When Crash was five years old, his mother was notified by her lover's family that he had been killed in enemy territory. Since Crash's birth certificate did not have his father's name on it and his mother had never officially married, which left them alone and penniless.

              His mother took to a more illegal business and began selling narcotics. With the help of her magic, her business multiplied. During this time, Crash was enrolled in ghetto muggle schools and usually forced to fend for himself. Which wound up with him picking up skateboarding, smoking cigarettes, and letting his friends' older brothers practice tattooing on him. He even got in trouble with the law a few times too. Eventually his mother became a junkie which quickly lead to the search and seizure that had ended in his mother's untimely death. Crash was at an afterschool care program during the event. When he was found by the authorities, it was revealed that he did not have American citizenship and was deported to the UK where he was shuffled between foster homes and orphanges until he found a more permanent residence at Wools Orphanage. There, he became fast friends with a slew of other orphans. Luke, Steffi, Cain and Aubrey. When he received his Hogwarts letter, he was surprised that several other orphans were magical too.

              SCHOOL YEARS Crash was sorted into Gryffindor and became fast friends with his fellow housemates. He joined the quidditch team as a keeper, and endured some of the worst luck their house has had in history. He became close friends with Ronna Walsh and even stayed with her and her da' one summer, but that didn't last. After Ronna declared feelings for Crash that, he wasn't even sure about yet, they ended up in a fight and he ran away back to the orphanage.

              He chose to roll with the wrong crowd, getting more tattoos, drinking, smoking, and vandalizing whatever he could get his hands on. He cared less about school, but never dropped out because it was the only place he could call home. Over the years, he became closer and closer to one of his quidditch teammates, Alexandria. He asked her to the Yule Ball, later, they went on their first date to the zoo, then followed that up with several more.

              POST GRADUATION With no where to go, Crash took the first job he could at Azkaban as a guard and rented a room out of the Hogs Head Inn for a while. Eventually, he and Alex got their own flat together and everything had finally gotten comfortable. Until the breakout of 2032, where several prisoners escaped and he was pitted against Garret Drage, the former Head Auror. It was the breaking point that finally pushed him to start applying for different jobs at the ministry. As soon as he could, he quit his old job and started at the Ghoul Task Force.

              Lately, though, he and Alex have been on rocky grounds. Choosing to fight over nothing than to actually try talking about their problems. They both must have been miserable but were too afraid to do anything about it. Something had to change. So after a long talk with Alex, he decided to try and make things work. Which was stupid, the only reason they fought was because they were scared. She was scared he would leave. He was scared of commitment. But they both knew they wanted more.. Just never said anything about it until then. After that long sobering conversation, things started to look up. He bought her a promise ring for now, and is trying to save up for a wedding and engagement ring (and probably a huge wedding too, knowing her.) Despite trying to save money, they decided they both needed a good vacation away together. In 2036, Crash took Alex to his hometown of Houston, Texas and showed her around the sights (too bad she had food poisoning for most of it.)

              Turns out, it wasn't food poisoning at all, Alex was pregnant. Naturally, he panicked. But it didn't take long for the fear to blend in with excitement. Deciding to postpone any wedding talk for now, they focused on getting ready for their baby girl, who was born in April 2037. After Penny was out of diapers, they decided to move out of their flat and into a small cottage in the Cotswolds closer to Alex's family.

              After a few years of saving and planning, Crash and Alex were married in the Spring of 2040 and enjoyed their summer honeymoon a few short months later in Paris, France.

              A few short years later, Alex was pregnant again. Crash hoped and begged and pleaded for a boy. all the while trying to convince Alex that "Syd" is a perfectly acceptable name for a little boy. Then, in the summer of 2043, Alex went into labor and gave birth to Syd Dallas Barrett. (Partly named after Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd, and also somewhat after Alex's deceased brother, Dalton Quimby-Scott, through the similar sounding name Dallas.) Crash just hoped that Penny didn't start off resenting the new baby and tried to divide his time as equally as possible.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Mother: Ivanna Barrett nee Kamenev (†) ■ Daughter: Penelope Barrett ■ Son: Syd Barrett ■ In-Laws: Quimby-Winthrop Family
              FRIENDS Miles McLellan ■ Jacob Drage ■ Tobias Walsh ■ Ronna Walsh ■ Rosabella Winthrop ■ Luke Nalson ■ Steffi Nalson ■ David Clarisse ■ Cordelia Quimby-Winthrop
              BEST FRIEND ---
              WIFE Alexandria Barrett
              ENEMIES Theodore Gibbs


■ Updated age, added last paragraph to bio, added future FC [10/8/18]

[Tattoos in Spoiler]
Across the back: “Skate and Destroy”
Across the back: angels, sunset, palm trees and a skateboarder design
Across the chest: "Strength & Honor."
Across the chest: eagle wings design
Right bicep: skull design
Right forearm: black star holding up a city skyline design
Right forearm: “Skate Life”
Left forearm: “Till Death.”
Left forearm: skateboard design
Left arm: dancing lady design


Essy ze Ninja
Vice Captain

Partying Phantom

10,275 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Tipsy 100


Devoted Winner

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:37 pm




FACECLAIM Kendall Jenner at the age of...
Twenty One

AGE Twenty Five

BIRTHDAY April 5, 2037



WAND Springy 10½ inch Ebony Rougarou Hair with a Spiraled Shaft
Ebony wood: Highly suited to all manner of combative magic and to transfiguration.
Rougarou core: Rumoured to have an affinity for dark magic, although suitable for use by non-Dark wizards and witches as well.
Springy: Charms. Energetic disposition and friendly.
Spiraled Shaft: Quick witted and open minded.

TATTOOS Ballerina Shoes (small, on the outer side of her right ankle)
Butterflies (medium, on the inner side of her right bicep)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Gryffindor

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ T
History of Magic ~ P
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ O
Art ~ O
Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ EE
Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ A
Mythology ~ D
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ EE

Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ O
Art ~ O
Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
Cursebreaking ~ O
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ EE

DREAM JOB Ballerina

■ Tour Guide at Terror Tours
■ Licensed Apparition Professor in the Dept. of Magical Transportation


SHY When Penelope has something on her mind, she tends to keep it to herself until she's comfortable enough with someone else to share it. It usually takes her quite a bit of time to get used to a new person. She absolutely dreads being the center of attention.
DARING Although she doesn't like attention, Penny is always up to try something new, even if she's afraid. It takes a lot of courage and effort on her part, but she's able to push past her own boundaries.
LOVING Penelope does what she can to show someone that she loves them although she usually doesn't say she loves them or why, even if she feels that they love her, too. She also supports those that she cares for 100% as long as she thinks their decision is what is best for them. She is a firm believer in actions speaking louder than words.
CLEVER Penelope can usually find a way to get out of a bad situation, whether it be talking or acting her way out of it. She knows what her strengths are and uses them to her advantage.
SELFISH Penny wants what she wants when she wants it, and she does whatever it takes to get it, even if that means hurting someone else. She's usually too concerned with her own desires to consider anyone else's thoughts or feelings. If someone is trying to stand in between her and the thing she wants, she becomes hot-tempered very quickly.
ENERGETIC Penelope can't sit still for more than five seconds. She becomes very antsy if she has to sit for long periods of time as she is used to always being up on her feet dancing or doing yoga.

■ Animals
■ Watermelon
■ Ballet
■ Basking in the sun
■ Cuddling

■ Baths
■ Going to bed early
■ Being the center of attention
■ Crowded places
■ Dirt

■ Willing to step out of her comfort zone
■ Thinking on the spot

■ Speaking up
■ Opening up to others

■ The spotlight


EARLY CHILDHOOD On April 5th, 2037, Penelope was born to Alexandria Quimby-Scott and Christian Barrett (but everyone calls him Crash). They live in a small, dark house in England with a black owl.

(2037 - 2038 ) Penelope has been crawling a lot, and is excited to start walking and running around.

(2038 - 2039) Penny and her parents have moved into a bigger house in the Cotswolds. After the move, she started seeing her extended family a lot more often.

(2039 - 2040) Penelope's parents got married in the spring. She got to be the flower girl.

(2040 - 2041) Penelope spent a little while at her grandparents' home while her parents were on their honeymoon. In the fall, Shadow had passed away. Penny had missed the owl for a little while afterwards. This year, her parents had also enrolled her in ballet.

(2041 - 2042) Penny's parents had bought her a bug cage, so she could collect all the cool bugs she finds outside.

(2042 - 2043) Penelope found out she was going to have a little sibling and was very excited about it.

(2043 - 2044) Penelope became an older sister to her brother Syd.

(2044 - 2045) Penelope had fun as the flower girl at Yvonne and Jonas' wedding.

(2045 - 2046) Penelope's grandparents adopted a girl named Jessica, who was younger than her. Not only did she have to share her role as flower girl at Cordelia's wedding with Jess, but they also had a third flower girl. Penny didn't like that, so she decided to walk down the aisle with Syd instead.

(2046 - 2047) Penelope's great grandfather Ian Scott had passed away. On a lighter note, Cordelia had a baby girl named Noreen and Yvonne had a baby boy named Matthew.

(2047 - 2048 ) Penelope was pretty excited that this was about to be her last year of regular school, and that next year she'd be going to Hogwarts.

SCHOOL YEARS (2048 - 2049) Penelope was sorted into Gryffindor just like her parents, and had made the Quidditch team as the Reserve Keeper. Furthermore, she also joined the school's yoga and fencing clubs. In March, Yvonne and Jonas had a second son named Tobias.

(2049 - 2050) In the summer, Penelope had gotten braces. Once school had started, she had made the Quidditch team again as a Reserve Keeper and continued her membership in the yoga and fencing clubs. Her aunt Cordelia was also pregnant with her and Dakota's second child.

(2050 - 2051) In August, her aunt Cordelia had given birth to her son named James. Zoe had also gotten a boyfriend. Penny had made the Quidditch team as a Reserve Keeper once again and had also continued her membership in the yoga and fencing clubs.

(2051 - 2052) Penelope had gotten her braces off in the summer. She made the Quidditch team as a Reserve Keeper again, and was asked to take over as the leader of the Art of the Sword next year. Her aunt Rosabella's grandmother had passed away this year as well.

(2052 - 2053) Penelope made the Quidditch team as a Reserve Keeper again, which she wasn't entirely thrilled about as she preferred to be a Chaser. However, she didn't want to drop the sport altogether, so she stayed quiet and did her best during practices. She took over as the captain of the Art of the Sword and was also approached by Hailey Scheer to take over Namaste the following year. After taking some time to think about it, the Fifth Year agreed. Penelope had started some sort of rivalry with a boy in her year named Eden Harper. They competed in their Transfiguration class, but Penny soon developed feelings for him. One autumn evening, the two spent time collecting research material in the library when she had mustered up the courage to tell him how she felt and ask him out. Unfortunately, he rejected her in a most ruthless fashion, which caused the girl to promptly leave, crying the whole way back to her dormitory. Following the rejection, Penelope started to hang out with Ashton Bardsley as he had asked her if she wanted to drink alcohol on occasion. Finally, she had approached the boy and accepted his offer. The two started to drink, smoke, and have sex in secret. However, some rumours began circulating about them, which Penny wasn't entirely comfortable with (even if most of them were true). She started to develop feelings for him, too, but didn't want the whole school knowing what they were up to. Their behaviour continued throughout winter and into the spring. However, he had never wanted anything serious with her, and the more they continued, the more she did. Eventually, it all became too much for Penelope as not only were her grades slipping, but she felt terribly about herself. Towards the end of the year, she started to avoid hanging out with Ashton as she needed to study to do well on the O.W.L. exams, or at least that was the truth that she told him. Although it was true, there was more to that, and it was that Penny had started to resent him for roping her into his toxicity and using her.

(2053 - 2054) Penelope made the Quidditch team as the Reserve Keeper once again. At the first Namaste meeting of the year, which Penelope was now the Captain of, Eden and his girlfriend Calliope arrived together. The boy ended up apologizing to her and he said that she could hit him, so she slapped him -- right in the face in front of everyone. She then laughed and pulled him into a hug, and the two were somewhat friends again. At the first Art of the Sword meeting, Penny had to be very stern with a particular pair of siblings as they were bickering and goofing off. As the year went on, however, they seemed to at least listen to her, for the most part. Penelope had become good friends with Cenek Knapp, who had seeked her out whenever he wanted to get away from his twin Chadwick (who she had found rather loud and annoying at times) and Chadwick's boyfriend Finley Archer. Many times, she was even invited to hang out with all three of them, and they had gone to For Goodness Bakes together on a weekend. In the fall, Kylian had proposed to Zoe.

(2054 - 2055) Syd had started his first year at Hogwarts while Penelope had started her last. She had finally made the Quidditch team as a Chaser for the starting team rather than the Keeper. She had passed down the Namaste captain-ship to Flora Helen and the Art of the Sword captain-ship to Mattie. For Halloween, Hogwarts held the Deep Sea Horrors Masquerade, which Penelope was to attend with both Cenek and Sparrow, but Sparrow had ended up doing anything and everything in her power to get Cenek and Penny alone. This had began a whirlwind of not only rumours, but comments from their friends and peers that they should date each other. It didn't help as well that Penelope had invited Cenek as her date to Zoe and Kylian's wedding. In her defense, she thought it would be a fun time since both Chadwick and Finley had also attended. In the spring, the two had finally given dating a shot. Their first date was to Moore Italian, which was a restaurant that Brook had opened, for Cenek's birthday. Penny's birthday followed the week after, which brought them to their second date. On their third date, however, they went in for an awkward, very quick kiss, which prompted them to discuss just how bizarre dating each other was. The couple had decided to stay friends instead. Additionally, for Penelope's 18th birthday, she and her mum had gotten matching tattoos of ballerina shoes on their right ankles.

POST-GRADUATION (2055 - 2056) Penelope had applied to become a Licensed Apparition Professor and moved out with Cenek, as friends. In the springtime, she had attended (and helped set up) Brook and Gus' elopement party at Moore Italian, and Zoe and Kylian had welcomed their daughter Melodie into the world. For her great grandmother Paula's 100th birthday, Penny, Syd, Alex and Harvey had spent part of the day with her.

(2056 - 2057) Penelope went to the Art Festival in the summertime with Cenek, Sparrow and Yukon. While there, they had visited her mum at her painting booth and had watched a few performances, including Finley's. Later, Penelope and Yukon had started dating. Penelope had also gotten a second job at Terror Tours. On March 16, Penny had attended Callie and Eden's wedding under a lunar eclipse and meteor shower with Yukon.

(2057 - 2058 ) Zoe and Kylian welcomed their son Tallis into the world in June. Penelope had attended two weddings with Yukon: Philip and Chelsea's in the fall and Finley and Chadwick's in the winter.

(2058 - 2059) Penelope had attended Aspen and Reggie's wedding in June, and Eion and Moira's wedding in October. At the latter, a dragon fly made an appearance and Yukon was convinced it was Aria from the afterlife. Philip and Chelsea had welcomed their son Tristan into the world in December.

(2059 - 2060) Penelope had moved in with Yukon.

(2060 - 2061) Yukon and Penelope broke up due to numerous things, including but not limited to the fact that Yukon was going to adopt a child without much consideration for Penny, and the fact that Penny couldn't compete with a dead girl (Aria). After a lot of fighting and feeling like s**t about herself, they had finally broken up. After their break up, she moved back in with her parents. Later, her great-grandfather Gabriel had passed away.

(2061 - 2062) Penelope got a tattoo of butterflies on her bicep to represent change, personal growth, and transformation.


■ Father: Christian Barrett
■ Mother: Alexandria Quimby-Scott
■ Grandparents: Ivanna Barrett (†), Harvey Scott & Eleanor Quimby
■ Brother: Syd Barrett
■ Uncle: Dalton Quimby-Scott (†)
■ Aunt: Rosabella Winthrop
■ Aunt: Cordelia Quimby-Winthrop ♥ Dakota Vann → Noreen Vann, James Vann
■ Uncle: Philip Quimby-Scott ♥ Chelsea Durant → Ethan Durant, Tristan Quimby-Winthrop
■ Aunt: Jessica Quimby-Winthrop

■ Yvonne Quimby ♥ Jonas Spencer → Matthew Spencer, Tobias Spencer
■ Zoe Quimby ♥ Kylian Marteau → Melodie Marteau, Tallis Marteau

■ Cenek Knapp
■ Finley Archer
■ Chadwick Knapp
■ Eden Harper
■ Gaspard Dufour
■ Aidene Kiernan
■ Brook Knapp
■ Hailey Scheer


■ Ashton Bardsley
■ Yukon Knolle

■ Aspen Hill
■ Wren Winchester
■ Sparrow Winchester
■ Augustus Moore
■ Cassiopeia Whitethorne
■ Calliope Whitethorne
■ Lochi Bardsdale
■ Chanda Giese-Dunbar
■ Brendan Findlay-Abrams
■ Priscilla Richardson-Connelly
■ The Art of the Sword Members (2048 - 2055)
■ Namaste Club Members (2048 - 2055)
■ Quidditch Players (2048 - 2055)
■ Gryffindor Students (2048 - 2055)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2055)

■ Owl: Shadow (†)  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:14 pm




FACECLAIM Selena Gomez at the age of...
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Eight
Thirty Two

Salma Hayek at the age of...
Thirty Three
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five

AGE Fifty

BIRTHDAY July 10, 2012



WAND Rigid 9 inch Black Ironwood Sphinx Mane Hair with a Decorated Shaft
Black Ironwood: Does well with the dark arts.
Sphinx Maine Hair core: Useful for charms and jinxes, but is still very versatile.
Rigid: Defensive magic. Headstrong and unyielding.
Decorated Shaft: Image/beauty minded, usually ambitious.

Tree with Books for Leaves (small, sprouting from her chest and reaching towards her throat)
Paint Brush (small, along the inner side of her left middle finger)
Cowboy Boot with a Hat, Rose, and a Horseshoe (medium, on her right shoulder blade)
Penny (small, on her right foot)
Eiffel Tower (medium, on her left forearm)
Pink Floyd (medium, on her left shoulder)
Fire Horse (medium, on the side of her right thigh)
Dog Paw (medium, on her right forearm)
Owl (small, behind her right ear)
Ballerina Shoes (small, on the outer side of her right ankle)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Gryffindor

Astronomy ~ D
Charms ~ A
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
Herbology ~ D
History of Magic ~ T
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ P
Art ~ O
Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
Cooking with Magic ~ D
Cursebreaking ~ E
Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ O
Muggle Art ~ O
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ P

Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
Art ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ A
Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ A
Muggle Art ~ O

DREAM JOB Tattoo Designer

CURRENT OCCUPATION All or Nothing Ink and Boardshop Tattoo Artist and Piercing Specialist


ARTSY Alexandria is extremely creative. She enjoys drawing and painting to express herself when words aren't enough. She also partakes in those activities to relax during her spare time. All of the paintings hung up in her and Crash's home are those that she made. Although she isn't a tattoo artist, she has come up with a few designs that customers have gotten tattooed.
COMPETITIVE Alex loves winning. As soon as she feels she is competing with someone, she will do her best to crush them, especially if her opponent is Rosabella. She grew up competing with her step sister over everything, so as an adult, she continues to try and outdo others.
MANIPULATIVE Alex may have never excelled at school, but that doesn't mean she isn't clever. She knows how to talk to her way out situations as well as how to get what she wants from almost anybody. However, some people do take more effort to manipulate than others.
LAZY Alex doesn't like to work. If she had it her way, she'd have others do her work for her while she eats and draws. Whether it's her job or doing chores around the house, she always tries to take the easy way out. On the plus side, she sometimes finds a quick way to get something done by not doing it the "right" way.
IMPULSIVE Alexandria is an excellent example of someone who acts first and thinks later. She never thinks about the consequences her actions may have in the future, which can get her into quite a bit of trouble on occasion.
REPENTANT If Alex does something to hurt a person that she cares for even a tiny bit, she'd soon feel guilty and remorseful and would go out of her way to make it up to them.

■ Art
■ Quidditch
■ Horseback riding
■ Piercings
■ Winning

■ Girly girls
■ Moths
■ Wearing pink
■ Losing
■ Working

■ Drawing
■ Getting what she wants

■ Laziness
■ Thinking things through

■ Embarrassment


EARLY CHILDHOOD Alexandria was born in 2012 to Eleanor Quimby and Harvey Scott. About a year later, they got a dog named Bandit. The following year, her brother Dalton was born. Around that time, Ellen and Harvey had been fighting a lot and decided to divorce. Although Alex was too young to understand exactly what was going on, she and her brother got to see their dad every weekend and on special occasions, such as birthdays and Christmas. Throughout her childhood, Harvey took his children to Quidditch tournaments. Not long after the divorce, Eleanor married a muggle named Tristan Winthrop, and he and his daughter, Rosabella, moved in with them. When Alex was six years old, her half sister, Cordelia, was born. At about eight years old, the family purchased a horse for Alex to learn to ride. Whenever Alex threw tantrums, her magic tended to make appearances. For example, after dinner once, she and Bella got into a fight over ice cream. Plates and other dishes began flying in every direction. The summer before attending Hogwarts, Ellen bought Alex an owl to take with her.

SCHOOL YEARS (2023 - 2024) Alex was sorted into Gryffindor and made the Quidditch team as a reserve keeper. Since the team never needed her at games, she always showed up late. The Alvern twins called a mandatory meeting about Quidditch, which Alex was tempted to skip since she wasn't involved with any of the drama going on in her house regarding the sport. After attending for maybe five minutes, she snuck out of the common room with her friend Theo.

(2024 - 2025) Upon returning home for the summer, Alex found out that Rosabella was a witch. After beating on Dalton for not sending her a letter earlier that year explaining that Bella had magic, she threatened her step sister about bugging her at Hogwarts. While they were shopping in Diagon Alley with Eleanor, Alex got bored and annoyed, so her mom gave her money to go off on her own. On her way to the broomstick shop, she ran into Theo and held hands. At Hogwarts, Bella was sorted into Gryffindor and made the Quidditch team as a reserve chaser, which pissed off the reserve keeper. Before the games, she threatened to beat up Bella if she showed up. At the Valentine's dance, Theo and Alex danced together before he asked her out. The first month of their relationship was great, but afterwards, she started to feel neglected. When they met up in the gardens, he put his arms around her, so she slapped him in the face as hard she she could before stomping away. The following morning, she broke up with him and hasn't spoken to him for the rest of the year. Near the end of the year, Alex was studying the Whomping Willow because she knew there was something under it. A first year girl named Anastasia pushed her onto the ground and they ended up getting under the tree and into the hole, where they followed the tunnel and became best friends.

(2025 - 2026) During the summer, Alex dyed her hair and pierced the cartilage on her ear. She also spent a lot of the summer days with Anastasia, one of which was spent in Diagon Alley, where they had run into Theo and Ronna. Not only were they rude to Alex, but they were rude to Anastasia. Consequently, the two girls made out to piss Theo off. He ended up lashing out on Ana and making her cry. To make her feel better, Alex bought her ice cream. At school, Alex hadn't said one word to Theo. Ronna, on the other hand, wanted to make peace with Alex for the Quidditch team's sake, so she allowed her to ask her any question she wanted. Taking advantage of this, Alex asked her about Theo and then about Crash.

(2026 - 2027) After detention one day, Theo stalked Alex down the hall and apologized for everything. Bandit had also died while Alex was at school.

(2027 - 2028 ) During the summer, Theo and Alex went to a dueling range although they were underage. For Christmas, Hogwarts hosted the Yule Ball, which Crash asked her to go to with him. Anastasia also had a fling with a boy named Dmitri, who Alex hadn't gotten the best vibe from. Ana, however, claimed they hadn't done anything. In the springtime, Alex told Theo about the tunnel underneath the Whomping Willow, and the two of them decided to walk through it and found out it led to Hogsmeade.

(2028 - 2029) Crash took Alex to the zoo on a date, and continued to see each other until school started up. She even told Eleanor that she was staying over at Ana's house when in fact, she was drinking at Crash's place. Once school started again, Alex snuck a flask into her bag and drank from it while walking towards the carriages; however, she got caught by Toby, who took it away and docked house points. Her drinking resulted in a house meeting since Valentina and Theo have been caught drinking before, too. Now that Crash graduated, Alex made the first string as keeper. Every few weekends, Alex and Crash met up for a date in Hogsmeade while he had been working at Azkaban and she was still a student.

(2029 - 2030) Alex stopped going to some of the Quidditch games even though she was supposed to be playing. She found them less fun now that she wasn't trying to impress Crash. While boarding the train to go home, Death Eaters attacked. Without even thinking, Alex began firing spells at them. Unfortunately, one of the Death Eaters hit Dalton and she couldn't do anything to save him. Alex forced Rosabella and Cordelia to board the train, and just after they did so, the Hogwarts Express locked up and left to get everyone on it home safely. They tried to get Alex to board as well, but she wouldn't leave Dalton behind, even if he was dead. After killing her brother's murderer, Alex took Dalton's body and hid, trying to bring him back to life the whole time. The next day, she made it home, carrying her brother's lifeless body.

POST-GRADUATION (2030 - 2031) All Alex did during the year was either sit alone and think about Dalton or tell Crash about why his death was her fault even though he, and her entire family, told her not to blame herself. However, whenever Alex and Crash tried talking about their future together, they always ended up in an argument. At one point, she had decided to get her first tattoo: a tree with books for leaves, sprouting from her chest and reaching towards her throat where she gave voice to the love she felt for Dalton.

(2031 - 2032) During the summer, Alex and Crash moved into a flat together and decorated the place with dark furniture and Alex's paintings. She had gotten hired at All of Nothing Ink and Boardshop as a piercing specialist and had attended Gypsy and Jeremy's wedding, as well as Shayna and David's wedding.

(2032 - 2033) Alex attended Toby and Ronna's Batman themed wedding. Although Bella attended as well, the girls hadn't spoken much. She had, however, caught up with Theo. Alex had decided to get a tattoo of a paint brush.

(2033 - 2034) Alex's cousin Yvonne moved into her old room in her parents' place. In the fall, Alex attended Newlyn and Miles' beach wedding, where Crash was a groomsman.

(2034 - 2035) While Cordelia was staying overnight, Alex let her get drunk for the first time. However, she made her sister promise not to tell their parents. Speaking of her parents, they adopted a kid named Phillip. One autumn night, Alex and Crash got into a huge fight and ended up going out two separate places. Alex had gotten drunk and beaten him home; however, when he got home, she ended up crying. Unfortunately, that didn't end with them talking about their problems.

(2035 - 2036) After work one day, Alex came home to Crash, who had taken the day off without her knowing. They talked about their relationship, what they wanted and how things were going, and actually ended up working out a lot of their issues.

(2036 - 2037) Crash had taken Alex on a vacation to Texas, where they thought she had gotten food poisoning. Turns out, it wasn't food poisoning at all. Instead, she was pregnant. In April, their daughter Penelope was born.

(2037 - 2038 ) Alex and Crash have had their hands full with their daughter, especially since Alex refused to move back to the Cotswolds where her parents could help take care of Penny. Alex had gotten a tattoo of a cowboy boot with a hat, rose, and a horseshoe to commemorate her first trip with Crash.

(2038 - 2039) Crash had found a beautiful house in the Cotswolds, so Alex had agreed to move there. As much as she hated to admit it, raising Penelope was much easier now that her parents lived nearby. Alex had gotten an American penny tattoo'd on her right foot.

(2039 - 2040) Alex and Crash got married in the spring and have been planning a honeymoon to Paris in the summer.

(2040 - 2041) Alex had spent part of her summer in Paris with Crash for their honeymoon. The couple stayed with Yvonne's parents and sister. Alex had gotten an Eiffel Tower with a heart tattoo'd on her left shoulder blade to commemorate her honeymoon and wedding. In the fall, Shadow had passed away. She and Crash had decided to enrol Penny in ballet.

(2041 - 2042) Alex decided not to get another pet for now as her daughter was enough to handle.

(2042 - 2043) Alexandria had tried to set up Rosabella on multiple blind dates, and finally confronted her step sister when she came up with excuses after excuses for not going on them. Bella ended up coming out as bisexual and telling Alex that she had a girlfriend; however, when Bella wouldn't come out to the rest of the family, Alex took it upon herself to do that at a family dinner. On another note, she and Crash decided to try for another baby.

(2043 - 2044) Alex and Crash's son Syd was born. She had decided to get a Pink Floyd tattoo for her son, who shared a name with one of the founders of Pink Floyd. On another note, Alex's horse Starfire had passed away.

(2044 - 2045) Alex attended Yvonne and Jonas' wedding with Crash, Syd and Penelope, who was the flower girl. Later, she had gotten a tattoo of a horse for Starfire and Rosabella and Andrea had gotten custody of a boy named Gaspard.

(2045 - 2046) Alex's parents had adopted a girl named Jessica. Yvonne and Cordelia had both gotten pregnant, and Cordelia had her wedding in the springtime. At the wedding, Penelope was one of three flower girls, and Syd got to be a ring bearer. Alex also decided to get a tattoo of Bandit's face in a paw print to remember her childhood best friend.

(2046 - 2047) Alexandria's grandfather Ivan passed away. Consequently, she had been spending a lot of time with her father. In the summertime, Cordelia had given birth to Noreen, and in the fall, Yvonne had given birth to Matthew.

(2047 - 2048 ) Penelope had started a new grade for the last time before she'd be going to Hogwarts. Knowing what she had gotten up to while a student at the magical school, Alex was a little nervous for Penny to be going and getting into the same type of trouble. On another note, Alex had gotten a tattoo of an owl.

(2048 - 2049) Penelope had left for her first year at Hogwarts. Yvonne and Jonas had a second son named Tobias.

(2049 - 2050) Cordelia was pregnant with her and Dakota's second child.

(2050 - 2051) Cordelia had given birth to her son James, and Zoe had gotten a boyfriend named Kylian.

(2051 - 2052) Rosabella's grandmother had passed away.

(2052 - 2053) Zoe had moved out of the Quimby family home and into her boyfriend Kylian's apartment.

(2053 - 2054) Alexandria had helped design a tattoo for a new customer Scythe Blackwood, who had become a regular at the skate park. While on shift, the two skateboard together and talk about everything and anything. Although she is very young (only a few years older than Penny), Alex grew very fond of the girl. On another note, Kylian had proposed to Zoe.

(2054 - 2055) Syd had started his first year at Hogwarts and Penelope had started her last; consequently, Alex had found their home to be rather quiet. However, this did let her focus on her own hobbies more. On New Year's Day, Alexandria had attended Zoe and Kylian's wedding (hungover) with Crash, both her kids, and the rest of their extended family. Penelope had brought a boy named Cenek Knapp as her date. For Penny's 18th birthday, Alex and Penny had gotten matching tattoos of ballerina shoes on the outer side of their right ankles.

(2055 - 2056) Penelope had moved out, and Zoe and Kylian had welcomed their daughter Melodie into the world. For her grandmother Paula's 100th birthday, Alexandria had taken Penelope and Syd with her and had spent part of the day with Paula and her father.

(2056 - 2057) Alexandria had rented a booth at the Art Festival to sell her paintings. While there, Penelope had stopped by with her friends.

(2057 - 2058 ) Zoe and Kylian had welcomed their son Tallis into the world in June. Alex had also attended Philip and Chelsea's wedding in October.

(2058 - 2059) Philip and Chelsea welcomed their son Tristan into the world in December.

(2059 - 2060) Penelope had moved out and in with Yukon.

(2060 - 2061) Penelope and Yukon has broken up, so Penelope moved back home. Later, Alex's grandfather Gabriel had passed away.

(2061 - 2062) Alexandria had gotten Syd a job as the Skatepark Assistant at All or Nothing, which allowed her to step down from the role and focus her efforts on piercings and tattoos.


■ Daughter: Penelope Barrett
■ Son: Syd Barrett
■ Father: Harvey Scott
■ Mother: Eleanor Quimby
■ Step Father: Tristan Winthrop
■ Grandparents: Ian Scott (†) & Paula Scott, Gabriel Quimby (†) & Colleen Quimby
■ Brother: Dalton Quimby-Scott (†)
■ Step Sister: Rosabella Winthrop
■ Half Sister: Cordelia Quimby-Winthrop ♥ Dakota Vann → Noreen Vann, James Vann
■ Adopted Brother: Philip Quimby-Winthrop ♥ Chelsea Durant → Ethan Durant, Tristan Quimby-Winthrop
■ Adopted Sister: Jessica Quimby-Winthrop
■ Uncle: Felix Quimby ♥ Renee Quimby
■ Cousin: Yvonne Quimby ♥ Jonas Spencer → Matthew Spencer, Tobias Spencer
■ Cousin: Zoe Quimby ♥ Kylian Marteau → Melodie Marteau, Tallis Marteau

■ Anastasia Romillier
■ Theodore Gibbs
■ Gypsy Lovette
■ Scytharia Blackwood

■ Husband: Christian Barrett

■ Veronica Walsh

■ Emmett Hughes
■ Kenneth Blake
■ Andrea Hart
■ Gaspard Dufour
■ All or Nothing Ink and Boardshop employees (2031 - Present)
■ Quidditch Players (2023 - 2030)
■ Gryffindor Students (2023 - 2030)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2030)

■ Dog: Bandit (†)
■ Owl: Shadow (†)
■ Horse: Starfire (†)


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:07 am
xxxxS Y DxxxD A L L A SxxxB A R R E T T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              AGE 0-12 months

              BIRTHDAY 28 August 2043

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND ---

              GENDER male


              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Ethan Cutkosky (child/teen) [x] Ash Stymest (teen/adult) [x]

              xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
                  TO ATTEND Hogwarts

                  HOUSE ---

                  CLASS OF 2061

                  BEST LESSONS

                  WORST LESSONS

                  OWL SCORES
                      Astronomy ~ X
                      Charms ~ X
                      Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                      Herbology ~ X
                      History of Magic ~ X
                      Potions ~ X
                      Transfiguration ~ X
                      Elective ~ X

                  NEWT SCORES
                      Astronomy ~ X
                      Charms ~ X
                      Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                      Herbology ~ X
                      History of Magic ~ X
                      Potions ~ X
                      Transfiguration ~ X
                      Elective ~ X

                  CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Baby Brother

                  DREAM JOB N/A

              xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                  ■ TALKATIVE Despite not knowing how to talk, Syd sure loves to babble as loud as he can.
                  ■ SOCIAL Syd is a trusting baby, he's not averse to strangers and smiles at any face that smiles back.
                  ■ HEAVY-SLEEPER He sleeps long and hard as a baby, waking up in the middle of the night only to cry for food and when his diaper needs changing.
                  ■ FINICKY Syd is ready when Syd is ready. Nothing will rush him. He'll eat or sleep only on his schedule. As he gets older, the more food he seems to try, the less he likes.
                  ■ CURIOUS He loves watching, learning, and listening. Syd wants to touch and pull everything in reach (particularly Alex's hair and jewelry) and he wants nothing more than to taste everything he can grasp in his hands.
                  ■ ADVENTUROUS Syd likes going to new places, seeing new people, and learning new things. He doesn't shy away from the unknown and can hardly wait for the day he can stumble around on his own two feet.

                      bright colors
                      soft music
                      mummy's voice
                      daddy's goofy faces

                      soiled diapers
                      snotty face
                      angry, stressful situations
                      being hungry




                      being alone
                      being hurt

              xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                  CHILDHOOD Syd was born to Christian and Alexandria Barrett, a halfblood and pureblood respectively, during the late summer of 2043. He is their second born, and the baby brother to Penelope Barrett. He has a big family on his mother's side that he sees quite often. Grandma and Grandpa babysit him and his sister whenever his parents need a night to themselves.

                  SCHOOL YEARS
                      FIRST YEAR ---
                      SECOND YEAR ---
                      THIRD YEAR ---
                      FOURTH YEAR ---
                      FIFTH YEAR ---
                      SIXTH YEAR ---
                      SEVENTH YEAR ---

                  POST GRADUATION ---

              xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Mother: Alexandria Barrett
                  Father: Christian Barrett
                  Sister: Penelope Barrett
                  Extended Members: Quimby-Winthrop Family

                  FRIENDS ---
                  BEST FRIEND ---
                  ROMANTIC INTEREST ---
                  ENEMIES ---
                  PETS ---


■ Added to family profile [10/29/18]
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 4:10 pm




FACECLAIM Ethan Cutkosky at the age of...

AGE Nineteen

BIRTHDAY August 28, 2043



WAND Pliable 9¼ inch Hornbeam Dragon Heartstring with a Knobby Shaft
Hornbeam wood: Hornbeam selects for its life mate the talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession (though I prefer the term ‘vision’), which will almost always be realised. Hornbeam wands adapt more quickly than almost any other to their owner’s style of magic, and will become so personalised, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use even for the most simple of spells. Hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner’s code of honour, whatever that might be, and will refuse to perform acts – whether for good or ill – that do not tally with their master’s principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand.
Dragon Heartstring core: A common wand core. This is used by wizards who want power for their spells. This core is useful for almost any type of magic.
Pliable: Transfiguration. Easy-going but strong willed.
Knobby Shaft: Earthy and Strong.

Skate or Die (medium, left forearm)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Ravenclaw

DREAM JOB Professional Skater

Astronomy ~ EE
Charms ~ D
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ T
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ O
Art ~ O
Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ O
Divination ~ E
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
Healing ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ A
Mythology ~ A
Wandless Magic ~ A
Wandlore ~ O

Astronomy ~ A
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ EE
Art ~ EE
Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ O
Divination ~ A
Healing ~ O
Wandless Magic ~ A
Wandlore ~ O

CURRENT OCCUPATION All or Nothing Ink and Boardshop Skatepark Assistant *requested


FOCUSED Syd tends to give all of his attention to one thing, whether it is something he is working on or listening to someone talk. Being focused on one thing at a time not only helps his productivity, but it allows him to think things through better. On the flip side, he does tend to obsess over his projects and cannot multi-task effectively.
COMPASSIONATE Syd feels deeply for others when they are going through hardship. He tends to feel their pain and does his best to show that he cares about what they are going through.
BRILLIANT Syd's mind travels at quick speeds and he has an insatiable curiosity about the world around him. His curiosity allows for him to think outside of the box to figure out creative solutions to problems. Although he is smart, he does need to apply himself in order to succeed, which is why he may also come off as ignorant or as if he doesn't care about things if he isn't putting his all into it.
DREAMY Syd tends to live in his head, thinking or daydreaming. His brain never shuts off, but he may appear absent minded if he has something major or something that he is obsessing over on his mind. However, when he lives in the moment, he tends to talk to anyone and everyone and finds holding conversations pretty easy.
NONCOMMITTAL Syd is not one that typically commits to plans as something else typically comes along before the date he made plans for that may capture his interest and attention, and he decides he'd rather pursue that instead. Some find this off-putting and disrespectful. On the other hand, Syd is very adventurous and enjoys making spontaneous plans on the spot. Syd is also noncommittal with people. He makes friends well, but he finds that he may be interested in a person one day, and more interested in someone else the next. However, if he is not busy, he'd enjoy hanging out with just about anyone that would ask him to.
POMPOUS When Syd successfully accomplishes a project that he's proud of, does well in school, or even gets lucky and has something awesome happen in his life, he tends to brag and his arrogance shines through.

■ Skateboarding
■ Comic books
■ Yellow
■ Art
■ Forests

■ Crowds
■ Standing in line
■ Seafood
■ Math
■ Birds

■ Empathetic
■ Finding solutions

■ Commitment
■ Arrogance

■ Becoming paralyzed


EARLY CHILDHOOD Syd was born to Christian and Alexandria Barrett, a halfblood and pureblood respectively, during the late summer of 2043. He is their second born, and the baby brother to Penelope Barrett. He has a big family on his mother's side that he sees quite often. Grandma and Grandpa babysit him and his sister whenever his parents need a night to themselves. Syd missed Penelope when she started attending Hogwarts, but he was excited that her final year and his first year would intertwine.

SCHOOL YEARS (2054 - 2055) Syd had attended his first year at Hogwarts while Penelope attended her last. He had been sorted into Ravenclaw and had made the Reserve Keeper position. He had also joined the Art Club, where he and his dorm-mate Kai had become better friends, as well as the Daily Dragon as the comic section's artist. For Halloween, Hogwarts had hosted the Deep Sea Horrors Masquerade, which he decided to skip. Instead, he took advantage of the lack of Prefects and Professors in the halls and skateboarded through them. On New Year's Day, he had attended Zoe and Kylian's wedding and had almost crashed into his aunt Rosabella and Andrea on the ice rink. Penelope had graduated in the spring.

(2055 - 2056) Zoe and Kylian had welcomed their daughter Melodie into the world. For his great grandmother Paula's 100th birthday, Syd, Penelope, Alex and Harvey had spent part of the day with her.

(2056 - 2057) Penelope had gotten a boyfriend, which Syd was shocked about but also proud considering he knew how unlucky she had been in the boyfriend department.

(2057 - 2058 ) Zoe and Kylian welcomed their son Tallis into the world in June. In October, Syd had attended Philip and Chelsea's wedding with Kai.

(2058 - 2059) Syd made the starting string as Seeker although that didn't stop him from getting voluntold to play Keeper in a Quidditch scrimmage, which, as the leader, he tried to get his team to throw because Echo had promised sexual favours if he did. To his surprise, he had played well, so she rewarded him with sexual favours. Ever since he had followed her in the fall when she had skipped out on the Art club, the two had been unofficially dating, experimenting with drugs and occasionally, studying. Taylor had also joined them to experiment with drugs on occasion. On another note, Philip and Chelsea had welcomed their son Tristan into the world.

(2059 - 2060) Taylor had stopped joining Syd and Echo in experimenting with drugs, and seemed to have started hating him along with Milan, who had also given a pep talk to kick off the Quidditch season by promising the team that they could choose what he got tattooed on himself (within reason) if they had won the Quidditch Cup. As the seeker, Syd was determined to win. At the first Daily Dragon club meeting after winter holidays, Milan had had a peanut allergy attack. Taylor had immediately blamed Syd for it and claimed that he had done it on purpose although he did not set it off as far as he knew. Rumours spread quicker than wildfire and had gotten back to Milan, who had confronted Syd about it in the hall three days later. Tired of all the s**t he had faced with Milan, he shoved him just as Echo intervened to try and stop them from fighting before claiming that they had to get along as she was pregnant with Syd's child. As time went on, Syd stressed more and more about what he was going to do, even contemplating leaving her. During the final Quidditch game, the seeker couldn't focus, losing not only the game but also the Quidditchc Cup. Later, Echo revealed to him that she wasn't, in fact, pregnant and that she had made the whole thing up. Syd then broke things off with her.

(2060 - 2061) For Syd's 18th birthday, he got his very first tattoo on his left forearm of the words "SKATE OR DIE" in between a skull and a skateboard. Once back at school, he had ran into a hot gothic girl named Cassiopeia Whitethorne, or Cass as she prefers, in the prefect bathroom. Later that week, a note was slipped to him that she wanted him to meet her there, so he did and the two ended up having sex. They actually did that a lot throughout the year, but he was upfront with her and told her he wasn't looking for a serious relationship. After all, Syd didn't want to hurt her as Echo did him. Syd had met a blue haired first year in Art Club named Sebastian Moon, who had complimented his hoodie and carried his three-legged cat in the pocket of his own. Over the winter holidays, Syd got a new skateboard so he gifted his old one to his new friend. Later in the year, Syd's great-grandfather Gabriel had passed away. Towards the end of the year, Syd started thinking about life after Hogwarts and he didn't really want to let Cass go, but he wasn't sure if she liked him until he found out that she had stolen his Ravenclaw Seeker Quidditch hoodie and worn it publicly around the school. Considering he had lost every Quidditch game (except for the only game against a much younger Seeker), he figured she must have really liked him for her to show off that they had been seeing each other. From there, they had started officially dating.

(2061 - 2062) Syd was hired at All or Nothing as the new Skatepark Assistant, which was previously a role that was occupied by his mother.


■ Father: Christian Barrett
■ Mother: Alexandria Quimby-Scott
■ Grandparents: Ivanna Barrett (†), Harvey Scott & Eleanor Quimby
■ Sister: Penelope Barrett
■ Uncle: Dalton Quimby-Scott (†)
■ Aunt: Rosabella Winthrop
■ Aunt: Cordelia Quimby-Winthrop ♥ Dakota Vann → Noreen Vann, James Vann
■ Uncle: Philip Quimby-Scott ♥ Chelsea Durant → Ethan Durant, Tristan Quimby-Winthrop
■ Aunt: Jessica Quimby-Winthrop

■ Yvonne Quimby ♥ Jonas Spencer → Matthew Spencer, Tobias Spencer
■ Zoe Quimby ♥ Kylian Marteau → Melodie Marteau, Tallis Marteau

■ Malakai Levy
■ Sebastian Moon
■ Skyla Byrnes
■ Daphne Greensborough

■ Girlfriend: Cassiopeia Whitethorne

■ Echo Wellbelove
■ Taylor Olson

■ Cenek Knapp
■ Simon Blake
■ Everly Levy
■ Ruth Levy
■ Milan Wellbelove
■ Art Club Members (2054 - Present)
■ The Daily Dragon Members (2054 - Present)
■ Quidditch Players (2054 - Present)
■ Ravenclaw Students (2054 - Present)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2061)

■ Owl: Shadow (†)  


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