Study of Ancient Runes
Professor Grayson Powell
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Former Ravenclaw

Grayson Powell had his feet propped up on his desk as he was seated reading yet another book. Next to his desk was a globe the size of a stove, while a stone tablet covered with hieroglyphics sat on the other side. A new addition included a peculiar stone engraved with numerous runes. A list of rules and expectations was listed on the chalkboard behind him, and two bookcases sat on either side of it brimming with books. He seemed totally engrossed with what he was reading, and didn't seem to notice any students filing in.

Rules of the Classroom
Do not come to class late.
No disruptive behavior, fighting, or swearing.
Do not interrupt lecture.
Raise your hand if you have any questions.
Please feel free to speak openly only when open discussions are permitted.
Come to class prepared with paper, quills, and a copy of Spellman's Syllabary.
Failure to comply with these rules will result in loss of points and/or detention!

Seventh Year
Review for NEWTs [ ]