Hey everyone! I guess this is stop number 1, huh? So I'm not a newbie to gaia, but I am new to the guild, so I suppose a few words would be appropriate!

Well, my interests inclus anime, writing, and reading. I have a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. I also love RPing, but I can't do group RPs too often because of work and school.

Show I enjoy include "My Litte Pony: Friendship is Magic", "Adventure Time", "Regular Show", "Doctor Who", "Sailor Moon", "Fruits Basket", "Death Note", and "Avatar: The Last Airbender". I'm a bit of the cartoon nut, as you can see!

My favorite actor is (admitedly) Jim Carry. I just find overacting funny, and he seems to have a lot of fun with his roles, even if it comes of super cheesy! My least favorite actor os Owen Wilson. It seems like in nearly every (not every, but nearly!) role he's in, he's mumbling his lines in this raspy whisper, and it just drives me NUTS!

My favorite Doctor (keep in mind, I've only seen the most recent 3) is the 10th, David Tennent. If you like him too, and you have Netflicks, check out "Decoy Bride"! It's a great movie and it's on instant play! My favorite DN Whamy House boy is L, with Matt as a close second! And Fluttershy is best pony!

That's about it! Any questions you have, I'll be happy to answer!