My name is Kitty, and I am incredibly clumsy, very shy, and a little awkward. I'm loyal to a fault to my friends, care deeply about others very quickly, and get hurt easily.

I love cats, and have recently welcomed two little adorable black kittens to the family. We named the little boy Oddball because he has gray fur speckled throughout his black fur and is the first kitten we've had that hasn't been solid black, and the girl is named Twinkie. They're about four months old now.

I love playing video games of all sorts. I am currently playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf, anxiously awaiting the new Pokemon games to to be released in October, and enjoying delving into the world of Skyrim yet again. I also enjoy the Gears of War series, Borderlands, the new Tomb Raider game that came out recently, and playing the Sims 3 on the computer.

I'm still very much a child at heart, and love to watch Disney movies, break out a box of crayons and a coloring book, or just enjoying the simple pleasure of feeling the sun on my skin, watching the wind blow through the leaves of the trees, making the grass wave back and forth, and moving the clouds across the sky.

My favorite place in the world is being outside in the mountains. My family and I used to take vacations to go camping in Shenandoah National Park. I hope to one day be able to take my own family there, once I have one. For now I'm just trying to get my fiance to go with me. I enjoy watching the sun rise and set over the mountains, watching the wildlife, and hiking to see what I can find. I've hiked beside waterfalls, I've done rock scrambles with 360 degree views at the top, and I've seen a mama bear and her three cubs no further than 100 yards away. It's so relaxing and exciting all at the same time.