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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

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The Lillantine Family ~ Accepted

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The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:03 pm
xxxx× × ×xxxxTHExxxL I L L A N T I N Exxx FAMILYxxxx× × ×xxxx

xxxFAMILY TREExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
♡ DESDEMONA, née NOCTWELL, wife of CALLIUS, daughter of BALTHAZAR and HELENA ((NPC))
JULIUS, husband of BELLAMY, son of ALPHEUS and OPHELIA
xxx↪ LUKE, son of JULIUS and UNKNOWN, adopted by OLAN and FRIDA BORSON
xxx↪ EVANDER, husband of WENDY, son of JULIUS and DESDEMONA ((NPC))
xxx♡ WENDY, née CHAISTY, wife of EVANDER, daughter of MAXIMILIAN and BEATRICE ((NPC))
xxxxxx↪ CASPIAN, son of EVANDER and WENDY
xxxxxxPlayed by YUKINA101, accepted 9/5/17, 2:50 EST
xxxxxx↪ PORTIA, daughter of EVANDER and WENDY ((NPC))
xxxxxx↪ ROSAMUND, daughter of EVANDER and WENDY ((NPC))
xxxxxx↪ TITUS, son of EVANDER and WENDY Played by DEVLYN MAYCRY, accepted 7/3/20, 6:58 EST
xxx↪ ANTIGONE, daughter of JULIUS and DESDEMONA
BELLAMY, née DARIAN, wife of JULIUS, daughter of PHILEMON and CATHLIN
xxx↪ VIOLANTE, daughter of JULIUS and BELLAMY, adopted by GARRETT and CORA WALSH

xxxOTHER FAMILYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[x] The BORSON Family, via LUKE
[x] The WALSH Family, via VIOLANTE
[x] The AVERY Family, via WENDY

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRECENT UPDATESxxx

Date of Updates: 9/6/17

Age, bio


xxxAccepted by
~ ♥ Cara ɱк [03/25/2017]
xxxUpdates Accepted byxxx
𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 ~ 07/25/2020
xxxAccepted Charactersxxx
Antigone [03/25/2017] Caspian [09/06/2017] Rosamund and Titus [07/25/2020]
PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:04 pm
Hi, my name is Callius Edmund Lillantine.

I'm a male, you imbecile.

I'm 46 years old.

My birthday is December 7th, 1987.

I work in the Improper Use of Magic Office.

My dream job is I always knew I wanted to work in government, for obvious reasons.

My blood status is pureblood. Do I look like filth to you?

The house I was in was Slytherin, if you couldn't figure it out.

I was in the class of 2005.

I'm interested in women. I am married to one, after all.

I'm currently with my wife, Desdemona.

I may seem entitled, superior, and apathetic but I'm really exactly how I seem. Yes, I'm better than you. No, I don't care about you or your problems. Life is a lot easier if you simply don't let things like your conscience and morals get to you, and it's just easier for me to ignore them than most people. I like to call it blocking out the excess noise. When you do that, the things that really matter suddenly become very clear. I honestly don't give a damn about anyone and their pathetic little lives. Either claw your way to the top or stay and rot at the bottom.

My background story is my parents were engaged when they were sixteen. They married as soon as they were both of legal age, and my mother was pregnant with me when she was barely out of school. The healers and mediwizards had warned her and my father that she couldn't be expected to have very many children, so obviously fingers were crossed for it to be a boy. Someone had to carry on the Lillantine name. Lady Luck was on their side, and they got not one, but two boys. Twins. Callius and Julius. I was the elder twin by nine minutes, and that guaranteed my position as the Lillantine heir. Such a pity my poor brother wasn't born first. I looked like my father, but Julius strongly resembled Mother, and thus he was always her favorite. I never really minded. Not being coddled for my entire childhood made me smarter and savvier than dearest brother, with Mother always going "Julie this," and "Julie that,". At least I didn't have a girl's nickname up until my eleventh year of life. He was a frail, pathetic excuse for a boy anyways, at least until Father got a hold of him and told him to man up or he'd be shipped off to Durmstrang. He never cried for Mummy again after that. We both started Hogwarts the same year, of course, and as expected we were both sorted in Slytherin. That began our magical education, which would have been a lot better if that idiot Potter hadn't offed the Dark Lord and ruined everything, but oh well. I just had to tolerate all the dirty blood for seven long years.

My teenage years were for the most part uneventful. I got excellent grades in the subjects that mattered, and I even met my lovely wife at school. Desdemona was a year younger than me, and was at my side permanently after I got her out of a sticky little situation involving a mysteriously ill mudblood and a toxic potion. It wasn't like those idiotic teachers had any proof that she slipped something in his pumpkin juice. I certainly didn't see anything. I swore on my Prefect badge that I hadn't, anyways. Clever girl. She was utterly devoted to me after that, and I didn't really mind, since she was a perfect choice for a future wife. My parents thought she was little too clever for her own good, but I'd have gone mad married to a simpering ditz. Desdemona knew when to play silly and foolish though, so my parents relented and agreed to our union. She did have one flaw, some ridiculous notion of becoming a potions master, or something like that. No girl I was involved with was going to be doing drudge work stirring a cauldron, as amusing as her experimentations with various somewhat lethal ingredients could be. I suggested she reevaluate her career choice, and having a career at all. Actually, it was more of an order, but same difference. She readily agreed with me that she'd been a silly little girl, thinking such a thing, and it would be far better for both of us if she just stayed home and handled the house and children after we were wed.

Rings were exchanged as soon as she graduated, and my parents passed away shortly after the wedding- some sort of mysterious illness that left the healers baffled. They swore that it looked like poison, but the tests kept coming back negative, and really, who would poison a harmless old couple? It didn't put a damper on our early days of our marriage though, and within a few years we had three children. Evander, my pride and gloating, Antigone, the necessary girl, since Desdemona insisted on having a daughter at some point, and Cyrus, the coddled little baby. He already reminds me of my brother when he was young. Our lives were perfect until we realized my brother had married an idiot of a woman. Bellamy came from a frankly traitorous family full of moronic Hufflepuffs and a lone Gryffindor, her elder sister Cora. Merlin, how I couldn't stand that woman. Always whinging on about equality and muggles and a bunch of charity rubbish. I heard she married a muggle and they have a litter of urchins. Disgusting. But her sister was the real problem. She seemed decent enough, considering the low class, though somehow pureblooded family she was from. She was absolutely obsessed with Julius, though she had some troubling opinions on, let us say, current events. But for the most part the only words I ever heard her speaking were endearments toward my brother, who seemed somewhat interested in her as well. She was attractive, I'll give her that. It was probably the only reason Julius even put up with her for that long. They married and had a daughter, Violante. Then the trouble started, because she and my brother did not agree on how to raise the child. At all. She was constantly trying to override his authority in his own house. Really! He was the master of the house, what he said should have been undisputed, but apparently it was.

Julius even caught her telling the child not to refer to the filth by their proper name. That was most likely the last straw for him, I suppose. He certainly had more patience with her than I would have. We didn't see much of them after that, though, and if I saw any bruises on her and the way she flinched around him- well, it was his wife. None of my business how he dealt with their differences. Then, that tragic fire happened, and we received news that both Julius and Belllamy had died. Violante had survived, but Cora swooped her up and claimed custody before we could even see the will. It had been changed, naming her as the guardian of the child, and not me, her father's brother. But really, I'm over it. It's been years. There's no telling how her and her dirty brood have ruined the child already.

Recently my wife decided to take it upon herself to try to arrange a betrothal between Evander and the ward of the Avery clan, another pureblood line, Wendy Chaisty. Of course she neglected to inform me first, which I'm still furious about, but it did seem to work in our favor. Somewhat. I'm fairly certain they'll be married in the future. They were only keeping the girl around as a backup brood mare for their heir if his ridiculous romance with a Gryffindor pureblood didn't pan out.

I enjoy wealth, power, being in control, intimidating other people, and getting what I want.

I despise filthy blood, muggles, being questioned, coddling children, and being disappointed.

I'm afraid of betrayal by those closest to me.

My strengths are winning people over and my ambition.

My flaws are underestimating others and my inability to trust.

I look like this.

My wand is a 9 inches, ash wood, jobberknoll feather, rigid.

My pet is a owl named Vermilion.

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy: P
Charms: E
D.A.D.A.: O
Herbology: T
History of Magic: D
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Alchemy: E
Cursebreaking: O
Wandless Magic: E
Wizard Law: O

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Charms: E
D.A.D.A.: O
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Alchemy: E
Cursebreaking: O
Wandless Magic: E
Wizard Law: O

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! Do I trust my wife? No. Do I trust my children? No.


The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100

The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:08 pm
Hi, my name is Desdemona Arsenia Lillantine.

I'm a female. Are you blind?

I'm 45 years old.

My birthday is March 14th, 1988.

My dream job is when I was younger, I fancied being a potioneer. But that was just a childish dream.

My blood status is pureblood, of course.

The house I was in was Slytherin.

I was in the class of 2005.

I'm interested in men, and then only my beloved husband.

I'm currently with my husband, Callius.

I may seem meek, dull, quiet but I'm really so much more. I'm an unashamed narcissist with a controlling streak a mile wide, just like my husband. I'm deceptive and have been switching masks of people I will never be, and have never been. Being a housewife gives me a certain amount of freedom, and I love my children and husband for what they mean for me, but not who they really are. I'm obsessed with image and absolutely love playing the helpless pawn, when really I'm the queen.

My background story is my life was always so dull, and I all I ever wanted was a bit of excitement. I was an only child, quite a disappointment to my parents, since I was unfortunately female. I was brought up to be a perfect little lady, and was constantly being reprimanded for playing around with potions ingredients in our cellar instead of focusing on sewing and having perfect posture. My Hogwarts years were enriching. I learned how to brew all the potions I could only read about before. I also learned that getting caught doing less than ethical things is not a good idea. Unless, of course you catch the eye of a Slytherin prefect. Callius was just what I needed. No one was going to accuse the girl a Slytherin prefect was courting of anything dastardly. Not that I was doing anything wrong. Just little experiments. Of course, I made the mistake of mentioning my desire to become a potioneer to Callius. Oh, he was not happy to hear that. I reluctantly agreed to never bring up the topic of me having any sort of career again. It was for the best, we decided. Well, he decided, but I just smiled and nodded obediently. His parents didn't like me or trust me. Thought I was a little vixen, trying to get their son's money. Please. My family was wealthy; I had money to begin with. Callius was just for me to play with.

But I tittered and blushed girlishly and did everything they wanted me to do. I looked at their son like he was a god. We exchanged rings right after I graduated, and I resigned myself to a life as a mother and housewife. His poor, aging parents died shortly after we were wed. It was all very tragic. The healers might have had their suspicions, but no one dared voice them. Three children later, and we were satisfied. A eldest boy heir for Callius to groom into a mirror image of himself, a middle girl for me to teach to imitate her mother in all things ladylike. And a youngest son, for him to ignore, I suppose, and me to coddle. Cyrus is my favorite, after all. I never really wanted a girl, despite what Callius thought. If I had been a boy, imagine what I could have done with my life.

Once again tragedy struck with that unfortunate fire. Julius and Bellamy were dead. What a shame, I'd rather liked Julius. Bellamy had been in my year, but I'd never had more than a simple conversation with her. Their daughter, Violante, was given to her sister, Cora. Now her, I could never stand. The way she looked at me pitying, like I was chained into something I'd never wanted, like I was helpless. I suppose the little girl's useless now, after being with her patchwork family. Why she goes around cleaning up other people's messes is a mystery to me. I'd go mad with six children.

So I 'took it upon myself' to find a suitable match for Evander. And? Any decent mother would have done it, in my shoes. The boy's no Romeo or Lancelot, he isn't going to win anyone respectable over with his looks or a smile, and we need a strong marriage for him. To someone with lineage and power behind them. The Averys were a good choice. I can't stand them, but so long as the idiot boy doesn't completely ruin things between him and the girl- Wendy- it should work out well. Call it a mother's intuition.

I enjoy brewing potions, reading, wealth, lying, and power.

I despise pity, muggles, dirtied blood, being told what to do, and questions.

I'm afraid of growing old and frail.

My strengths are brews and trickery.

My flaws are understanding and loving.

I look like this.

My wand is a 12 1/4 inches, laurel wood, fox fur, flexible.

My pet is a cat named Enoch.

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
D.A.D.A.: E
Herbology: P
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration; E
Art: P
Cooking with Magic: A
Music: P

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Charms: O
D.A.D.A.: E
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Cooking with Magic: A

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you!
I have a talent for getting away with everything.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:09 pm
Hi, my name is Evander Tristan Lillantine

But I mostly go by Vander.

I'm a male.

I'm 21 years old.

My birthday is February 27th, 2016.

I work for Gringotts, as a cursebreaker.

My dream job is cursebreaker.

My blood status is pureblood.

I was in the class of 2034.

The house I was in was Slytherin.

I'm interested in Wendy.

I'm currently with my wife.

People say, that in a nutshell, I'm shockingly straight forward, despite being raised by two extremely passive aggressive people. I just don't have the patience for it, I guess. I'm usually very to the point and have problems with subtlety, which makes some people uneasy because they're not sure if what I'm putting forth is who I really am, or if I'm just trying to deceive them. Usually it's just me being dangerously honest, but they do't necessarily need to know that. I have a tendency towards violence, and am the type of boy who would crush a bug with grin on his face. In my defense, that applies to a lot of boys my age; though I tend to take things too far. I've learnt some self control from when I was little, however, and I know how to dial back my aggressive nature. Most of the time. I'm needlessly vengeful and can plot to destroy someone over the smallest things, which is really helpful when it comes to intimidating people, and not quite as helpful when it comes to making friends. I hold a lot of grudges and pointless hate towards others, and usually end up getting them back tenfold if I can manage it. I'm also obsessive, to the point of unhealthiness. Apparently I inherit it from both sides of the family. It's probably a pureblood thing. You'd be obsessive too, if people were constantly trying to undermine your position in society. I also obsess over people, which is far more frightening. I'm a perfectionist who will freak out if any of my belongings are messed with. Everything has its place, and it had better stay in the place I put it in or there's going to be an issue. I've developed an extremely sharp sense of order and knowing exactly where things are located, or supposed to be located, due to this. I like to lord over people if I can, but I'm well aware that dynamics can change in an instant, and if you offend the wrong person at the wrong time, things might end really badly for you. Since I've grown older, I've learned how to hold my tongue in public and that if I want to lash out at someone, I had better make sure it's not to someone who will lash out back. I'm unflinchingly loyal to my family, I don't give in easily, and I can't lie to save my own skin. And yes, I do know when to shut up.

My background story is I'm the firstborn son of Callius and Desdemona Lillantine, and I've always been my father's golden boy. I look a lot like his deceased brother, but he treats me with far more kindness and warmness than my little brother Cyrus, whom he for the most part dismisses. As far as I'm concerned, Cyrus should have never been born. Mother coddles him like he's something precious, but she never pays me any attention. I don't see why. I'm her firstborn son. You'd think that would mean something in her eyes. I bully him and my sister Antigone whenever they let me, and am never reprimanded or punished, except when Mother catches me doing something to "little Cy". Then suddenly I'm the demon child, hurting her poor little angel. I'd like to give her poor little angel a kick in the ribs. Recently, Antigone and Cyrus have started to occasionally team up against me, which just makes me behave worse towards Cyrus. Antigone I have to for the most part leave alone now, since she's becoming a "young lady" or whatever that means. It's probably really boring. Cyrus, who we all were sure was a filthy squib, is in actuality probably just going to be an awful wizard. Whose magic doesn't show up until they're seven? It doesn't matter. Father just has to recognize him as more legitimate child now. It's not as if he's any threat to me. He's pathetic. My family used to be a lot wealthier and more powerful than it is now, but we still have our pride. No one was stupid enough to become a Death Eater during either war, and no one's gotten in trouble for doing something to a muggle for at least two generations now. At least we keep a mostly clean slate. Well, there was that incident when my aunt and uncle died, and everyone has their doubts about it being a "freak accident", but that's none of my concern. I'm going to make us something special again. I'm going to build us back up. I have to. Otherwise we've got nothing but a decaying estate and wasted pure blood. I was ecstatic to get my letter, even though I knew it would come. Maybe my magic has never shocked anyone, but it's been present since I was toddling about. Going to Hogwarts means everyone will have to take me seriously, especially once I'm sorted. I have no doubts as to where I'll be going. It's practically family tradition.

My first year went mostly as I'd thought it would. My year mates are either idiots or dirt, I was sorted into Slytherin, and my classes were as expected. The only thing unexpected was stupid Wendy Chaisty. She's a year older, but to hear how she speaks you'd think she was sixteen. She practically forced me to take her to the Yule Ball. She think she's so very clever, she really does.

My second year was boring. Wendy offered to tutor me in some subjects I need... a bit of work on. I reluctantly agreed. I actually like getting emotional reactions out of her. It relieves the monotony of seeing someone constantly have the same expression. Oh, and how could I forget! Anti was sorted into Ravenclaw. Yes, that's right. Ravenclaw. I don't know how she managed to screw this up, but she's really going to get it when we get home.

My third year was alright, I suppose, aside from BEING BETROTHED TO WENDY CHAISTY. I don't know what I did to deserve this. It was all Mother's scheming, I'm sure of it. Either way, Father didn't stop it, and I feel betrayed. Additionally, at the very end of the year Hogsmeade was attacked by Death Eaters. Anti was badly injured, because she acted like a moron, but Wendy's cousin David healed her, and I survived. Obviously. Home doesn't really feel like home at all anymore, and next year Cy will be joining us in school. I can hardly. Wait.

The only of consequence that happened my fourth year was snogging Wendy in the Common Room the night of the feast. That was... an event that occurred. Everything else was pointless and pathetic. Cy started school, and he honestly might not make it back for his second year alive. Or with all his limbs.

My fifth year was fine. I spent most of my free time arguing with and snogging Wendy in equal amounts, and the only thing of note to happen was some Valentine's Masquerade. That and my bloody cousin getting a girlfriend. And I don't think I did quite as well on my exams as Father would have hoped. And the summer immediately following it Cyrus decided to prove me right by murdering Anti's owl. She lost it and tried to kill him, and it didn't really get any better from there. This family has lost its collective mind. I could barely wait to be back at Hogwarts.

My sixth year was far calmer than the summer preceding it. The quidditch team had a ridiculous losing streak, which I chalked up to our new captain. Fortunately, I'll be the captain next year, so the situation should be rectified. Wendy graduated this year, which means I'll be in for a pretty miserable year next year without her, but I did give her an engagement ring. Not that it's necessary, but I just... though she might like something to remember me by. I can hardly wait to graduate, get married, and get away from my family. They're going over the edge.

My seventh year was mostly a relief. The quidditch team did terribly, although slightly better than the year before, and I didn't really care much anyways. I spent most of my time studying for my NEWTs and writing Wendy. I never saw Anti get on the train at the end of the year, but I didn't go looking for her. If Father is stupid enough to believe she'll come home like a good little girl, it's not my problem.

I graduated, married Wendy, and started a family. Caspian is... he's my son. I'm trying to do better than my own parents did. My father is not my father. And now he's dead. Cyrus is inheriting everything. I feel like a failure in every sense of the word. The only bright spot is my daughter, Portia, born three years after Cas.

I enjoy making other people uncomfortable, since it makes me feel validated, getting what I want as soon as I want it, as I hate to wait, being proven right, fighting, even if I lose, and reading about the past.

I despise my brother Cyrus, people crying for no good reason, not getting attention when I feel I deserve it, disappointing people whose opinions matter to me, and those I feel are lower than me in social status.

I'm afraid of small, dark spaces.

My strengths are using the element of surprise to my advantage, and keeping a stoic face, even when I want to hit something.

My flaws are failing to show empathy, since I've always been taught to disregard it, and abiding by rules or conventions I disagree with.

I look like this.

My wand is an ash wood, manticore stinger, fourteen inches long, unyielding, with a simply decorated shaft.

My pet is a cat named Phebe.

My O.W.L. Scores Are:
Astronomy ~P
Ancient Studies ~O
Arithmancy ~O
Charms ~O
Curesebreaking ~O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~EE
Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~P
Herbology ~T
History of Magic ~O
Mythology ~A
Potions ~EE
Study Ancient Runes ~O
Transfiguration ~EE
Wandless Magic ~A
Wizard Law ~A
World Studies ~E

My N.E.W.T. Scores Are:
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ EE
Arithmancy ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
Wandless Magic ~ A

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! Only I'm allowed to hurt my siblings. Lay a hand on them or say something nasty about them and you'll regret it.


The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100

The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:10 pm
Hi, my name is Antigone Cassiopeia Lillantine.

But I mostly go by Anti.

I'm a female.

I'm 29 years old.

My birthday is August 18th, 2017.

I work as an arithmancer.

My dream job is to be an arithmancer.

My blood status is pureblood.

The house I was in was Ravenclaw.

I was in the class of 2035.

I'm interested in women.

I'm currently with Ceri Davies.

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm gloomy. I never seem very happy, or really anything at all. I usually have a blank face, and I tend to expect the worst. I'm not really a full-blown cynic, but I'm certainly pessimistic, with a dreary outlook on life. I'm a pretty passive person who's used to being ignored or bullied, usually by my family. I used to try to seek attention, especially my mother's, by crying and whining a lot when I was little. All that ever did was get me in trouble, and now that I'm older I've been told I need to start acting like it, so I've basically given up on it. I still crave attention though, and I can cry on command if the situation calls for it. I'd rather have pity than apathy any day. I'm the smartest of my siblings, but my intelligence is usually unnoticed or dismissed because I'm the middle child, and the girl of the family. I live inside my head a lot because of this, and I rarely share my thoughts and opinions with anyone but myself. This makes me seem very distant, and I'm always being told I need to be more outgoing, more charming. I don't really know how to do that. I hate being pushed around and patronized, so I try to leave other people alone in the hopes that they'll do the same for me. I'm usually shy around people I don't know, but I slowly open up as I get to know them. I don't feel like I'm in control of my life, but at least I'm in control of my head. I can be extremely sarcastic, usually when I feel threatened or vindictive, and when I'm riled I'm not above shoving my quicker wit in people's faces. I'm used to being told what to do, but I'm also used to doing it as slowly and reluctantly as possible. I'd usually rather let other people walk over me than get into a fight about it. It's just easier. I'm much more of a follower than a leader. I get uneasy about breaking rules or traditions, and I'm doubly uneasy about doing something that goes against my siblings or parents. I may not like them, but I do feel loyal to them.

My background story is I'm the second born and only daughter of Callius and Desdemona Lillantine. My older brother, Vander, takes up all of Father's attention, and my younger brother, Cy, takes up all of Mother's attention, so really I'm invisible. I've never really wanted to grow up, but I have to. I spent what's been my childhood so far doing my best to avoid my brothers and spending a lot of time alone. I used to like my room, because it was like a sanctuary, where I could be alone and play with my dolls or read or do whatever I wanted, but by now it's started to feel like a prison. My dolls and old toys were just a reminder that I wasn't a little girl anymore, so I threw most of them out. Suddenly I'm being paid slightly more attention to, but not for the reasons I want. I can't run around anymore; young ladies only walk, and walk slowly. I can't spend as much time in my room because young ladies are sociable. I can't read too much or I'll damage my eyes or become some sort of little bookworm no one will like. No one likes me already, so I can't see how that will change anything. I've always been wedged in between Father's pride and joy and Mother's little darling and it's nauseating. I've never made any friends my own age, and Vander's always telling me I'll never make any, even at Hogwarts. I would be excited to go to Hogwarts if it wasn't for the fact that I'll be with Vander the entire time, since he's only one year ahead of me, and we'll probably be in the same house. And then two years from now Cy will be with us too. Just what I always wanted; to be stuck with my bully of an older brother and my spoiled brat of a younger brother for seven more years.

I was sorted into Ravenclaw. Do you have any idea how mortifying it was? Even Violante, the blood traitor, was put in Slytherin. All real Lillantines are. That's what Vander says. I thought for sure he would murder me before I even made it through the year. But avoiding him is a lot easier since I'm in a different house, which I suppose is a plus. Still, it's not going to be good when I go home for summer. It's not. Mother and Father know, and I have no idea what they think, but it can't be good. I don't think I'll be disowned, but I'm more than a bit terrified. Yes, I do fit in fairly well with the other Ravenclaws, so long as I keep my head down and my mouth shut, but wouldn't that be true for any house? And maybe I do like the tower... But no one should know that.

My second year was... I don't know. Vander ended up ignoring me all summer because he was horrified to discover that he's betrothed to some girl, so that was good, I suppose. I haven't really made any friends at all in school, not that I'm supposed to. No pureblood Slytherin would probably even talk to me, and Mother and Father would kill me if I dared make friends in my own house. I have to sign up for electives for next year, but I'm going to take what I want. It's not like anyone will know until I have to take my exams, and then it will be too late. I never took the train home, though... Some sort of neo Death Eater group attacked the station and I was badly injured. I ended up in the hospital. My family came and visited, of course, but somehow it was all my fault. It always is.

My third year was fine. The other Ravenclaw girls in my year are nice to me, even if it is out of pity. I know I'm not supposed to encourage their friendliness, but it's hard, especially when everyone else has someone to talk to. Even Vio has a real friend now, some Gryffindor girl. If I was a mean person, I would tell Mother and Father, and she'd never hear the end of it, but I'm not. Vander basically left me alone, and Cy was busy doing Merlin knows what all year, probably irritating everyone in Slytherin. Vio says Vander is besotted with Wendy and that they're probably snogging all the time now, so he shouldn't have as much time to bully me over the summer. That's good, I guess.

My fourth year was awful. I keep feelings things I shouldn't and it makes me feel sick in the pit of my stomach most of the time. I couldn't even handle the stupid Valentine's Masquerade. The masks reminded me of what happened at Hogsmeade and everyone was there dancing and snogging and it was horrid. I shouldn't even have gone. Vio is dating her Gryffindor friend, Ivy. I can't even look at them. It makes it all worse. ...Cyrus killed Ismene over the summer, and left her in my room like that. I started hitting and kicking him, and once I started, I couldn't stop. I spent the rest of the summer essentially locked up in my room.

My fifth year was... I don't know, it was at least better than the summer. Ceri Davies practically stalked me, but by the end of the year I was reluctantly calling her a friend, so there was that. I know she means well, anyways. I had to attend my half cousin Luke's wedding over the winter break, and right afterwards we had guests for dinner. I suspect I'll be seeing the guests again, from the mood at the dinner. If I haven't managed to snag a pureblooded boy, I know for a fact Father and Mother will have no qualms about doing it for me.

My sixth year was better. I have friends, people I can trust. I was engaged, but I won't be for much longer. I focused on my studies and not on my family for once, and felt much better for it. I'm not going home at the end of the year. I'm not going back to that house and the people in it, and I'm not marrying anyone over the summer. I'm staying with Ceri and I'm going to graduate next year, and none of them are going to stop me. I'm not theirs. Not anymore. I'm done.

My seventh year was good. I'm staying with Ceri now, and I'm focusing on my NEWTs. I stayed away from Cy. I stayed away from anything to do with my family in general. I don't think they even count as family anymore. I'll have to make my own with the people who actually care about me. I'm a little excited to graduate, now that there's no longer anything looming over my head.

The revelation that my father wasn't who he thought he was came as no surprise, looking back in retrospect. It doesn't matter now, anyways.

It's over. Cy is dead. I think Vio's in therapy, since he imperiused her and tried to kill us. I haven't answered any of Vander's owls. I just want to forget any of it ever happened and focus on life with Ceri. There's nothing tying me to any of them anymore, not even the stupid house. At least I can finally put it all behind me now.

I enjoy reading, playing the piano, discovering new things, praise, and being alone.

I despise mockery, sweet things, people who never stop talking, crowds, and feeling ignored.

I'm afraid of going back to the girl I used to be.

My strengths are my quick brain and controlling my emotions.

My flaws are not standing up for myself and my tendency to look down on other people for being different from me.

I look like this.

My wand is a eleven and 1/4 inches, bendy, spiraled shaft, vinewood, augurey tail feather hair.

My pet is an owl named Haemon.

My O.W.L. Scores Are:
Alchemy ~ O
Ancient Studies ~ EE
Arithmancy ~ O
Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Divination ~ O
Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ EE
Healing ~ EE
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ A
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ O

My N.E.W.T. Scores Are:
Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Alchemy ~ O
Arithmancy ~ O
Divination ~ O
Healing ~ EE
Muggle Studies ~ EE
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ EE

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! I'm really, really good at keeping secrets.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:11 pm
Hi, my name is Cyrus Ezekiel Lillantine.

But I mostly go by Cy.

I'm a boy.

I'm 18 years old.

My birthday is April 21st, 2019.

My dream job is dunno.

My blood status is pureblood.

The school I go to is Hogwarts.

The house I'm in is Slytherin.

I'm interested in anyone worth my while.

I'm currently with no one but myself.

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm charming. I’m described as having an innocent, earnest outlook on life. This may or may not be true; I’d rather not comment on that. What I’ll admit is that in addition to being oh so very charming and innocent and earnest is that I’m a wonderful manipulator, and my talent for garnering support for my side of any issue has only increased with age. I’m not just accustomed to being ‘the victim’ in my family (poor Cy, the one everyone thought was a squib, dismissed as ‘the spare’ by his unfeeling father, tormented by his monstrous older brother, condescended to by his cold older sister), I love being the victim. I can’t think of anything better, actually, because everyone loves a very sad story. I’m really patient when it comes to getting my way- I’ve never minded waiting for the right moment, and I hate to rush into things recklessly. I’m a very hard worker in my own right, but if I can get someone else to do the majority of the work for me, I will. I’m a terrible coward, it’s true; I’m the first to back off from a fight, and while I often instigate things, I rarely stick around to finish them, particularly if there’s a good chance I’ll lose. I’m extremely talkative, and sometimes I just can’t help myself. I like to hear the sound of my own voice, is that such a character flaw? I’m much more outgoing than the rest of my family, and I’ll hang around any crowd so long as I see something in it for me. I like to think of myself as open minded and accepting. I don’t have the prejudices and bigotries the rest of my family has, and well, if I did, you can bet I’d do a far better job of masking them. The world’s changing, and while they’re firmly rooted in the past and their concerns of purity and nobility and preserving what’s left, I have other plans. I won’t be just another name on a family tree that, in all honesty, should have been burned down years ago.

My background story is I'm the third born child in the Lillantine family. I have always been the 'spare' to my elder brother Vander's 'heir', and as such I've been dismissed and ignored by my father since the moment I was born. My mother has always coddled me, either to make up for this or simply out of spite because he wasn't happy about my birth. I'm inclined to think it's the latter. Because of this I am entirely far too dependent on one parent, and near strangers with the other. Vander has always harassed and antagonized me because our mother favors me over him; while he pushes our sister Anti around too, he'll always go for me first because my mere existence apparently infuriates him. I learned how to take advantage of this at a young age. I was assumed to be a squib until I was around eight, which is when I finally showed magical ability, which just added to my father's disdain and my brother's derision. On the plus side, I'm slightly less of a disgrace. On the negative side, I'm now considered 'slow' and a 'late bloomer'. I'm ecstatic to be going to Hogwarts, even though my older siblings are currently there, and I'm very interested to see what house I'm put into.

My first year went really well. I was sorted into Slytherin, which was an annoyance, but I think I've adjusted fairly well. If getting under Vander's skin is fun, getting under him and Wendy's skin simultaneously is even better. The jury's still out on my classmates; they could be a tremendous amount of fun, or bore me to tears for the next seven years.

My second year was fine. The highlight of the year was probably the Valentine's Day masquerade they hosted- not that that's saying much. I spent the time with a cat and a little fox, and they were fun. I'm looking forward to a really great summer, though. And it was! Really great, I mean. Well, aside from getting beat up. Just like Vander, Anti's a lot stronger than she looks. I've never seen her that angry before. But it's not like she broke anything.

My third year was nice. Dreadfully boring, of course, but nice. The best part was the very end, I think. Lynn Whitethorne, Gryffindor, halfblood, b*****d, cute approached me and, well, didn't quite confess to anything, but suggested we talk more. She's a go-getter, that girl. It's all very exciting. Maybe I'll owl her over the summer... oh, darn, I forgot for a moment. I'll just have to use Father's.

My fourth year was perfectly pleasant. I asked Lynn out and we dated until the spring; I'll be terribly honest, we broke up because I strayed, but it wasn't anything unexpected. At least, I wasn't surprised, I'm not sure about her. She was very upset, poor thing. I'm sure she won't have much trouble getting over it; she's very outgoing. Luckily enough, our split coincided with the announcement of my engagement to Nike Lovette. Nike's furious about the whole thing, I'm... well, I'm not shocked.

My fifth year was fairly monotonous. Study for OWLs, get Nike's brother practically disowned, study for OWLs... the usual. I did fairly well on my OWL, though. At least I think so. Oh, and I'm now an uncle. Little Caspian was born in April. We share a birthday month.

I learned a lot over the summer; and now Father's dead and I'm heir. Mother has promised to keep to herself; I think she's looking forward to an extended vacation.

My sixth year was great before it even began. The engagement to Nike was called off, of course what with all the... scandal surrounding my family, and I couldn't be happier. I had plenty of time for my usual extracurricular activities this year, what-with no OWLs and NEWTs not until next year.

I enjoy infuriating people, learning new things about those around me, making friends, getting what I want, being pitied.

I despise vegetables, animals, name calling, cursing, and being forced to spend time with certain members of my family.

I'm afraid of dying young.

My strengths are my friendliness and my patience.

My flaws are my manipulative nature and unwillingness to help others unless there's something in it for me.

I look like this.

My wand is a decorated shaft, springy, ten and 1/7 inches, willow, with a fwooper feather core.

My pet is n/a.

My O.W.L. Scores Are:
Astronomy ~ D
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ T
History of Magic ~ P
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ P
Art ~ EE
Cursebreaking ~ EE
Healing ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ O
Music ~ EE
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ O
Wizard Law ~ A

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! I have a bad habit of eavesdropping.


The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100


Shameless Sex Symbol

21,090 Points
  • Deal Me In 50
  • Married 100
  • Person of Interest 200
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:50 pm
xxxxxWendy Madeline Lillantinexxxxx
Slytherin Alumni
née Wendy Madeline Chaisty
Gender: female
Currently: 19
Date of Birth: January 14, 2015
Place of Birth: England

Magical Status: witch
Wand: 9 1/2 inches, Hazel wood, Merepeople Scale Core, Inflexible and Decorated Shaft
Magical Heritage: Pureblood
Family Heritage: English

Blood Type: O-
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Complexion: Caucasion, pale, no notable freckles, with a golden hue
Current Height: 5'4"
Distinguishing Features: None
General Description: A girl with wide-set blue eyes, a pale golden skin tone, with red hair and no real notable freckles. She has slightly strong chin and tends to wear bangs.

Face Claim/Reference Looks: Stef Dawson

xxxxxPersonal Information
Personality: Wendy was the perfect example of what a well-bred witch should be. She still is mostly except for her "betrayal" of the Avery family. Being driven to her goals she had little second thoughts about arranging it so her own father and the heads of the Avery Clan would be incarcerated. She is able to carry herself with poise and understands the importance of not bringing shame to one's family by composing oneself with dignity and avoiding unfavorable rumors at all costs (unless it gets you a manor to play on them). She avoids giving anyone reason to question her motives or intentions, regardless of what they may or may not be, and she plans to keep it that way.

Fears: losing control of any given situation

xxx(1) Potion-Making
xxx(2) Acting with Poise and Dignity
xxx(1) Handling Losing
xxx(2) She will never question stepping over someone to get something she wants or is important to her.
Favorite Things:
xxx(1) Anything to do with water
xxx(2) Classical Music (she plays the harp and viola)
xxx(3) Ballet
xxx(4) Winning
xxx(5) Chess
Despised Things:
xxx(1) Losing
xxx(2) Noisy People
xxx(3) Cooking
xxx(4) Overly innocent people
xxx(5) Lack of Ambition or Laziness

xxxxxEducation/Training/Professional History
Career: Potioneer (*applying)
Dream Career: anything with power or money, possibly owning her own shop of some sort.

Magical and General Education:
xxxxxxPre-Hogwarts Education: Homeschooling, Trained in etiquette, basic academic studies, and wizarding history. Also, music, playing the harp and viola since age 4-6.
xxxxxxAttended: Hogwarts
xxxxxxClass of: 2033
xxxxxxHouse: Slytherin
xxxxxxO.W.L. Scores
Charms ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ O
Astronomy ~ A
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Herbology ~ EE
History of Magic ~ A
Alchemy ~ EE
Muggle Music ~ EE
Muggle Studies ~ A
Music ~ EE
xxxxxxN.E.W.T. Scores
Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Herbology ~ EE
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ EE
Alchemy ~ EE
Muggle Music ~ EE
Music ~ EE

Background Information: Wendy was born to the Chaisty family, a well known and accepted branch of the Avery family. Her father was the great-grandnephew to Mrs. Jane Cathaline Avery. Wendy would say she had a fairly ordinary raising (though, everyone's opinion of ordinary is skewed). She was raised by nannies primarily due to the death of her mother when she was very young. Her father was busy working as a potion maker.

In Wendy's view and what is labeled by the family as a "dueling accident" between Wendy's father and a muggle-born wizard, her father end up incarcerated after "killing an obviously inferior wizard" and a "big ministry misunderstanding". It was then, when Wendy was eight it was decided by the Avery family for her custody to go to them and she was officially adopted by Robert Carlson Avery II, the eldest child of the main Avery branch. Wendy now lives at the Main Avery estate with her guardian (Mr. Avery II) and his parents, though, she had till the summer before she attended Hogwarts stayed out of the main gaze of the Avery family.

Given what Wendy sees as the Avery family's generosity to adopt her, she finds it not odd at all that she is expected to do all that is asked of her, be a proper pure-blood witch, and quite frankly she is more than happy to live up to that. She doesn't see herself at all like the idiotic, and infamous Acacia Chaisty who was quite properly disowned from the family for marrying a halfblood. After all, why anyone would wish to besmirch a pureblood pedigree is beyond her. Wendy, due to her strict raising and the ever watchful eye she has been put under by the Avery Head, feels that she is entitled to a better spot on the Avery tree than a mere branch member.

School Years (1-7): Wendy was sorted into Slytherin which was no surprise for her. She befriended Mira Mitchell early on, having originally planed to use Mira to keep tabs on the heir of the Avery family, David League (now Avery). Over time Wendy developed true loyalty and affection for her friend and overlooked certain things like Mira dating a mute halfblood she would have otherwise been horrified at. During her third year Wendy was informed that she was to be engaged to Evander Lillantine, the heir of the Lillantine family. After her fourth year, her father had been released from prison due to the efforts of the Averys in finally hiring a proper lawyer. During her fifth year, Wendy also started a more romantic relationship with her fiance as the two have started the habit of snogging regularly.

During the summer before her sixth year while in the Avery family's private study she saw the will of Sinclair League and suspected foul play may be afoot in the future but said nothing till his death in the autumn of 2031. Feeling that it was a horrible thing to do (though she argues she could care less about the squib) and fed up with being under the Avery family rule, Wendy turned in the elder Averys and her father for having possession of dark and illegal magical objects as well as suspicion for the murder of Sinclair League. After their arrest, she continued to be the ward of Robert Avery the second who she has had a good relationship with. She is said to likely inherit the Avery Manor from Robert II.

Wendy finally got a ring from her fiance at the final feast of her final year at Hogwarts and sees it took long enough as she had hinted at it for ages. That winter she had also gone to the wedding ceremony of Luke, who is the b*****d son of her fiance's deceased relative, Julius, and his new, mudblood muggleborn wife Steffi.

After Graduation: While awaiting for Evander, her fiance, to graudate, Wendy began to work as a potioneer to "keep herself from missing her dear Evander too much" as she claimed to her future-in-laws. She had no intention of quitting once wed but no one needs to know that. Now happily married, Wendy actively works to avoid her in-laws and has happily produced one son already. She is determined to have a big family, though, at the moment things have been thrown into chaos when she learned that Evander is not the true heir she thought. Wendy has dreamed up putting her mother-in-law in the grave with her late father-in-law and poisoning Cyrus or drowning him. As it is Wendy doesn't fancy Azkaban so she has left her dreams to be not lived out and would rather focus on forming her own dynasty with Evander.

xxxxxFamilial Connections
Birth Order: Only Child
General Family Links: Avery Family Tree-Chaisty Branch
Family Rank: Branch Family Member, end of the recognized Chaisty line
Extended Family:
xParents: Pureblood witch (dead) and Pureblood Wizard (incarcerated)
xSiblings: None
xOther: Connections to the League Family and Biologically related to the Ryans and through an unrecognized marriage

xxxxxRomantic Preferences
Sexuality: Technically demi-bisexual in emotional and sexual preference
Current Relationships:
xxxxxHusband: Evander Tristan Lillantine
xxxxxOther Relationships of Importance: None
Past Relationships:
xxxxxFormer Boyfriends/Girlfriends: None
xxxxxNon Specified Relationships: N/A

xxxPets: An Oriental Bay Owl named Tom
xxxLanguage Fluency: English (British) only
xxxExtra Relevant Skills: Musically skilled in harp and viola.
xxxAny Other Important Information: Animagus, (form is a lionfish)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:43 pm
xxxxC A S P I A NxxxR A S M U SxxxL I L L A N T I N E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Cas or just Caspian

              AGE 22

              BIRTHDAY 8 April 2035

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 12 in Chestnut wood with Kelpie hair core, Springy and Knobby texture

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Asexual/Aromantic

              FACECLAIM Child/Teen - Thomas Barbusca [x]
              Adult - Caleb Landry Jones [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft of Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              CLASS OF 2053

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ P
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ P
                  Healing ~ A
                  Muggle Studies ~ EE
                  Mythology ~ A
                  Wandless Magic ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Muggle Studies ~ EE
                  Wandless Magic ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT specimen locator

              DREAM JOB Summoner

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ CURIOUS Cas is forever asking questions about anything that remotely catches his eye, which on a normal day is everything.
              ■ DRAMATIC Good is amazing and bad is horrendous, there is no in between or median range for him and he's not shy about letting everyone know why.
              ■ ARGUMENTATIVE Riding the coattails of his dramatics and curious nature, Cas will argue or suspend belief about anything until he gets an answer that makes sense (to him) or is exactly what he thinks it should be.
              ■ WHIMSICAL Cas is playfully mischievous and enjoys getting into stuff he probably shouldn't and even playing pranks here or there. Nothing malicious, he genuinely just enjoys making other people laugh.
              ■ INDEPENDENT Even before his siblings were born, Cas was used to being alone and learning to entertain himself and take care whenever his parents were perpetually busy. Once his younger siblings were born, he still did so, but he also had the added responsibility of making sure they didn't die on his watch.
              ■ PROUD He doesn't like to boast, but he knows his own capabilities and he's not ashamed of them. He knows he's smart so he sometimes shows it off a bit more than he should and more than occasionally becomes smug if someone doesn't follow.

                  Playing outside
                  Catching fireflies
                  Hiding the frogs he catches

                  When his sister tries to boss him around
                  Having to actually take a potion
                  His fireflies dying
                  Staying inside all day

                  Catching insects, frogs, and toads
                  Asking questions


                  Over dramatic

                  Falling in his mum's cauldron

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Caspian was the first born son of Wendy and Vander Lillantine and enjoyed about two years of relative peace before his younger sister was born. He usually tries to ignore that the other child exists of not for their mother occasionally forcing them to interact. When not being taught his basics, he can either be found outside trying to catch anything with a pilfered jar or with his mother as she does her potions. He had to stay a bit away and not say or do anything (which was hard and he actually had to physically sit on his hands so he wouldn't touch anything) but he very much enjoyed watching. A few years after his little sister, his parents gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins that were thankfully not as bad as Portia. On one hand he enjoyed permanently having other kids around, but on the other they were sort of pains in his backside. Especially when they didn't listen to him. He continued watching and eventually learning potions from his mother and annoying both his parents with his inane and sometimes intelligent questions until he received his Hogwarts letter and grew excited to finally be going off to school.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  School was every bit of boring and exciting as he hoped and dreaded it would be. He made some really cool friends in the form of some triplets (or really just one the other two didn't like him for some odd reason) and even managed to escape serious punishment and injury. Also he was sorted into Gryffindor which honestly wasn't as big a headache in his family as he'd thought. Apparently as long as it wasn't Hufflepuff he was just above mediocre which meh. His younger siblings joined by his mid-year which was just ******** since now he really couldn't get rid of those lil spawn spurters but it was a big castle and they had a new relative food source to suck the life out of so they pretty much kept to themselves. It also helped they were sorted into a different house (********>
                  POST GRADUATION Cas managed to graduate with pretty good grades (if he did say so himself) and after a few months of searching and shifting around, he managed to find a spot with a group of collectors who traveled around gathering specimens for alchemy and potions. The legitimate perfect job for him Rags.

              xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                  FAMILY Vander and Wendy Lillantine - Parents, Portia Lillantine - Sister, Titus and Rosamund Lillantine - Twin siblings
                  FRIENDS Name
                  BEST FRIEND Name
                  ROMANTIC INTEREST Name
                  ENEMIES None
                  PET A cane toad named Ragnok


Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100

The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:16 pm
xxxxxx R O S A M U N D xxxC O R D E L I Axxx L I L L A N T I N Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Rosa, Roz
              AGE »» 11
              BIRTHDAY »» August 5th, 2039
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Art by Julian
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» Hazel, fairy hair, 12 and 1/5 inches, springy, decorated shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              PET »» Ferret named Holiday

              xxx»» Theater, especially musicals
              xxx»» Costumes and jewelry
              xxx»» Music, especially opera
              xxx»» Antiquing
              xxx»» Old horror movies
              xxx»» Uniforms
              xxx»» Bad hair days
              xxx»» Sports
              xxx»» Reptiles and amphibians
              xxx»» Remakes and unnecessary sequels
              xxx»» Writing her own dark and tragic musicals
              xxx»» Making her own clothes
              xxx»» Interior design

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Rosamund is an inherently dramatic person. Life is more fun when you pretend to take everything very seriously, and really take nothing seriously at all. While not all of her melodramatics, pouting, and glee is an elaborate act, she sometimes is completely divorced from her genuine first reactions because she's so conscious of an audience at all times. Rarely does one see the 'real' unembellished Rosa in the wild; she has way too much fun putting on a show.

              xxx»» Rosamund is a very self-absorbed individual. She tends to put herself and her own feelings and desires first and foremost, not necessarily out of spite or greed but because she often just forgets to think about other people and their personal concerns. She can sometimes fall into the trap of believing she is the only 'real' person- the star of the show, the main character. This often comes back to bite her when others do not cooperate or react to her whims as she'd envisioned.

              xxx»» When she puts her mind to it, Rosamund can be very observant. She's very good at mimicking others, from their voices to their general personality traits, and she knows how to switch into different personas to get what she wants. It's not as though she has entirely different personalities, she's just much more adaptable than most would assume of her at first glance, and she is capable of changing with the wind, even if she won't be happy to do so.

              xxx»» Rosa prides herself on her fashion sense, and not only that, but being 'up' on trends in general. She takes great pride in her physical appearance, from her hair to her clothes, and expects other to do so as well. She can be quite judgmental and snotty because of this, often making assumptions about people based on how they carry themselves or what clothes they wear, and it is difficult for her to accept that it's really what's inside that matters, not the shiny exteriors.

              xxx»» Rosamund is incredibly impulsive and can be very reckless and careless both with herself and others. She doesn't tend to think things through and prefers to improvise on the spot rather than actually plan things out. While this sometimes works in her favor, as she's quite quick-witted and eloquent, other times it falls flat and results in a big mess for her and others to clean up. She often has unrealistic expectations of what experiences or people will be like, and is quite vocal with her disappointment when things don't measure up.

              xxx»» Rosamund is not a very practical or grounded person. She often lives in a fantasy world that revolves around her and her wants and needs, and fails to take things such as money, time, and other people's independent wills into account. While she dreams big, big dreams don't usually pan out, to her dismay, and she has a hard time accepting that if she wants incredible things to happen to her, she's going to have to put some work in beyond just wishing on a star or waiting for the right moment to arrive.

              xxx»» She's an excellent actress.
              xxx»» She's very observant.
              xxx»» She's often impractical and unrealistic.
              xxx»» She's quite judgmental.
              xxx»» Anonymity.
              xxx»» Frogs.

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Rosamund was born a few minutes before her twin brother, Titus. Together they were the youngest children of Evander and Wendy Lillantine, born into a relatively wealthy pureblood family. Rosamund grew up all but attached at the hip with her brother, and together they delighted in irritating their elder siblings, Caspian and Portia. Overall Rosamund's childhood was a loving, if incredibly spoiled and coddled one. Her parents sought to make up for their own upbringings by indulging their children, and while Rosa never doubted she was loved, she perhaps could have done with being told 'no' a bit more often. Mostly, she spent her days playing with her twin, who she considered her very best friend and the only person who really understood her and her dreams of fame (or infamy). While her sister Portia was a squib, Rosamund received a letter to Hogwarts alongside her twin, like their eldest brother. Although she dreaded the uniform and the homework, she did look forward to escaping their somewhat smothering parents and forging her own path in life, her brother by her side.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» - - -
                  SECOND YEAR »» - - -
                  THIRD YEAR »» - - -
                  FOURTH YEAR »» - - -
                  FIFTH YEAR »» - - -
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts
              HOUSE »» - - -
              YEAR »» First
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              DREAM JOB »» Tragic Starlet
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» -
              xxxCHARMS »» -
              xxxDEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS »» -
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» -
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» -
              xxxPOTIONS »» -
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» -
              xxxCHARMS »» -
              xxxDEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS »» -
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» -
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» -
              xxxPOTIONS »» -
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» - - -
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» - - -
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

              xxx»» PARENTS Evander and Wendy Lillantine
              xxx»» SIBLINGS Caspian, Portia, and Titus Lillantine
              xxx»» BEST FRIEND Titus Lillantine
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» Caspian Lillantine
              xxx»» Roland Bishop

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:21 pm
xxxxT I T U SxxxA D R I A NxxxL I L L A N T I N E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Ty

              AGE 11

              BIRTHDAY 05 August 2039

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 13.5 inches, Hazel, Unicorn Hair, Bendy, Decorated Shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Cameron Monaghan [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE House

              YEAR First Year

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Something in the Theatre

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ DETERMINED Titus is always trying to do his best, and be the best. He will put in any amount of work if it means getting to where he wants to be. He is very resolute and rarely changes his mind about his goals and where he's headed. He is always looking for a way to succeed, no matter the cost.
              ■ GOAL ORIENTED Everything Ty does has to do with his goals and where he sees himself in the future. He knows that hard work and never stopping is the way to get to where you want to be. He isn't afraid to do something less than kind if it means it will get him where he needs to be, but he always tries to get what he needs without hurting others.
              ■ CLEVER Ty is clever. He can read people and their motivations easily, and he knows how to use that to his advantage. He quickly figures out things, and how to use that to bring his ideas to fruition and is always the one coming up with extravagant and strange ideas to entertain himself throughout the day. Everything he does is very extra.
              ■ OBSEQUIOUS Titus has an inherent need to please the people he cares about. He is terrified of disappointing his parents and will follow their rules and orders to a tee. He does everything in his power to make sure he is exactly what they want in a son, and any time he can't live up to his own ridiculous inner standards he feels like an absolute failure.
              ■ CREATIVE Titus has a very wild imagination and loves to create things from it, whether it be in painting, wood working, or acting. He likes to bring to life his own inner world, and definitely thinks he is the most important person in any room... well maybe second to Rosa, but she was ten times more extra than him. He thinks of his life as a two man play where he and Rosa are the stars, and everyone else are extras.
              ■ CONFIDENT Confidence is not even a big enough word to encompass Ty's ego. He thinks of himself first and foremost and then his sister next. Everyone else registers far lower than them. He is known to not even notice others in the room unless they are in some way helping him or making him look even better. He thinks he is more attractive, better spoken, and more interesting than most of the population, and doesn't understand when others don't agree.

                  Carnival Music, specifically the creepy kind
                  Books on Obscure Knowledge
                  Eldritch Abominations

                  The Beach
                  Being Early


                  Hard Working

                  Can be obnoxiously Egotistical
                  Needs to Please His Parents

                  Disappointing his parents
                  Being a boring person

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Titus is the youngest of four children. His twin sister Rosamund is only a few minutes older than him, but that still makes him the youngest, which is more than aggravating. His parents have always been very loving towards all of them, and definitely coddle him and Rosa a bit. Titus has always had a large devotion to his entire family, and a deep seated need to please his parents. Being a disappointment is his greatest fear.

          Titus loves spending time with any and all of his siblings, though Rosa will always be his favourite. Portia is a bit too stoic and proper to be much fun for him, and Caspian is old enough that Titus feels to much like the annoying little brother. He and Rosa on the other hand get along like two peas in a pod, and he can always find something fun to do with her. He can't wait to get to Hogwarts, and hopefully he'll be sorted into Slytherin like his parents want.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Information
              SECOND YEAR Information
              THIRD YEAR Information
              FOURTH YEAR Information
              FIFTH YEAR Information
              SIXTH YEAR Information
              SEVENTH YEAR Information

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Grandparents: Callius (deceased) and Desdemona (gone)
          Parents: Evander and Wendy
          Siblings: Caspian, Portia, Rosamund
          Aunts/Uncles: Cyrus (dead), Antigone, Violante,

          FRIENDS Caspian, Portia, Rosamund
          BEST FRIEND Rosamund
          CRUSH Name
          ENEMIES Name
          PETS A long haired black Guinea Pig named Cthulhu

Devlyn Maycry

Obsessive Sex Symbol

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