Little about myself, My full name is Dimitrius Nykyrian Cain (but please just call me either Dima or Dimi. As it suits me way better ^w^) I am years young, I'm about 5'6 in height and I have long dark blond hair. I'm a total girly boy, I love MLP, cute and fluffy things (I has about two kitties and one puppy), sparkly things (not twilight "vampires"), long romantic walks in parks or on beaches, singing and dancing (though i'm not very good), watching movies/anime (mostly action, romantic or fantasy), playing/watching soccer, tennis and beach volleyball, and going out with friends. (though sometimes I like to stay in and be a hermit for a few days.)

That's all I have to say, If you wanna know more feel free to add me, pm me or text me ^-^