Hey my name's kim.
Interests: videogames, movies, dancing (mostly on just dance XD)

Basically im sick of meeting guys and all they want is sex. and that is why i turned to the internet! I want a real connection with someone that isn't all about sex. someone i can talk about anything to and someone who i can let them see the real me which is very hard to do. not even my mother knows the real me which is sad but i guess its a defense mechanism i've grown to keep people away because if they never truly knew you than why would it hurt if they leave?

I'm not just looking for a boyfriend but friends of any type would be awsome.

Just to clear the air and make it less awkward when you find this out and not want to talk to me anymore:

i smoke, both weed and cigarettes. I've also done acid, shrooms and ecstasy. I don't live the best life but i try everyday and thats good enough for me haha well send me a message and we'll hopefully talk XD