How did you hear/find out about this guild. Saw it on a profile and decided to check it out, sorry don't remember which user. sweatdrop
How old are you? 27
What are you looking for? Friendship mostly

Birth Date: January 16, 1986
Gender: Female
Interested In: Men and Women
Relationship Status: Single, not looking currently
Location: Canada, that's all for know, trust issues sorry.
Picture: On profile, along with longer about me.

I love my family, as if they were my family. ♥ I'm not the average person. I'm the kind of person that goes out of her way just to help her friends, but tends to get hurt or forgotten. I'm a relaxed and laid back. I'm not the greatest at approaching people. I have fears of bothering people. I don't like being yelled at or denied. I'm not quiet because I don't like you, or the kind of friend that talks to you once then leaves. I have reasons, and now you know some of them. If you want to talk to me, please approach me first. Otherwise, we might not talk much if at all. If I become comfortable around you, I'll approach more. I'll talk more, you'll see more of me come out of my dark little corner. I'm a really loving person. I don't judge, or hold grudges. I am a winter baby and tend to hide my gentleness inside, cause of certain reasons, some of which I've shared, but not all. I do believe that there is always light to every dark; hope to every lost cause; beauty in the filth; two sides to every story. believe the sun should never set upon an argument. I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you. I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do. I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem. I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul. I believe in love surviving death into eternity. But that's all for now, or my profile will be too long to read. If you want to know me than go ahead, if not than that's fine as well, it is your choice on what you want to do. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask me.

♀♥♀ , ♀♥♂ , ♂♥♂ Love is love ♥