Hi, I am Brandon and I am 20. I currently live in central Kentucky. I just recently moved up from Florida. I decided to put some serious effort on here since I just can't ever seem to find something on dating sites. Everytime I look, it turns sour for me real fast. Right now though what I am doing with my life is looking for work. I might be getting a car really soon so that will be sweet to get my very first one. Federal Aid for college keeps screwing me over for what appears to be yearly it happens. For right now, I am probably going to end up waiting a couple years before going.

As for myself, I am into gaming, anime, and cartoons mostly. I also enjoy listening to music and reading about world news. I have been called a very funny person by most of my friends. I love making people I know laugh. Even though, at times my humor is mediocre and unfunny. I am a very laid back and chill person. Only time I really get upset is over small stuff like in video games. I don't really like putting up with stupid people. I am not religious at all but okay with dating someone of another religion so as long as they are open minded. Looks wise, I am not great looking if that is what you want. I am white, 5'7, and husky sized.

When it comes to what I am looking for in a relationship. I'm looking for someone I can build trust with. Not some short fling, I want something serious. I am looking for someone I can click with. So if that might mean we talk for awhile, I am cool with that. Even though I am still young, I am very mature for my age (when I want to be). I would like to be able just to meet someone and be done with dating for good. I would like to find someone who knows what they want, but I am aware we all have our insecurities which I am fine with that. Looking to find someone 18 and up preferably. I don't mind what age you are, it's just a number.
Looking to find someone that lives near my state, but I am okay if you live further away. As long as you aren't in another country or halfway across the United States. I can talk in anyways. I can call on the phone, Kik, Skype, Facebook, and I also have a webcam. Would prefer if you had a webcam as well.

If you are interested, just hit me up. (: Thank you very much for reading.

Photo: Click