Heya! So, as I was perusing through my guild list, I saw this fancy jewel and I haven't posted in it yet! So I'm going to give this a shot. Bear with me.

I am a college student, 19 years old. A major disclaimer: A majority of my activities and hobbies involve sitting in front of a computer screen for up to 16 hours per day. As a result, I am not thin. I'm pretty husky.

On that subject, I love huskies! My favorite breed besides the Golden Retrievers.

I am an avid video gamer. I used to play all sorts of games, but now I only play a handful, except for a lot longer. I love strategy games like Total War: Shogun 2 or Starcraft 2. League of Legends is also a big one for me. RPG games like Skyrim or Fire Emblem:Awakening is also in my collection. Guild Wars 2 is a major game as well.

Speaking of RPG's, I have been roleplaying on Gaia for almost 7 years now! Time flies! I absolutely love roleplaying as it is a way to express your creativity and be something you can't easily be in real life. I know everyone's had a tough day or two when we wish we were someone else. In fact, I roleplay in games too, not just on forums! Here's where I hit you with a bit of a negative side. While I have no problem reading all sorts of writing skill levels, I do prefer it if you can write like myself. I'm not saying copy it word for word, but its hard 2 undrstnd wen u talk lyk dis u kno? Some people get scared away when I put this part, but to enlighten you a bit, here's a baseline:

When I greet you, "Hey! How are ya?"
A reply I'd be expecting at least, "I'm good. you?"
This is a reply I would not enjoy yet would still reply to: "gud. u?"

Emoticons, things like "Lol" or "rofl" are fine. I use them from time to time.

I go by an "ask and you shall receive" policy when it comes to pictures and/names. I'd most likely give you my name if you ask for it, but that picture will have to wait until we have at least established a bond. Never hurts to be extra careful when dealing with IRL pictures.

PM me, reply to this post (make sure to quote for faster reply!) or leave a comment on my profile page! I'll make sure to get back to you as soon as I can.

Until then, stay safe and enjoy life!