Hello, Im Tyler and im not sure what to put here. In all honesty I've posted a profile 3-4 tomes all different. Mainly because im not sure who I am, but ill give you the best idea of who I am. Im 17, 18 in january. Im attending a alternative highschool. I love music and reading, and can talk for hours about weird history and books. I feel like im rambling a bi butt hell... I will listen to any genre of music but tend to enjoy dubstep and metal

. As the topic title says I like minds. A conversation about anything good will tend to do more fot me than looks, I say tend because I am a teen still affected by teen feelings. In the past I've been through hell with depression and have a lot of growing up to do. I want to graduate highschool and then join the U.S navy then attend school for teaching english. I want to teach in more schools like the one im attending now. I want to go into both so I can do something I've always wanted to,which is to help people. So I guess ill add what I guess im looking for. I want someone to talk yo and befriend and possibly end with more. Honestly to me age does not matter. So I've rambled long enough and wasted your time...sorry thought I would lay it all out there. If you're interested just pm me.