Hey people, this is my first piece of creative writing I'm posting here. I'm open to honest critique!


Warmth of a newborn
When you really think about it nature and man are no different. We age like trees, we’re colorful like flowers, we sing like birds, we reproduce like rabbits, we socialize like bees. Most importantly we are born like a fire.

Our whole infancy to a teen is like a ember. We are made from powerful sparks and start as a tiny light leaving us breathless while hoping to catch life. Then with that time we; as a flame, are born. Like an infant new to the world, innocent and warm. Tiny crackling sounds put a sense of safety in our hearts.

Everyone loves to surround a flame like and infant because they both give off the same effect; leaving you felt warm and joyous. As it grows it gets louder, brighter, and more active; much like a child learning about the world. The flames not only display the attributes of a child but also the child's innocence as well.

As we grow older our innocence dims, no longer giving warmth like a lost soul who was once an amazing person. Weak and used; the flame finally dies out. When we remember when we were powerful flames, you can see the tiny embers flowing in the wind. Now we wait to spark another flame as we lay as just flint on the ground