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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:14 am
xxxx× × ×xxxxTHExxxB I S H O Pxxx FAMILYxxxx× × ×xxxx

xxxFAMILY TREExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ivy Bishop, wife of Violante, daughter of Gordon and Evelyn Bishop
♥ Violante Bishop, née Lillantine wife of Ivy, adoptive daughter of Garrett and Cora Walsh
Roland Bishop, son of Gordon and Mariah Bishop
Played by Cara MiaKitty

xxxFAMILY NPC'Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Evelyn Bishop, mother of Ivy Bishop
Gordon Bishop, father of Ivy Bishop
Mariah Bishop, stepmother of Ivy Bishop
Antoine Fisher, stepbrother of Ivy Bishop
Jamar Fisher, stepbrother of Ivy Bishop

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRECENT UPDATESxxx

Date of Updates: 14 May 2022


NPC'ed Ivy and Vio

xxxAccepted byxxx
~❝Yukitty❞ 12/25/14
xxxUpdates Accepted byxxx
~❝Yukitty❞ 1/7/19
xxxAccepted Charactersxxx
Ivy [12/25/17] Roland [1/7/19] Violante [1/7/19]
PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:15 am
xxxxxxI V Y xxxC O R D E L I Axxx B I S H O Pxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxx× × ×xxxxNPCxxxx× × ×xxxx
(( as of May 2022 ))

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              AGE »» 35
              BIRTHDAY »» 24 June 2017
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Alyson Hannigan
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood
              WAND »» 11 and 1/3 inches, Ash with Dragon Heartstring, rigid and knobby
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» West Country
              PET »» Owl Nathan

              xxx»» Sparring
              xxx»» Video games
              xxx»» Loud music
              xxx»» Warm weather
              xxx»» Traveling
              xxx»» Rain
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Arseholes
              xxx»» Quidditch
              xxx»» Fish
              xxx»» Marital arts
              xxx»» Swimming
              xxx»» Gaming

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Ivy has a tendency to act first and ask questions later. She doesn't believe in wasting time sitting around considering the consequences. She'd rather just go out and do it and deal with what happens. It tends to get her in a lot of trouble, but she'd rather get a detention or be grounded than regret not trying something. Especially when that something involves getting in a fist fight over some bully picking on someone smaller than them. Which happens a lot.

              xxx»» She's filled with an insatiable curiosity. She loves to explore, to dig around and try to unearth something interesting. However, she doesn't care much for reading or research; she'd rather learn through either a hands-on demonstration, or, failing that, being told. She's far too impatient to read or study.

              xxx»» Like her father, Ivy is stubborn as a mule; she doesn't back down, she doesn't give up, and it takes some serious evidence to change her mind about anything once she's formed an opinion. It can be something of a strength, when it comes to needing to stick to her guns. But, it also leads to a lot of problems when she insists on clinging to something or doing something just because she's declared it so.

              xxx»» Ivy likes to be active, and she's something of an adrenaline junkie. She likes danger, even if it's the smallest hint of it. She's taken an interest in martial arts as a result, because there's something amazingly exciting about learning to fight. She'd never really try to hurt anyone (with the exception of bullies who make the mistake of angering her), but she enjoys the challenge of it. She also has a dream to go skydiving, bungee jumping, just about anything that even remotely implies she might die. Since learning about magic, she's determined that, just once, she wants to get up close and personal with a dragon.

              xxx»» As stated, Ivy enjoys martial arts; her athletics don't stop there. While in general she's not overly fond of participating in anything involving a ball, she does enjoy things that'll make her work up a sweat. Her favorites are martial arts, running, and gymnastics. Anyone who tells her than any of those things are not sports will grow to regret ever saying such to her face. And, while she doesn't usually play traditional sports, she does have an avid interest in them from a fan perspective, and is more than willing to kick a ball around with a friend.

              xxx»» Because of how horribly the secret of her mother's magical family blew up in her family's face, Ivy despises lies. She thinks that there's never a real reason to lie, and that anyone doing so, even if they think it's for someone else's good, is really just being selfish or trying to avoid an uncomfortable truth. She personally tries to never lie, and feels physically ill if she realizes she has. She gets herself into trouble a lot because she always confesses to her misbehavior, and tends to take her friends down with her.

              xxx»» Loyal
              xxx»» Honest
              xxx»» Reckless
              xxx»» Quick-tempered
              xxx»» Enclosed spaces
              xxx»» Loss of control

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Ivy's mother Evelyn was the only child born to her parents, and a disappointment. She came from a pureblooded family with a long history, but she herself was a Squib. Her parents loved her all the same, but had no idea what to do with her. She was sent away to a muggle boarding school for most of her childhood and her teen years. Growing up more in the muggle world than the magical one, she soon grew distant from that part of herself. In her early twenties, she met a muggle man named Gordon and fell in love. They married and three years later were blessed with a daughter. Evelyn had never told her husband about her magical heritage, and raised her daughter as a muggle. When young Ivy managed to make one of her toys come to life, Gordon was completely unprepared. Ivy's mother came clean, and the pair tried to make it work, but eventually the truth became more than he could take. The couple divorced when Ivy was nine. Since then, Ivy has been torn between curiosity about her status as a witch, and her anger at it being the cause of her parents separation. Her father, however, has remained close to her, and always was sure to tell her that it was her mother's secret, and not her magic, that ruined their marriage. As a result, Ivy has determined that honesty is always, absolutely the best policy. Honestly, she'd rather live with her dad, but he doesn't know how to handle her magic. She's somewhat resentful of her mother as a result.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Ivy found that she absolutely loved Hogwarts; being away from her mum was pretty great, and learning magic was amazing. She made a few friends as well, which was great, since she hadn't really had any since her parents divorce and moving with her mother.
                  SECOND YEAR »» Ivy's second year was uneventful; she was happy to return to school when September came, and be away from her mother. She joined the dueling club at school, which she enjoyed a lot, though the partner choices left a lot to be desired at times.
                  THIRD YEAR »» Immediately after school let out her second year, Hogsmeade Village was attacked by a group of, in her words, "Dumbarse Voldemort Wannabes." After a minute or so of attempting to fight back with her wand, Ivy gave up, admitting she didn't know enough magic to actually do anything, and resorted to using her martial arts skills. This served her well, for a minute or two, until she was hit with a powerful curse and passed out. It's probably nothing other than sheer dumb luck that she survived, her body left largely undisturbed after she collapsed. After the attack, it took a lot of convincing on the part of Joel's cousin Grayson and his girlfriend Amata, both professors at the school, to get Evelyn to allow her daughter to return to the school. However, she absolutely refused to sign Ivy's permission slip for Hogsmeade, resulting in Ivy having to sneak to the village on visiting weekends.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Ivy's summer this year was one of great frustration for her; unlike most years, her father didn't seem to have time to see her, at all, which was incredibly frustrating for her, since she has always preferred him to her mother. However, when out to lunch with him one day, she discovered why; she stole his phone and found evidence that he was seeing a woman, who had two sons, and that he was keeping her a secret from them. Her mother, of course, had known, and kept this from her, trying to protect her feelings, which infuriated Ivy. Her return to school was met with a lot of complaining about this development, and a couple of her friends attempting to have her see her mother's point of view. She didn't change her perspective in the slightest, but did eventually let it go. A few months into the school year, she overheard a rumor that she was dating not one, but two of her friends, cheating on one with the other. One of the friends was Vio, who she did actually have something of a crush on. Seeking to set the record straight, she sought the girl out and told her about the rumor, and then confessed to liking her. The feelings were returned, and the girls began seeing one another, even attending the Valentine's Ball together.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» Ivy's grandparents, who had up until this point been supplying her with money for her school supplies, were less than pleased to hear that she had a girlfriend, emphasis on the girl part. Being very traditional, and hoping that Ivy would eventually marry into a pureblood family to make up for her mother being a squib, they were even less happy to hear that she wasn't interested in boys at all. In an attempt to force her to break up with Vio and conform to their ideals, they pulled their financial support, landing Evelyn in the position of not having the money to get Ivy's school things. Luckily, Vio ended up being the best girlfriend Ivy could've asked for, and pulled money from her inheritance to make sure Ivy had her books and things, as well as a new uniform, which Ivy had tried to insist was unnecessary. The school year was mostly taken up with lessons, and studying for OWL exams, on which Ivy was determined to do well. Her chosen career path wasn't one to take lightly, after all, and she was bound and determined to succeed at it. She was also the starting seeker for the Gryffindor quidditch team that year, much to her annoyance. Her first two games sucked royally, but she actually managed to win the third, against Slytherin, which almost made it okay she'd lost the other two. Rhys and Layton had beaten her, but she'd won against Vander, and was incredibly smug over that fact.
                  SIXTH YEAR »» Ivy was devastated when she received her OWL scores and realized she wouldn't be able to continue on into one of the courses she needed to be a Cursebreaker. However, a conversation with Amata revealed that she could, in the blonde woman's words 'grovel a bit', and the Potions professor might consider allowing her into the NEWT level class. Ivy contacted Professor Whitethorne and did her best to convince the woman that she wouldn't blow anything up or cause catastrophic damage in the class, and was permitted to continue on, with the requirement that she 'really apply herself.' Not wanting to disappoint (and get kicked out as a result), she focused a lot on trying to become more patient, at least during that class.
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» Ivy's final year at school was largely uneventful. She focused mainly on her studies, her less-than-stellar OWL scores having terrified her into being abnormally studious. She needed to pass Potions and Transfiguration in order to become a Cursebreaker, obviously, so those were her priority. Aside from that, she focused on Quidditch, seeing as it was her last year, and Joel's only year as captain. She managed to win two games, against Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, and was quite pleased with herself. Towards the end of the year, she did hear rumors about some drama with Hamilton Strudwick, drama major enough that he was expelled over it. She personally wasn't particularly surprised, given that she'd always been inclined to think poorly of him. She didn't concern herself overmuch with the details, she just knew that he'd gotten involved in something very bad and was suddenly gone.

              xxx»» Following graduation, Ivy's first goal was to get hired on at Gringotts as a Cursebreaker; she didn't plan on continuing to work for the bank forever, but it was a good place to get experience. She landed the job, thankfully, and then set her sights on moving out of her mother's flat. Eventually deciding she didn't care to live completely alone, she agreed to move in with Joel, and the pair got a flat together. She also discovered that, in addition to her two stepbrothers, her father's second marriage has granted her a half-brother. She's not particularly interested in this information, but her mother passed it along all the same, much to her annoyance.
              xxx»» Eventually word got to Ivy about her half-brother Roland being magic, and her father having an unsurprising but still disappointing reaction to that fact. Ivy began spending time with Roland, and his two older brothers, to try and mitigate the damage being done, but it wasn't proving very effective. Eventually she conspired with the older boys to essentially kidnap their youngest sibling, bringing him to live with her and Joel so he could be in an environment that didn't punish him for being different. His mother tried to bridge the gap, and Gordon made some effort to be less obvious with his discomfort, but it wasn't enough for Ivy to feel comfortable leaving the boy in their care. The saving grace was that his brothers at least accepted him, and were determined to remain close to him.
              xxx»» In the midst of all this, Vio proposed to Ivy. A wedding was planned, and had, and Ivy moved out of the flat she'd been sharing with her best friend and in with her new wife, bringing her brother along with her. It was an adjustment, to be sure, but she knew they'd figure it out. Roland took to Vio well enough, sometimes seeming to like him more than he did his own sister.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Gryffindor
              GRADUATED »» 2035
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» P
              xxxCHARMS »» EE
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» D
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» EE
              xxxPOTIONS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» EE
              xxxANCIENT STUDIES »» A
              xxxARITHMANCY »» A
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» P
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» O
              xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» A
              xxxMUGGLE MYTHOLOGY »» A
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» A
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» EE

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxPOTIONS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
              xxxARITHMANCY »» A
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» EE
              xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» A
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» O

              CURRENT JOB »» Cursebreaker for Gringotts Bank
              DREAM JOB »» Freelance Cursebreaker

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Lesbian
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Married
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Violante Lillantine

              xxx»» Parents Gordon and Evelyn Bishop (divorced), stepmother Mariah
              xxx»» Stepbrothers Antoine and Jamar Fisher
              xxx»» Half-brother Roland Bishop
              xxx»» Best friend Joel Powell
              xxx»» Violante Lillantine
              xxx»» Eirawen Baines
              xxx»» Hamilton Strudwick
              xxx»» Gringotts staff


MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 8:38 pm
xxxxxxR O L A N D xxxM A R S H A L Lxxx B I S H O Pxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              AGE »» 20
              BIRTHDAY »» 10 October 2033
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Aldis Hodge
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» 11 inches, English Oak with Griffin Hair, springy and knobby
              ACCENT »» Estuary

              xxx»» Sports
              xxx»» Stories
              xxx»» Classical music
              xxx»» New experiences
              xxx»» Spicy food
              xxx»» Silence
              xxx»» Sitting still
              xxx»» Poor weather
              xxx»» Being sick
              xxx»» Bad parents
              xxx»» Flying
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Traveling

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» When he was born, Roland was a loud baby, but somewhere around age four, he suddenly withdrew into himself. Not in a bad way, necessarily, it just became apparent that he wasn't particularly keen on talking overmuch. When he does speak, he chooses his words carefully, and rarely raises his voice. He's not exactly timid, but he's certainly cautious with how he speaks to others.

              xxx»» Roland likes to explore things, to read and to study and to observe. He has trouble focusing on any one thing in particular because there's always something else to capture his attention. He tries to absorb everything, but the sheer magnitude of the things he finds interesting overwhelms him. His memory is somewhat faulty as a result, and he frequently gets himself confused and flustered when he realizes he'd forgotten something he deems important.

              xxx»» Roland discovered at a very early age that he likes to make people laugh. In his early years, he found it easy and exceptionally gratifying to earn a chuckle simply for being cute and making a mess. He was always careful to act out in ways that earned him a laugh rather than a punishment. As he's gotten older, he's learned the value of puns and funny riddles. Whenever there's a group forming around him, he tries to be the "funny" one, for lack of another niche to fill.

              xxx»» Roland doesn't like to be still, unless he has a book in his hand. Even watching the telly is usually a secondary thing, coupled with practicing some form of kata or exercise. When not occupied with either of these activities, he likes to run, or climb. His mother discovered by chance that he enjoyed football as a child, and immediately involved him in the sport. Once he began Hogwarts, he got involved in Quidditch, as well as several clubs that involved activities like boxing and sword-fighting.

              xxx»» Roland is a sweet guy, always quick with a compliment for a stranger on the street or to offer a helping hand. He enjoys making other people smile. As a child, he liked to bring home strays and tried keeping them hidden from his parents and brothers so he could look after them. As an adult, he generally tries to make himself available to his friends and family as much as possible, to be a shoulder to cry on or a partner in crime.

              xxx»» Roland doesn't worry overmuch about the status quo, and as such is quite capable of dealing with things when it is suddenly altered. He's not always thrilled about change, but he doesn't approach it stubbornly or with much resistance. He's a very optimistic person, and firmly believes things are going to work out for the best, even if he doesn't like how things are going at the moment.

              xxx»» Easy going
              xxx»» Adventurous
              xxx»» Short attention span
              xxx»» No ambition
              xxx»» Falling off a broom
              xxx»» Alien invasions

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Roland is the youngest of three children, though he is only half-related to his siblings. His only sister Ivy is the oldest, and he went the first few years of his life without having known of her beyond his mother occasionally asking after her, and the photos in his father's office. His older brothers, on the other hand, were constants in his life, though he often wondered if he wouldn't have rather it been the other way around. From what he heard, he thought he might get along much better with his sister than he did with them, because they were a constant thorn in his side. However, it seemed she wanted nothing to do with his family, which he was always sad about. His father was quite secretive where she was concerned, which made her something of an unsolvable mystery as far as the curious young boy was concerned.
              xxx»» The oddity of his almost non-existent sister aside, his childhood was fairly typical, though he often wished he could make his brothers leave him alone. Of course, he never thought it was possible, right up until the day he slammed the door behind him to escape Antoine. Normally, this only bought him a few seconds, but on this particular day, the door wouldn't so much as budge when the teenager tried to get through it. Roland was locked in his room without means of escape for what felt like several hours after that, the door refusing to budge no matter who tried to open it. It finally opened at around nine o'clock that night, with no trouble whatsoever, as if they'd all imagined it staying stuck shut for the better part of the day. After that, he noticed his father giving him odd looks constantly, and worried that something was wrong. But, they never spoke of the incident, and Roland was happy to pretend it never happened, scary as it had been.
              xxx»» Unfortunately, as he grew older, he was more and more aware of the fact that, ever since the incident, his father had been behaving strangely towards him, becoming somewhat distant. He spent less and less time with Roland, who wasn't sure what had happened, only that he'd apparently done something wrong to upset his father. It wasn't long before suddenly his sister was around a lot more often, until one day she came by the house while his parents weren't home, and took him to her flat. He'd been there before, of course, but only for a few hours at a time. This time was different; Ivy told him about his magic, and explained to him that she was magic, too, and that it was better for him to stay with her. He was resistant at first, not understanding why he couldn't be with his parents. Eventually, he got so upset over everything that Ivy relented and told him the full truth, that their father had left her mother because of her being magical, and that he didn't like magic. Roland had suspected that the incident was the reason his father was unhappy with him, but knowing it for a fact was different. He isolated himself for a while, but eventually grew more comfortable living with Ivy and Joel.
              xxx»» Of course, he liked it much better when Ivy married Vio, and they moved in with her. Vio was quieter, more thoughtful, and he liked her very much, partially because she didn't seem to feel the need to fill silences with random and sometimes anxious conversation, the way his sister did. Meanwhile, the girls prepared him for going to Hogwarts, a school where he was told he would learn all about magic and how to be a wizard. He wasn't sure how he felt about learning more about the thing that made his dad abandon him, but he was curious enough to give it a shot.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              xxx»» Admittedly, Roland did not have the easiest time adapting to the magical world. His parent's having abandoned him over being a wizard had stuck with him, and he had a subconscious resistance to magic as a result. He struggled a lot with wandwork in his earlier school years. He had friends to help, of course, and found himself growing more and more comfortable with the magical world. Trying out for his house Quidditch team helped in that regard, because he couldn't hate magic and love a sport that required it, after all. He managed to do well enough that he was made team captain, as well as attaining the title House Prefect and later Head Boy. Unfortunately, none of this really helped him in the long run, because he had no clue what to do with his life or what sort of career he wanted to go into. His seventh year was mostly spent as a sort of anxious studying zombie, worrying about his scores and the future he was supposed to be moving towards.

              xxx»» Roland ended up being inspired by a half-nonsense conversation about seeing the world and seizing the day to... well, see the world and seize the day. He decided that he was going to backpack across the continent. There wasn't really money for it, of course, but he figured he could work odd jobs for income to feed himself, and would carry a tent to camp in for a place to stay. He had a little experience "roughing it," having gone with his sister on digs a few times. It seemed as good a plan as any, at least. He did wait a couple of years to start, saving up money helping out shop owners in Diagon so he wouldn't be completely broke from the start.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Hufflepuff
              GRADUATED »» 2052
              HONORS »» Quidditch Captain, Prefect, Head Boy
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» A
              xxxPOTIONS »» EE
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
              xxxALCHEMY »» EE
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» A
              xxxHEALING »» EE
              xxxMUGGLE STUDIES »» O
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» EE
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» A

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» EE
              xxxPOTIONS »» EE
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» EE
              xxxALCHEMY »» EE
              xxxHEALING »» A
              xxxMUGGLE STUDIES »» O
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» EE

              CURRENT JOB »» Drifter
              LIFE GOAL »» Literally just figuring out what to do with his life

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

              xxx»» Parents Gordon and Mariah Bishop
              xxx»» Paternal half-sister Ivy Bishop ♥ Violante
              xxx»» Maternal half-brothers Antoine and Jamar Fisher
              xxx»» Best friend Lucas Morris
              xxx»» Louise Ellis-Hall
              xxx»» Nasim Findlay-Abrams
              xxx»» Weslyn Knolle
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:15 am
xxxxxxV I O L A N T E xxxF A Y Exxx B I S H O Pxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxx× × ×xxxxNPCxxxx× × ×xxxx
(( as of May 2022 ))

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES »» Vio, Vi, Viola
              AGE »» 29
              BIRTHDAY »» 7 February 2017
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Random anime blondes
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» Rowan, hippogriff feather, 12 and 1/4 inches, flexible, decorated shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Estuary
              PET »» Owl named Balthazar

              xxx»» Compliments
              xxx»» Fashion
              xxx»» Lively conversations
              xxx»» Mystery novels
              xxx»» Period dramas
              xxx»» Stains
              xxx»» Messy rooms
              xxx»» Public humiliation
              xxx»» Raised voices
              xxx»» Pity
              xxx»» Online shopping
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Visiting with Lea

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Vio is a very polite person upon first meeting her, and she is typically respectful and reserved towards strangers or people in authority. She was raised with good manners and as a child was proud of her pureblood heritage in the sense of the 'class' it gave her. Believing herself to be the perfect little lady, she strove to always act as such. She has since mellowed out and is a bit more casual, but would still consider herself a refined, elegant person.

              xxx»» Vio can be very charismatic, especially towards people who don't know her very well. She knows how to hold herself and what to say, and can be almost charming when she puts her mind to it. This makes her very persuasive and is certainly part of the reason why she was sorted into Slytherin. She's used to getting what she wants, even if she is a bit less entitled and demanding than she was as an adolescent.

              xxx»» Vio is a poised, composed person who believes in keeping a straight face and not wearing her emotions on her sleeve. While she certainly cries and gets upset like everyone else, she is very hesitant to show any signs of weakness in front of others, and tries to remain outwardly neutral and unemotional for her own security. It's very rare for her to make a scene or even raise her voice, especially in public.

              xxx»» Vio is a very secretive person who grew up with a lot of family drama, so naturally she is not one to share much at all. Unfortunately her habit of keeping secrets and telling white lies can come back to bite her in the arse, as it's easy to surround yourself in an impossible web. She is struggling to be more open as an adult, especially with her wife and remaining family.

              xxx»» Vio is a naturally impatient person who thinks and acts quickly, and who expects everyone else to process things just as swiftly as her. She is frequently annoyed when people are not as efficient or brisk as she'd like them to be, and dreads nothing more than listening to rambling stories with no real ending or worse, scatterbrained people who expect her to sympathize with them.

              xxx»» Vio always thinks she knows best, and this can make her more than a little nosy and overbearing. She can come across as very condescending or patronizing at times, and often doesn't consider the feelings of others when giving advice. She expects everyone to think and behave just as she does, and it has taken her years to get over this and to realize that she needs to let people make their own choices, even if they're illogical.

              xxx»» Vio is a very confident person.
              xxx»» Vio is a very persuasive person.
              xxx»» Vio can be very cutting without realizing it.
              xxx»» Vio can interfere too much in the lives of others.
              xxx»» Losing her entire family again.
              xxx»» Ivy falling out of love with her.

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Vio was born to a wealthy pureblood couple, Julius Lillantine and Bellamy Lillantine nee Walsh. Her early years were spent in a lavish mansion with all the toys and clothes a little girl could ever want, but their perfect home wasn't what it seemed. In fact, Julius was incredibly controlling and abusive towards his wife, who tried her best to shelter Vio from her father's unpredictable rages and violence. Unfortunately, both Julius and Bellamy died in what was reported as a 'freak house fire' when she was four, and a custody battle ensued. In the end, the courts decided that she was to live with her mother's older sister, Cora, and her family, rather than her father's twin brother, Callius. Vio had a hard time adapting to a much smaller house with two busy working adults and many adopted siblings. Yet after a few years Vio had mostly settled into her new life, and was extremely close with her 'cousin' Thea, the closest in age to her. Tragically, Thea was murdered by a dark wizard when Vio only nine, and the exact circumstances of her death were not revealed until years later. By the time Vio entered Hogwarts, she'd had her fair share of tragedy, and was understandably afraid to get close to others as a result.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              xxx»» Vio was sorted into Slytherin like both of her parents before her, to no one's surprise. She learned about the existence of an older half-brother, Luke, who was at the time imprisoned on charges of attempted murder. Nevertheless, Vio exchanged letters with him all the same. With a nose for trouble, she also attempted to befriend her cousin Antigone, who was in the same year as her and in Ravenclaw. Anti's bullying older brother Evander attempted to intimidate her, but failed miserably. Luke ended up being released from prison with all charges cleared, and while Vio witnessed a dark wizard attack on Hogsmeade station at the end of her second year, she managed to avoid serious injury. She made her first non-relative friend in her third year; Ivy Bishop, a boisterous redheaded Gryffindor. She also found out her cousin Lea, who she'd always been close with, had been turned into a vampire.

              During her fourth year Vio admitted her crush on Ivy to both herself and the other girl, and the two decided to try dating one another, even attending the school's Valentine Masquerade together. To her delight, she was made a prefect in her fifth year, although she was also tasked with keeping a close eye on Vander and Antigone's seemingly charming younger brother Cyrus, who'd been displaying increasingly sinister behavior for the past few years. Despite her long-standing rivalry with Vander, she was his 'best woman' at his wedding to his betrothed, Wendy, since he had no real friends. During her seventh year she helped Anti finally run away from home and escape an arranged marriage, and learned about some of the realities of her parents' deeply toxic relationship from her aunt Cora.

              xxx»» After graduation, the Lillantine family drama came to a head. Cyrus had helped his scheming mother Desdemona murder his father and inherited the family's fortune after revealing Vander and Anti to actually be Julius' b*****d children with Desdemona, and as such Vio's half-siblings, rather than her cousins. Vio began investigating her cousin when she wasn't working at the Ministry, and ended up convincing Vander and Lea to help her break into the Lillantine manor to find evidence on him.

              Of course, this went terribly wrong, and ended with Vander crippled, Lea staked, and Vio taken hostage by her sadistic cousin, who imperiused her and revealed the truth of her parents' deaths; Bellamy had poisoned Julius in attempt to escape his abuse, but before she could run away with Vio, had been caught by Callius, who, enraged by his twin's murder, had killed her himself, then set the fire to cover it up. Vio broke under the mental trauma of all of this, but still tried to resist Cyrus when he attempted to make her kill Anti, who went on to duel and defeat Cyrus, using her skill as an occlumens/legilimens against him.

              With Cyrus dead, Vio inherited the estate as the sole remaining Lillantine child born within the confines of marriage. She then had the manor locked up and donated a sizable portion of the money to Wool's Orphanage, which her brother Luke now ran with his wife. Her PTSD from the events made her developing a drinking problem, but she went to therapy and learned how to cope better. She then proposed to her longtime girlfriend Ivy, and the two married and assumed guardianship of Vio's younger half-brother, Roland, a wizard like them.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Hogwarts
              HOUSE »» Slytherin
              GRADUATED »» 2035
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» P
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» P
              xxxPOTIONS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
              xxxART »» EE
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» O
              xxxHEALING »» EE
              xxxMUSIC »» EE
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxWANDLESS MAGIC »» O
              xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» A
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» O
              xxxWORLD STUDIES »» EE

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» EE
              xxxHEALING »» EE
              xxxWANDLESS MAGIC »» EE
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» O

              CURRENT JOB »» Improper Use of Magic Office
              DREAM JOB »» Minister of Magic?

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Pansexual
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Married
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Ivy Bishop

              xxx»» PARENTS Julius and Bellamy Lillantine (biological), Garrett and Cora Walsh (adoptive)
              xxx»» SIBLINGS Luke Nalson-Lillantine, Evander Lillantine, Antigone Lillantine (biological), Uriel Scott, Jessamine Xanders, Tobias Walsh, Eleazar Bradley (adoptive)
              xxx»» BEST FRIEND Antigone Lillantine
              xxx»» Ivy Bishop, Eirawen Baines, Joel Powell
              xxx»» Evander and Wendy Lillantine, Desdemona Lillantine, Hamilton Strudwick
              xxx»» Selina Grey, Grace Mitchell, Lola Ye, Ceri Davies, Dorian Xanders


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