Hello everybody.

I am sorta picky when it comes to this subject. Because I don't only want a boyfriend/girlfriend, but I am also interested in a companion. Someone who can be a really awesome friend, and is interested in the same stuff I am. Which is mostly video games, anime, and music. That's been difficult to find in my area.

I don't care about your gender. I do prefer people who are also short as well though, so please be 5'6" or under. I don't care how much you weigh. If we can nerd out on video games and anime together then that's what matters to me. If by some chance I meet the right person on here then we'll eventually meet up, so I don't care if you don't live in this state. As long as you're looking for a serious relationship then waiting would still be worth it.

Send me a pm if you're interested, I would prefer that over a reply. Thanks.