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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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Whitmore Family ~ Accepted

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Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
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  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:57 am
Note : Eliza Ann & Daniel Added

Whitmore Family

(Updated 05/27/24)

Jasper Whitmore ~ 49 ~ Former Hufflepuff ~ Auror
♥ Alice Whitmore née Lancaster ~ 49 ~ Former Hufflepuff ~ Owner of Madam Malkin's
tab ↪ Eliza Ann Whitmore ~ 25 ~ Twin ~ Former Gryffindor
tab ↪ Daniel Whitmore ~ 25 ~ Twin
tab ↪ Liam Whitmore ~ 23 ~ Adopted (npc)

Adopted / Extended Lancaster Family
All considered NPCs as members are inactive.

Colville Lancaster ~ Father ~ Former Hufflepuff - - - played by IceGrayWolf
Lillian Lancaster ~ Mother ~ Former Ravenclaw - - - played by Ura the rainbow King
Jokul Lancaster ~ Brother ~ Former Slytherin - - - played by bourbon yams
Serafina Lancaster ~ Sister ~ Former Slytherin - - - played by IceGrayWolf

Accepted by: ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [03/3/2017]
Recent updates accepted by: ~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰[12/31/2019]
Accepted characters:
Jasper [03/3/2017] Alice [03/3/2017] Daniel [12/31/2019] Eliza Ann [12/31/2019]
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 11:44 am
xxxxJASPERxxxLANCASTERxxxWHITMORE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Jazz (for short mostly by Alice or close friends/family)

              AGE 49

              BIRTHDAY October 5th 2012.

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood (Unknown)

              MORE THAN AVERAGE Legilimen (Accepted)

              WAND 11 inches, Cedar Wood, with Unicorn Hair Core

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Minase Natsukio (anime) [x]

              Random Anime Pic (Past). [10 & younger] [11] [12] [13 - 14] [15] [16] [17] [18+] [30+]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              CLASS OF 2031

              HONORS None

                  ■ Quidditch Team Reserve Beater (1st to 3rd year) / Beater (4th to 7th year)
                  ■ Music Club (3rd to 6th year)

              BEST LESSONS
                  Ancient Runes

              WORST LESSONS
                  Wandless Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Alchemy ~ O
                  Ancient Studies ~ A
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ O
                  Divination ~ A
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ O
                  Wandlore ~ E
                  Wizard Law ~ E
                  World Studies ~ E

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ O
                  Ancient Studies ~ O
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ O
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ E
                  Wizard Law ~ E

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Auror

              DREAM JOB To help people and keep them safe

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ QUIET I'm not much of a talker. I come off quiet and withdrawn from others unless I'm with Alice. Mainly because she tends to make me talk when she's around. It's not because I'm shy, I just prefer to listen to those around me. However, since going to school I've learned to be a bit more outgoing. Although, I'm still reserved at least I'm able to talk in front of people and not freeze up.
              ■ CALM I'm not the type to panic or lose my temper. I'm a relatively calm and collected person. I don't let things get to me although I have been known to worry about Alice's safety from time to time. Usually I'm able to help keep others calm due to my calming nature, because of that I'm also pretty patient with others.
              ■ CHIVALROUS Am I scared to lose Alice... my family... yes. That doesn't mean I'm not brave enough to stand by her and them through everything. I'd stand up for her or any of my friends. I'm a polite person and if there is one thing I can't stand it's disrespect. I will not and can not stand by and watch that happen to anyone.
              ■ PROTECTIVE I can also be very protective of those I care about, sometimes a little overprotective, especially with Alice. I've learned that being protective doesn't mean I can't give people their space. As hard as it is sometimes, I know I can't be with Alice all the time. As far as the rest of my family goes the kids are still young I'm allowed to be protective, it's my job.
              ■ SHARP MIND I am said to have a sharp mind probably one of the reasons why I like challenging puzzles and chess. Then again it could just explain why my head is usually in a book. I constantly have to learn new things even if it happens to be a new language. I'm also a hard worker when it comes to my studies, I suppose my grades show for it.
              ■ TRUST ISSUES Alice says I have trust issues and that's perhaps true. My father was never in the picture. So, can you really blame me for not trusting people right away after that? Being too trusting of others just means you'll get hurt or taken advantage of. I'm just ensuring that doesn't happen until I know I can trust somebody.

                  Quidditch (Flying)
                  Family Time
                  Making people happy

                  Seeing my family in harm’s way
                  When people are upset
                  Being apart from Alice for any length of time

                  Hanging with my family
                  Going to Quidditch games

                  Defending myself

                  I’m hard on myself

                  Not being able to protect Alice or letting her down.
                  Not being a good father.

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD From what I can remember my mother died and I had nowhere to go. My father I can’t remember so he mustn’t have been around that had to be the reason why I was placed in the orphanage. When I entered the orphanage I saw a short brown haired girl who skipped to my side and seemed overly happy to see me. Her name was Alice, I didn’t ask her way but something seemed right about being with her in that moment.

              The first night I was there Alice had a really bad nightmare. I couldn’t stand the idea of her suffering so I snuck over to her and woke her up. She didn’t want me to leave after that so I stayed with her. We’ve been inseparable ever since. I promised her then that I would never leave her and I would always be there to protect her.

              That’s why we’ve never been adopted until the Lancaster’s that is. I couldn’t say no to Alice. She really wanted to be part of a family and I wasn’t going to take that away from her. So because we go everywhere together I guess we’ll both have a new family to get used to, at least we have each other.

              Since living with the Lancaster's I guess I've learned to trust them more despite the fact they aren't my parents. Trust me I'm trying my best to except them for Alice. Don't get me wrong they aren't bad people they're great it's just hard let the past go. I helped figure out why Alice is so different and she found out that I was going to Hogwarts. Guess that means I'm magical after all. I wonder if they have a class there that can help me understand Alice's gift better? At least me and Alice will be together.

              SCHOOL YEARS When I attended Hogwarts I didn't know how things would go. All I knew was I didn't want to be without Alice. So when I went up to the sorting hat and got it placed on my head, as you can expect that's what was on my mind.

              You have the intellect of a Ravenclaw,
              And the protective spirit of a Gryffindor.
              However, if you are sure about being with Alice, then...


              That's what the sorting hat told me. I'd would fit into any number of places but if I wanted to be with Alice then that's where I'd be. Hufflepuff was my home along with Alice. I couldn't have been happier about that. Thanks to her I made a number of friends and I even tried out for Quidditch. I realized I enjoyed flying around and playing the sport. However come second year I didn't feel that great about Alice playing it. Luckily she was reserve for a bit but it still didn't sit right with me.

              Because Alice played Quidditch to understand me, I took Divination in my third year to understand her. She can see things and because of me looking into it over the years I realized that I wanted to understand it from her point of view. Sadly I managed to scrap by during my testing and dropped the class in my sixth year. I thought that's what Alice would do but apparently she continued through till our last year. I understand she did it for the team, we needed her as Seeker that's all there was too it.

              I'd like to say everything went smoothly throughout my time at Hogwarts but it really didn't. Alice said she needed more space and started avoiding me in fifth year. I knew the real reason... After all we were fine the year before at the Yule Ball, since we attended together. She found out I have feelings for her beyond an adoptive sister. As such she kept her distance and seemed to stay away from me pretty much all the time. Even when we were at home for the holidays. It wasn't until sixth year that she started talking to me again.

              Speaking of sixth year, neo-death eaters attacked Hogsmeade as we were leaving to go home for the summer. Alice wanted to help but I refused to let her off. If I had it my way I would have gone out there to help myself but I couldn't make sure Alice would stay put. In order to do that I stayed on the train as well. After the incident was all said and done I found out that Dorian's brother Julius was killed in the attack. On a happier note, in my seventh year I asked Alice to move in with me after graduation and she said yes.

              POST GRADUATION The first order of business for me was getting my name changed to my birth name. I never felt like much of a Lancaster, don't get me wrong I care about them and all but I really only went with them because of Alice. So now that I'm a Whitmore I plan on finding a place for Alice and I. Hopefully with the name change she won't think us being together is such a bad thing. After all we aren't actually related.

              Luckily things worked out and Alice and I started dated. We aren’t public but it works. I’ve been focusing on my career as an auror so we haven’t found a place. However now that my training is over I think I can finally focus on us finding a place. Finally in 2035 I popped the question to Alice. Six months later in spring we were married. Next thing I knew Alice was expecting and we were blessed with twins Daniel and Eliza Ann. I ended up responding to two girls (Saio & Tsubaki) who called for help in the summer of 2038. The fire was suspicious but we couldn't figure out who was responsible. Since they had no relatives I had them stay with Alice and I. The oldest Saio was quick to find other arrangements with a friend. I suspect she didn't want to put us out.

              Since then Eliza Ann has shown signs of magic and we're still waiting on Daniel. Oh and Alice is now the owner of Madam Malkin's since her boss turned over the keys. Eliza had a break down not wanting to leave for school, luckily I calmed her down and we were able to move past it. After her second year we adopted a boy around their age named Liam. He like Daniel was non-magic so it gave the boys something to bond over, which they definitely did. That was also around the time Daniel decided he wanted to learn everything through his sister, which made her school books have a bit more use. Though I fear she might have burnt herself out with the amount of classes. Luckily the kids made it out of their school years and were now adults. A positive although the house did feel empty.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • Alice Whitmore née Lancaster (wife)
              • Daniel Whitmore & Liam Whitmore (sons) • Eliza Ann Whitmore (daughter)
              Adoptive Family
              • Colville Lancaster, Lillian Lancaster (parents - mpc)
              • Serafina Lancaster (sister - mpc) • Jokul Lancaster (brother - mpc)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • Alice Whitmore née Lancaster (wife)
              BEST FRIEND • Alice Whitmore née Lancaster
              • Iñigo Albion-Alexandré (mpc)
              • Lexine Vance (mpc)

              • Dorian Xanders
              • Miles Mclellan
              • Saio Ukida & Tsubaki Yuko
              • Those in the Auror Office

              ENEMIES • None
              PETS • Fennec Fox named Samuel (Sam - deceased) [x]

(Character based off of Jasper Hale from Stephenie Meyer’s novel series Twilight.)

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 05/27/2024

■ Age & Bio


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 11:45 am
xxxxALICExxxBELLxxxWHITMORE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Ali (for short), Angel (Jasper only), Ally Cat (once by Jasper)

              AGE 49

              BIRTHDAY April 11th 2013.

              BLOOD STATUS Half Blood (Unknown)

              MORE THAN AVERAGE Seer (Accepted)

              WAND 11 inches, Silver Lime Wood, with Fairy Wings Core

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Rosa (anime) [x]
              Random Anime Pic. (Past) [10 & younger] [11] [12] [13 - 14] [15] [16] [17] [18+] [30+]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              CLASS OF 2031

              HONORS None

                  ■ Quidditch Team Reserve Seeker (1st to 5th year) / Seeker (6th & 7th year)
                  ■ Music Club (3rd to 6th year)

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Muggle Mythology

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ E
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ E
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Art ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Healing ~ O
                  Muggle Mythology ~ A
                  Mythology ~ O
                  World Studies ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Herbology ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Art ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Healing ~ E
                  Muggle Mythology ~ D
                  Mythology ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Owner of Madam Malkin's

              DREAM JOB Fashion Design or an Artist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ OPTIMISTIC I'm a very positive and optimistic person. As such you will hardly see me concerned or worried, and although I hide it I do worry sometimes. I am always upbeat and happy or at least I try to be. Having a smile on my face and seeing things as positive as can be I find life is so much better. Why look at the glass half empty when you can look at it as half full?
              ■ KIND HEARTED I’m genuinely a kind and loving person. I don't like seeing people down or depressed. If I can help I'd be more then willing too. I've been told I have a big heart and I'd like to think that's true. I put trust in others and I'd hope they trust me too. I see no reason not too.
              ■ HYPER I can be rather hyper at times. I certainly can't sit still most days. I have to be doing something. I talk a lot probably because Jasper doesn't, but no one seems to mind. My optimism shines through when I'm jumping off walls. Okay, so maybe I don't jump from wall to wall like a jumping bean. Though I've been known to skip around the house humming and singing to myself even if it is a little off key.
              ■ SPONTANEOUS I have a tendency to say the first thing that pops into my head. Luckily the first thing isn’t anything that can get me into trouble. It isn't even the worst thing I could possibly say. Regardless, I tend to jump from one thing to another. Call it multi-tasking but sadly everything I work on only gets half finished. Usually I have to keep reminding myself that I still have to finish something I've started throughout the day. Sadly it rarely ever works out.
              ■ ABSENT-MINDED I’ve been known to space out sometimes, as if I’m not in the here and now. Then again chances are I'm not and I'm looking into the future. Though, I can't really control it yet. I guess you could say I'm practicing. Along with my absent mind I find I don't have the greatest focus. Thus spells that require concentration don't generally work out for me on the first try. Luckily my focus has improved a bit since school.

                  The stars
                  Designing / Art
                  Making Friends
                  Being with Family
                  Seeing the Future

                  Being left out of the loop
                  Jasper's over protective nature
                  When people are upset or depressed
                  Not knowing my biological parents

                  Hanging with Family
                  Gardening Occasionally
                  Future Seeing
                  Shopping! Is that a hobby?

                  I’m good at sketching

                  I’m Short
                  I have a hard time focusing

                  Being left in the dark.
                  Losing those I care about.

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD That I have no idea who my parents were or anything before coming to the orphanage. My whole past is a blank all I remember is Jasper… I’ve been at the orphanage since I was five. Nightmares have been hunting my dreams ever since I came here. A year after I arrived Jasper came and we’ve been together ever since. We made a promised that we’d never leave each other. From that day on it was either we were adopted together or not at all. Jasper was always there for me and I was always there for him. We shared our secrets and became best friends… it seemed that way since the day he walked into the orphanage.

              Just recently the Lancaster family came by the orphanage and they wanted to adopt both Jazz and I. We talked with each other about the idea of having a new home. Jasper was skeptical as always but he didn’t want to take away my happiness. He knew a family was what I really wanted so with that we both decided that we were going to start or newest chapter of our lives together.

              It's been a while since Jasper and I became part of the Lancaster family. I found out with some help from Jasper that I have a gift one that is extremely special that allows me to see the future. That sure does explain a lot... Besides that I'm going to Hogwarts where my adoptive sister is and guess what Jasper is coming with me. That's no surprise though I already knew it before we got our letters. Despite knowing I sure can't wait!

              SCHOOL YEARS Hogwarts was a blast!

              Positive and optimistic,
              Kind as well,
              You should do well here...


              That's what the sorting hat said to me the first night. I landed in the same house as my father was great. I made some friends and classes were fun. Well except the boggart in third year, I didn't do so well with it. Though Jasper was there for me. He's always there for me. I told my friend Lexine that I'm a Seer without telling Jasper. He didn't want me to say anything. I can get why, but he worries to much about those kinds of things.

              I tried out for Quidditch as Seeker. I'm not exactly good at it but it's fun. I played from my second year until I graduated. I was going to quiet earlier but I figured the team needed me so I stuck with it. I couldn't let them down after all. During our fourth year I told Jasper he needed to give me some space. Something about him walking me to class and coming to get me whenever he could seemed excessive. I know he wasn't happy about it but it was good for the both of us. He asked me to the Yule ball that year too. I knew Valentina liked Jasper but I couldn't say no to him.

              In fifth year I found out that Jasper has feelings for me... I mean the romantic kind... I didn't know what to do so I just avoided him. I tried concentrating on my studies but that hardly worked luckily for me I didn't fail any of my OWLs. I just didn't make the cut for some... When sixth year rolled around, Jasper and I worked things out, at least so that it wasn't so weird anymore between us. We've been able to joke around about our feelings so that's a positive.

              At the end of our sixth year neo-death eaters came and attacked Hogsmeade. Jasper was very protective of me when everything happened, he wouldn't even let me off the train to help. The best I could do was help from on the train. At least both of us stayed safe, I probably would have gotten hurt if I'd gone out there. Luckily all my friends were okay, though my classmate Julius didn't make it and neither did Dalton.

              My final year and I managed to win a Quidditch game. Despite not winning the cup, it was a great last year. Jasper asked me to move out with him after we graduate which I said yes. I'm not sure how this will go but we'll see.

              POST GRADUATION Now that I managed to get out of school with only one failed grade, Jasper and I are trying to find out where to live. On top of that I've been trying figuring out where I’m going to work. I ultimately decided to get a job at Madam Malkin's as an apprentice and shop assistant. Fiona hired me and I can’t wait. Now I just need to figure out why Jasper changed his last name back but I can accept it. Shortly after I got my new job Jasper and I started dating. It’s more or less in private but I figured I’d try it. That’s when I figured out that Jasper changed his name so that it wouldn’t be weird between us. I suppose that was one of the many reasons I didn’t want to date him before. Now I don’t really have a reason not to. I never saw him as a brother anyways.

              2034… I got promoted! I’m a seamstress and senior shop assistant now! I might still be living at home but I think with my promotion and Jasper’s promotion we can finally move out. In 2035 I got engaged to Jasper and six months later we were married. Thanks to the Lancasters we were given a home of our own to raise a family. That's right just after we got married I was pregnant with twins; Daniel & Eliza Ann.

              The summer of 2038 Jasper brought two girls home from work (Saio Ukida & Tsubaki Yuko). Their home was burned down and they were left orphaned. They were supposed to be taken to the orphanage but Jasper said he didn't want to do that to them. So we decided to let them stay. They only stayed the summer, having made arrangements with a friend. I kind of miss having them around.

              I am now the official owner of Madam Malkin's. A lot has changed at the clothing shop from friends leaving. Though I plan to run things much the same as Fiona did. She taught me everything I know. On the home front Eliza Ann is showing signs of magic, Daniel is still waiting patiently. Once Eliza headed off to school we though about adopting. A few years later we met a boy named Liam who was ten at the time. We took him in and the Daniel and him became good friends. It was great to see. Now the kids are grown and have moved out and I'm honestly questioning what I'm going to do with myself.

              SIDE NOTE I saw Jasper coming a mile away. Though I can see the future. I'm a Seer after all

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • Jasper Whitmore née Lancaster (husband)
              • Daniel Whitmore & Liam Whitmore (sons) • Eliza Ann Whitmore (daughter)
              Adoptive Family
              • Colville Lancaster, Lillian Lancaster (parents - mpc)
              • Serafina Lancaster (sister - mpc) • Jokul Lancaster (brother - mpc)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • Jasper Whitmore née Lancaster (married)
              BEST FRIENDS • Lexine Vance • Jasper Whitmore née Lancaster
              • Iñigo Albion-Alexandré (mpc)
              • Lexine Vance (mpc)
              • Victoria Macclellan

              • Emily Vanadeth
              • Jojo Tempest
              • Jess Xanders née Walsh
              • Fiona McKinney (boss)
              • Mirzam Owens

              ENEMIES • None
              PETS • Pygmy Owl named Sky (deceased) [x]

(Character based off of Alice Cullen from Stephenie Meyer’s novel series Twilight.)

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 05/27/2024

■ Age & Bio
PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:59 pm
xxxxELIZA ANNxxxJULIAxxxWHITMORE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Liza or Ann

              AGE 11

              BIRTHDAY February 22, 2037.

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood (Unknown)

              MORE THAN AVERAGE Seer

              WAND 12 Inch, Silver Lime Wood & Phoenix Feather Core with a Springy Flexibility & Smooth Texture

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unknown

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Alice Margatroid (anime) [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE TBD

              YEAR One

              HONORS None

                  List of clubs
                  List of clubs
                  List of clubs

              BEST LESSONS
                  - - -
                  - - -

              WORST LESSONS
                  - - -
                  - - -
                  - - -

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Photographer

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ ADVENTUROUS Out of the two, Eliza Ann is by far the most adventurous next to her brother. She’s always looking for the next exciting thing to come around the corner and she’s always up for something new. No matter the risks, she’s rather daring under any circumstance really and she doesn’t let her fears scare her off from a good time. Though, she’s far from being impulsive or totally reckless. She thinks her actions through quite a bit, she just won’t let small things deter her from going for it.
              ■ VIGILANT Eliza Ann is rather attentive when it comes to things around her. When looking for the next great adventure she’s careful not to land herself in a heap of trouble, at least not one that she can’t get herself out of. Being very aware of possible dangers, Eliza is pretty wary of what’s heading her way. She pays attention, even to the little things. She sees the tiny details that most don’t even notice. She’s also capable of seeing beauty in the oddest of places.
              ■ CREATIVE Finding the beauty in things is no surprise for someone who’s number one interest is photography. Eliza Ann seeing the beauty in everything. Even the smallest of places will turn up something special and/or unique in her eyes. Being very creative she finds enjoyment in most forms of art, from sketching to taking pictures. Though she’ll never say she’s the most original artist in the family.
              ■ LIVELY Eliza Ann is rather enthusiastic about life. Some might even say overzealous. She’s full of energy when it comes to everyday things. Being extremely active, she hardly ever sits and does nothing. In fact, she has to be doing something be it taking a photograph or exploring the world around her. Aside from being overly energetic and a social butterfly at that, she is also extremely hardworking. She’ll work harder than anyone she knows. Never giving up when things get tough, she’ll put a solid A+ effort into the task she’s set off to do.
              ■ EMOTIONAL To say that Eliza Ann is a hundred percent emotionally stable all the time would be inaccurate. She’s easily bothered by things. From the way her brother is feeling to others around her. She puts her heart and soul into everything be it a friendship to a project she’s come up with. So, when things don’t work out it’s not out of character that she has outbursts that otherwise leave her very stressed out and tired afterwards.

                  Taking Photos
                  Her Brother

                  Being a Seer
                  Being without her Brother
                  Being stuck indoors
                  Being 100% Girly
                  People being upset or mad at her

                  Hanging with her Brother
                  Artistic Expression

                  Magical Talent
                  Good Eye for a Photo

                  Managing her Feelings
                  Hard on Herself

                  Losing her Brother
                  Being Consumed by the Future

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Eliza Ann was born the eldest between herself and her twin brother Daniel. Her parents Alice and Jasper Whitmore were kind and loving parents. With her brother she could do anything. She could never think of a time that she didn’t have her brother with her. Even if he was in the background he was there. It became somewhat different when she started showing signs of magic at the age of five. It was simple at first things lighting up or floating around the room. Her parents were proud of her new talent, there was just one thing that dampened the moment of excitement. Her brother didn’t have magic. Daniel had become depressed about it but was curious about her new skill. Eliza Ann took to sharing her talent with him to cheer him up. It worked for a time. The closer they got to their eleventh birthday the more it became evident that he wasn’t going to be gifted like her. A deep part of Eliza’s heart couldn’t wait for her eleventh birthday but another part dreaded the day would come.

              SCHOOL YEARS Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • Jasper Whitmore née Lancaster (father) • Alice Whitmore née Lancaster (mother)
              • Daniel Whitmore (twin brother)
              • Colville Lancaster, Lillian Lancaster (grandparents - npc)
              • Serafina Lancaster (aunt - npc) • Jokul Lancaster (uncle - npc)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • None
              BEST FRIEND • Daniel Whitmore
              • Just Daniel
              • Friends of her parents...
              ENEMIES • None
              PETS • Snowy Owl named Trevor


Beloved Vampire

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Beloved Vampire

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  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 6:04 pm
xxxxDANIELxxxWARRENxxxWHITMORE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Danny (his sister)

              AGE 11

              BIRTHDAY February 22, 2037.

              BLOOD STATUS Squib, Pureblood (Unknown)

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unknown

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Tachibana Makoto [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              TO ATTEND Muggle Highschool

              GRADE Six

              HONORS None

              CLUBS None

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              GCSE SCORES
                  English ~ X
                  Mathematics ~ X
                  Science ~ X
                  Class ~ X
                  Class ~ X
                  Class ~ X
                  Class ~ X
                  Class ~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Just a Kid

              DREAM JOB Not sure...

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ STUDIOUS At first glance you probably would describe Daniel as a bookworm. However, that is totally the case. In fact, he loves books and is very into his studies. He loves to learn things, doesn’t matter what it is. With all that comes a hardworking demeanor that could rival even his sister. He is very dedicated to his studies and there is definitely no one Daniel knows that is more hardworking then him. Needless to say, between his sister and him, he’s definitely the brains of the operation.
              ■ INSECURE Despite Daniel’s good study habits and his thirst for knowledge, he is never sure of what he knows. Even if he’s a hundred percent sure about something he knows, he will hesitate to answer. Maybe it’s the fear of being wrong or the fear of being completely useless, but Daniel will keep his knowledge for himself most of the time. About the only person he truly will share anything with is his sister as he knows she gets him.
              ■ WITHDRAWN Along with his insecurities, Daniel is very withdrawn. Like his father when he was young, he doesn’t like talking to people if he doesn’t know them. He’s not totally against talking per say, as he doesn’t mind talking to friends from time to time. His sister tends to take to talking more then him. Which leaves Daniel with the mindset that if she’s outgoing enough for the both of them why does he need to be. After all he’d much rather keep to his books.
              ■ DEPENDABLE Even though Daniel is pretty much an introvert, he can be rather dependable. If you need him, he will be there. No matter what it is he’ll try to find a way to get things done or make things work out. You can rely on him one hundred percent with the trust that he won’t let anyone down. Consider it loyalty if you want, Daniel just calls it being responsible for the relationships he has. He may not be many but that doesn’t mean they aren’t extra important.
              ■ DETERMINED Daniel’s dependability leads to his determination. Insecure or not he’s not going to give up on figuring things out. Nor will he shy away from a challenge. Much like his sister, he’s not necessarily a pushover. Especially when it comes to his decisions. A decision he’s come to on his own is one that he will stick to. He won’t let anyone change his mind, unless there happens to be evidence to support a better course of action.

                  His Sister
                  Being Outside

                  That he's not Magic
                  Meeting New People
                  Participating in Sports
                  Arguments or Conflict
                  Being Interrupted

                  Learning about Magic
                  Hanging with his Sister


                  Athletics (he's not sports oriented)

                  Being Nothing or Worthless
                  Losing his Sister

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Daniel was born after his twin sister Eliza Ann. Despite being twins he looks up to his sister and tends to follow her lead in the next great adventure. His parents are Alice and Jasper Whitmore, two loving parents that gave him every book he could have asked for. Course between books and his sister, Daniel was kept quite busy. When they turned five, Daniel was hit with his first bomb shell. Eliza Ann showed her first signs of magic, making it clear that she was gifted, and he was not. Though, he was interested in it and enjoyed watching her preform the little magic she could do, it was still depressing. His father had told him that it was still early, and he still had plenty of time, but it didn’t put much hope in anything positive. As their eleventh birthday drew closer, Daniel became even more sure, that he was not gifted in the way of magic like the rest of his family.

              SCHOOL YEARS Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • Jasper Whitmore née Lancaster (father) • Alice Whitmore née Lancaster (mother)
              • Eliza Ann Whitmore (twin sister)
              • Colville Lancaster, Lillian Lancaster (grandparents - npc)
              • Serafina Lancaster (aunt - npc) • Jokul Lancaster (uncle - npc)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • None
              BEST FRIEND • Eliza Ann Whitmore
              • Just his sister
              • Friends of his parents...
              ENEMIES • None
              PETS • None
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