[IC] means in character. You may only RP in character of your soquili, familiars, or human persona in these threads. IC RPs go in this subforum.
[OOC] means out of character. OOC RPs are not counted for monthly stats or anything shop related. Anything goes in these threads but they should only ever exist in this subforum in the guild.
[PRP] means 'private role play'. This thread is specifically for the people who were invited to it. Do not post unless you were invited.
[ORP] means 'open role play'. This RP is open for everyone. Please adhere to the guidelines of the original creator should they have any.

1. When setting up an RP thread please us the following format:
For private RPs, use:
[PRP] Thread Title Goes Here
For open RPs, use:
[ORP] Thread Title Goes Here

General RP Rules

  1. Please add trigger warnings to RP’s that may have sensitive material – ex: blood/gore; abuse, slavery, violence, etc. If it gets too graphic, or appears to be heading that way, move it offsite or wrap the RP.

  2. Please don’t godmode.

  3. Do not RP in any special abilities or powers that your soquili is not approved to have. Please see the traits of the breed if you have any questions as to what special abilities your Soquili might have.

  4. Cosplay soquili are not the characters that they are cosplaying. They may be similar in appearance and personality but their background must fit the setting if you choose to make a history up for them. This also includes abilities and powers - the soquili will NEVER inherit a power or ability from the cosplay they represent. (Exception: If their powers are identical to the powers of the breed you make them as, and only to the level of the breed they are made at soquili, not to their character. Examples: Characters who can grow plants being made as Wood Ulun'suti, Shapeshifters made as charmed Shifters being able to turn into the breed of the pelt, A character able to fly being made with Flight capable wings etc)

  5. Keep things PG-13 and don’t break the Gaia ToS

  6. Incest is not permitted among immediate family members, half-relations, and adopted relations. Cousins are okay, and are the only exceptions.

  7. Rape should not be RPed. Due to the sensitive nature of the situation, but understanding it exists in the shop setting among shifters, we request that there be a Trigger Warning on top of any sort of post that implies it happening. Additionally, explicit detail cannot be given.

  8. Don't RP mating scenes. Please fade to black or cut the scene before it starts.

  9. Please do not actively look for mates for Foals -- Wait until they reach adulthood!

  10. Backdating RP is allowed. You may RP your character as a foal if you received them as an adult. You may RP your Shifter before it was cursed but you cannot mate them or have them entered in breedings or breeding events if you've already RPed them/put them in your teepee as cursed!

  11. NPC RP is totally fine. Try not to make the NPC the main character or steal the scene, but you may bring in other characters even if you don't own the lines.

  12. Certain breeds cannot be crossed in breedings, outside of spirit breedings! Usdia x anything (Excluding other Usdia Sub-breeds), Seathi x anything except Nixie/Mixes with Strong Nixie blood (obviously aquatic), Mer x Anything except Kelpi/Kelpi Mixes with strong Kelpie Blood (obviously aquatic) (Mer/Kelpi allowed.) Angeni x Shifter are absolutely unable under any circumstances to crossbreed (unless charmed).

General Soquili Rules

  1. Soquili are not immortal no matter what they look like, or who they might be based after.

  2. All soquili, regardless of what they may have been designed to look like, are living, breathing entities

  3. Humans cannot speak soquili and soquili cannot speak human. However, they can form ways to communicate through body language, movements with hands/feet, etc.

  4. While foalhood crushes are fine, please wait to find a mate, or have your foal fall in love. They must wait until they are grown and an adult.

  5. Soquili can carry foals to term, or give birth early and put the foals in the baskets. Either way is correct. Some people prefer one way or the other, but the choice is yours. Whatever you'd prefer.

  6. Soquili can speak to any animal or critter, whether it's a true familiar or not. This includes unique animals placed on a soquili cert. The only exception is that they cannot speak to human or human-like critters i.e. fairies, human-ish monsters, dolls, trolls, gnomes, etc. You can choose, if desired, to have only familiars be understandable so if you wish for it to be the canon of your idea of soquili please discuss it before hand with rp partners/herd members. (example: you may not wish a herd to understand or be able to communicate with non-familiars to allow them to have animals they can morally feel safe hunting as carnivores)

  7. Soquili can fly if they have at least two standard sized wings. We understand some wings vary in size, but it is always fairly clear what is meant to be a full-sized wing. If they have wing that are at least of standard size, they can fly. Please refrain from having your soq to fly if the wings are purposefully small/shrunken down/meant to be a mini-wing. Those with mini-wings cannot fly. Additionally, ankle wings, head wings, butt wings, etc. do not allow for any flight or hovering, no matter the size.

General Setting Rules

  1. There are two main native tribes in the soquili lands: the traditional Kawani folks and the more 'aquatic' (but still 100% human) Marlaic.

  2. If you RP a human, please keep them in line with the setting. While natives tribes are the most prevalent, if you RP someone from a colony or another country, please keep their technology to a minimum. This is not a modern setting, so keep things around the time of the 1700s and 1800s.

  3. Humans must be that -- human. They may be a tribe we've never seen or heard about, but they can't be elvish, or some magical sort of human.

  4. The lands are very vast and you can find just about any environment in the Kawani. From mountains, to jungles, to desert, to coasts -- just about anything goes in these lands!

  5. Familiars and NPC animals you create can speak soquili, or not. It's up to you if you want them to make animal noises, or speak to others. There is no right or wrong way. Familiars and NPC animals cannot speak to humans.

  6. Soquili may come from different lands, or speak other languages and possess accents.

General Power & Ability Rules

  1. Soquili can see ghosts and spirits if you so choose. Please don't go crazy with it, though. The ghosts should not possess them, or have any supernatural powers aside of spooking, or drifting around in the background. Please don't make the ghosts and spirits the main attraction. If we feel you're getting out of hand, RP Staff will ask you to tone it down.

  2. Soquili can see auras if you so choose. Please note you can't make them know all about another if they do see an aura.

  3. 1st Gen soquili can be reincarnated or have past lives. They cannot remember who they were in their past life, and cannot remember their past mate, past children, etc. If you wish to reincarnate your current soquili, it must die in its current form, and be customed as a new, 1st Gen pony. They cannot show up in a breeding.

  4. Soquili can make potions and brews that have effects on other soquili, provided your RP partner agrees to the potion or brew Please keep it minimally magical -- we're talking about brews that heal, or perhaps allow someone to find pain relief, or hallucinate, etc.; they can't do crazy body modifications like shrinking, or growing large, or mutating something, or allow for magical abilities like fire-breathing and stuff like that. Once again, though, RP Staff can ask you tone it down if you're going crazy with it

  5. Soquili can be cursed by NPCs or the spirits. While soquili themselves cannot curse another, if you want to use it for plot purposes or backstory, you are allowed. These curses should make sense -- a doomed fate, a mutation, bad-luck, etc. -- but RP Staff can ask you to tone it down if you go over the top.

  6. Soquili cannot read the future, no matter how they might try. Some might try to read the stars, read hooves, read bones, or read herbs, but it's entirely guess-work and smoke & mirrors. The soquili might be delusional and believe they ca read the future, but it's just coincidence if their fortune-telling comes true.

  7. Soquili cannot summon things, be it spirit, or demons, or anything. They don't have that sort of magic.

  8. Unless you're a Shifter or a domained angeni, Soquili cannot shapeshift. Shifters can only shapeshift into the animal of the pelt they wear, and domained angeni can only shift into a human.

  9. Soquili are not telepathic, do not have clairvoyance, or telekinesis. They might trick someone into thinking they can see the future or read their mind, but that is just a trick. If you have your character pretend they can read another's mind, please make sure it's clear it's just pretend. There are rare exceptions -- minicorns can summon a nearby object to them with their horn, and some soq given out in events do have objects floating near them. Unless it's been given out with the power or is a breed trait, soquili do not have any of these abilities!

  10. Soquili are not gods. Period. Even the strongest of domained angeni are not such a thing. A soquili might pretend they are, but it's just a trick.

  11. Soquili may look like vampires, be based off vampires, and drink blood like vampires, but they are not truly vampires. They are not immortal, and they gain no additional abilities or traits if you base them off a vampire.

  12. Soquili can drink blood, regardless if they show to have fangs or not.

  13. Soquili can look like a zombie, or even have rotting flesh and exposed organs, but they are just as susceptible to illness, wounds, and death like any other. They are not truly undead and they were born just like any other soquili.

  14. Soquili may be transparent or see-through or look like a ghost, but they are still alive and susceptible to illness, wounds, and death. Additionally, they cannot float through things, and are 100% solid.

  15. Aside from the few open traits granted above, soquili cannot have powers that were not given to them. This means the only powers they should have are shown on their cert, were given out with stated powers, or are a breed specified trait. If you're not sure, PM your friendly role-play managers & staff!

  16. If your soquili does have a power that's obvious on their image -- such as breathing fire, or exhaling smoke, or surrounded by floating candles, etc. -- please PM your RP Management to get the powers approved. You only need to do this if you wish to RP or plot your soq and use the powers in some fashion.

  17. There may be powers not listed here that we have not thought of. If RP Staff asks you to tweak your RP or mentions you aren't allowed to do something, please respect their wishes. We're opening up the rules to make more allowances for soquili, but the shop still isn't anything goes.