Name: Jezebel Pyrewood

Age: 17




History Born to the nomadic Jypsies of Kalos; Jezebel started her apprenticeship in cooking at the age of 8. Being the youngest person in her group with this trait, she developed a very interesting flavor profile. From the morning she woke up, into the late evening hours she was seen cooking. Creating new foods, experimenting, and in the rare occasions she was not, scouting and forging the current area for rare plants and ingredients was very rewarding in most cases.

Through the years the Caravan was very well known in Lumiose City for their exotic trade goods, and collections of treasures. The different groups became very welcomed guests into the city; since visiting the city happened every couple of months, they always had a fresh stock pile of goods from around the different points of the Kalos region. Jezebel took the time and slipped into the swamps of the Laverre Nature Trail; in search of some potential ingredients for an extra special meal for the Elder. Jezebel kept a journal on her at all times, a record of the area and what she finds. These records were used for recipes, ingredients, cook times, what flavors work well together, what combinations are dangerous, even everyone's favorite foods. In the years of this practice she cataloged all this information to create some half a dozen of well written 200 page journals.

Over the years Jezebel grew attached to the Elder of the group. The Elder of the group was the last known Fire Channeler to the tribe, Jezebel noticed with all her visits, the Elder's Amethyst Candle grew dimmer. Intrigued by this Jezebel asked about fire Channeling, she had so many questions and yet they were answered as best as the Edler could during their visits.

With a lot of her peers, Jezebel was very respectful, with every visit she would bring a bowl of the Elder's favorite, Harvest Soup. After her visit with the elder Jezebel slips away to the inner city, being drawn to the cafes like moths to a flame.

During Jezebel's 17 birthday, the group was attending the Harvest Festival outside Lumiose City. It was time for one child to be the Channelers' successor. During this ceremony each child chooses an egg, each egg is a fire type pokemon; bred for the purpose of this event. Jezebel and four others stood before the Elder. After a short speech, each child chose from dozen of eggs, however Jezebel took longer than the others.
Carefully walking through the remaining eggs, one caught her eye, the egg was a bit smaller, glowed slightly. Picking up the egg she different, a breeze surrounded her. Embers of the Pyres flew through the air. Lifting her egg, she proclaims her choice.
Standing back in line with the others, they all turn around to face the center of the ceremony, Walking down the stairs her candle in one hand and cane in the other, followed by her Talonflame. She walks up to the center Pyre starts a chant, after a few minutes later the Elder turns around throws some runes down, and than stabs her cane in the ground. The darkness goes silent, the cane start to wave, swaying back and forth it falls to the ground. The Elder rushed up to the child, places her hand on the forehead. Turns around and a plume of Fire erupts from the center blaze. The child has been chosen.

Turning to the Elder and the crowd Jezebel looked down at her egg, than back up; at the chosen child. Devastated she tried to remain her composure to the best of her abilities. Finishing up the ceremony the Elder makes her closing speech. After everything was finished Jezebel run into the city to think about recent events.

Upon entering the city in her shattered mind state, Jezebel walks down an ally coming to a dead end she takes a seat. Setting the egg on her lap a tear falls onto the egg, it starts to shake and cracks appear. A moment later the egg breaks, to reveal a baby vulpix. It's single silver tail and fur glimmer in the shade.

The vulpix stretches, coughing out some embers it looks up at Jezebel. Stunned by the baby pokemon, she wraps it up in her arms and makes her way back to her camp.