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Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:55 am
What are we without the sky?
An Arakkoa Concept Thread.

User Image
(Mock-ups of the Shadowseeker and Sunblessed lines)
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What are Arakkoa?
Birdlike Suti/Gryph crosses with clawed wings and feathered fetlocks

The Sunblessed (AKA 'Highborn' Arakkoa)
OOC - Have mutant status. Full clawed wings, owlwalker-style clawed feet with feather fetlocks, beaked nose and feathers in mane/tail. Nose jewelry and necklace passed down through the generations.
IC - The Sunblessed are the ones closest to Rukhmar, Goddess of the Sun. They are the proud descendants of the once-grand Apexis civilization, a glorious empire of the sun that ruled vast territories. When Anzu fell from grace and vanished, they turned to Rukhmar for aid but the seeds of disquiet were sewn and they found their once glorious empire split in two. Although they’ve been reduced to a shade of their former power and driven high to the peaks of Arak, the Arakkoa still look down on the ground-dwellers below. Approach winged arakkoa with caution, as they are known to attack ground-dwellers on-sight.

The Shadowseekers (AKA 'Cursed' Arakkoa)
OOC - Suti/Gryph cross. They have clawed front feet with feathered footlocks and dragon-like wings. Some have kept their jewelry while others have cast it aside. They have feathered manes/tails, and beaked noses. Some mimic the clawed wings of the Sunblessed with metal clawed jewelry.
OC - The ones who 'became cursed by Sethe' were a faction who decided to try and look for the fallen Anzu. They followed the path of 'seeking' which lead them to the shadowed realms where Sethe slept. He turned upon them and attacked them. It was his undoing, but the damage was done. The Shadowseeker's wings were damaged so that their claws no longer worked. They ended up taking pride in their badges of honor as proof they defeated Sethe but the Sunblessed Arakkoa had nothing but pity and disdain for those who would mangle their 'Goddess given' form. Over time, the Sunseekers no longer had children with clawed wings, but they still consider themselves children of the Trio and now follow just Anzu since being separated from Rukhmar by the Sunblessed.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:56 am
The Arakkoan Creation Myth
How the Raven Swallowed the Day.

Note: Needs to be re-written to fit the Soquili world.

In the beginning, Draenor was wild and untamed, with nothing but the Primals and the Breakers raging in their eternal battle across the world. But then, from the wilderness arose three primal gods – Rukhmar, Anzu and Sethe. All were winged and all sought to dominate the skies, but each of them was different. Rukhmar was beautiful and graceful, Anzu was dark and mysterious and Sethe was the essence of corruption and evil. Each of them was at odds with each other, but Rukhmar and Anzu saw the threat Sethe was becoming and banded together to slay it. A great battle ensued in the place now known as the Broken Spire, and Sethe was slain, but in his dying breath, he cursed any children of Rukhmar or Anzu, saying that wherever his blood falls, corruption and madness will follow.

Rukhmar and Anzu were triumphant, and together they created a new race that would serve them both and embody the traits of both – Rukhmar’s grace and Anzu’s cunning. That race was us, the arakkoa. We expanded across Draenor and as the first race in its history, we tamed the wilderness, we stopped the Primals and the Breakers in their tracks. We created the first civilization – the Apexis. This was the time of our glory and the peak of our power. Great sages enlightened thousands and inventors created amazing technology, although some claim the Apexis stole it from the Titans. But as the old saying goes, when you’re at the peak the only way to proceed is down.

We don’t exactly know what happened to the Apexis and there are many hypotheses, with proof seemingly for all of them and for none at the same time. Some say it was the Breakers, or even ogres specifically, as the Gorian civilization rose soon after the fall of the Apexis. Some say it was our own hubris that led to our downfall and the Apexis constructs turned against us. Some say we abandoned our gods in favor of reason and science and Rukhmar punished us for that. Some say the Apexis found a way to ascend to a higher plane of existence, and left behind only the more vicious individuals. Whichever the case, the Apexis were no more and our people were left to gather the remains of their once glorious civilization.

A schism appeared among our people, left leaderless without the wisdom and knowledge of the Apexis. Some say Rukhmar and Anzu turned on each other, sometimes said to argue over how Rukhmar punished the Apexis. Whatever transpired, Anzu was afflicted with the blood of Sethe and became cursed. Whoever sided with him, was cast down to the blood of Sethe and afflicted with the same curse. That’s how the corrupted, mangled outcast arakkoa came to be – high arakkoa cast down into the Blood of Sethe and afflicted with his curse. Their wings were clipped, their bodies twisted and misshapen, their minds clouded with creeping insanity. The high arakkoa wanted nothing to do with them and persecuted them for generations.

But then came the Talon King, Terokk, once revered by the high arakkoa of the Spires as their great, noble and powerful king. Many legends abound about his rule – wise and strong, he swooped down across Draenor and by himself laid down entire armies. Saberons fled in fear of his presence, orcs huddled in their caves to avoid his gaze, outcasts hid in the shadows in the forests beneath the Spires. He was greatly loved by his subjects, but the Sages grew jealous. In time, they decided the power over the arakkoa must be theirs and decided they must get rid of Terokk. Accusing him of imagined crimes and worship of Anzu, they clipped his wings and cast him down into the Blood of Sethe, together with his daughter Lithic and anyone who’d choose Terokk over them. They thought they got rid of him, but they were mistaken. From then on, the Sun-Sages ruled the Spires as a theocracy, and so they do to this day.

But Terokk survived his fall and there, Anzu truly found him. Knowing he can never return to his former life, Terokk embraced the raven god and took the cursed outcasts under his torn wings. Terokk took to the shadows and looked for every broken soul, an innocent cursed by Sethe and led them all to a place where they could live free from the curse of Sethe and the tyranny of Rukhmar – Skettis. Some say Terokk built it himself, and some say it was an ancient Apexis fortress. He erected wayshrines between the Spires, to lead the outcasts to Skettis. In his new capital, Terokk gave the outcasts the same wisdom and power he once possessed as a worshiper of Rukhmar. The Adherents of Rukhmar knew he was alive and leading the outcasts now, but could do little about it and just hoped the outcasts would die, wallowing in filth.

But the Curse of Sethe was wrestling with Terokk’s mind, leading him deeper into madness with every day. He tried with all his might to stop it, but he was becoming darker and darker. Finally, his Talonpriests decided to stop this descent. Although they could not stop it permanently or free their King from his curse, they decided to hide him away until such time they learn the means to do that. The Talonpriests bound Terokk in the shadows to wait until the stars are right and he can return, his mind free of the Curse of Sethe and his body free to soar again.

The Adherents of Rukhmar could not stand the outcasts’ continued existence. They continued to look for means to destroy them once and forever, and continuously looked for lost Apexis knowledge. Finally, one day, their cursed slaves dug through the ground and recovered ancient crypts of the Apexis, full of inactive constructs and a focusing lens – a great lens that focused light of Rukhmar and created a destructive beam that ravaged everything it touched. And here we stand now. The Adherents have started to purge the lower races with what they deem the holy fire of Rukhmar. The outcasts flee the Spires in droves, for there is no place left where they could hide. And Order of the Awakened… they seek to reclaim the glory of the Apexis, for all of us – cursed or winged, because back then, there was no schism.

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:19 pm
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The Arakkoan 'Gods'

The trio of siblings were born many centuries ago and it is not known if they are still around though they are still worshiped. Rukhmar, Angeni of the Sun, was the eldest sibling, full of beauty, life and light. Anzu, Angeni of the Moon, was intelligent, mysterious, and inquisitive, the middle child who loved to explore and discover. Sethe, Angeni of the Shadows, secretive and watchful, was spiteful and jealous, he hated his siblings and the children they took under their wing. He was corrupt and aggressive, preferring brute force and intimidation over cooperation and collaboration.

Rukhmar and Anzu recognized their sibling's hatred and drove him away to where he could cause no danger. They in turn, worked together to create a glorious civilization which reveled in intelligence and wisdom. Rukhmar inspired the arts while Anzu encouraged the pursuit of knowledge. It is not known when Anzu started following the darker paths, some say his curiosity was his downfall, but he vanished, leaving Rukhmar to tend to the Arakkoa alone.

Note: The Trio were the Angeni forms of Sun, Moon, and Shadow, many centuries ago. Since then they have been reborn into their current Angeni forms. There is no connection between their past and their current selves.

Arakkoan Culture

When they are born, young arakkoa are paired together. Doing so means the fledgling members of the order can watch over each other and ensure that everyone follows the decrees of Rukhmar. If one accomplishes a great feat, both would be showered with praise. Likewise, if one transgresses, both would be punished. "Clutch brother / clutch sister" is a symbolic term, rather than literal. The nice thing about hatchmates is that they can be any gender (as birds really don't care). The biggest thing is hatch-mates are -not- siblings 'cause that would defeat the purpose for checks-and-balances. This is something that can change as the culture becomes more acclimatized to Kawani lands but for now is pretty much the given.

Sunblessed arakkoa also carry with them glowing gem dreamcatchers or other jewelry with the same glowing gems that has been handed down through the generations. These are said protect them from Sethe's curse. The dreamcatchers allegedly absorb the Curse of Sethe and then get rid of the darkness in the morning light. Some Shadowseeker Arakkoa have re-purposed the dreamcatcher not to ward off the Curse of Sethe, but to capture and harvest tiny amounts of essences from their lost gods. Whether this is true or not has never been proven and some Shadowseeker look upon the practice as basic superstition.

Upon death the body is cremated with ceremony. It is deemed the darkest of sins to bury a body and commit it to darkness. Even those who are enemies of the Arakkoa are cremated as it is believed that their sins will be judged by the sun upon the soul's rise when severed from the body by fire. The thought of leaving a body to rot is so despicable to the Arakkoa that it is not spoken of, even in intimidation or jest.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:35 pm
The Times we Live in
Current events

The Sunblessed have turned upon the Shadowseekers. it is not known exactly what is the cause but a drought has affected the Spires of Arak and the Sunblessed are blaming the Shadowseekers as the cause. (In actuality, the new leader of the Sunblessed, Talon King Viryx, has decided to 'purify' the line into Rukhmar's image and is systematically killing all Shadowseekers. She is using the Mythos in such a way to make other Sunblessed believe the Shadowseekers are cursed and are still following Sethe even though he is dead, and is actually planning on destroying their homelands.) The Sunblessed are going through and killing whole family lines, relocating others, and claiming most Shadowseekers as slaves in a misguided attempt to re-build the glory of the Apexis.

Shadowseekers who manage to escape the raids and attacks, are trying to find ways to leave the Spires for new homes. They are slowly coming into the Kawani lands in hopes to find new territories where they can be free. While most distrust the Sunblessed due to the attacks and previous aggressions, there are a few Sunblessed who have split from their brethren and joined the Shadowseekers in their journey. Lead by a charismatic stallion, the Arakkoa have shown up near the Flock territory through a passageway once thought to be blocked off. While the narrow valley, which winds it's way through the high mountain range, was too treacherous to fly through because of the high winds, the path has been cleared just enough to walk through one by one. Still, the passage is not without it's dangers and the Arakkoa have lost much since leaving the Spires.

Ranks/Titles -

Talon King: Leader of the Arakkoa as a whole. The Talon King rules both Sunblessed and Shadowseeker alike. Currently being held by Talon King Viryx who is the reason for the culling of the Shadowseekers within the Spires.

Blade-dancer: Arakkoan warrior. They are used to battle and are usually the ones to protect the herd. While having claws is not necessary, the Arakkoa have a special fighting style that focuses on the use of both clawed feet and wings. They are able to use weapons much like a two-legger would.

Sun-sage: Healers of the Arakkoa. Those who follow this path have an affinity with the healing arts. The pursuit of knowledge they chose expounds upon the use of herbs and plants for healing or hurting another. Normally visiting a Sun-sage is the best way to fix an ailment however, when a Sun-sage goes bad they can be quite the deadly poison-maker.

Adherent of Rukhmar: These are the priest caste. Devoted to following the pat of the Sun.They are the spiritual advisers and the ones to go to when there is a disagreement. Their word is Law within the Spires of Arak; outside of it however, the balance needs to be reestablished. Still, it is common for an Arakkoa to visit an Adherent of Rukhmar when they have an important decision to make.

Talonpriest: Arakkoan 'magic' user. These are who chose to follow the path of the crafter. Their specialty is magic items and other trinkets. Many are used to ward off bad spirits while others are used in worship. Talonpriest Arakkoa usually need claws of some type to manipulate their medium.

Possible names -
Skizzik, Vizrak, Zekk, Zellek, Zorkra, Varyx, Kura, Ikzan, Iskar, Zelkyr, Kiryx, Reshad, Ornekka, Krisek, Ka'alu, Aeryx, Syth, Akrath, Krashyx, Koreyx, Viryx, Ranjit, Raastok, Kuuan, Lithic, Krikka.  

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:54 pm
Tatters of the Sun
The Arakkoa Herd

While Ranjit helped a lot of Shadowseeker escape from the Spires, many of them scattered to the four corners of the Kawani lands in hopes of hiding themselves better. Still, a few decided to band together to create a small herd. Currently the leader is Ranjit who is the only reason why Rukhmar and Ix'kin are still within the herd. They are a loosely knit group, banded together due to necessity. It is possible to have an Arakkoa and share the story origins and not be a part of the herd.

Currently most of their customs reflect the culture they just left. Right now there is still a deep split between the Sunblessed and the Shadowseekers. Prejudism between the factions is ingrained into the fabric of the foal's teachings and, even though the Sunblessed who have arrived with the Shadowseekers to the Kawani lands so feel that Shadowseekers should not be persecuted, there is a pervasive tendency to treat them as lessors to be pitied.

Later generations of Arakkoa will be more blended with the introduction of other breeds. They will accept winged Soq with no question, soquili without wings, however, will probably be accepted on a case by case basis. While the Shadowseekers do not have the caste stigmata that the Sunblessed do, they do still have some prejudice. Mates will always be accepted as well as their children.

Members -

Leader Ranjit, Adherent of Rukhmar - Male Shadowseeker Arakkoa, charismatic and knowledgable
Player - NPC
Short Blurb - Ranjit saw his people torn down by the Sunblessed because of their sacrifice to protect the Arakkoa as a whole. Wanting to save others, who like him, were considered 'lesser' by the High Society he used his charismatic nature to call to other Shadowseeker and find a new home. At first they were round up and captured but by a fortuitous event, an earthquake opened up a narrow pass between the mountains. Using his organizational skills he gathered the needed people who could navigate the treacherous passage and lead the small herd of Shadowseeker to a new home.

Follower Blade-dancer Rukhmar - Female Sunblessed Arakkoa, feisty, quick-witted, righteous
Player - Amirynth
Short blurb - Rukhmar takes after her name-sake and is a fiery golden red with burnt tips to her wings. Much like Icarus she flew too close to the sun and got burned, cast out of the Sunblessed society for arguing against her elders. She felt the cursed Arakkoa were unjustly punished and wanted to strive to see the two sides work together to fix the drought issue. Finding herself stripped of her title and rank she joined forces with Ranjit and pledged to help the remaining Shadowseeker find a new home in the Kawani lands.

Follower Dawnseeker Ix'kin - Male Sunblessed Arakkoa, quiet, wise, protective
Player - Amirynth
Short Blurb - Ix'kin followed a Shadowseeker against his hatch-mate's advice. He learned that many of the things their elders were telling them were false and then was imprisoned by the other Sunblessed after he was turned in by his hatch-mate. While awaiting his fate he was cast into the same cage as Ranjit who convinced him to join their small group in their hope to find freedom where there are no ranks, only duties to perform.
Form - To come...

Follower Sun-sage Taan'ra - Female Shadowseeker Arakkoa, aggressive, curt, blunt
Player - Amirynth
Form -
Entry Tag: Amirynth | Species | Moderate | Solo Custom

Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Suti'gryph
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original Character

WIP Needed? Liked but not needed..

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Coloured like a blue jay crossed with a magpie. I like the facial markings of the blue jay with the wing markings of the magpie. The rest can be CC. I would definitely like some freckling/speckling to her main body.
Face: She has the gryph beak and a black stripe across her eyes with the white around that (see blue jay)
Mane: Similar to the floppy style but fuller with a slight crest. I'd like it to match the tail example in style.
Tail: I'd like a tail that looks similar in style to this pet: [x]
Hooves/Fetlocks: I'd like her to have feathers mixed with her feathered fetlocks.
Reference Image(s): [x] [x] [x] [x]

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Wings: 'Suti downward wings
Other Notes: Breed variants, traits not desired for halfbreeds, recustom, alt versions, non-standard traits, etc.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: An arakkoa style gold necklace with three glowing gems dangling from it. Matching nose chain with the same glowing gems.
I'd like some kind of wing jewelry that drapes across her wings inspired by the Arakkoa screenshots. Maybe a dream catcher with the ribbon dangles? Or fake claws that have been strapped onto her wings.
Reference Image(s) for Items: [x] [Jewelry]

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Sun-sage Taan'ra
Owner: Amirynth
Breed: Shadowseeker Arakkoa
Temper: Curt
Mate: None
Tag Background: Moss-rock Mountain
Tag frame color: CC to match
Tag feather color(s): CC to match
Note: I would like the tag to have the white background and the gender like the older tags please.

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: N/A

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Shadowseeker Arakkoa
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original Character

WIP Needed? Liked but not needed..

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Coloured like a blue jay crossed with a magpie. I like the facial markings of the blue jay with the wing markings of the magpie. The rest can be CC. I would definitely like some freckling/speckling to her main body.
Face: She has the gryph beak and a black stripe across her eyes with the white around that (see blue jay)
Ears: She has the Cerynei style ears
Mane: Similar to the floppy style but fuller with a slight crest. Here is a mock-up: [x]
Tail: To match her mane
Hooves/Fetlocks: If possible, I'd like her to have feathers mixed with her feathered fetlocks. She has the Cerynei back legs and the regular clawed front legs.
Reference Image(s): [x] [x] [x] [x]

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Wings: 'Suti downward wings
Horns: 'Suti branched horns in gold
Other Notes: I'd like her to have the bent neck if possible

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: See below
Spliced Items: An arakkoa style gold necklace with three glowing gems dangling from it. Matching nose chain with the same glowing gems.
I'd like some kind of wing jewelry that drapes across her wings inspired by the Arakkoa screenshots. Maybe a dream catcher with the ribbon dangles? Or fake claws that have been strapped onto her wings.
Reference Image(s) for Items: [x] [Jewelry idea]

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Sun-sage Taan'ra
Owner: Amirynth
Breed: Shadowseeker Arakkoa
Temper: Curt
Mate: None
Tag Background: [x]
Tag frame color: CC to match
Tag feather color(s): CC to match
Note: I would like the tag to have the white background and the gender like the older tags please.

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: N/A

Follower Blade-dancer Oberyx - Female Shadowseeker Arakkoa,
Player - Magnadearel
Cert - [x]

Follower Talonpriest Sarkka - Female Shadowseeker Arakkoa,
Player - Ebonrune
Cert - [x]

Follower Sun-sage Veoryx - Female Shadowseeker Arakkoa,
Player - Ramenli
WIP - [x]

Follower Blade-dancer Grizzik - Male Shadowseeker Arakkoa,
Player - Syrius Lionwing
Cert - [x]

Follower Blade-dancer Vizrak - Male Shadowseeker Arakkoa
Player - Caitlyn Hellstorm
Cert - [x]

Quests -

Name: Kivras
Active Quest?: Not currently
Name of Arakkoa: Izzix
Faction: Sunblessed
Title or role: Talonpriest for all purposes. Dawnseeker otherwise

Custom form:

I'll edit this in later, have a cute pic of her tho;

User Image

Her lower jaw is indeed fake; Arcane-infused metal that acts like a real jaw. Her 'old' one was ripped off when she defied her clutch-brother and followed the Talon King.
Loosely based off an egyptian vulture...she the fluff c:

Name: Ebonrune
Active Quest?: It is now!
Name of Arakkoa: TBD
Faction: Sunblessed
Title or role: Sun-sage

Custom form:

Edit Category: Heavy (I would assume because custom wings)
Soquili Species: Mutant gryph
Body Build: Regular
Gender: CC!
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Arakkoa
WIP Needed? No

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: See reference
Face: Beak
Mane: CC
Tail: CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: See Sunblessed mock
Reference Image(s): Cert, Uncert

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Wings: See Sunblessed mock

Name: Rein_Carnation
Active Quest?: Soon if I can finish my current ones
Name of Arakkoa: Isk'aria
Faction: Sunblessed
Title or role: Sun-Sage
Custom form:

Edit Category: Minor/Mod
Soquili Species: Suti'gryph
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original Character
WIP Needed? No

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Purple
Face: gryph beak with silver markings on the face (see plush)
Mane: Floppy Hippogryph (see plush)
Tail: Elegant Hippogryph (see plush)
Hooves/Fetlocks: feathers mixed with her feathered fetlocks
Reference Image(s): plush uncert

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Wings: Owl walker wings with claws
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: An Arakkoa gold necklace with three glowing gems dangling from it (see plush). Matching nose chain with gems like the necklace and a handful of chains over her wings with the same gems only smaller.
Reference Image(s) for Items: Necklace

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Isk'aria
Owner: Rein_Carnation
Breed: Arakkoa
Temper: TBA
Mate: N/a
Tag Background: TBA
Tag frame color: CC to match
Tag feather color(s): CC to match

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: N/A

Non Arakkoa Members -

Member Aspasia - Female hippogryph
Player - Magnadearel
Cert - [x]
How they joined the herd - To come...  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:47 pm
A Letter of Welcome
Forms and how to join.

Interested in joining the herd? Feel free to fill out this form and I'll add it into the roster if it is an active quest. Even if you don't want to join the herd but you would like to make an Arakkoa character, you are welcome to fill out the form and join in the fun.

Name: Your name.
Active Quest?: Are you actively trying for this soq in custom raffles?
Name of Arakkoa: Name of Soquili in question
Faction: Sunblessed or Shadowseeker, are you questing for a mutant or not. If Sunblessed then you are sympathetic to the Shadowseeker's plight and have decided to break away from your people to join them.
Title or role: Would you prefer an established rank or make one yourself?

Custom form: I would like the first few to 'strictly' follow the breed types of Sunblessed or Shadowseeker. After their foothold has been established then restrictions can be lowered. After the Arakkoan Herd territory has been found they will start accepting alliances with other breeds and Soq herds.

[b]Active Quest?:[/b] Yes/No
[b]Name of Arakkoa:[/b]
[b]Title or role:[/b]

[b]Custom form:[/b]
*form goes here*

For people who have existing, non-Arakkoa, soquili who wish to join the herd after they come through the gap and start getting established, please fill out this form:

[b]Existing Soquili or Active Quest?:[/b]
[b]Name of Soquili:[/b]
[b]How did they join the herd?:[/b]
[b]Role they can fulfil:[/b]

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:48 pm
* Extra Post *
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:22 pm

Sunblessed are based off the Uncursed Arakkoa from Draenor. Shadowseekers are based off the Cursed Arakkoa of Outlands. However, in the Kawani lands, both Soq factions can fly, the main differential is wing claws and jewelry.

Later generations of Arakkoa will be more blended with the coming of other breeds. While they will accept winged Soq with no question, soquili without wings will probably be accepted on a case by case basis. While the Shadowseekers do not have the caste stigmata that the Sunblessed do, they do still have some prejudice. Mates will always be accepted as well as their cildren.

Are they linked to the RavenLords or the Harpies?
Not as of yet. They may have come from the same area once upon a time, but they are not connected at this point. They actually came from a mountainous region that was only linked to the areas of the Kawani lands that we know of by a treacherous, winding valley that opened up during an earthquake. Because of the political upheaval between the Sunblessed (Highborn) and Shadowseeker (Cursed) Arakkoa, the Shadowseekers have decided to attempt the journey through the valley in hopes for a better life on the other side. A few Sunblessed who sympathize with the Cursed have joined them, but the herd will initially be primarily Shadowseeker Arakkoa.  

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:52 pm
Plots and ideas....

After the small herd comes through the pass they find theirselves near the Flock territories. There may be an emissary (need to discuss with Mind) but ultimately they will need to move on.

Eventually a partnership will be created between the Vitterfolk and Arakkoa herd in that Malis will help them establish a territory ajacent to the Vitterfolk and will form an alliance between my stallion and Malis of convenience.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:32 am
Caitlyn Hellstorm




Syrius Lionwing



Heya!! Greats for getting an Arakkoa-inspired Soquili. If you are interested in having them be a part of the concept please let me know, I would love to have an official example or two to put in the banner.

Also, if you are interested in joining the actual herd (You can share the origin history and not be a part of the herd) feel free to fill out the form and I'll add you to the roster! This is more of a plot-based herd as I don't have time to RP but you are welcome to use it as a spring board for RP.

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:41 am

My girl will be joining when I figure out a name for her. Is there a naming theme?
Also Aspasia will be joining!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:43 am
My girl will be joining when I figure out a name for her. Is there a naming theme?
Also Aspasia will be joining!

I have a few name examples in the Titles section. You don't have to follow it though, they are more just for ideas.  

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:50 am
I have a few name examples in the Titles section. You don't have to follow it though, they are more just for ideas.

Hahah I'd seen those and wasn't sure if they were being reserved. XD Excellent cause I saw one I liked. <3  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:15 am
Welp, my new boy obviously doesn't have a name yet, and I won't name him until he's colored in, but I've got my lovely lady who got lost on the way to the new lands. XD Also yes, you may use him in the banner if you like.

Name: Ebonrune
Active Quest?: No
Name of Arakkoa: Sarkka
Faction: Shadowseekers
Title or role: Talonpriest  


Aged Human

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:37 am
I'm deffo interested in my new boy joining! I'll read the info and get him named.  
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