


IMAGE [x] [Artist Credit NanaSchiffer]



HOME Glengarriff Forest

HERD Circinus Herd (Herd Leader)

MATE None at this time


MOTHERLY To Eriu, her herd his her family. As its leader, she believes it is her job to look after and care for them all. Her favorite part of being the leader is looking after the young centaurs. She is incredibly focused on the task of raising them up to be good, strong centaurs. This doesn't end when they reach maturity, however. She is known for treating all members of the herd as her children, even the elders at times. She is quick to offer advice or comfort, and finds great joy in the accomplishments of her family.
AFFECTIONATE She has a strong dislike for being distant and detached, as she believes that the thing that keeps the herd strong is that they are a family, and always there for one another. As a result, she is quick to show affection to each and every member. She doesn't want to divide her people and leave them weakened, so she attempts to lead by example, encouraging them to love one another and to be open about it.
STERN Though she is kind and loving, Eriu knows when she must be strict. She does not put up with misbehaving, and can be very strong-willed in regards to handling infractions. She would never hold a grudge against someone for a misdeed, but that doesn't mean she's willing to let them get away with it. There are no free passes in her herd; poor behavior is met with punishment, even for a first infraction, to n** it in the bud. She wouldn't have anyone believe they can get away with acting out.
WISE Eriu was always of a rather high intelligence, often thought to be wise beyond her years. It's part of what makes her such a good leader, and why her herd follows her in spite of her youth. She is quick to dispense advice, which is almost always helpful, though even she will admit that she can't be right about everything. She often is sure to remind people of this fact, not wanting her authority questioned when she does inevitably make a situation worse before it gets better.
EARTHY Many centaur are viewed as being reserved; their obsession with astrology and sage attitudes are something of a stereotype. It's not one Eriu is constrained by. She is loud, uproarious, and fun. While she does enjoy stargazing, as all centaurs do, she finds plenty of ways to occupy her time when there isn't a star to be seen. She believes in having fun, and doesn't see the point in maintaining a supposedly polite demeanor while doing so.
CURIOUS She is plagued by curiosity, as are many of her kind. She can't seem to simply let anything go without having investigated it to the best of her ability. She must follow the trail, must investigate the meaning of the stars, must, must, must answer the eternally growing list of questions culminating in her mind. Knowledge, she finds, is important, as knowing more makes her a better leader, and she wants to be the best she can be for her family.

■ Children
■ Springtime
■ Rainfall
■ Hunting
■ Flowers

■ Strangers
■ Rudeness
■ Magic
■ Ice
■ Fire

■ Calm in stressful situations
■ Boundless optimism

■ Physically weak
■ Easily distracted

■ Forest fires


EARLY LIFE Eriu was the only child born to the leader of her herd and his mate. In her childhood, she was much beloved by her people, and in awe of her father. His wise handling and strong will shaped the lives of the herd, and he was never questioned. Physically, he was the strongest male, and could take on any who challenged him. However, as he grew older, he grew weak, as life demanded he must. Eventually, a time came when his authority was questioned. It was well known that whoever in the herd could challenge him, could also take over as the leader. An ambitious few tried, and eventually, one succeeded. He was not kind as her father had been, nor wise. He was aggressive, and cruel, an interloper who had been accepted out of pity and never felt as though he truly belonged. Under his leadership, the herd suffered greatly, both from him, and his poor handling of relations with other beings of the forest, to say nothing of the wizards they interacted with.

ADULTHOOD When Eriu reached maturity, she decided she could take it no more. A leader, she knew, was only as strong as his ability to lead, which meant that he needed followers. If he could not make the herd listen, he could not lead it. She began speaking in secret with the elders, gaining their support for a coup. They would overthrow the current leader, banish him, and elect a new leader to take his place. With the elder's support, she gained many followers, until all but the most cowardly members were behind her. Physically weak, Eriu dare not take him on herself, but she wasn't afraid, because she knew her family would fight where she could not. When the dust settled, his life was spared, and he was permitted to leave, an act of mercy she was proud of her family for committing. When time came to choose a new leader, she was surprised to see that, almost to the man, her people had chosen her. Even though her hand had not dealt a blow, she had been the one to incite the rebellion, to care enough about their lives and health and happiness to act. She took the responsibility with some hesitation, only because she feared her own ability to maintain leadership, but was promised that should anyone challenge her, she had the strongest of the herd at her side.


UPDATED 31 December 2015

■ Created

09 Jan 2016 ~ 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆