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Reply [IC] Mwezi'Johari Lands
[PRP] A Time to Hide...

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:45 am
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The nervous anticipation of what to come was electric in the air, stirring the blood in their veins and the fur on the backs of their necks. The shadows of the undergrowth seemed somehow thinner now that they were being sought after. The comfort they had once offered seemed a fragile thing.

Tu-Bana, hulking in the shadows and peering out across an open expanse of land, leaned in to speak with his pale-pelted companion. "You should try to mask your pelt. The moon brightens it too much for you to move at night."

"We should find a better hiding place than this. Perhaps Meshach has had luck where we have not. I'd rather not coat myself in mud and dirt if there's no need." Her tone was touched with jest. She was not a vain lioness and would do what she must to ensure her safety and that of the rest of their comrades.

"Hopefully the time for hiding will be done."

She nodded, turning an ear in the direction of stirring foliage.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:58 pm

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The final battle was quickly coming upon them. Things were getting touchy and it was no longer safe for any member of his group or family to travel alone. Most of all him. He'd had word that the king had sent out parties to kill him. Tonight he'd brought one of his twin daughters for a rogue patrol. He knew his duty to his pride and felt it best if he warned approaching rogues possibly looking to join of the turmoil about to be unleashed within.

He'd been watching two such rogues for some time. They looked like they were trying to hide, but from what he wasn't sure. Just as he was debating showing himself or leaving them to their hidy spot his ears caught the mention of his name. The purple lion shared a glance with his daughter. Now how would the two of them know his name? He gave a gesture for Ayaka to stay hidden as he stood up and slowly approached warily.

"Are you looking for me? I confess myself at a disadvantage that I do not know your names, yet you know mine." He gave a flick of his ear and smiled at the lioness, "he is right by the way. Your pelt does stand out beautifully."

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Ayaka had been delighted to be the one selected to accompany her father, even though it wasn't to patrol the pridelands but the roguelands. She thought her father wise to consider what might happen to the unsuspecting rogues. After all, Tyfu had been a rogue! And a nasty one at that. Still that didn't mean all rogues were mean. She was wondering why her father had waited so long just watching the couple.

The young lioness rolled her eyes as Meshach signaled her to stay put and hidden. He was always protecting her! She crouched down and wiggled her rump. She was his back up of course in case they proved vile intent. Why else would two rogues know her father's name if they hadn't been sent by Shangyue or one of his minions? Ayaka kept her ears perked for the first sign of trouble.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:50 am

Juno was the first to startle, the first to smile and the first to speak, taking a tentative step towards the male and dipping her head. "My name is Juno. My friend here is Tu-Bana."

The male lion nodded. His social interactions were severely limited and letting Juno take the lead in conversation generally meant it went easier.

Juno smiled at the compliment, murmuring a muted thank you before continuing: "your name is whispered on the maws of every lion in this area - or so it seems. Eventually we came across a lion who was able to give us further information. It appears you are in a bit of a tricky situation." They knew only the very basics, of course, and were warned to stay out of sight or risk falling into harm's way. Even with Tu-Bana's prowess in battle, they had opted to stay out of sight whilst they tried to locate any trace of his family. Getting involved in a pride dispute had not been their idea of fun.

"Our reasons for being here were our own, but the plight of your pride caught our attention."

They had hoped that if they could offer help then the pride might help them out in return. Or perhaps a few of its members, at least. "The lion we met was brief in his description, but the leader of your pride has killed good people, is that correct?"

Tu-Bana shifted, idling up beside her at last, his dark eyes falling upon Meshach as if trying to read him.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:14 pm

Meshach glanced between the pair at the introductions. He nodded back to the male and wondered why he didn't speak. The purple male was a bit surprised that his name had gotten out so widely among the rogues. True he'd been talking to those he'd met coming this way, but that many? Meshach guessed this had been going on longer than he'd thought. His cubs weren't cubs anymore but adults. More than time to end it.

He felt a late night breeze ruffle his mane as he frowned slightly. "This pride war is no concern of yours though." There was a bit of suspicion on his part. He flicked his ear. "I'm sorry I couldn't get you involved without a better explanation. I apologize, but I am not my nephew's most favorite uncle at the moment." His lips twisted with irony. Meshach gave a deep sigh. "Aye he did." That didn't even begin to cover half of it. He gazed back at the lion and lioness waiting for more explanation. He wasn't about to risk his family just on what he'd heard so far.

Ayaka wanted to shift restlessly, but knew that could give her away. Just who were these lions and why had they sought her father out? She strained her ears to hear them. While her father dealt with the present, she had time to consider other parts of their words. Just who was spreading these rumors, no information, about them? The young lioness was glad her father was so wary when an explanation to why they wanted to help wasn't forth coming. She didn't trust it either.

To show herself or not? They seemed comfortable believing they were just talking to Meshach for now. Ayaka wasn't going to make a move just yet unless they threatened her father. She wanted to snort as the silly headed lioness thought her father's words were a compliment! It was stupid to stand out in the night, particularly when many were hunting for you without the best intentions! Her eyes flicked to the male called Tu-Bana as he shifted to make sure he wasn't making a threatening move.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:48 am
Juno frowned, hesitating, glancing at her friend momentarily as if seeking some sort of confirmation on what to say next. It came just a few seconds later, the male nodding his head slightly.

"It's ok, Juno. How can we expect him to trust us under such circumstances?"

The female chewed at her lip thoughtfully, then, with a sigh, she nodded in agreement and continued. "We came here looking for family. Our leads on them are slim, but there were sightings long ago that we thought might make this area a good start. We bumped into a lion from your pride. He did not give a name - perhaps he was worried about drawing attention to himself. He was a young male, golden-brown pelt with accents of blue - a moon-shaped marking on his shoulder. We enquired about family with him but he wasn't certain from the descriptions we could offer." They had poor descriptions at best and no names at all. Hard to remember such things when the last you had seen them was as a tiny cub.

"It was he who told us a little of your pride's circumstances and why we couldn't temporarily enter the lands to look for them. He told us to seek you on the borders but to keep out of sight."

"We have some experience in battle," Tu-Bana added, "we thought we might be useful to you."

The lion they are trying to describe is Endor, who is one of Yavin's sons.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:58 pm
Lol Yavin is Meshach's brother. XD

"I am sorry, but I cannot put any trick as too low for the king to get his aim." He listened with surprise as the female stated the real reason they were here. Meshach sighed sadly. "I would advise you to wait on your search until this has been settled. It might be hard on you, but it would be for the best." He told them kindly. It would add one less worry to his plate. Particularly since she didn't have much to go off for finding them. Although her description sounded familiar he didn't say anything.

He was surprised that the male had suggested they find him. Like what was he suppose to do with them?! Entertain them while fending off attacks from Shangyue? Meshach wanted to snort at the idea, but didn't. He didn't want them taking it the wrong way. No it was just bad timing all around. His eyes went over the scars on the other male. He probably could fight, but it really wasn't his fight since he didn't know if he even had family in the pride. "I'm not doubting your skills. Only that times are troubled and you are not even positive that your family is within the pride. It would be a terrible risk."

She listened to her father arguing the two rogues away. This was stupid. How would they know if their family was living here if they just didn't go in and look? Finally she could take it no more. Meztli stood up and stepped out of her hiding place. She eyes looked at the two rogues. "I am Meztli, Meshach's daughter." She dipped her head to her father. "I believe they could be of some use to us. At the least they should search the pride for their family. I know I would let nothing stop me if I was looking for you or mother."

The young lioness gave a lopsided grin. She knew he'd be mad at her for breaking out of hiding, but they'd been talking for some time now and neither one had made any suspicious moves. They even wanted into the pride to look for family, not to join up with Meshach. That was the most convincing to her.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:40 am
Hehe sooo much family. Love it!

Tu-Bana shifted irritably at Meshach's response and curled a lip with the beginnings of a growl. Here they were offering help and it was being turned away, even when it was needed? Juno gave him a shove and a glare and he fell silent again, sobering his look into as neutral one he could imagine. He was not known for his patience or his diplomacy.

Juno, however, was.

She opened her maw to try and protest when Meztli made her appearance at last. Juno felt her companion tense beside her and quickly warmed her expression to make up for it. The female, it seemed, was more up for the idea of accepting help from a stranger or two.

"Nice to meet you, Meztli." It seemed the younger female had been listening in on the conversation and needed no bringing up-to-date.

"Does this mean you accept our help?" Tu-Bana cut in.

Juno gave him another withering look before adding, "I assume this hiding cannot last forever, correct? We have no idea whether family truly resides within your pride but we cannot - in good conscience - turn our backs only to return at a later date and hope that this has settled. And then, what? Walk in unopposed without having done anything to earn such a favour?"
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2016 10:57 am

Why do cubs never listen? Meshach thought irritably when his daughter revealed herself. At least he only had one twin on his paws. Think of what would happen if both had been here! He gave a grunt as she pointed out she'd do the exact same if she was in their paws. Trust her to point that out. He gave her a look that mean he'd talk to her later when they were alone before he turned his attention back to the pair.

"It seems things are working in your favor. Do you intend to stay if you find your family here?" That would play a big roll in how they were treated. If they stayed they'd have to go through the initiation ceremony to find out their class. However, they might not be greeted as warmly should they find their family and try to convince them to leave. How could anyone leave the Great Lion after they'd found him? Despite living outside the pride, Meshach still firmly believed in the Great Lion watching over them.

She dipped her head in acknowledgement of the rebuke from her father. There was no help for it. She was an adult with a mind of her own. "Thank you." The lioness settled herself as she looked back and forth between the pair. Meztli had never been inside the pride herself. She had no idea of the rules for joining rogues.

"We are working on it, but it's not something we care to rush." The whole purpose of this was to remove the murderer from the throne so the pride could live at peace once more. With that as their goal, it made their lives a bit precarious. She felt it would eventually come to fighting. What really was an uprising? It wasn't like Shangyue would simply leave the throne if asked. Meztli wondered if anyone had tried that approach. They probably wouldn't be allowed to live if they did, she decided. She waited to see if the pair intended to join the pride.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:31 am
That was the question, indeed. Juno had bad experience with being part of a pride and Tu-Bana had never been in one at all. But if they did find family here, could they really just turn their backs and head out into unclaimed territories again? And, more importantly, would the family even want them to stay? Juno had never met them and Tu-Bana had been separated as a cub, barely weaned.

Juno, realising there had been too much silence since the question had been asked, cleared her throat and tried to find that elusive answer.

Surprisingly, it was Tu-Bana who answered for her.

"If they want us to stay, we will."

Her heart skipped a beat at that. He'd not committed to the possibility before this moment and having come to a conclusion, she knew it would be for the best. If they were turned away she would still be there to pick up the pieces. Still, she hoped the outcome would be better than that.

"Yes," she concluded. "If they welcome us there is no way we could be parted from them again." Though, in truth, the family was Tu-Bana's and not hers, she felt akin to them for having known him for so long.

"It is agreed then," Tu-Bana continued, "we are in your service. When the time comes we will aid you however we can."

Juno smiled, "indeed. He is the brawn and I am the brains. Do with that what you will."

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 11:43 am
Sorry for the wait! If you want to wrap this up?

Meshach waited patiently as the question hung between them all. He'd learned a great deal about patience out here. Surprisingly it was the male who answered. The purple male waited a moment before asking, "if they don't want you to stay?" While tragic, it could possibly happen. Would they be prepared for that? Even if their family didn't want them, they could still stay if they themselves wanted to.

He hoped they wouldn't have to face the negative, and if they did that they'd be able to handle it. It made him treasure his family all that much more. "Thank you for offering your help to our need during your own trial." Meshach nodded gravely, showing he appreciated what they were going through. He'd made a trek to find his own family far from here. He hadn't been able to stay with them, but it was good to know they were alive.

Meztli grinned as everything worked out happily. "Great! Let's introduce you around so no one attacks you accidentally. Not that they should since you're rogues and all, but we don't want mistaken identities y'know?" She jumped to her feet, showing her youthful enthusiasm. "How far have you traveled? Do you have any good stories?" She was eager to hear something new. While she loved her father and his stories, something that didn't deal with the fight at paw would be wonderful.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:58 am
"If not, then we will take our leave." Tu-Bana replied, his face void of emotion. Juno glanced up at him, surprised, but reluctantly gave a nod of acceptance. How could they stay if they were not wanted? Still, she was certain that it would not come to that. Who would not welcome a long lost relative?

"Introductions sound wonderful," she continued to Meztli, "we have come very far indeed. How good the stories are, however, will be up to you to judge!" She laughed pleasantly, trying not to think too much on how many stories were too sad or awful to share.

Perhaps, as of today, their stories would be brighter.

[IC] Mwezi'Johari Lands

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