The female felt tired as she puttered about the area. She felt exhausted and still lonely. Earlier she had fallen into thorns and had gotten hurt by the sharp things. She could hear running water and headed towards the direction, trying to listen for any other things that could tell her the lay of the land. She did not want to end up hurting herself again as her wounds still stung. The blind lioness wasn't really having the best of days and her days thus far had been quite delightful. Why did this have to be so... annoying. Why did she have to be blind? She would not curse her mother's genetics as it wasn't her fault. Just bad luck really. A sigh escaped her lips as she sat for a moment still listening.

The sound was bouncing and she could now tell there was something else there. Trees probably by the way the sound traveled. Were those also voices that she heard? The tawny female actually felt lost. This was not somewhere she had ever visited before.

Asha normally patrolled sometime in the morning. While she could not See as well as her friend, she was still quite good at following the deeply ingrained intuition of moving forward. She felt drawn to an area today, and she felt her paws move towards it without much thought on her part.

She felt as if something would happen today. Perhaps she could confirm with Kilua first. She Matron wasn't far, the leader was going about aiding the gardeners today, and she was near by. She called softly to her friend, murmuring softly about the vision once the Half-god was close enough to hear her.

The pair of ladies moved along, sharing in what visions they had. Asha simply told her friend of a strong urge to move along in this direction today, and Kilua told of the thicket of trees that worked its way along the southern edge of the pride. Normally it meant nothing, or not much at all.

So that was where they headed, listening for anything that may seem different at this edge of their pride. Asha's ears flicked forward, trying to listen for anything over the sound of the river's gentle rumbling.

The voices were getting closer. Two voices if she had to count the sounds that were bouncing about the forest. It was hard to hear them, her senses might be strong but it was still disorienting to listen to the multiple sounds everywhere. She went further but being as quiet as she could be. A few small snaps of twigs beneath her paws as she walked but nothing loud enough to set off the voices to her location. She was prowling now, gingerly taking a few steps.

Asha pushed forward, her golden eyes searching for the source of her vision, or at least she was chasing the feeling of where it was. "It's this way, I think," She told Kilua, pushing forward as her friend followed easily behind her.

It wasn't long before the pair spotted a lioness, and Asha paused, ears flicking forward to listen. "Hello," she called out towards the lioness, careful. The lioness looked unsure and wary of her surroundings, after all.

Kilua made a small noise, curious about the newcomer lioness, she tilted her head.

The blind lioness turned her head in the direction of the sound, her ears having swiveled that way first. "Hello?!" She sounded like a copycat repeating the same word the other had said. She sniffed the air but alas, the wind was blowing from her towards wherever the voice was coming from. With a sigh she moved closer. "Friendly?" She called out, unsheathing her claws in case it was a possible fight that she might be getting into. Would they see her a friendly blind lioness they could help, or someone to pick on. If it was the latter she'd show them.

Asha's hummed softly at the response. "We mean no harm," she confirmed easily, allowing herself a few steps closer. She was better at social interactions than the Matron of the pride, who stood at her side.

Kilua tilted her head only a fraction, attempting to gauge the new female that stood before them. "What bring you here, my friend?" She spoke clearly, loud without raiding her voice to a shout. It was a good leading voice, Asha thought, as they waited on the lioness for her next move.

"I was really just wandering." The female replied to the voice. She sat her rump down, might as well just look as non threatening as she could at this point. From the voice she was sure that the female was a in charge type. The lioness did not want issues. "I mean I am kind of looking for a home. Some place that might need a healer too. Or a priestess. My mother was one and she taught me a thing or two. Even blind, I see in a way only one who was blind would be able to understand. I can do my job well." As if to reassure them if they might be looking for someone with her talents to join the pair.

The tan lioness hoped they might even have a lead to another home. This place seemed rather abundant. The smells, the sounds, although not too loud just enough life about.

Many wanderers came through these parts. It was the nature of the pride, to be open to everyone who needed a place to recover - to heal. Whether is be physical or emotional, everyone was welcome. Some preferred to stay, to welcome others the way they had been welcomed. It made Kilua's heart warm to see her mother's dreams come to fruition.

She gave a soft hum. "Well, if you'd like to stay for a while, maybe you'll find a home here," The Matron offered easily. Asha gave a smile to her friend and gave an agreeing noise.

"Even if you decide to move along later, this is a good place to rest, if thats what you need right now."

Finding a home here would be nice. "Do you need a healer?" Asking the question again. If they needed one then she would be even more inclined to stay. At least a place to rest was still a viable option.
She was getting rather weary from her travels and a safe place without the constant need to keep on her toes would be perfect. "I guess take me in and I can feel my way around."

Since after all she wouldn't be able to see this place as everyone would but she could still at least notice the beauty. "My name is Eryxa." Giving a bow to the pair before her. "I am in your debt."

"We always welcome more healers," Kilua offered. It was a pride of healers, after all. The more healers they had, the more good they could do. "You're welcome to explore on your own or Asha could show you around."

Kilua was new with blindness, but Asha didn't have good vision, even though her Sight was excellent. "Anything you need, you're welcome here." Asha added in, her tone pleasant.

Both were pleased that the pride was growing, that others came from far to join their pride, even though Eryxa had not sought them out specifically. "I am Asha," the leopardess said, "And this is Kilua. She is the leader of this pride, and I am the head of the guard."