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[Pride IT] Draak'kinders (under construction)

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Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:30 pm
General Info:

- This pride is a caste/militarist social structure based on color. It includes leopards and lion clans as well as a special ranking for Cheetahs and infertile hybrids.

- Lions and Leopards have specific ranks they can have based solely on the color of their pelt. There will be no exception to the rules that are outlined. See the Caste and Rank Section

- Cross caste couples will not be allowed across certain castes, though there will be some that are allowed to cross. See the breeding rules section.

- There is a high stress on military based rankings and an overall discipline/duty to the pride mentality even in the "non military" ranks.

- Couples will not, as a rule, be formed based on love (though it can happen that love is shared between a couple) but on the favorable offspring they will produce, thus there won't be any acknowledgement of couples that do not produce offspring.

- Marriage/life mating is something that can happen but is not required to produce offspring, and so long as the couple stays together to raise the offspring it will not be frowned on. Rogue breeding will be a little more frowned on since it can lead to "Cross caste" breeding but is still allowable.

- Revolutionists to change things will not be allowed. (I know it is a wonderful plot, but no)

- No canines whatsoever in the pride lands. They will be driven off with much prejudice by the warriors. One exception to this is canine familiars. Those are allowed but only with a feline companion.

- Familiars are welcome and encouraged here so long as they have a feline they belong to. Otherwise they are food.

The class each follow a queen and her mate (king). There are military ranks and non military ranks all based on a feline's appearance. As you move down the list and away from the military colors the level of respect goes down as well. Those with cross colors are only to be judged on the majority of their pelt... only a 50/50 mix, can be judged on their merits, within the colors of their pelt (thus you will be given an OCC choice in their ranks from the colors on their pelt). Females are the dominate force here, not males, the queens make all the decisions while their mates are for cubs and morale support. Males are not treated like second class citizens, but they are taught to do everything to protect their females and always bow to their decisions.

The Lion clan is the higher ranking, and while the leopards have their own clan, use the same ranks, their queen/king still report to the lion clan leader on all important decisions. Crossing between Lion and Leopard pride members is allowed and often done if families wish to form bonds, but even cross clan couples are kept within the caste system's rules.

Cheetah's have their own little clan, but it has no ranks. They have no right to speak up on rulings, and are expected to serve lion and leopard members. Even lions and leopards in the Commoner class can have a cheetah as a servant or task runner if they wish. Cheetahs are often lovers even of life mated lions or leopards. Cheetahs are not allowed to leave the pride unless escorted by a lion or leopard as they are not trusted completely.

Cheetah hybrids are viewed on the same level as their cheetah parents while other hybrids are viewed a little higher. Physical abuse of any pride member is a crime in the pride. Rankings change the level of respect, not the level of basic rights.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:31 pm

The lions of the Draak’Kinders believe they are the children of the gods, whom they call Draak or dragons, and that this both a blessing and a great responsibility. There are not many that have the ability to See anymore, but if a lion does that makes them closer to the gods and thus higher in ranking. The pride was founded by a queen and her king many seasons past count. They were the offspring of gods and mortal parents. What gods, it is not said, but one of the important things that is known is that they formed their pride to make a better world for those like themselves, children of the gods.

As cubs, the two watched their mortal parents be harassed and then thrown out of their original pride over having Seer children. This was a hard thing for cubs to understand, but later in their lives it made more sense. The two grew up side by side, though they were not related, because their mortal parents stuck together to make raising cubs easier without a pride to support them. When the first Draak’Kinders were grown, they stayed together, not because of love for each other, but to achieve a common goal. They were both golden with the color of blood on their pelts.

They found their home in the side of a large hill and took up residence in a large cavern that was empty. It was here that they settled to have their first children. Though the colors of the parents might have been very distinctive their children held many other colors from their family lines. It was in this first litter that the castes were first formed based on the talents the children showed. These children pulled others of similar coloring and talents to be their mates, though it was not truly their goal in the beginning. What started out as coincidence continued over a few generations, bringing about a tradition based on these talents being tied to the colors of the families that displayed them.

Over time they expanded their pride to be not just lions but also leopards. The leopards formed their own sub pride or clan that followed the same castes and interbred based on color with the lions. Leopards were accepted nearly as equals to the lions within the pride, but hybrid offspring were given a special rank based on the fact that they really have no value in breeding except in rare occurrences. The leopards may have been brought in as equals, unfortunately the same was once tried with Cheetah's and did not go so well.

Due to a rash of thefts by the original cheetahs to enter the pride, the cheetah clan was reduced to the same ranking as the infertile hybrids and made to take the infertile hybrids into their clan. While the cheetahs and hybrids are not viewed as thieves at this time, but they are still not very highly respected. They can however gain the favor and protection of a higher ranking individual and be taken into their den permanently as a lover so there are some perks to being outside the caste system.

The current state of the pride is that of peace and prosperity. The current queen was chosen not of the old queen's litter but from another noble family based on her talents and her markings. It has been many generations since a wing marked female held the status of queen and this is considered a sign of the gods favor increasing again. The whole pride is quite happy with the turn of events.

The Draak'kinders live in a little valley between two small mountains. They live within a wooded glade, and their dens are both in the natural caverns of the area and in crafter made burrows they have dug over the generations. There are two streams that come down off the mountains, join together and flow through the glade. Mopane trees are everywhere and are held in high regard for their yellow and orange colors most of the year.

There is no set religion or god that is followed by the whole pride. They acknowledge and any and all gods and ask them to treat the pride well. They try not to draw too much direct attention from the gods as they know this can be dangerous. Individuals range from deeply spiritual, to wondering if they actually exist, but the pride majority believe in them but do not overtly worship them.

If a god comes into the pride and it is known, many members will seek to breed with the god no matter the coloration of said god to produce more Seers for the pride. Seers are seen as good luck to have in any caste and those with strong abilities are good luck for the whole pride. The pride does wish favor from the gods, and luck on their side even if they do not really worship gods in an organized manner.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:32 pm
Castes: (Lion and Leopard Clans)

Aristocrat – Royals and nobles of the clans are here. These are the lions and leopards whom are seen as natural leaders and above getting their paws dirty with manual labor. They may have a private nanny for their den rather than putting their cubs with the general population, and also may have a servant or two cleaning their den or assisting with grooming. If she or he is in favor with the royal family, a noble may even get her or his own royal guard to protect her or him. This is the cushy life where large parties for entertainers to work in are hosted.

Intellectual – Healers and councilors are well respected for all the contributions they make. Even the queens know better than to make their healers mad! Because of how important healers and councilors are in both influencing politics and maintaining a healthy population, they are often given servants for their dens and peasants to assist them in their duties. They often are invited to noble parties, though they do not host parties. Only the Queen’s personal healer would be allowed a guard of their own or a personal nanny (though they might have a noble partner that has a nanny they use).

Elite Military – The royal guards and officers may be one step down from the intellectuals, but they are certainly still well respected. They take their duties seriously, and often push this same attitude on everyone around them. If they have a servant, it will only be one per den as more would be a waste. They will indulge a little bit at parties, but not much as they often see themselves as always on duty. They take every opportunity to make sure the Military Caste behaves to the utmost standards and often are a bit overbearing.

Military – Soldiers and Scout, basically your grunts, exist in this class. They might not be quite as gung-ho as the Elite Military, but they still have to maintain high discipline as the safety of the pride falls to their paws. Their time is spent doing border patrols, scouting out nearby groups, and escorting hunters to and from the borders. They will never have a servant unless they have an Elite partner whose den and servant they share.

Worker – Working class is still seen as skilled. They are the crafters and hunters. They may not be given the most respect, but they preform duties that leave the higher castes more time to do what they do.

Servant – The servants are the bottom on the totem pole of respect. The only ones lower than them are those that are considered unskilled. The Servants do a lot of things. They are the Nannies and Caregivers. A caregiver can be taking care of a den, taking care of elderly, or even just serving meals for parties. A nanny is a little more straightforward in that, they deal with cubs. Whether they work for a specific noble or are just one of the general nannies in the nursery den, their lives revolve around cub-rearing.

Peasant – The peasants are pretty much "Casteless." They can become entertainers, but otherwise they are just used as general whatever. Gathering, running errands, basically anything that is not seen as skilled work goes to these guys. The best one can hope for down here is being a well liked entertainer for the noble parties.


Cheetahs, and infertile hybrids are put in a "clan" that is called such just to make them feel better really. They have no ranks, no appointed leader, and basically are at the beck and call of the other clans. Other than having their own area to live in, they are a clan in name only. All Members of this clan hold the rank of Twee.


––– Gold –––
yellow/tan/some oranges

Queen – The power of the pride falls to the queen. The heir is always a daughter, never a son. Rarely this will be an unrelated appropriately colored female. The queen often has red markings on her golden pelt as a sign of her right to lead the soldiers.

King – The mate of the queen. He is always a noble and preferred to have red markings.

Crown Princess – This is the female chosen to take the queen's place one day.

Princesses – Those that are born from the queen and her king only.

Princes – Those that are born of the queen and her king only.

Noble – Any offspring of the queen not sired by her king as well as the general gold population.

––– Browns –––
some rust colors

Counselors – Old (and young) sages full of wisdom and advice. All you have to do is ask!

Healers – Skilled administrators of herb and leaf. They tend to the injuries and sickness of the pride.

––– Reds –––
darker oranges/some pinks

Royal guards – The most skilled and trusted warriors. They guard the royal line, and others as they are deemed by the queen/king.

Officers – In charge of the lower military ranks. They maintain order and disciple while keeping their troops in shape.

––– Violets –––
some indigos/purplish-pinks

Scouts – Quick and nimble, these lions and leopards go out to gather military intelligence and bring it back.

Soldiers – The warriors of the pride. Their job is to ensure the safety of all

––– Blues –––
some teals/aquas, some greys

Crafters – These are the makers of things and pretties.

Hunters –An important role, hunters supply the pride with provender.

––– greens –––
some yellowish colors, some brownish colors

Nannies – These lions and leopards play an important role in minding younglings while their parents are busy.

Caregivers –Sometimes the old need as much care and watching as a cub.

––– Other colors –––
White, Black, anything that does not fit into another caste

Entertainer – They are in charge of keeping moral and spirits high. Storytellers, comedians, and clowns all welcome here.

Commoner – Your basic every day lion or leopard. They do the basic chores around the pride that need doing.

––– Special –––

Seer – Seers may choose to have a normal rank or if they have strong abilities just be Seers. They would still be raised in their color caste and follow caste specific rules for their color.

Twee – This is the bottom of the barrel. A Twee is in a rank and clan that has a sole purpose of serving EVERYONE else. They are available for breeding to everyone, and often taken into dens as servants and even lovers by any rank/caste of the other clans. This is the rank held by all cheetahs and infertile hybrids. Fertile hybrids will go to the caste of their color in the clan of their non cheetah parent, or in the case of leopons, they will go to whichever clan they wish.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:33 pm
Member List: (8 members)

––– Aristocrats –––

Queen: working on it

King: none yet

Crown Princess: none yet

Princesses: none yet

Princes: none yet


Ossam warkinu, magnadearel pic
Fraylint, Kathryn Dragonna, pic

––– Intellectuals –––



Eachann, krusnik05 pic

––– Elite Military –––

Royal guards:


Shukriyya, magnadearel pic

––– Military –––



––– Workers –––



––– Servants –––


Frita, Kathryn Draconna pic


Braskeke, magnadearel pic

Tacticia, Kathryn Dragonna, pic

––– Peasants –––


Vejovis, Kathryn Draconna pic
Lirona, Fairy Snails pic


L'envoi, magnadearel pic

––– Special –––



Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:34 pm
Joining Form:

[color=orange]I want to join[/color]
[b]SoA:[/b] (soa name, image)
[b]Rank:[/b] (if unsure what color you fall under caste wise leave this blank)
[b]Reason:[/b] (why you want to join)
[b]Extra:[/b] bubbles (and maybe plot idea things)

Suggestion Form:

[color=brown]I have an idea[/color]
[b]Idea:[/b] (just a quick one or two lines of what it is)
[b]Reason:[/b] (explanation of idea and why you think it is good)
[b]Extra:[/b] turtles (and maybe some other things you want to say)
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:35 pm
Breeding Rules:

Breeding with one’s own caste is open, encouraged, and most favorable.

Cross-Caste Breeding is allowed as follows: One may go above or below their Caste, except in the case of Aristocrats and Peasants. Peasants have no cast under them, Aristocrats have no caste over them.

All castes may breed with any color Twee (fertile hybirds will be removed from this rank if offspring result)

Only the above mixes are approved between pride members.

That being said, outsider fling breedings are allowed for all Castes without penalty. The most you will get is small IC frowning over “abnormal” cross caste color combinations. Outsiders are not seen as part of the castes, so they do not count as breeding outside your station. Try to keep some general sense of caste colors in mind with these where possible, but I understand it is not an option on MnM and x Rogue breedings. I will allow MnM, x Rogue, and flings outside the pride.

Here is the map of allowable breedings in pride:

Aristocrat x Intellectual
Intellectual x Elite Militarary
Elite Military x Military
Military x Worker
Worker x Servant
Servant x Peasant

All Castes x Cheetah

Producing hybrids is allowed and while discouraged for purposes of keeping the pride going, not fussed over.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:36 pm
I am going to do something a little different with this IT. I am going to allow those that wish to make suggestions for it to do so. This will not make you staff in the pride and you are agreeing to let me use these ideas given here to better the idea. This is meant as a way for people that wish to be members to have a hand in developing this into a better pride for all of us even before it is officially created. There is a form for submitting suggestions above

Submitted Suggestions:

Suggestions Under Review:

Implemented Suggestions:

Add Non lion felines (submitted over IM)
Suggestions Not Taken:

Current announcements:

10/21/16 Cert background and symbol have been obtained. Thank you to Seaki for the cert background image! Location and Religion sections have been added to the IT.

10/16/16 Completed migration of IT to new guild. Updated general info section and members list. Joined new guild with pride mule.

7/5/14 New members added, pride photobucket started for organizational purposes. Leopard, Cheetah and Hybrid details added to the rankings, history and castes and now breedings sections

4/2/14 Expansion of memberlist more format tweeking

4/1/14 format tweeking done on some sections

3/31/14 Castes added, rank updates started, breeding info added

3/31/14 Suggestion form added, suggestions section added

3/31/14 IT thread started, History explanation started, and Concept pin points started. Ranks added and form added. We have hit the ground running on this.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:37 pm

- get banner
- cert background and symbol - done
- acquire pride queen
- pride blurb for pride info thread
- five RPs (one with queen)

We have an advertising banner, in chase anybody wants it.

User Image


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:39 pm
this is open for posting

while I build everything and make sure everything from the old guild thread is updated and accurate here.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:08 pm
Memberlist should be updated from old guild posts... all but one

I want to join
Name: Simba'moto
SoA: Clickity
Reason: Cause he's the King of this castle dammit!
Extra: Find him his queen, or face exile :<

Do you still want to join the IT, Pawsie?  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:09 pm
and I made a pride mule, fear it.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 5:19 pm
I want to join
Name: Fairy Snails
SoA: Lirona
Rank: Entertainer
Reason: Lirona left her birth pride in search of a place to belong. She's sweet, kind and gentle.
Extra: I would love for someone to meet her in the rogue lands/boarder and talk to her about the pride. She would be hesitant about the pride at first, but I can see her falling in love with it.  

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:36 pm
Fairy Snails
I want to join
Name: Fairy Snails
SoA: Lirona
Rank: Entertainer
Reason: Lirona left her birth pride in search of a place to belong. She's sweet, kind and gentle.
Extra: I would love for someone to meet her in the rogue lands/boarder and talk to her about the pride. She would be hesitant about the pride at first, but I can see her falling in love with it.

Accepted! You have been added to the list and we shall see what we can do about getting someone out there to talk to her wink  
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