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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:15 am
The Viongozi

As goes light, so too, goes Darkness.

OOC Owner: NovaCracker
IC Owner: Nacht
Familiars?: Birds, Snakes, genets, servals
Species: Lions! And Cheetahs and Leopards.
Default Rank: Youngling -> Acolyte -> Paragon
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:17 am

They were ageless, tasked by the gods. They were mortal, lives fleeting and short - but they formed early, and moved as one. In times of Gods, they brought other mortals balance. In times of mortals, they interceded only as they saw fit.

The Viongozi, they were called. The Guides; Paragons - so many, many names. Sometimes, they faded into bed time tales to frighten cubs into good behavior, or nightmares of other times - but they never disbanded.

They merely retired to their lands. The Viongozi, the self-declared Paragons, have been around since time immemorial, worshipping the gods as they feel fit: By believing fully, and by believing in balance. And for a long time, they were a pride of seers.
Time passed and something happened. A litter was born without the Sight; of these cubs, more were born when older - at the cusp of the pride's arrogance.

And three generations later, the Sight - the power of seers - was relegated to but a select few in pride - like the other mortals, it was chance - or those born of gods. Angered, there were those whom blamed outsiders, and began advising pride leaders to self destruction. Some remained true to the founders, encouraging balance - but also benefiting the pride. A pride cast into a survival state until they found a sense of security in adorning themselves in masks.

Masks for the Overlords, leaders among leaders. Masks for the common, to shield them from further divine wrath. Masks for the children, that they reflect purity and humility until grown.

And still they lurk to this day.


Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:19 am


Every Viongozi wears a mask - Red for top ranks, black for common, and white for newcomers, or youth. Masks are made by crafters or the wearer - most commonly, a new member's mask is made for thing, as is a youth mask for a cub or adol, and adults and creatures preparing to be fully fledged make their own. Masks are made from found materials and natural dyes like ochres and sea inks. Common materials include bone, wood, or some mix. Masks may be decorated, but the main colour must be appropriate to the rank. The face on every mask is different - however no mask covers the mouth or inhibits breathing. Masks are believed to protect the pride from attack by vengeful spirits and enemies, as well as to humble themselves in service to the Gods. Stripping a pride member of their mask in malice is nothing short of a crime punished with one's own mask being taken, or worse - and as such the practice is not common, if heard of.


Throughout a Viongozi's lifespan as a youth, the masks they wear are provided by their caretakers - plain masks made to simply shield identity from outsiders, negative spirits, and the like. To become an adult however, one must first make their own mask, collecting the supplies, and working themselves. Each mask is made for the owner, of found objects - most commonly bone, and is dyed with ochers and similar to achieve the desired color. When the mask is completed, the new adult is presented to the Warlord, any Emissary acting, and the Overlords formally to be recognized.


Cubs begat by gods, be it in-pride or out, are considered gifts of the gods. They are awarded generously with prestige and power regardless of their parents' domain, and will be trained accordingly to hep in running the pride. While outsiders must prove their heritage, all are viewed highly for being gifted a fragment of the Gods' power - Seer Vision. Harming the children of the gods too, is considered akin to sacrilege or Blasphemy - to this end those whom harm the children of a god will be attacked by multiple pride members, regardless of opinions of outsiders - this can range from one lion to entire prides.

The Trials - Warlord

When the old Warlord wishes to step down, they do not select their heir from their own line, though their own children may make a bid to succeed them. When the Warlord is prepared to step down, those interested in the position will be organized into a combat tournament before the pride. Combatants must be adults or near-adult, and they will be pit into a battle with the other competitors. At the end of the tournament, the last two lions standing will be awarded the rank of Warlord for the strongest, with the second place becoming Ascian Prime of the Twelfth Sword. As the Warlord is the highest rank next to the Emissary and occupied at all times - commonly, at the selection, the old Warlord will secede nearly immediately to the new, with their Ascian Prime seceding alongside them. They will remain Overlords for life, as will their cubs, and they may advise the current Warlord and Ascian Prime.

The Emissary's Arrival

The Emissary is a rank rarely occupied, but is one that is very respectable in the pride. The Emissary is always a powerful seer with a solid grip on realityas well - where visions may not be controlled, they are clear, strong, and bright. The Emissary will usually be selected by the Warlord or an Overlord due to observation of otgher prides, or the pride itself - and if needed, stolen into the pride. Most Emissaries are trained in duty fro cubhood, but adult cases have occurred.

When it is time for the Emissary to take their role, they are usually provided white pelts in abundance, and a feast will be prepared. The Warlord will usually guide the new Emissary before the pride and introduce them as such before bowing to signify their ascension - the pride will then follow suit in bowing. The pride will then rise as one and move on to feast, and celebrate.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:25 am

Breeding is always open to all genders and species in the pride, and hybrids really aren't more or less special than anybody else - the pride just doesn't know if they can or can not breed and make-a da behbehs. Relationships are welcomed equally - Gay, Straight, Trans couples, Poly, ETC are all fine and dandy. If a pride member falls for a non-feline t5hey may petition the Overlords for an exception to welcome their mate into the pride at equal standing.

Pride members may do the quick 'n' dirty with members of other prides, but are encouraged to bring as many cubs home as possible as non-allies are usually looked upon as misguided/ Kind of like that little brother or sister or cousin you have to be nice to, even if you think they're an idiot, and therefor unfit parents for a paragon;s upbringing.

Cubnapping and Kidnapping

The pride by and large does not hold taboo against members whom kidnap or cubnap outsiders. Cubs are often taken to be taught and raised - it is not uncommon for litters to have one or two cubs from outside the pride as a sibling because mom or dad wanted even more to love. Similarly, adults may be kidnapped - Seers may see something in an outsider that is meant for the pride, such as god chidren, or they may like how someone looks. The preferred species are felines, although special exceptions have been made for wild dogs and hyenas before.

However, the pride at best is a little bit hypocritical! Attempts at reparations by stealing back cubs or stolen members is often met with hostility. They do not take kindly to retaliation and will cling all the tighter to their own, including those they've stolen. They firmly believe when they do it, it's liberation, while when others do it to them, it's stealing. However, if an outsider stole a cub or adult from some other pride? LIBERATION!  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:29 am

Red Masks - Authoraty, nobility - those Chosen by the gods over all.

Emissary: 1
The Emissary is an Overlord whom is a Seer that is in charge of the pride. Most often these are the offspring of gods or of god blood. The Emissary is chosen by the Warlord, however inevitably the Emissary, while not always present, is usually the Diplomat of the leaders.

Warlord: 1
The Warlord is in charge of protecting pride members and pride interests as well as aiding the Emissary in fostering the will of whichever gods come by. If there is no pride member fit for Emissary, the Warlord is the sole leader until a fit Emissary appears. A pride member becomes Warlord by proving military prowess and tactical talent when the old Warlord is prepared to step down.

Ascian Prime: 5
Those occupying this rank are rare and are paragons among paragons without being Warlord or Emissary. Each of the Five stand for a different branch of the pride, as do the various specialty classes. While the rank is called merely Ascian Prime, each has a longer, formal title, as follows.

Ascian Prime of the High Order - Prime and tutor to the Overlords. Right claw of the Warlord and Emissary. The Favored.

Acian Prime of the Twelfth Chalice - Leader and teacher to the Paragons and those interested in the arts. Least hostile Ascian Prime but no less dangerous than other Primes. Will make you beautiful.

Ascian Prime of the Twelfth Sword - Ascian Prime of the warriors. Second in skill only to the Warlord, chosen from second place when the Warlord is replaced to keep the member here fresh and current. Teacher of soldiers.

Ascian Prime of the Twelfth Pentacle - Ascian Prime of the Priesthood. Master of Holy Lore, right claw to the Emissary when the Emissary is active, otherwise aids in place of the Emissary to keep the Warlord thinking of the pride. Don;t mess with this one they're usually damned brilliant.

Ascian Prime of the Twelfth Staff - Ascian Prime of the young and of history and common knowledge. Encouraged to go out and teach rogues and outside prides. Knows herbology and how to kick bum. Sometimes extra cute and fluffy.

Overlord: Unlimited
Basically nobles. Answer to the Warlord, and everyone else. Most inclined to manipulate outsiders, be it to enter the pride, or to cause dissent in prides, or to aide outside prides.

Black Masks - Adulthood, commonality, those humbled before the Gods, those blessed by the Gods

Paragon: Unlimited
HUNTERS. Also those jerks messing with outsiders for giggles. Tend to steal weak willed outsiders to spread pridal ways.

Twelfth Chalice: Unlimited
Aids to the Warlord, Emissary, their litters, and Ascian Prime of the Twelfth Chalice. Also any crafter, bard, or creative sort. These pride members make everything around more pleasing, be it to ear, eye, paw, or anything else.,

Twelfth Pentacle: Unlimited

PRIESTS. Tend to the pride, as well as any outsiders they take fancy to - be it genuine kindness behind it or to be, well, jerks - both hold equal value. They speak to the other common ranks and youth of the will of the Gods. They also tend to try making god-spawn.

Twelfth Staff: Unlimited

CUBSITTERS. Also teachers. They will teach your cubbies all they need to know. They will also bring in orphans and when needed cubnap outsider cubs. Because stealing cubs is dangerous they tend to be pretty adept at defense. And the fine art of smack that lion around. They also kidnap adults to teach as well. New Paragons anyone hue hue hue.

Twelfth Sword: Unlimited.

SOLDIERS. They fight to defend the pride. P. straightforwards since it's anything a soldier is expected to do.

White Masks - Purity, youth, innocence, hope, the future.

Acolyte: Unlimited
Adolescents and adults training for any rank. Any. Rank. Overlord cubs rim their masks in red.

Younglings: Unlimited
CUBS hurr. Cubs all bear the same masks as acolytes, with Overlord cubs rimming their masks with red. They're here to learn, play, and pick a lifepath.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:30 am
F.A.Q. U

Do they get along with outsiders?
Outsiders are fine depending on the pride member. There's no official stance beyond 'misguided'. Help, or chaos, depends on the meddling pride member.

What about other prides?

They can if anyone wants allies. The Viangoli are interested in outside prides and meddle when they can, be it to spread the will of the gods, or to be an a*****e. Usually they present themselves as wise males and females come to help regardless. Allies however are treated as equal as say an acolyte. And they're more likely to ask about a member they'd normally just take.

Do they really enforce the will of the gods?
They think they do. They also might piss them off by trying.

Can Wild Dogs or Hyenas join normally?
Not really. They need someone to vouch for them from the pride - or to be a god-spawn.

May gods join?
Yep. They're overlords, and can do anything they want in-pride short of tearing it apart.

Where does the pride live?
They live by the sea. They usually have members out and about, but the body of the pride is out by the sea in a space occupied y beach and, inland, trees, with a few caves.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:34 am

Rank || Name || Owner

Emissary || N/A

Warlord || Nacht || Novacracker

Ascian Prime || Open
Ascian Prime || Open
Ascian Prime || Open
Ascian Prime || Open
Ascian Prime || Open

Overlord || Open

Twelfth Chalice || Minu || NovaCracker

Twelfth Pentacle || Open

Twelfth Sword || Open

Twelfth Staff || Open

Paragon || Open

Acolyte || Open

Youngling (Overlord) || Arkadia || AstoriaFallen
Youngling (Warlord) || Efah || NovaCracker
Youngling (Overlord) || ??? || FairySnails  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:53 am

Red Masks

Ascian Prime (Of the Twelfth Chalice/Sword/PentacleStaff/HighestOrder)/Overlord || [url=IMAGE]SoA Name[/url] || Owner

[b]How did they get this rank?:[/b]

Black Masks

Paragon/Twelfth Chalice/Twelfth Staff/Twelfth Staff/Twelfth Pentacle || [url=IMAGE]SoA Name[/url] || Owner


White Masks

Youngling/Acolyte || [url=IMAGE]SoA Name[/url] || Owner

[b]Adult Rank:[/b]

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:47 pm
PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:54 pm

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:43 am
heart heart heart  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:49 am

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:48 pm
Oooh, this looks fun!!  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:08 pm
Joooiiin uuuus.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:37 pm
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