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[IT] Barazahi'Haji - a Wolf's Rain WD pack! Take 2~ Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:14 pm
User Image

Welcome to the Barazahi'Haji pack! The name translates to "Paradise Pilgrims" in Swahili, or so says google. This is a primarily wild dog pack based on the anime Wolf's Rain. While I strongly suggest you watch the show (just because it's good!) you do not need to have seen it in order to join the pack and understand what's going on. Please read on if you're interested!

tl;dr? This is a wild dog pack who thinks Paradise is on earth and they wander around trying to find it.

Table of Contents:
User ImagePost 1: Intro
User ImagePost 2: History
User ImagePost 3: Beliefs
User ImagePost 4: Pack Life
User ImagePost 5: Ranks
User ImagePost 6: Rituals.
User ImagePost 7: Joining/Leaving
User ImagePost 8: FAQs
User ImagePost 9: Member list
User ImagePost 10: Join/quest form
User ImagePost 11: Pack submission form
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:15 pm
User Image

~ ~ ~

"No matter how far you go, the same path lies in front of you."

~ ~ ~
User Image The Barazahi'Haji Pack is an old pack. Members were drawn to it by a deeply embedded instinct- they were to seek out Paradise. The pack wandered for ages in search of it, but its gate was never found. Soon, a blight struck the pack. Many fell sick and died. The pack scattered- some managed to reconnoiter but were killed by lions. Some simply gave up on the dream of paradise, how could they believe in such a thing after an event like this? And yet others returned to the pack's last known location, only to find the bones scavengers hadn't made off with of their pack mates.

Scattered though they were, the dogs who had been witness to all of the events of their generation became even more driven to find Paradise, even though they may be separated. The instinct was strong and deep in them, and they taught their pups. None of these dogs yet live today- too many moons have passed.

Generations later, there are descendants of this pack who are still inexplicably driven to seek Paradise, wherever it may lay. They are regrouping once more, believing that they will finally be the ones to find it and open it, to live in the world as it should be.

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:17 pm
User Image

~ ~ ~

"They say there's no such place... as Paradise. Even if you search to the ends of the Earth, there's nothing there. No matter how far you walk, it's always the same road. It just goes on and on. But, in spite of that... Why am I so driven to find it? A voice calls to me... It says, 'Search for Paradise.'"

~ ~ ~

Before you read too far, keep in mind that really, the core belief of the pack that every dog, new recruit or old paw, believes can be found under the point about Paradise.

User ImageThe Past: Once, long before memory, the world was a vastly different place. Wild dogs ran free, gaining all of the energy they could ever need from the moon. The world's animals were all dogs- proud and strong and capable. The Earth herself was clothed in grasses, trees, and flowers. The most important and prominent of these were Lunar flowers, blooming day and night- they cast a most delightful smell and were known to belong to this Paradise.

With time, however, some dogs began to feel comfortable. Less proud of what they were, these wild dogs started to forget what it was to be a dog. Their form changed forever, and neither they nor their pups could go back. Slowly, more and more dogs began to change, creating all of the animals who walk the Earth today- lions to grasshoppers. With this change, both the lunar flowers and the power of the moon faded. Dogs and some of the other animals started to need to hunt and chase for their energy. Others needed to browse for plants to eat, and use their energy to flee the hunters, never being able to live in the peace that there was before.

There were those who stayed strong in spite of this change in the world- they remain wild dogs still today. Not all can reach the deep instinct to find Paradise, but perhaps with a reminder, that instinct will surface again.

Not everyone in the pack believes this rendition of events, but it is at least a common thought that the moon has some sustaining energy, and that life in Paradise will be so perfect as these stories.

User ImageParadise: All of the wild dogs in this pack believe that a gateway to Paradise exists somewhere on Earth, and all of them are searching for it. None have ever found it. ((because, as we know, it doesn't exist ICly, but let's not crush their spirits.)) At least, none that are known of. Some believe that dogs have indeed found Paradise, but none would ever want to return to tell of it- none would want to leave it behind.

While no dog has ever gone there and returned to tell about it, many feel they know some things about Paradise just by instinct, and by their tale of how the world was at its beginning. The general concensus is that Paradise is something of a "Garden of Eden." There is a gateway somewhere in the world that will lead to Paradise. Beyond that gateway is an entire Earth's worth of perfection. None but canines can find it or enter it. Dogs can feed on moonlight and romp in lunar flowers, which are abundant. They can swim in pure lakes and oceans, unafraid of lions or any other dangerous threats.

User ImageLunar Flowers: Lunar flowers are tied to Paradise- there is no Paradise without Lunar flowers. It is said that if one finds lunar flowers and waits for them to bloom under a full moon, they will guide the dog who found them to the gateway to Paradise. Their exact aroma is not known as no one knows if one has ever been spotted in living memory, but what is known is that the scent is strong and good. These flowers, though, are extremely rare. They cannot survive well in such a place as the Earth has become, with the moon being so weak. Still, if one finds a Lunar flower, they are both the path and the key to Paradise. Flowers in general are held in high regards, being related to lunar flowers.

User ImageThe Moon: As mentioned in their beliefs about the past, the wild dogs of the pack believe that that the moon can provide energy to them. These days, this effect is most prominent under a full moon. The dogs plan their movements in accordance with the phases of the moon, with their strongest or riskiest activities during the full moon.
In actuality, of course, basking in the moonlight can do nothing for them except for as a placebo effect.

User ImageNon-Wild Dogs: Again, as mentioned in their beliefs about the past, all other species are simply wild dogs who forgot what it meant to be a wild dog- forgot what it was like. The current animals are long-since descended from their wild dog ancestors, and have forgotten all about Paradise, Lunar flowers, the way the Earth was when it was young… All of it is lost to them, or so the story goes. Not every member of the pack believes this part of the story.

Dogs are not particularly aggressive to members of another species. They are naturally wary of species bigger than them that threaten them harm and they will generally avoid them.

User ImageDisclaimer: All of this is typed from the point of view of the dogs in the pack. We all know what's possible IC and OOC- that shop lore dictates that Mkodi made all in existence, etc. But the older/"original" pack members generally believe these things.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:17 pm
User Image

~ ~ ~

We've found a kind of paradise, below a sky so new. We've weaved a web of mystery so wide, we need the light of day. We've worn the cloak of secret lives, we've seen the truth, magic that we send... Searching for something new. Isle of Gold in flowers bloom

~ ~ ~

User ImageSpecies: Only Wild Dogs are allowed as full members- none of the other main species in the shop are allowed. Canine familiars are allowed as members without a bonded dog, but their ranks are restricted due to their smaller sizes and strengths. Other familiars are allowed to be bonded to a dog, but everyone understands that while they may search for paradise, they will never be permitted. And there was much sadness.

User ImagePack Lands: These dogs are completely nomadic- they haven't ever had a specific territory. Wanderers all!

User ImageInteractions: This is a wandering pack, and as such, there's a lot of options for RP. These dogs can essentially be played like a rogue, except that they're part of a pack, which means that they'll come into contact with a lot of animals. Not every member will react the same, but everyone's allowed to RP with any members of other species. Rogues can RP at any time. I'm planning on announcing every so-often which prides they're nearby so that you could play on the borders of those prides, if allowed. :3 Members of other species may interact with pack members, but they will not be welcomed to join the pack, or possibly even to stay the night with them.

User ImageCoat Color: A dog's coat color makes no difference to the pack. Older blood tends to have more natural coat colors, but all colors welcome and treated equally!

User ImageGender: Likewise, gender doesn't make a big difference to the dogs as a whole. Individual preferences may apply, but there's no pressure from the pack as a whole.

User ImageMates and Flings: The pack doesn't really care if you fling your genes around or if you select one lifemate. Lifemates are celebrated and recognized. The pack will not be supportive of a fling outside of a mated pair, but they won't disallow it either. They're generally wary of anything that could cause a deep rift like this situation, however.

User ImagePups: When a female in the pack is expecting and very close to being due, The whole pack stops while she dens. As soon as the pups can move, the pack splits into two parts, an advance section and a trailing section. The two parts always make certain that they can reach one another within half a day. This is so the pups can move at a slower pace with part of the pack.

User ImageA typical day: The pack tends to settle for about two weeks or so at a time in various locations. While settled, they scour the area, searching for lunar flowers or any indications that a place might be the way to Paradise. They cycle two weeks on the move, two weeks searching. These times can be altered if there are pups about or in special circumstances.

User ImagePack Stance on Gods: The dogs worship gods, but not necessarily the lion-gods that walk the plains. They believe these individuals are disguising themselves in a lion form, and are not to question their reasons… Not everyone is forced to worship them, but many do anyway because it ties in so well with their culture.

Mostly they worship nature dieties, such as nature itself, balance, the hunt, flowers… The moon. They have no specific list, it's up to the individual.

User ImageNaming: More a tendency than a requirement, dogs in the pack tend to have simpler names- meaning few members of old blood have long complicated names.

User ImageDeath: When a death occurs, of course, it is a sad time for the pack. They take extra time to pause and mourn for the lost dog before they move on. It is believed that a dog who has pursued Paradise might be reborn there and waiting for the pack on the other side, should they find it.

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:18 pm
User Image

~ ~ ~

"Why do humans always look to the sky? Why do you try so hard to fly when you don’t have any wings?"

~ ~ ~

While the pack is pretty loosely organized, some still prefer to be recognized for a particularly strong skill of theirs, so a rank system was implemented. It is as follows:

User ImageAlpha: Since every wild dog pack needs an alpha of some sort, this one is no different! There's no lineage for it- it's usually the dog with the greatest drive and vision. 0 of 1 available ((I'm currently questing this member.))

User ImageCouncil: Members of the pack who have particularly strong instincts will have the alpha's ear for deciding which direction to go next in order to seek Paradise. Council members are thought to be more in-tune with nature, and thus might have more accurate insight. Tentatively 2 of 3 available.

User ImageArtisan: For dogs who need a creative outlet! The pack has found that sometimes trinkets may be bartered for food with wandering rogues, so it's beneficial. Unlimited

User ImageHunter: While every dog is expected to take part in hunts, some who are especially talented may choose to specialize in it. These dogs will make sure that even if the pack moves to an area with few herds, they can still find something. Unlimited

User ImageGuard: Not every other animal out there is friendly. There's always the deranged weirdo who would get its kicks harming members of the pack. These guys are the force to call on should such a need arise. Unlimited

User ImageSentry: Dogs who choose to be on the lookout for all sorts of things- trouble, herds, clues as to the location of Paradise… most anything! They tend to wander out in shifts a bit further than the rest of the pack and keep in touch by barking. Unlimited

User ImageSeeker: This is the default rank for the pack- they seek Paradise. These dogs do a little bit of everything from all other common ranks, but do not specialize in any one of them. Unlimited

User ImageYouth: Pups and adols take this rank. Pups are expected to learn and have fun, adols are expected to at least help out a little as one of the common ranks, but not expected to be as skilled as an adult. Unlimited
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:18 pm
User Image

~ ~ ~

Even if I don’t see you
I can regain what we seek in the night;
Even if it’s really difficult
I’ll dance my path with the wolves.

~ ~ ~

The dogs do not have many rituals, but they do have at least something. ((If you have any ideas for rituals, please do mention it! I'd love to hear what other people might have in mind. :3 ))

User ImageFull Moons: On the nights of the full moon, the dogs are particularly active. Each full moon the pack unites and howls, more as a bonding experience. This is often followed by a hunt with as many members as possible.

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:19 pm
User Image

~ ~ ~

"Even if Hell is what we're headed towards. You people may not have been able to find Paradise, but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind... that we will."

~ ~ ~

User ImageJoining: This pack is quite open- most dogs have been rogues at some point or another and they are not wary of them. If a rogue dog wants to help them find Paradise, they are welcome to join. They are brought to the alphas and introduced. That night, they are introduced to the pack as a whole. Nearly every wild dog would be welcome to join, if they seek Paradise. However… Dogs with an evil disposition will more than likely be turned away.

User ImageLeaving: These wild dogs understand- the journey to Paradise is not an easy one. It is taxing and tiring, and those who are truly driven feel that it is their entire life's purpose to find Paradise. The life isn't for everyone- whether they are born in or joined as an adult. So the pack allows individuals to leave their ranks and try their luck as a plain old rogue, including pups that were born-in but have grown old enough to think and provide for themselves. Dogs who leave and find the fire is even stronger in them to find Paradise are welcome back- such a thing used to happen a lot before the pack was scattered.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:19 pm
User Image

~ ~ ~

That hot dog must've fried your brain!

~ ~ ~

User ImageWhen questions arise that would make for good clarifications, they'll be added here! :3 Check back later!

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:20 pm
User Image

User ImageAlpha:
Kava | Owner: Light Atago | Original member

User ImageCouncil:
Kiba | Owner: Strawberry Gumi Bunny | Original member

User ImageArtisans:
Tulivuu | Owner: Twiddle | New member

User ImageHunters:

User ImageGuards:

User ImageSentries:
Blue (Questing) | Owner: Twiddle | Original member
Kae | Owner: Tanakako | Original member

User ImageSeekers:
Tsume | Owner: Light Atago | Original member
Prizrak | Owner: Light Atago | New member
Ndanimbwa | Owner: Puhterodactyl | Original member
Lala | Owner: Kaluna Skunk | New member
Tai | Owner: Tanakako | Original member

User ImageYouths:

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:20 pm
User Image

Looking to join or quest for a member? Here's your chance! Just post the appropriate form in this thread and you'll be added to the list!

For quests, I am willing to help cover/fully cover the cost of a custom adult! PM me for info on that if you need it.

User ImageExisting WD:
[color=darkslateblue][size=14]They say there's no such place…[/color][/size]
[b]WD Name:[/b]
[b]Cert or uncert image:[/b] [URL=]Dog's name[/URL]
[b]Original or new member?[/b]
[b]Desired Rank:[/b]

User ImageQuest WD:
[color=darkslateblue][size=14]I'll see you in Paradise…[/size][/color]
[b]WD Name:[/b]
[b]Rough physical description/image:[/b] because I'm curious. 8DDD
[b]Original or new member?[/b]
[b]Desired Rank:[/b]


Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:20 pm
User Image

Pack/Pride Name: Barazahi'Haji
Current IC Owner(s): Kava
Current OOC Owner(s): Light Atago
Default ranks: Youth (Pups) --> Seeker (Adol and adult)
Current Pride/Pack Members, and Rankings of Each:
Links to at least five current RPs:
Brief Description of your Pride/Pack: The wild dogs of the Barazahi’Haji Pack believe in a place called Paradise- a land whose gateway lies hidden somewhere on the earth. A land in perfect balance, where all energy needed can be gained from basking in the light of a full and glorious moon, and the heavenly scent of lunar flowers wafts lazily through the land lies beyond the gateway. These dogs are drawn inexplicably to find Paradise, it is a deeply rooted instinct. They have felt the call, and the pack wanders endlessly to locate the gateway- for only dogs may find it, and only dogs may enter...
Familiar Rules: Canine familiars allowed without needing to be paired to a WD, all familiars allowed paired to a WD.
Cert Background Large Image:
(Cert colors are now ultimately up to the cert maker, but please try to make it rectangular in shape.)
Pride Symbol for Cert:
Transparent PNG, please, and not already on a cert!circle. Please keep it square-like in shape, not rectangular.
Any Extra Information: Not Necessary, nope!
Pride/Pack History: The Barazahi'Haji Pack is an old pack. Members were drawn to it by a deeply embedded instinct- they were to seek out Paradise. The pack wandered for ages in search of it, but its gate was never found. Soon, a blight struck the pack. Many fell sick and died. The pack scattered- some managed to reconnoiter but were killed by lions. Some simply gave up on the dream of paradise, how could they believe in such a thing after these events? And yet others returned to the pack's last known location, only to find the bones scavengers hadn't made off with of their pack mates.

Generations later, there are descendants of this pack who are still inexplicably driven to seek Paradise, wherever it may lay. They are regrouping once more, believing that they will finally be the ones to find it and open it, to live in the world as it should be.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:23 pm
This is open for posting!

I figured I'd give this pack another go- I really do think it'd be a unique RPing opportunity. 3nodding I've done some tweaking from the original pack thread. I'll be quoting everyone who wanted to join before just to double check on their continued interest level. But for tonight, here it is again in the new guild! *sprinkles lucky dust on thread and bounces off*  

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 2:43 am
They say there's no such place…
Username: Tanakako
WD Name: Kae
Cert or uncert image: Kae
Personality: Charming, experienced, well-travailed and a good fighter. Kae is a dashing rogue of a male, confident and easy going but not proud.
Brother to Tai
Original or new member? Original
Desired Rank: Sentry:

They say there's no such place…
Username: Tanakako
WD Name: Tai
Cert or uncert image: Tai
Personality: Friendly, easy going and casual. Tai is happy to follow his bold brother's lead and take life as it comes.
Brother to Kae
Original or new member? Original
Desired Rank: Seeker  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 4:48 am

@Tana: They're noted! 3nodding



Kaluna Skunk

Are the rest of you still interested in having your WDs in the pack?  

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer


Ghostly Friend

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:26 pm
Light Atago
Are the rest of you still interested in having your WDs in the pack?

Yes! ...which one(s)? Ndanimbwa, anyone else?  
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