Chiko wasn't exactly enjoying the heat but she was making due. And by that she was laying in the shade of a nearly dead tree. However it was tilted just enough that it provided decent enough shade for her to lay in. So to her, that was a success. It was too hot to do anything else and she just wanted to lay there and not really do much of anything. At least if she could help it that is. However, things never really go the way one plans them, at least most of the time. As she laid there, enjoying the warmth of the ground and the minimal shade the sound of paws against the earth caused her ears to twitch. They were light enough for her to know they belonged to a cub and she had a couple guesses on who that might actually be. Opening one eye, her blue orb focused on the black mass that was barrelling towards her.

It was Mthunzi.

Maybe she shouldn't have talked to her after all. She really didn't think that. It just seemed fitting that she would befriend the cub and now wherever she went the little one was sure to show up eventually. How did she do that? With a chuckle she closed her eye and waited for the pounce to happen. There was no use trying to run away, she'd just find her again.

Mthunzi was bored! And it was hot. So she was hot and bored. This was never a really good combination. Since it was rather unbearable to her with having a black coat she figured she'd go seek out a nice shady spot to lounge around in. The problem with that was finding a decent place that was available, and comfortable, or not stolen away by a larger adult before she could get there. Which had happened to her once or twice. This wouldn't get her down though! Not her! She was bound and determined to find herself a nice little spot.

Bouncing around she set course in one particular direction with the high hopes she was going to where she was hoping she was going. While she hadn't quite gotten control of her visions, she was actually quite bright. She had caught the scent of a familiar lioness and was on the hunt to find her now!

As she bounded along she finally caught sight of the familiar brown and pale form and a slow smile spread across her face as she picked up her speed a little bit. She didn't want to full out run towards her and pass out from over heating/exhaustion. That wouldn't do anyone any good. Especially her. Growing closer and closer she finally gave a small leap and landed on the lioness's side, though in a spot that it wouldn't hurt her or make her lose her breath. That was never fun. Her siblings had done that a time or two before and she was trying her best to not do it to anyone else.

Like clockwork the cub had arrived. She felt the small form land on her side and she opened her eyes and peered over at her. “What are you up to Mthunzi?” She asked her as she closed her eyes again but remained alert. “Besides jumping on me that is.” There was laughter in her voice as she spoke.

Mthunzi crawled off her side and flopped down next to her in the shade. “Just trying to find a nice spot to lay in.” She said laying flat on the cool, yet somewhat warm, ground. “Do you mind if I join you? Everyone else keeps kicking me away.” She said with a small whine. She didn't know why they didn't want her around. She was loveable! And fun. What wasn't there to like about that.

It couldn't possibly be her chatting.

“Finding a nice spot is hard to do these days.” She said with a small smile as she flicked her tail across the ground. “I don't mind, but who could possibly want to push 'you' of all lions away.” She chuckled again as she spoke. The little one would catch on eventually. She still had the patience of her though. She was still young herself anyway. Plus she'd have cubs of her own before she knew it and she'd have to have the patience then. So might as well practice now.

She hadn't really understood that there was more to it than what was being said but she just accepted it for what it was and made herself at home in their little shady spot. “How is the hunting going?” Not that she didn't think they weren't doing a good job. It was just that food had been slim the past few weeks and she hoped for some good news from the larger female.

She had hoped to take a nap but she knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon and she opened an eye and peered over at her. “It's going as well as it can be. The herds are scattered due to the lack of rain so trying to find them is proving difficult but we're making due. Don't you worry about that. We'll make sure you have enough to eat.” She said, reaching a paw over to rub the top of her head with a wink. If anything they would always make sure the cubs and nursing mothers had enough to eat. Though it wouldn't be against the norm if they let some of the younger cubs die off. While it seemed harsh, it was sometimes necessary for the rest to survive by living through such tactics. She just hoped they wouldn't have to do something like that.

“Oh I wasn't worried. I was just curious was all.” She said opening her mouth in a large yawn. Apparently running over here had exhausted her a great deal more than she had thought. “I think it's time to take a nap.” She said leaning herself against Chikomborero.

Those were just the words she wanted to hear. “I think that sounds like a great idea.” She said with smile as she closed her eyes again and the two of them fell asleep in the shade of the dead leaning tree.