Hey everybody, Mia here!

You might have noticed some pretty major changes made to Hogsmeade the past couple of days. Unfortunately, both the profiles and roleplay subforum were pretty outdated, and needed some TLC to get them back to rights. We recently became aware of some issues regarding how Hogsmeade works, so while we were cleaning the subforums out, we came up with solutions to help get rid of these problems.

Firstly, I'm sure that you noticed the new profile threads in the subforum, posted by yours truly. Recently over in MoM, I set up a system which allows members to be employed at NPC-owned shops in the UK Shops subforum, since some old members becoming inactive would've otherwise left other characters without a job. We decided to implement that over here for the same reason, but obviously there still needed to be somewhere for profiles to be posted. Since there would be no owner to post the profile thread, we decided to get rid of that (aside from already established and active shops, such as The Magic Neep), and instead now have mod-created profile threads for each shop. All profiles will be posted to these threads now. A new owner taking over a shop will not post their own thread, instead their profile will get posted to the mod-created profile thread. Employee profiles will also be posted there.

The Shop Owner Basics and Information thread has been overhauled and updated, so all information there is now accurate to the changes made. The skeleton has been updated as well.

A new NCR waiting list thread has been posted as well. Unlike at MoM, you will be expected to post in this thread when you post a new profile, since shop owners will no longer be capable of editing thread titles to indicate that something needs to be looked over. Obviously, updates to profiles should be posted here as well so that the profile can be re-approved.

Old profiles and shop threads have all been removed, and NPC shops have been posted for canon shops.

I think that's everything but I might be forgetting something. If anything's confusing, contact me and I'll answer any questions!