Hey there!

This is a bit of a short announcement, but I'll keep it brief nonetheless. It's about the coming tourneys. Yes, tourneys. Plural. We're actually gonna have two coming up. The first of these will start on March 17th, and will be a single battle tourney. The second, our much bigger tourney, currently has a tentative date of June 23rd. It may start later than that, but it won't be any earlier than that date. That one will be a double battle tourney.

As for rules... we're still somewhat ironing them out. We've been thinking more on our last poll and, while the popular vote has been to count the likes of the Tapu and UBs as legendaries when it comes to the game-based tourneys, the games themselves kind of don't. Plus, our own rules have never been terribly different from official formats such as the VGCs outside of the few quirks we've had in place. So, in the interest of both trying to lean more into those sorts of rules and see if we actually do need to address anything, the rules will look a bit like this:

1. We will be using Battle Tree rules for the singles tourney. What is and isn't allowed will come from that. Our Doubles tourney will either use these rules as well, or will go by the VGC 2017 rules that can be downloaded ingame.

2. There may or may not be a restriction on how many legendaries can be used, though the Tapu and Ultra Beasts will not count towards this. Reason there may not be is on account to these formats not allowing a full team to be used, but instead 3-4 Pokemon of that team. Even if we instead do a 6v6 version of the ruleset, there may or may not be any limitation. Also, a lot of our own discoveries with legendaries is that they aren't that much more powerful than normal Pokemon. Let alone Mega Evolutions, though the VGC ruleset won't allow those if we use that. We'll give a final say on what limitation might exist, if any, when the tourney threads are officially made.

For now, I think that covers all of it. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!