Name: Meltem (will also answer to Mel or M'tem, for those who are fussy about riders eliding their name)
Age: 29
Sex: male
Sexual Orientation: asexual
Weyr: none
Rider Rank: Co-founder of the Sea Guard
Previous Rank/Craft: Fishercraft Apprentice
Physical Description:
- Grew up in [Sea Hold]
- Friends with Neri and [Coastguard Founder 2]
- Impressed when Gold clutched at their Hold (10 turns ago)
- Moved to [Island] after graduating and founded Coastguard group
- Sails alongside dragon
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Stenellath
Age: 10
Color: green
Size: 23'
Physical Description: While approximately average in length for her color, Stenellath is a slim dragon with a sleek appearance.
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