Nova Kalisetsi - NovaCracker
Ulogila'asgi Adagaue - Das Tor

Ulo was...perhaps not the best option for a sador. With his tendency to have his head in the clouds, he wasn't a very good hunter. And he had no skill in crafting or plant husbandry. But he often heard things others did not. After all, who would think the spacecase cloudface was listening to their chatter? Who paid attention to the pale sador passing through on his way to an errand, humming to himself. It was such a talent that brought him to nudge his mate cautiously, knowing how she reacted when startled.

"Nova, lovely, I heard the oddest thing earlier."

Nova had been asleep. HAD was the operative word, and rolling over, the female opened an eye to peer at her mate, yawning before rolling to her pasts and stretching, looking. Of the pair, Nova was an oft-preferred sador, though one not tapped as her cousin often got... Testy. So, she was able to relax a bit often, and she sat up, stretching again to look to her spacecase mate.

"Who did what now?" She asked drowsily.

Ulo tilted his head to one side, looking thoughtful. "I passed by where the two female nat are kept when they're not working. And I could have sworn I heard one of them scolding the other for...for getting with cub. I think we may want to let someone know to check on them more closely. Because I don't think either should be a mother. I'm not even sure how one of them would have been able to have cubs gotten on her." His thoughtfulness turned to a frown. "They're bad luck, Nova. Very bad luck."

"With cubs?!" Nova was suddenly rigid, ears pinning as she frowned, rising.

"That's.. Bad. Noh tells me one's a cannibal. Do you know how far along? Anything?" The female began pacing, studying her paws. "If it's close, we might take them off her paws and keep them Alert my cousin and her mother -- something."

"I couldn't tell, I think one of them heard me close by, so they shut up." Ulo's ears went back. "I...I might volunteer to look after their area for a bit. See who it is that wasn't paying attention and let them out long enough for them to be gotten with cubs." Because they couldn't have snuck off if someone was watching them properly. And no demon or sador would lower themselves to the level needed to lay with either nat sister. They...they weren't even lions, truly. They were nat. They were things. And they were vile.

"You might need to." Nova paced further, sighing and frowning. "I'll need to-- I can arrange protection for you from those two. This is... I know there's a third nat but..."

But he seemed to be TRYING to improve -- or at the least, bonded with Afon, much as Noh bonded with some of his cubs. The lioness' tail twitched and she scowled.

"The leopard might be willing to help as well. Nat he may be, but he has some decency to him. Noh's helped with his cubs since Tencho is... A bit spacey, and he looks to spend most of his time helping Afon. They might help. Noh tells me they've had problems with them before, to boot..."

She grimaced.

"Anything we can do to help. They're..." Ulo shivered. "Something is very, very wrong with them, Nova. Beyond their crimes, beyond the lion-eating. I don't know what, but something about them just isn't right." Despite his larger size, he attempted to tuck himself under his mate, forcing himself to stay as calm as he could. He didn't need to give into the panic. He was safe with his mate, and far from the two nat.

"Mauji is...trying to atone, I think. He knows what he did was bad, now. And he's trying to make amends. It''s a good thing his victim became a goddess instead of staying dead, hm?"

"It is." Nova agreed, then paused, as if lighting up with an idea. "We can go to Hakuna'jina with this. She may know what to do." The lioness lit up, looking to her huddling mate with an excited expression. "Both leaders, all if needed. But they may yet let us take that guy. And others -- the nat are under us, but with his progress the polite deed is to ask, treat him as an equal..."

The female jumped to her paws, beaming. "Perhaps see whom else can help see what needs done."

Anything to save cubs.

Ulo nodded, his panic receding as he saw his mate smile. Nova almost never smiled! This...this was progress! "Speaking with Hakuna'jina first may be the best idea? Since it was she who was killed by him, and thus would be the hardest to convince? Tackle the hardest challenge first, the highest clouds first. And the rest shall be easy." For all his cloudheadedness, he had his bits of wisdom. He was the son of a great lion, after all. Perhaps...perhaps one day he would be allowed to visit his father and mother...

They needed to know he and his mate were okay.

"I'll talk to her." Nova noted patiently. "If you like, you could speak with Noh. She's fond of you as it is, and it might be helpful in going to Ri indirectly. Then we work faster." Nova licked his muzzle reassuringly, sighing.

"That's a good idea." He nodded, nuzzling his mate and trying to purr a bit. The panic was still there, under the surface, but it wasn't trying to bubble up anymore. They had a plan of action. They had a way to stamp out the nat sisters' crazy before it exploded too far. Yes...they would help keep the pride strong and okay, and they would not lose their home. They would stand beside their pride, and the demons in it, and keep the sisters from eating it alive, like they obviously wanted to. Yes...they would be okay. They would be okay.

Nova smiled, grooming Ulo gently as she sighed, resting her head against him as she purred back, a tired, rusted sound that led to her looking shy, but a purr all the same. All would be well... All had to be.