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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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The Walker Family ~ Accepted

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MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:44 pm
xxxx× × ×xxxxTHExxxW A L K E Rxxx FAMILYxxxx× × ×xxxx
(( Family is joint-owned by Cara MiaKitty and Diamond Wales ))

xxxFAMILY TREExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Clayton Walker, husband of Denise, guardian of Akira and Shinobu
Played by Cara MiaKitty
♥ Denise Walker, wife of Clayton, guardian of Akira and Shinobu
Played by Diamond Wales
xxx↦ Shinobu Yamazaki, son of Itsuki and Carley Yamazaki, adopted by Clayton and Denise
xxxPlayed by Diamond Wales
xxx↦ Akira Yamazaki, son of Itsuki and Carley Yamazaki, adopted by Clayton and Denise
xxxPlayed by Diamond Wales
xxx↪ Bobby Ray Walker, son of Clayton and Denise
xxxPlayed by Diamond Wales
xxx↪ Dixie Lynn Walker, daughter of Clayton and Denise
xxxPlayed by Cara MiaKitty

xxxOTHER FAMILYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[x] The Holt Family, via Clayton

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRECENT UPDATESxxx

Date of Updates: 2 January 2018

xxxBobby Rayxxx
xxxDixie Lynnxxx
xxxColin Yamazakixxx

xxxAccepted byxxx
- Weasley 2/24/17
xxxUpdates Accepted byxxx
❝Yukitty❞ 3/13/21
xxxAccepted Charactersxxx
Clayton, Denise, Shinobu, Akira 2/24/17 Bobby Ray, Dixie Lynn 5/11/20 Colin (3/13/21)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:10 pm
xxxx C L A Y T O N xxx L E E xxx W A L K E R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Clay
              AGE »» 36
              BIRTHDAY »» 26 May 2008
              FACECLAIM »» Christian Kane
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood
              WAND »» 11 Inches, Spruce with Hippogriff Feather, pliable and smooth
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, Spanish, Spanglish
              ACCENT »» Texan
              PET »» Basset Hound King

              xxx»» Classic video games
              xxx»» Art
              xxx»» Rockabilly music
              xxx»» Food
              xxx»» Whiskey

              xxx»» Food poisoning
              xxx»» Cold weather
              xxx»» Magical interference
              xxx»» Quills
              xxx»» Itchy sweaters

              xxx»» Cooking/Experimenting in the kitchen
              xxx»» Guitar
              xxx»» Video games

              xxx»» Not afraid to take risks
              xxx»» Kind-hearted

              xxx»» "Holy my beer and watch this"
              xxx»» Stubborn as a mule

              xxx»» Chickens
              xxx»» Burning the house down

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Clay doesn't necessarily have some huge moral hangup about lying. It's more like, he can't be bothered to do it nine times out of ten. He'd much rather just shoot straight with people than have to explain himself if he gets caught. Sometimes, he's a little too honest, and his mouth gets him in trouble. Mainly in bars, after he's had too much to drink. Luckily for him, he can hold his own better than he can hold his tongue.

              xxx»» Contrary to what one might think, Clay isn't stupid. He's actually pretty sharp, picking things up fairly easily when they're explained to him. People tend to assume he's a dumb hick, and he's more than happy to humiliate them by proving them wrong. He's not a genius, of course, but to him, most things are pretty simple, once you take the time to pay attention. He's got a fine eye for detail, and is quick when processing information. He might act like an idiot when it suits him, but it's mostly an act.

              xxx»» Clay grew up in a small country town, with a small country family, who didn't have a lot of money. That is to say, sometimes things broke, and they had to get creative with how to fix them, because the nearest store carrying the supplies was an hours drive away, and gas costs money. So do supplies. When his dad was around it wasn't a big deal, but he wasn't around much. Clay's grandfather taught him all sorts of creative solutions to problems, and that something wasn't broke until it was too broke for duct tape to fix it. As such, he tends to default to cheap, unorthodox solutions to his problems rather than going the traditional route.

              xxx»» If a man has nothing else, he should have his pride. Or, that's what his grandfather always said. Clay took it seriously, and unfortunately clings to his pride like nothing else. He's pretty set in his ways, which isn't so bad most of the time, but when he's about to do something stupid (which is often) on a dare or 'just 'cause', it can be difficult to talk him out of it. Likewise, he needs to be talked into borrowing money or accepting help, has to be convinced to buy something new instead of fixing what's broken for the thousandth time, and usually conned into doing anything he doesn't want to do.

              xxx»» Clay grew up an only child, but his mama and grandparents never hesitated to make sure he was having a happy childhood. Generally speaking, they overcompensated for his dad walking out, trying to make sure he never felt like he was lacking. As a result, Clay grew up a little spoiled, and a lot reckless. He was generally allowed to do whatever he liked, as long as it wasn't too dangerous. Unfortunately, once he was in school, 'too dangerous' got difficult to define, and he did whatever he wanted when he was away from home. He likes to spend time rough-housing with friends, pulling stupid stunts, and generally having a good time, no matter what consequences he might face the next day. He's also very affectionate with his closest loved ones, teasing them and cracking jokes to make them smile.

              xxx»» Generally speaking, Clay likes everyone until they give him a reason not to. He's quick with a smile, likes to make small talk, and is a fairly easy-going fellow most of the time. He wants people to feel comfortable and happy as often as possible, so if he can find a way to do that for them while they're in his presence, he will. Unless you have a viewpoint that greatly differs from his own, on a subject that's very important to him, he's quite easy to get along with. His mother says he's never met a stranger in his life; Clay says they just don't stay strangers for long.

          xxxH I S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


              xxx»» Annalise Walker was part of a rather large family, not that you would've known it. Her father had a penchant for proposing too soon, and didn't care much to fight to save his marriages. She had a younger half-sister, Mary, who was one of the few siblings she was ever close to. The pair had a falling out, unfortunately, but not before Mary introduced Annalise to Emmerich Troy, a friend of her husband's. Annalise and Emmerich hit it off and began a relationship, but Emmerich traveled a lot for work. When she came up pregnant, he vanished off the face of the Earth.

              xxx»» Annalise tried her best with her son Clay, but they struggled a lot. Eventually she moved to her stepfather's farm, figuring having some help with the boy, as well as a stable roof over their heads without threat of eviction, was the best decision. She penned an angry letter to Clay's father when the boy was three, railing at him for abandoning them. She regretted sending it, until the checks started coming. She didn't like using the money on principle, but reasoned that if she could've gotten the b*****d to court, that's what she would've gotten anyway.

              xxx»» Clay didn't meet his father until he was six; his mother had written a letter to Emmerich, detailing some strange goings-on at Clay's school, all seemingly centered around his son. She'd written him now and again over the years, supposing if the man was going to give them money he may as well hear about the boy, since he must care at least a little. The family was floored when Emmerich showed up; at first, Clay's grandfather refused to let him see the boy, but Emmerich convinced Annalise and her mother that it was important that he talk to his son. Annalise sat with Clay as his father questioned him about the odd occurrences. He determined that, like him, his son was a wizard. He filled Annalise in on the magical world, and promised to handle Clay's schooling. After that point, he was a much more active part of his son's life, though his actual presence was still minimal.

              SCHOOL YEARS

              xxx»» Clay, for his part, didn't find magical school any more interesting than muggle school. He made decent grades, courtesy of being smart by default, but generally didn't ever find anything particularly interesting about magic itself. When asked what he wanted to do for a living, he usually shrugged and said something about working on his grandfather's farm, or being an auto-mechanic. He didn't discover anything that really held any interest for him until he was thirteen, and his grandmother started teaching him her old family recipes over the Summer. Cooking, he found, was exciting and relaxing all at once, and allowed him to stretch his creative muscles in a way that he'd never considered. It wasn't long before he was experimenting in the kitchen, reading everything he could about food from other cultures and new and interesting ways to combine flavors.

              xxx»» Of course, he likes to say nothing interesting happened to him, his whole life, until he was fourteen. That year at school, he was at a Quodpot match, Coyote v. Chameleon, cheering on his buddy Jose, when he noticed a rather pretty older girl cheering on the Chameleon team. Being somewhat bored, seeing as he was only there to cheer Jose on and not out of any real interest in the sport, Clay made it a personal game to try and cheer louder than the (rather enthusiastic) girl. Apparently, she caught on, because each time he got louder, so did she. By the end of the game, he could barely talk, but that didn't stop him from asking her on a date, 'to discuss the game.' To his surprise (she was two years older than him, after all), she said yes. Even more surprising was when she approached him not long after to ask him on a second date. He didn't quite get why, since she'd said no when he'd suggested it, but wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. They continued seeing each other for a while, and eventually he found out that she had a habit of making dares with her best friend. Among those dares was her going on dates with him. By that point, though, she was genuinely enjoying his company and seeing him by her own choice, so he decided to be smug that he'd gotten a sixteen year old to like him as opposed to offended that she'd been basically playing with him.


              xxx»» Clay graduated from school with little of note, aside from his continued relationship with Denise, which had prevailed despite numerous bets against them (which he happily collected money on). He worked his grandfather's farm for a bit, then eventually figured that if he wanted to be able to afford a wedding ring, he should get an actual job. He started out working the kitchen of his home town's only diner, eventually building up enough experience to get the chance to impress some people at some job interviews until he got hired on at a couple fairly successful restaurants. It took some time, but he managed to save up enough (and build up enough of a reputation) that he was able to get a ring and a job near Denise's home. He didn't even tell her he was coming, just showed up at her place, rang the doorbell, and was on one knee when she answered the door. Of course, he had to introduce himself to her father and convince the man he wasn't a complete jerk, but eventually he got the blessing and they got married.

              xxx»» Things were going pretty well for the pair, nothing exciting, but that was fine by Clay. Unfortunately, the universe seemingly heard him saying as much, and decided to shake things up in the worst of ways. They got news that Denise's sister and her husband had been in a horrible car accident. Neither had survived, leaving the couple's two boys orphaned. Clay didn't even have to be convinced of what to do, the second his wife suggested adopting the boys, he was all for it, even if it meant moving to the UK, of all places. Better to uproot himself and his wife than two kids who'd just lost their parents, he figured. The got some money together, and managed to purchase The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade village. The top floor of the Inn was converted into a decent-sized apartment, and the inn and bar were open for business.

              xxx»» Things had no sooner gotten settled for the Walkers and their nephews when Denise realized she was pregnant. They'd not been trying, exactly, but they hadn't exactly not been trying, either. Clay was thrilled, especially when they found out it'd be twins, though the pregnancy itself managed to make him pray for the day he didn't get a wink of sleep because of crying babies. The twins managed to be born at what was possibly the most awkward possible moment, right at midnight the night before Akira was supposed to go off to Hogwarts that year.

          xxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Salem Institute
              HOUSE »» Coyote
              CLASS OF »» 2026
              CAT SCORES
              xxxADVANCED POTIONS »» EE
              xxxASTRONOMY »» O
              xxxCHARMS »» EE
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» EE
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» P
              xxxMAGIC AND THE ARTS »» A
              xxxMAGIZOOLOGY »» EE
              xxxMUSIC »» A
              xxxWELLNESS AND MAGIC »» O

              WIT SCORES
              xxxADVANCED POTIONS »» EE
              xxxASTRONOMY »» O
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxMAGIZOOLOGY »» A
              xxxMUSIC »» EE
              xxxWELLNESS AND MAGIC »» O

              DREAM JOB »» Lazy Bum Who Grills On The Weekends
              CURRENT JOB »» Owner and Cook/Bartender for The Three Broomsticks

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Married
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Denise Walker

              xxx»» Wife Denise Walker, twins Bobby Ray and Dixie Lynn
              xxx»» Nephews Shinobu and Akira Yamazaki
              xxx»» Parents Emmerich Troy and Annalise Walker
              xxx»» Grandparents Roy and Mary-Anne Walker
              xxx»» In-Laws Parker and Caroline Evered
              xxx»» Cousins Kenneth Holt, wife Verily and daughter Sawyer, Elliott Holt

              xxx»» Best Friend Denise Walker
              xxx»» - - -

              xxx»» All Chickens Everywhere
              xxx»» - - -


MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50

Diamond Wales

Vice Captain

Shameless Dreamer

19,800 Points
  • Rufus' Gratitude 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Married 100
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:24 pm
xxxxD E N I S ExxxE L O I S ExxxW A L K E R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES None

              AGE 39

              BIRTHDAY April 9th, 2006

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 11 1/3 inches, apple and unicorn hair, springy with a bent shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM Cate Blanchett [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Spanish

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Salem Witches Institute

              HOUSE Chameleon

              CLASS OF 2024

              BEST LESSONS
                  Advanced Potions

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Co-owner of The Three Broomsticks

              DREAM JOB Baker

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              CAT SCORES
                  Advanced Potions ~ O
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
                  Herbology ~ E
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Music ~ E
                  Art ~ E
                  Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ E

              WITS SCORES
                  Advanced Potions ~ E
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ A
                  Arithmancy ~ E
                  Music ~ A
                  Art ~ E
                  Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ O

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ CREATIVE Denise is particularly creative. She has a mind for finding inventive and new ways to exp[ress herself, and excels at anything regarding artistry in the kitchen. She takes great pride whenever someone complements her on her work as a result.
              ◊ STUBBORN Denise is also stubborn. When she has her mind made up, it's hard for someone to change it. She stands her ground more often than not, and refuses to budge without some really concrete evidence to the contrary.
              ◊ INTELLIGENT Denise is fairly intelligent. While she doesn't quite have the same level of intelligence as her older sister did, she nevertheless can figure out easy solutions for problems and apply her mind to things that are rather abstract as a result. This also is reflected in her creative ability.
              ◊ ADAPTABLE Denise is also rather adaptable, able to jump from one situation to another without much need to prepare herself. This has caused some problems in the past, as she could also be termed as rash as a result, but she has never had an issue that she couldn't adapt herself to.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Denise is a rather cheerful friendly person, willing to smile and greet people she doesn't know, as well as having an uncanny knack with making friends in a room full of strangers. She hasn't run into a situation where she stays mad for long, and judges people based on their actions rather than what other people say.
              ◊ EXCITABLE Denise also can be quite high-strung at times, especially when she's stressed. She's a constant ball of energy, going from one activity to the next without slowing, and often is doing something with her hands as a result. She also tends to overreact at times when something or someone surprises her.

                  Sweet foods
                  Being busy
                  Country music
                  Romance novels

                  Sour foods
                  Being bored
                  Burnt food
                  Spiders and bugs


                  Is really good in the kitchen
                  Good singing voice

                  Stress eater
                  Rambles when she speaks sometimes

                  Losing the rest of her family

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Denise is the youngest child of Parker and Caroline Evered, her sister Carley being six years older than she is. While there was a considerable gap in their ages, she and Carley were pretty close, as Denise looked up to her older sister all the time. The fact that their family only had girls also meant that Parker, their father, was particularly protective of them, and therefore kept an eye on any boys that might have been interested in his daughters. While the two sisters were inseparable when they were younger, Carley never showed magic, and Denise showed her magical abilities shortly after her sister went to middle school. Denise was disappointed with the fact that she couldn't see her sister when she was going to go to Salem, but contented herself with the fact that at least she could see her over breaks.

              SCHOOL YEARS Denise had a fairly average school life up until she started attending Salem. She hated that she had to move all the way up north to go to school during the school year, and disliked being away from her family even more. However, she soon mellowed out, finding friends and eventually discovering she was enjoying her time at the school. She found a good number of subjects simple enough, while others were just annoying in her opinion. However, she decided to match her stubborn streak to those annoying subjects and worked to pass the classes even if she didn't continue in them later in her school career.

              The most interesting part of her life (at least according to her husband) was during a quodpot match in her sixth year. She had gone to it with Erica to let Erica swoon over one of the players on the Chameleon team, and there found herself trying to compete with who could show more support with a fourth year named Clay. By the end of the match, she had barely stood when she found him asking her out on a date. In her shock, she agreed to it, only to have Erica tease her about it all before the date itself. After said date, Erica dared her to go out with the fourteen year old again, finding her friend's awkwardness hilarious, but Denise took it as a personal challenge. Soon the two were in a daring match, which culminated in one famous dare that Denise actually kiss the boy. Denise, by this point actually infatuated with Clay, taking her up on it and daring Erica that if she did it, Erica had to run through the halls naked. Thus came the rather infamous incident the entire school turned out for, where Erica, who had lost the bet, blushed from head to toe while she raced from her dorm, did a circuit around the school, and then dashed back to her room.

              While Denise found that getting her best friend back for her little dare game was amusing, it did have one effect. Denise actually found that she rather liked Clay, and enjoyed spending time around the teen. She might have not liked how their relation started out, but it had gotten to the point where she rather enjoyed the journey rather than its origins. Therefore, she was actually disappointed that she was leaving school and wouldn't see Clay for two years until he graduated. During this time, her sister married and had a son, Shinobu, and Denise could tell her sister was having a good life over in England with her new husband. She had moved over in Denise's fourth year, and while Denise missed having her sister in the same country, she contented herself with the knowledge that Carley was happy where she was.

              POST GRADUATION When Denise left school, she decided she actually wanted to start her own business. However, the school wasn't exactly the best place for her to learn how to run one, so she decided for a while that she was going to work for one to learn how to run one successfully. During this time, she didn't see much of Clay as he went back home for a while. They did keep in contact though, and she spent much of that time learning as much as she could learning business management. Then one day, out of the blue, Clay showed up at her doorstep asking for her hand in marriage. She was surprised and shocked, and would have said yes, but her father decided that he had to get to know Clay before he would let her marry him. It did eventually happen, but it took several hunting and fishing trips with her father and Clay to get him to agree to it.

              Then tragedy befell the family. Carley was involved in an accident that killed both her and her husband, leaving Shinobu and their younger son Akira orphaned. When Denise heard about it, she was devastated, and decided to talk to Clay about moving to England to help raise the two boys. Clay didn't need much convincing, and Denise was both surprised and glad for it, though considering Clay's own past, she figured she knew the reason for it. When they got to England and met with the two boys, it was a bit of a surprise to find out that all four had been in the accident as Shinobu was obviously injured, but Akira wasn't. That's when they discovered Akira actually was magical, while his older brother was not. Adopting the two boys wasn't difficult, though trying to find a place to work and live was a bit more tricky. However, that was remedied when they discovered Hogsmeade and The Three Broomsticks. Deciding to pool their resources, they purchased the inn and restaurant.

              In between working and taking care of her nephews, Denise discovered she was pregnant. She later gave birth to Bobby Ray and Dixie Lynn, who she cherishes quite a bit, even if taking care of them leaves her exhausted.

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                • Parents - Parker Evered, Caroline Evered
                • Siblings - Carley Yamazaki (deceased)
                • Children - Bobby Ray Walker, Dixie Lynn Walker
                • In-Laws - Itsuki Yamazaki (deceased), Kenneth Holt, Elliott Holt
                • Niblings - Shinobu Yamazaki, Akira Yamazaki

                • Best Friend - Erica Dunlevi
                • Name
                • Name

              ROMANTIC INTEREST Clayton Walker
              ENEMIES None
              PETS Cat named Smokey

xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 1/2/18xxx
New Format
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:30 pm
xxxxS H I N O B UxxxY A M A Z A K I xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Nobu

              AGE 25

              BIRTHDAY November 25, 2020

              BLOOD STATUS Muggle

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Booboo Stewart (younger) [x] Daniel Henney (as an adult) [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Japanese, German

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx

              ATTENDED King's College London

              CLASS OF College: 2038, University: 2044

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Robotics Engineer

              DREAM JOB Roboticist

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ INTELLIGENT Shinobu is quite intelligent. He easily works through school and has no problem figuring out complex problems. When he does get stuck on a problem, he reasons through all the options before he comes to a logical conclusion.
              ◊ CALM Shinobu is actually rather calm. This is a learned trait rather than a natural one, as he had to learn to keep his temper in regards to his younger brother's antics. However, when his temper does snap, he's likely to yell and scold rather than actually throw a punch.
              ◊ HELPFUL Shinobu also loves to help people. He doesn't see anything wrong with lending assistance when necessary, and often times volunteers his time to helping other people that need it. He goes out of his way to help family and friends the most out of anyone else, though that does not disclude him helping complete strangers if he feels they need it.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Shinobu is actually quite friendly. He doesn't mind making new friends, and even offers to help other people make friends as well. He also doesn't mind being other people's friends as long as they haven't broken his trust or hurt those he cares about.
              ◊ PEACEFUL Shinobu is quite peaceful, preferring tot alk things out rather than resort to violence. That does not mean that he won't defend himself if necessary, he doesn't believe violence solves anything. He also doesn't appreciate arguing that much, as that can often lead to violence itself.
              ◊ CREATIVE Shinobu is also highly creative. He can think of new ways to apply what he knows, and works existing designs into innovative ideas with ease. He can step back easily enought o look at how to attack a problem from a new angle rather than a tried and true method.

                  Building things

                  Causing trouble
                  Selfish people
                  Being angry


                  Is highly intelligent
                  Completely selfless

                  Has an inferiority complex in regards to his brother
                  Can recklessly throw himself in dangerous situations

                  Losing the last of his family

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Shinobu is the oldest son of Itsuki and Carley Yamazaki. Itsuki was a computer programmer, and Carley was a homemaker, though she did dabble a bit here and there with handiwork around the house. He led a relatively peaceful life, getting into trouble for taking things apart and putting them back together. He often watched his mum and dad working around the house, and learned from them about how to work tools and such. His mother was frazzled to say the least, chasing him around the house to keep him out of trouble and struggling to keep up with him. When he finally entered primary school, they discovered the reason for why Shinobu had to keep busy all the time. His higher-than-normal intelligence made his first year of primary dull, and the school opted to skip him ahead to try and keep him interested.

              The tactic worked, and Shinobu rather enjoyed his time in school as a result. However, when Akira, his brother, was born, Shinobu couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy about it. Being five years older, he couldn't find any common ground with his brother at all. He found that Akira was a boring baby, and when Akira got older, it got worse. Akira often followed Shinobu around, much to the older boy's annoyance, and constantly took apart Shinobu's projects and other things. It came to a head when Shinobu was in his fourth year in primary school, when Akira was found to be apparently drawing all over Shinobu's homework. Shinobu ended up yelling at Akira over what he did, and their father took it upon himself to take Shinobu aside to scold him for his actions. When Shinobu went to apologize to his brother at his father's insistence, they found that Carley had looked over the homework and realized that Akira had not only read what was on the papers, but understood it and tried his best to write in the answers himself. That prompted both parents to take Akira to specialists and find out that their youngest son was not just bright, but a genius.

              This however did not endear Akira to Shinobu much at all, and Shinobu tended to try and ditch his brother as much as he could when they were out and about. It finally culminated in Shinobu managing to lose his brother at the park one day and making his way home. His mother was understandably mad at her eldest son, and dragged him back to the park to find Akira. They spent several hours searching for him, and when they found him, it was discovered that a young woman was keeping an eye on him after he'd 'lost his brother'. After a scolding from his mum about how Akira could have been kidnapped or worse, Shinobu made an honest attempt to change his behaviour toward his brother as the event had not just scared Akira or Carley, but Shinobu as well as he didn't realize how easy it could have been to lose a family member.

              SCHOOL YEARS Shinobu entered secondary school a year earlier than most people, having received a scholarship to one of the top schools in the country. While he disliked the fact that he had to leave home for the better part of a year, the school itself offered a chance for him to be challenged more than he already was. He made friends easily in school despite being younger, and was doing well enough that he earned top marks in several of his classes. However, tragedy struck around Christmastime during Shinobu's fifth year.

              On their way back from a shopping trip, Itsuki lost control of the vehicle when it hit a patch of ice and slammed into a pylon on the side of the road. Both parents were killed instantly, while Shinobu suffered lacerations, a sprained wrist, and a broken leg. Akira, who had been in the car as well, seemingly disappeared and somehow ended up outside the vehicle during the crash. The brothers were both taken to the hospital, where they were kept while relatives were notified. In the end, they spent some time in a group home until their aunt and uncle arrived from America to take them in.

              Shinobu ended up living in Hogsmeade above The Three Broomsticks with his aunt, uncle, and brother, where he discovered magic for the first time. It honestly confused the purely muggle Shinobu, who had a hard time grasping the concepts of magic. Not just that, finding out his baby brother was also magical was quite mind-boggling. However, Shinobu discovered much to his chagrin that because he was a muggle, he needed to take the WOMBAT test to actually live and interact in Hogsmeade or risk having his memory wiped and sent away. As this option wasn't one Shinobu wanted to consider, he ended up studying up on everything magical he could get his hands on to pass the tests, all the while studying for his final year in secondary school. He also got his first shock of being around magic when he discovered thestrals for the first time, causing a student at Hogwarts, Colin Beckett, to approach him and try to explain them to him. They later met again while Shinobu was working at The Three Broomsticks during a Hogsmeade weekend, where Colin discovered Shinobu was a muggle. While this was going on, his aunt and uncle discovered that Denise was pregnant, which Shinobu was happy about, but otherwise too busy to worry overmuch.

              POST GRADUATION Shinobu ended up graduating from his school at the top of his class, and applied to go to university. Meanwhile his aunt gave birth to twins, causing Shinobu to consider staying over at Colin's house to actually get work done instead of stressing over the babies. He also moved into the dorms, a move that had Akira annoyed with him and calling him a traitor for, as Akira was stuck with his cousins and Shinobu got the chance to get back into muggle England.

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                • Parents - Itsuki Yamazaki, Carley Yamazaki (both deceased)
                • Siblings - Akira Yamazaki
                • Grandparents - Parker Evered, Caroline Evered
                • Aunts/Uncles - Denise Walker, Clayton Walker
                • Cousins - Bobby Ray Walker, Dixie Lynn Walker

                • Best Friend - Colin Beckett
                • Name
                • Name

              ROMANTIC INTEREST Name
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS None

xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 1/2/18xxx
New Profile Format

Diamond Wales

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Diamond Wales

Vice Captain

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19,800 Points
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  • Married 100
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:36 pm
xxxxA K I R AxxxY A M A Z A K I xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES None

              AGE 26

              BIRTHDAY February 9, 2026

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND Dogwood and phoenix feather, 11 1/5 inches, bendy with a spiralled shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM Ryan Potter [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Japanese

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2044

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Unemployed

              DREAM JOB Engineer of some kind

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  ♒︎ Astronomy ~ A
                  ♒︎ Charms ~ O
                  ♒︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  ♒︎ Herbology ~ A
                  ♒︎ History of Magic ~ A
                  ♒︎ Potions ~ A
                  ♒︎ Transfiguration ~ O
                  ♒︎ Alchemy ~ O
                  ♒︎ Arithmancy ~ A
                  ♒︎ Muggle Studies ~ O
                  ♒︎ Wandless Magic ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  ♒︎ Charms ~ O
                  ♒︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  ♒︎ Transfiguration ~ O
                  ♒︎ Alchemy ~ O
                  ♒︎ Muggle Studies ~ A
                  ♒︎ Wandless Magic ~ A

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ GENIUS Akira has a genius-level intellect, showing itself at an early age. He knows how to work well around problems that stump everyone else around him, and learns at an incredible rate. However, his intellect is also a bit of a problem, as he is also socially awkward as a result. Not many people can relate to him, especially when he can think levels above most people.
              ◊ ENERGETIC Akira is constantly busy, working with his hands, or getting into things to figure them out. He seems to have an endless supply of energy as a result, and bounces from one project to the next. His family as a result has a hard time keeping up with him and constantly had to find new ways of keeping him busy lest they find themselves with half of their appliances dismantled.
              ◊ CREATIVE Akira is highly creative, able to think outside the box. Not one to settle for mediocrity, he prefers to think up new and imaginative ways to apply what he knows, and often can be found tinkering with things to satisfy his creative nature. He also tends to have notebooks filled with ideas that he has come up with himself, often haphazardly strewn around his room.
              ◊ WILY Akira is also quite cunning in his own way, able to con people into getting what he wants when he wants. He's able to see variables in things he's up to to figure out what would be to his advantage, and often uses it to get around rules he finds 'boring' or too constricting. It is this trait alone that gets him into the most trouble, as he can oftentimes get in well over his head and need to be bailed out of trouble.
              ◊ FOCUSED Akira, once he gets started on something, can have a single-minded focus that blanks out everything around him. This focus has helped him many times in the past during school and working on projects, but it also is a detriment as sometimes he can become too absorbed that he forgets to do things like eat and sleep. Oftentimes, his older brother has had to drag him from projects even though at times, he too can suffer from the same mindset.
              ◊ RECKLESS Akira doesn't consider the consequences of a lot of his actions. While he can think his way through problems, sometimes his solutions create more problems for him in the future than solve them, and he often gets into trouble as a result. While his family has tried to curb his reckless streak, it has persisted and sometimes resulted in Akira coming to bodily harm as a result.

                  Working on projects
                  Sweet foods
                  Getting what he wants
                  Keeping busy

                  Being bored
                  When he gets stuck on a subject
                  Wasting time
                  Being told he's short
                  When he can't do something fun

                  Building things
                  Working with computers
                  Playing video games

                  Con artist
                  Highly intelligent

                  Has a mouth
                  Is pretty reckless with his own safety

                  Losing what's left of his family

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Akira was born the second son of Itsuki and Carley Yamazaki. From an early age, he was highly intelligent, and even was able to do some of his older brother's math homework at the age of three. This did not endear him to his brother, who had decided that his little brother was a pest and tried to ditch him several times when they were out and about on their own. Thankfully this cooled down after an incident where Shinobu lost him at a park for a few hours and their mother scolded for it. Beyond that, he considered his brother to be the best brother in the world and wanted to do many of the same things that Shinobu did, up to and including working on the same things that his brother liked to work on. He was accepted into an advanced school that allowed him to challenge himself mentally, as he grew bored without some kind of mental challenge.

              Sadly, their time with their parents was cut short, as when Akira was nine, they had gone out around Christmastime and the family car was involved in a fatal accident. His parents were killed, Shinobu was seriously injured, but Akira had avoided injury due to a freak incident where he was in the car one moment, and then he was outside of it the next with no injuries whatsoever. Confused, it took his aunt and uncle moving from America to take care of both him and Shinobu that Akira discovered he was magical. Ever since, he's lived in Hogsmeade with Denise and Clay.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR Akira went into Hogwarts knowing that the entire thing was just going to be weird. He was proven correct when he was sorted into Slytherin alongside a girl he argued with constantly, Callista Hargrave. Between that and his classes, he was pretty sure he had entered some weird form of the Twilight Zone.
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR He had a rough start second year. Between his brother suddenly hanging out with another one of his nerd friends, his aunt having twins, and generally finding himself trying to work on electronics to work inside the school, he figured he was slowly going crazy with how much he was bored. He just hoped that his next school year would be better with electives that could occupy his time.
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Akira spent most of third year arguing with the Muggle Studies teacher about the blatant lack of anything useful about science in the class. He also studiously avoided the quidditch pitch, thinking that he was definitely not developing a crush on Callista, thank you very much! He also continued working on trying to make muggle electronics work around magic, with limited success.
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Akira continued with working on the subjects that interested him and quickly grew bored with others. He didn't have any issues academically, only that they were, well, boring to him. His crush on Callista only continued to persist, and while he tried to avoid Callista because of it, he couldn't avoid her forever.
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Fifth year was simply a matter of either continued boredom or pretending to study for exams. Akira was glad that he avoided being named prefect, though he also had to deal with the continued pressure of doing well on his exams. He also watched one of his friends get into trouble for cheating on his exams and proceeded to chew Sorin out for it.
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Sixth year was quiet, save for the fact that Akira found himself struggling with silent spells. Sure, he could cast them silently, but his wand was loud and tended to emit bangs and other noises when he cast a spell. He also started realizing that maybe his crush on Callista wasn't going away, so he decided to devote more time harassing his brother about Shinobu's own lack of a love life and obvious crush on his best friend.
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Akira spent the last year in Hogwarts doing his exams and avoiding Callista at the same time. He also finally figured out how to fix his laptop to work in the magical world, though he bemoaned the fact that he didn't have internet while in Hogsmeade.

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Parents - Itsuki Yamazaki, Carley Yamazaki (both deceased)
                  Siblings - Shinobu Yamazaki
                  Grandparents - Parker Evered, Caroline Evered
                  Aunts/Uncles - Denise Walker, Clayton Walker
                  Cousins - Bobby Ray Walker, Dixie Lynn Walker

                  Best Friend - Ibarra Bautista
                  Callista Hargrave
                  Cornelia Eckstein
                  Sorin Kinsley

              SIGNIFICANT OTHER Callista Hargrave
              ENEMIES None
              PETS Great Grey Owl named P2P

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED 1/2/18xxx
          UPDATES MADExxx
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 2:43 pm
xxxxB O B B YxxxR A YxxxW A L K E R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Bobby Ray

              AGE 11

              BIRTHDAY August 31, 2038

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 11 7/8 inches, spruce and dragon heartstring, pliable with a bent shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Colin Ford [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Spanglish, some Japanese

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR First

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              HONORS Honors Recieved

              SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Activities

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Current Employment

              DREAM JOB Dream Job

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  ♍︎ Astronomy ~ X
                  ♍︎ Charms ~ X
                  ♍︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  ♍︎ Herbology ~ X
                  ♍︎ History of Magic ~ X
                  ♍︎ Potions ~ X
                  ♍︎ Transfiguration ~ X
                  ♍︎ Elective ~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  ♍︎ Astronomy ~ X
                  ♍︎ Charms ~ X
                  ♍︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  ♍︎ Herbology ~ X
                  ♍︎ History of Magic ~ X
                  ♍︎ Potions ~ X
                  ♍︎ Transfiguration ~ X
                  ♍︎ Elective ~ X

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ RECKLESS Bobby Ray is pretty reckless. He'll take anyone up on a dare, and even will do things just to prove he can. He's not exactly concerned for his own personal safety, much to the chagrin of his family.
              ◊ SOCIABLE Bobby Ray likes to be around people. He enjoys talking and making friends with anyone, and often can be found in a group. He's always willing to talk to anyone.
              ◊ SMART Bobby Ray is actually quite smart despite his rather reckless behavior. He can pick things up easily, he just doesn't always apply himself. This prevents him from being at the top of his class, even though he could be one if he attempted it.
              ◊ BRAVE Bobby Ray isn't exactly fearless. However, he isn't afraid to take risks. He knows that being afraid is normal, and doesn't let that stop him if he encounters it. He's willing to do the hard things so that no one else has to.
              ◊ BOASTFUL Bobby Ray is quite boastful. He's always confident he can do whatever he wants to, though whether or not he can actually do what he says is another thing. He however doesn't know when to stop.
              ◊ HONEST Bobby Ray is quite honest. Though he can get carried away with his claims about his abilities, he refuses to lie about important things. He doesn't see the need to, and his mom and dad taught him better than that.

                  Trying new things
                  Country music
                  Being outside
                  Being around friends

                  The cold
                  Bland food
                  Being ignored
                  Being bored

                  Dirt biking
                  Showing off

                  Is pretty resilient

                  Tries crazy stuff for fun

                  Losing his family

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Bobby is the firstborn child of Clay Walker and Denise Evered. Having a twin, Bobby Ray had never really been alone, and often found himself spending a lot of time following around his cousins when they were doing 'interesting' stuff. For him, life was pretty good. He didn't have to worry about anything, though he did have to wonder as to why everyone sounded funny around him, even his cousins.

              As he got older, he sometimes experienced bits of accidental magic, like the time he accidentally caused his cousin Akira's game system to crash when Akira had just gotten it to work. Beyond that, he figured his magic made him lucky. It had saved him from getting worse than a bruised knee when he fell out of a tree once, and emboldened, he tried a lot of different things, wondering just what his magic could save him from. By the time he'd gotten his Hogwarts letter, he'd accumulated several instances of broken bones and sprains, but not enough to deter him from pulling stunts.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR Information
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Information
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Information
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Parents - Clay Walker ❤ Denise Walker (nee Everend)
                  Siblings - Dixie Lynn Walker
                  Grandparents - Parker Everend ❤ Caroline Evered, Emmerich Troy and Annalise Walker
                  Aunt - Carley Yamazaki (nee Everend) ❤ Itsuki Yamazaki (both deceased), children Shinobu and Akira Yamazaki
                  Cousins - Kenneth Holt ❤ Verily Holt (nee McHalen), child Sawyer Holt
                  Cousin - Elliott Holt ❤ Jesse Calvert, child Leiland Holt

                  Best Friend - Name

              SIGNIFICANT OTHER Name
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Name

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED (date of most recent update) xxx
          UPDATES MADExxx
          (recent update)xxxxxx
          (recent update)xxxxxx
          (recent update)
          PENDED BY Weasley 5/1/20xxx
          ACCEPTED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 05/09/2020xxx
          RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY (do not touch this)xxx

Diamond Wales

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MJ Spooks

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  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:37 pm
xxxxxxD I X I E xxxL Y N Nxxx W A L K E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Dix
              AGE »» 11
              BIRTHDAY »» 1 September 2038
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Kiernan Shipka Billie Piper
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» - - -
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, Spanish, Spanglish, Japanese
              ACCENT »» Southern USA
              PET »» - - -

              xxx»» American food
              xxx»» Summertime
              xxx»» Pop music
              xxx»» Fantasy fiction
              xxx»» Jewelry
              xxx»» Hot tea
              xxx»» Bugs
              xxx»» Being sticky
              xxx»» Wool
              xxx»» Poor weather
              xxx»» Creating chaos
              xxx»» Fishing
              xxx»» Dancing

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Dixie Lynn has a lot of energy. So much so that it's hard to figure out where it all comes from. From sunup to sundown she is going, going, going, and anything that forces her to stop is unacceptable. She doesn't seem to have an off switch so much as a pause. She can sit still and be quiet when she needs to, but the aftermath usually results in her running laps or doing cartwheels to let off the excess she built up during that period. Having her in a small, enclosed space for too long is enough to drive her batty.

              xxx»» When Dixie is interested in something, she's all in. She's liable to become an overnight expert on something that catches her attention, and will spend the next day talking the ears off of anyone who'll listen about it. This principle applies to her hobbies, her studies, and her friends. She's the person who'll remember something you mentioned offhandedly to her once, six years ago, and will surprise you by remembering it on your birthday.

              xxx»» Dixie was taught from birth to always look out for herself. Not because she can't rely on others, but because it's important to be able to rely on yourself when they're not there. She's good at solving her own problems, and rarely has to ask for help. Unfortunately, when she does need help with something, she'll often stubbornly refuse to ask for it. She tends to instead find a less-than-perfect solution that she can accomplish on her own. Sometimes this works out alright, but sometimes she ends up having to backtrack and do it over again.

              xxx»» What Dixie wants, Dixie intends to get. She doesn't care how hard she has to work for it, what she has to endure, if it's important to her, she's going to figure it out. She suffers a fair bit from tunnel-vision, often forgetting what other things are important in the face of something she thinks needs to be done. It's incredibly hard to distract her from whatever task she's on.

              xxx»» Dixie likes to win. A surefire way to get her interested in something is to make it a competition. Who can run the fastest, who can catch the most fish, who can finish the book first, etc. It's certainly something her parents have abused in order to get her to do things they want. They're not above turning something into a game to get her involved. If she can beat her brother at it, all the better. The downside being that, if she loses, she tends to challenge him to a rematch and won't let it go until she wins.

              xxx»» Saying that Dixie values the truth is a bit of a stretch; it's more that she has no verbal filter. She tends to say whatever is on her mind, consequences be damned. Also, lying is complicated, and she doesn't see the point in doing it. It's much easier to remember the truth, so she doesn't bother with lying. It's something of a blessing and a curse. She gets in plenty of trouble because she's always the first to admit she did something wrong. But, because people value honesty, her punishment is usually slackened, if not forgotten about altogether, since she was honest about it.

              xxx»» Straight shooter
              xxx»» Independent
              xxx»» Stubborn
              xxx»» Acts before she thinks
              xxx»» Being left behind
              xxx»» Clowns

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Dixie Lynn is the second-born child of Clay and Denise Walker, but her brother Bobby Ray is only older than her by, like, fifteen minutes, so she insists it doesn't really count. She insists on proving her overall equality to her brother at all times, competing with him constantly by proving anything he can do, she can do better. She spent her early years acquiring many a bump and bruise, and even broken bones, trying to show that she was just as good, if not better, than him and any- and everything.
              xxx»» Other than the trouble she got herself into, she doesn't think she had a particularly interesting childhood. The most interesting thing to happen outside of her and her brother's shenanigans was whatever the heck her cousin Akira got up to, which she was frequently sticking her nose into. She loves her cousins and, when not busy with her brother, would trail after them obsessively. When her brother went off to school without her, she took to abusing the floo to pester them as much as possible. When she got in trouble over it, she just shrugged and said she was trying to stay out of her parent's way at work.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SECOND YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  THIRD YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FOURTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FIFTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              TO ATTEND »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» - - -
              YEAR »» - - -
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -

              LIFE GOAL »» Take over The Three Broomsticks

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

              xxx»» Father Clayton Walker Mother Denise
              xxx»» Twin brother Bobby Ray Walker
              xxx»» Cousins Shinobu and Akira Yamazaki
              xxx»» Extended Family
              xxxxx»» Kenneth Holt Verily Sawyer
              xxxxx»» Elliott Holt Jesse Calvert Leiland Holt
              xxx»» BEST FRIEND - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -

PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:22 pm
xxxx C O L I N xxx C A M P B E L L xxx Y A M A Z A K I xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              AGE »» 32
              BIRTHDAY »» 22 July 2020
              FACECLAIM »» Edward Elric
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» 10 3/4 inches, Sycamore with Dragon Heartstring, pliable with a bent shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Kentish
              PET »» Owl Walter

              xxx»» Steampunk
              xxx»» Robots
              xxx»» Sci-Fi
              xxx»» Anime
              xxx»» Spicy food

              xxx»» Distractions
              xxx»» No privacy
              xxx»» Boredom
              xxx»» Classical music
              xxx»» Shoddy workmanship

              xxx»» Making clockwork animals
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Video games

              xxx»» Extremely creative
              xxx»» Unending curiosity

              xxx»» Social anxiety
              xxx»» Low self-esteem

              xxx»» Getting sick
              xxx»» Hospitals

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Colin likes being presented with problems that require him to think critically to solve. He greatly admires his stepmother's brains, and aspires to be like her. He's very clever, and enjoys challenges. His favorite thing to do is to attempt to fix something that's broken, particularly if it is of an electronic or clockwork nature.

              xxx»» This particular trait, when described by Colin, is that he is simply very interested in the world around him. Others, however, would be more apt to call him 'meddlesome,' as in he just can't leave well enough alone. He doesn't care that it works, he wants to know how, and will often take it apart to find out. Sometimes this is fine, but other times he has trouble putting things back together again quite the way they originally were, which is the cause for many headaches in his household.

              xxx»» Colin is never one to sit quietly when presented with something that interests him. He throws himself into things wholeheartedly, and is always eager to see them through to the end. He rarely bothers with things that don't interest him, but when he has no choice but to take part, he will find something to be excited about. He's an incredibly passionate person, and it shows.

              xxx»» Though he tries not to let it get to him, Colin suffers from a lot of insecurity and anxiety. He's something of a worrywart, and overthinks things. If he goes too long without hearing from a friend, he tends to assume they don't care about him very much. He tries to keep it to himself, even though he knows logically that isn't a solution. He mostly doesn't want to be a bother to people, and feels like if he makes a big deal out of his insecurity, they'll resent him for it.

              xxx»» Colin tends to be a little too involved in his projects sometimes; he'll get an idea in his head and it won't go away, until it's keeping him up all night. He loses a lot of sleep obsessing over small fixes, wondering about how the world works, questioning any and everything. It's very hard for him to shut his brain down.

              xxx»» Colin has a very hard time backing down from anything; his obsessive nature combined with his eternal optimism ensures that he can't let anything go until he's seen it through to the end. Sometimes, he clings to something long past when he should have moved on, because the idea of simply dropping something and leaving it unfinished drives him up the wall.

          xxxH I S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


              xxx»» Colin was the only successful attempt by his biological parents to have a child. His mother Teresa had been sick much of her life, and her health was never the best. Her husband tried many times to convince her to adopt instead, but she wouldn't budge. When they conceived Colin, he finally got her to agree that, if this pregnancy failed, they would look into alternatives. She was able to carry her son to term, but tragically died giving birth to him. Allen spent the first year of his son's life in a deep depression, having to rely on the help of a kind neighbor to help him care for Colin. Eventually, the neighbor, Katherine, and Allen developed a closer relationship, eventually dating and then marrying before Colin was four. Colin, having never known his biological mother, did not know that Katherine was only his stepmother until he was much older. Meanwhile, his father worked an extra job in order to help put his second wife through school, and she became an engineer with a focus on robotics. Colin was always fascinated by his mother's occupation, and developed her sense of wonder and inventiveness. When he was six, however, Kate had to stop bringing her work home with her, because every once in a while, something would short out the wiring. Eventually she realized this only happened when she let Colin sit in on her working, and only when he began to get very excited about it. One night, her suspicions were confirmed when, while attempting to fix a broken appliance, as he watched on in wonder, the lights flickered, and then, upon his excitement at its working again, suddenly the entire home's power went out. It wasn't until they received his Hogwarts letter and their son's status as a wizard was revealed that they understood what had been happening. Kate, for her part, was skeptical at first, but when presented with proof, she readily accepted her son's magical gifts.

              SCHOOL YEARS

              xxxFIRST YEAR »» Colin's first year wasn't particularly eventful from an outside perspective, but he certainly didn't feel that way. Learning about magic was incredibly exciting, and he made a lot of friends. He was very excited to attend the Valentine's Ball, if only because it was a masquerade, which he probably found a lot more interesting than some of his classmates.
              xxxSECOND YEAR »» Over the Summer, Colin attended a party hosted at Aimee's house, one which he was pretty excited to be invited to, at least until he got there. He felt rather like he was ignored by his friends, except Brandon, which left him wondering how much they really liked him. His second year of school got off to an uncomfortable start as well. Firstly, the train compartment he had settled in was quickly packed with far too many people, some of them apparently younger friends of Caty's who were just starting school. Colin didn't have anything against them, but he didn't like how crowded it was. Aimee was having similar difficulties, and the two of them ended up excusing themselves and sitting with Leon, which Colin felt guilty about since he knew the Slytherin didn't want to be bothered. Then, at the school, Aimee ended up having a panic attack at the feast, which was made worse when the person who triggered it took it upon themselves to try and 'help', despite clearly not knowing how to do so. The rest of the year was rather boring, truth be told, but he found himself feeling more or less isolated from his friends as it went on.
              xxxTHIRD YEAR »» The feeling of isolation didn't improve over the holiday before third year, seeing as he heard nothing from any of his friends. Logically he knew it was just as much his fault as theirs, since he could've written them, but given he was the introverted one, he thought that it made little sense for them to expect him to initiate conversation. When he arrived at the station to go to school, he ran into Nike, who he got along well enough with but had never been sure if he was friends with per se. They were quickly joined by Di, which would have thrilled him, if not for the fact that she was accompanied by Mordred, an older boy she was friends with. Colin had always gotten the distinct impression that Mordred didn't like him, and the feeling only intensified over the awkward train ride. By the time they were at Hogsmeade Station, he was desperate to get away from the other boy, and relieved to run into Brandon and the Umber twins. The remainder of that year was a blur of depression, loneliness, and worrying about Aimee, who had taken to missing classes and always looked upset about something. He had suspicions that it was related to her boyfriend, but given that he apparently wasn't very close to her, he supposed he had no room to say anything. He later regretted that when he came across her boyfriend in the halls, lying unconscious on the ground, beaten seemingly half to death, with a very distraught Leon nearby, blood on the boy's knuckles. It was fairly obvious what had happened, and Colin, with the help of Nike who appeared soon after, helped get both boys to the Hospital wing. After that, Leon seemed to hover around him for the remainder of the year, which he found rather odd, but tried not to think too hard on.
              xxxFOURTH YEAR »» His fourth year summer was slightly better than previous years, in that he actually got up the nerve to ask a friend to come over to his home. He invited Kiley over to hang out, and ended up introducing her to anime. Much to his delight, she got rather into the whole thing, and he ended up lending her some books from his manga collection to read. Of course, his comfort levels with her made it rather upsetting when he couldn't find her at the train station, nor anyone else in his friend circle to sit with that wouldn't make him upset. He wasn't having the best morning that day, and so inviting any sort of negativity seemed like a bad idea, so he elected to sit alone. This plan didn't work out so well, since Brandon opted to join him and spend a good chunk of the train ride complaining about their friends, apparently spurned on by an interaction with Mordred and Di, which didn't surprise Colin in the least. Things weren't improved by Di joining him at the Ravenclaw table at school and apologizing for being a bad friend, something which made him feel guilty, since he didn't think she'd been a bad friend at all, and that he was just over sensitive. She tried to reassure him, and was mostly successful, but his usual anxieties persisted, subdued but still present.
              xxxFIFTH YEAR »» Colin's fifth year was entirely devoted to studying. He did spend time with his friends where he could, trying to keep his anxieties and insecurities from getting the better of him, but for the most part, he had his nose stuck in a book. It was probably mostly unnecessary, since he was a decent student, but he didn't want to run the risk of hubris costing him a good grade. Even making an EE where he knew he could've gotten an O would've been upsetting for him.
              xxxSIXTH YEAR »» Colin had an eventful Summer, to say the least. It seemed to come out of no where, at least to him. He was hanging out with Brandon at the Gryffindor's house when they were suddenly attacked by a madman. The events are somewhat hazy in Colin's recollection, he mostly remembers the facts. One; Brandon's parents died. Two; he lost an arm. Of course, his personal opinion was that the death of his best friend's parents should've been everyone's focus, but it seemed to him like everyone was freaking out about his lost appendage. He was made to go to therapy for the remainder of the Summer, despite it being unnecessary, as far as he was concerned. Particularly since his parents sent him to a muggle therapist, thereby making it impossible for Colin to even talk about what'd actually happened. His mother also wasted no time putting her degree to use to design him a prosthetic that would function like a real arm, and while he loved it, he had to point out that it wouldn't work while he was at school. His parents worked with some magical connections Colin had and were able to find a metal charmer who provided him with an enchanted arm. To be honest, he's not overly concerned with the loss of his limb, despite what people seem to think. The remainder of the year was blissfully uneventful, for which he was eternally grateful, since he needed to focus on studying for his NEWT exams the next year.
              xxxSEVENTH YEAR »» Colin's final year was spent focusing entirely on his studies so that once he'd graduated, he'd have both the knowledge and the NEWT scores to back him in the wizarding world. He spent what little free time he allotted himself continuing to work on his various projects, mostly on his clockwork owl. This project in particular made him a new friend; while tinkering with the owl at The Three Broomsticks, Shinobu Yamazaki, nephew to the owners, noticed him messing with it and struck up a conversation. Colin enjoyed having someone to discuss robotics with, and found himself frequenting the establishment more often so that he could talk to Shinobu.


              xxx»» Colin's parents wanted him to be able to get his future planned out before he tried to set out on his own. As such, they talked him into remaining home with them and working on his designs and projects, offering advice where they could and encouraging him to figure out what exactly he was doing before he attempted to make a real living out of it.
              xxx»» While Colin was busy working on building up his skills, he found himself spending more and more time with Shinobu, whose unique perspective often helped him work out kinks in his projects. Over time, he grew more confident in his work, and closer to Shinobu as well. He was more on top of things with regards to his professional life, eventually opening a small consultation and fabrication business, specializing in clockwork creations and magical prosthesis. He was just settling into that aspect of his day to day life when Shinobu's younger brother Akira saw fit to give the two young men a push and locked them in a room together, ostensibly until they shagged. They didn't shag, but they did snog, and admitted to mutual feelings for one another (though Colin had admitted to these in the past; he immediately backpedaled, not wanting to ruin their friendship, so Shinobu can be forgiven for misreading the situation).
              xxx»» Things progressed mostly without fanfare, up until Nobu was involved in an incident. Specifically, a werewolf incident, as in he got bitten by a werewolf. Colin was concerned, of course, but they adapted well enough. It helped that Colin wasn't particularly phased by Nobu's new alpha, a rather grumpy man named Lachlan, who mostly just reminded him of Leon. Things settled again, and eventually the two got married.

        xxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
            HOUSE »» Ravenclaw
            YEAR »» Seventh
            BEST CLASSES
            xxx»» History of Magic
            xxx»» Mythology
            xxx»» Charms

            WORST CLASSES
            xxx»» Healing
            xxx»» Herbology
            xxx»» Potions

            OWL SCORES
            xxxASTRONOMY »» O
            xxxCHARMS »» O
            xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
            xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
            xxxPOTIONS »» A
            xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
            xxxALCHEMY »» A
            xxxARITHMANCY »» O
            xxxCURSEBREAKING »» EE
            xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» O
            xxxHEALING »» A
            xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
            xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» O
            NEWT SCORES
            xxxCHARMS »» O
            xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
            xxxPOTIONS »» EE
            xxxALCHEMY »» EE
            xxxARITHMANCY »» O
            xxxCURSEBREAKING »» O
            xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» O
            xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O

            DREAM JOB »» Metal Charmer/Inventor
            CURRENT JOB »» Owner of Clockwork Curiosities and Consultations

xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Panromantic demisexual
      SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Shinobu Yamazaki

      xxx»» Parents Allen and Katherine Beckett
      xxx»» Best Friend Brandon Davenport
      xxx»» Shinobu Yamazaki
      xxx»» Diantha Warlow
      xxx»» Kiley Umber
      xxx»» Kimberly Umber
      xxx»» Catheryn Blake
      xxx»» Leon McGregor
      xxx»» Sebastian Blythe
      xxx»» Balder Borson
      xxx»» Kiera Borson
      xxx»» Phineas Levy

      xxx»» - - -
      xxx»» - - -


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